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2 - Pedraza-Alva,G., Zingg,J.M., Donda,A., Perez-Martinez,L. (2009). Estrogen receptor regulates MyoD gene expression by preventing AP-1-mediated repression. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 389 (2), 360-365.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
7 - Papp,F., Batista,C.V., Varga,Z., Herceg,M., Roman-Gonzalez,S.A., Gaspar,R., Possani,L.D., Panyi,G. (2009). Tst26, a novel peptide blocker of Kv1.2 and Kv1.3 channels from the venom of Tityus stigmurus. Toxicon, 54 (4), 379-389.
9 - Pedraza-Escalona,M., Becerril-Lujan,B., Agundis,C., Dominguez-Ramirez,L., Pereyra,A., Riano-Umbarila,L., Rodriguez-Romero,A. (2009). Analysis of B-cell epitopes from the allergen Hev b 6.02 revealed by using blocking antibodies. Molecular Immunology, 46 (4), 668-676.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
11 - Perez Y Terron,R., Villegas,M.C., Cuellar,A., Munoz-Rojas,J., Castaneda-Lucio,M., Hernandez-Lucas,I., Bustillos-Cristales,R., Bautista-Sosa,L., Munive,J.A., Caicedo-Rivas,R., Fuentes-Ramirez,L.E. (2009). Detection of Pantoea ananatis, causal agent of leaf spot disease of maize, in Mexico. Australasian Plant Disease Notes, 4 (1), 96-99.
12 - Perez-Morales,D., Ostoa-Saloma,P., Espinoza,B. (2009). Trypanosoma cruzi SHSP16: Characterization of an alpha-crystallin small heat shock protein. Experimental Parasitology, 123 (2), 182-189. *
13 - Perez-Rueda,E., Janga,S.C., Martinez-Antonio,A. (2009). Scaling relationship in the gene content of transcriptional machinery in bacteria. Molecular BioSystems, 5 (12), 1494-1501.
15 - Porras-Arboleda,S.M., Valdez-Cruz,N.A., Rojano,B., Aguilar,C., Rocha-Zavaleta,L., Trujillo-Roldan,M.A. (2009). Mycelial Submerged Culture of New Medicinal Mushroom, Humphreya coffeata (Berk.) Stey. (Aphyllophoromycetideae) for the Production of Valuable Bioactive Metabolites with Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity, and Antioxidant Activity. International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms, 11 (4), 335-350.
16 - Prestipino,G., Corzo,G., Romeo,S., Murgia,A.R., Zanardi,I., Gurrola,G., Possani,L.D. (2009). Scorpion toxins that block transient currents (IA) of rat cerebellum granular cells. Toxicology Letters, 187 (1), 1-9.
17 - Ortiz-Posadas,M.R., Vega-Alvarado,L., Toni,B. (2009). A mathematical function to evaluate surgical complexity of cleft lip and palate. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 94 (3), 232-238. *
18 - Onofre-Lemus,J., Hernandez-Lucas,I., Girard,L., Caballero-Mellado,J. (2009). ACC (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate) deaminase activity, a widespread trait in Burkholderia and its growth promoting effect on tomato. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75 (20), 6581-6590.
19 - Qu,Y., Brown,P., Barbe,J.F., Puljic,M., Merino,E., Adkins,R.M., Lovley,D.R., Krushkal,J. (2009). GSEL version 2, an online genome-wide query system of operon organization and regulatory sequence elements of Geobacter sulfurreducens. OMICS, 13 (5), 439-449.
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21 - Lomeli,H., Starling,C., Gridley,T. (2009). Epiblast-specific Snai1 deletion results in embryonic lethality due to multiple vascular defects. BMC Research Notes, 2 (1), 22.
Open Access Artículo
22 - Loque,D., Mora,S.I., Andrade,S.L., Pantoja,O., Frommer,W.B. (2009). Pore mutations in the ammonium transporter AMT1 with increased electrogenic ammonium transport activity. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284 (37), 24988-24995.
24 - Martinez-Lopez,P., Santi,C.M., Trevino,C.L., Ocampo-Gutierrez,A.Y., Acevedo,J.J., Alisio,A., Salkoff,L.B., Darszon,A. (2009). Mouse sperm K+ currents stimulated by pH and cAMP possibly coded by Slo3 channels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 381 (2), 204-209.
25 - Martinez-Salazar,J.M., Sandoval-Calderon,M., Guo,X., Castillo-Ramirez,S., Reyes,A., Loza,M.G., Rivera,J., Alvarado-Affantranger,X., Sanchez,F., Gonzalez,V., Davila,G., Ramirez-Romero,M.A. (2009). The Rhizobium etli RpoH1 and RpoH2 sigma factors are involved in different stress responses. Microbiology, 155 (Pt 2), 386-397.
26 - Mellado,M.C., Mena,J.A., Lopes,A., Ramirez,O.T., Carrondo,M.J., Palomares,L.A., Alves,P.M. (2009). Impact of physicochemical parameters on in vitro assembly and disassembly kinetics of recombinant triple-layered rotavirus-like particles. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 104 (4), 674-686.
27 - Miller,L.C., Blandford,V., McAdam,R., Sanchez-Carbente,M.R., Badeaux,F., Desgroseillers,L., Sossin,W.S. (2009). Combinations of DEAD box proteins distinguish distinct types of RNA: Protein complexes in neurons. Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, 40 (4), 485-495. *
Open Access Artículo
29 - Montoya,F., Parmananda,P. (2009). Constructing a tunable chemical oscillator. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 113 (8), 1416-1419. *
34 - Ocadiz-Delgado,R., Marroquin-Chavira,A., Hernandez-Mote,R., Valencia,C., Manjarrez-Zavala,M.E., Covarrubias,L., Gariglio,P. (2009). Induction of focal epithelial hyperplasia in tongue of young bk6-E6/E7 HPV16 transgenic mice. Transgenic Research, 18 (4), 513-527.
36 - Priego,J., Ortiz-Nava,C., Carrillo-Morales,M., Lopez-Munguia,A., Escalante,J., Castillo,E. (2009). Solvent engineering: an effective tool to direct chemoselectivity in a lipase-catalyzed Michael addition. Tetrahedron, 65 (2), 536-539.
Open Access Artículo
37 - Quiroz-Castaneda,R.E., Balcazar-Lopez,E., Dantan-Gonzalez,E., Martinez,A., Folch-Mallol,J., Martínez-Anaya,C. (2009). Characterization of cellulolytic activities of Bjerkandera adusta and Pycnoporus sanguineus on solid wheat straw medium. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 12 (4), Oct 15.
38 - Lara,A.R., Taymaz-Nikerel,H., Mashego,M.R., van Gulik,W.M., Heijnen,J.J., Ramirez,O.T., van Winden,W.A. (2009). Fast dynamic response of the fermentative metabolism of Escherichia coli to aerobic and anaerobic glucose pulses. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 104 (6), 1153-1161.
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40 - Setubal,J.C., Dos Santos P., Goldman,B.S., Ertesvag,H., Espin,G., Rubio,L.M., Valla,S., Almeida,N.F., Balasubramanian,D., Cromes,L., Curatti,L., Du,Z., Godsy,E., Goodner,B., Hellner-Burris,K., Hernandez,J.A., Houmiel,K., Imperial,J., Kennedy,C., Larson,T.J., Latreille,P., Ligon,L.S., Lu,J., Maerk,M., Miller,N.M., Norton,S., O'Carroll,I.P., Paulsen,I., Raulfs,E.C., Roemer,R., Rosser,J., Segura,D., Slater,S., Stricklin,S.L., Studholme,D.J., Sun,J., Viana,C.J., Wallin,E., Wang,B., Wheeler,C., Zhu,H., Dean,D.R., Dixon,R., Wood,D. (2009). The genome sequence of Azotobacter vinelandii, an obligate aerobe specialized to support diverse anaerobic metabolic processes. Journal of Bacteriology, 191 (14), 4534-4545.
42 - Silva,E.C., Camargos,T.S., Maranhao,A.Q., Silva-Pereira,I., Silva,L.P., Possani,L.D., Schwartz,E.F. (2009). Cloning and characterization of cDNA sequences encoding for new venom peptides of the Brazilian scorpion Opisthacanthus cayaporum. Toxicon, 54 (3), 252-261.
43 - Soberon,M., Gill,S.S., Bravo,A. (2009). Signaling versus punching hole: How do Bacillus thuringiensis toxins kill insect midgut cells?. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 66 (8), 1337-1349.
Open Access Artículo
47 - Schwartz,E.F., Capes,E.M., Diego-Garcia,E., Zamudio,F.Z., Fuentes,O., Possani,L.D., Valdivia,H.H. (2009). Characterization of hadrucalcin, a peptide from Hadrurus gertschi scorpion venom with pharmacological activity on ryanodine receptors. British Journal of Pharmacology, 157 (3), 392-403.
Open Access Artículo
51 - Villa-Hernandez,O., Hernandez-Orihuela,L., Rodriguez,M.D., Zamudio-Zuniga,F., Castro-Franco,R., Pando,V., Batista,C.V. (2009). Novel Antimicrobial Peptides Isolated from Skin Secretions of the Mexican Frog Hyla Eximia. Protein And Peptide Letters, 16 (11), 1371-1378.
52 - Vite-Vallejo,O., Palomares,L.A., Dantan-Gonzalez,E., Ayala-Castro,H.G., Martinez-Anaya,C., Valderrama,B., Folch-Mallol,J. (2009). The role of N-glycosylation on the enzymatic activity of a Pycnoporus sanguineus laccase. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 45 (3), 233-239.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
54 - Xicohtencatl-Cortes,J., Monteiro-Neto,V., Saldana,Z., Ledesma,M.A., Puente,J.L., Giron,J.A. (2009). The type 4 pili of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 are multi-purpose structures with pathogenic attributes. Journal of Bacteriology, 191 (1), 411-421.
Open Access Artículo
57 - Ramos-Martinez,E., Olivos-Garcia,A., Saavedra,E., Nequiz,M., Sanchez,E.C., Tello,E., El-Hafidi,M., Saralegui,A., Pineda,E., Delgado,J., Montfort,I., Perez-Tamayo,R. (2009). Entamoeba histolytica: oxygen resistance and virulence. International Journal for Parasitology, 39 (6), 693-702.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
60 - Rodriguez-Fuentes,G., Coburn,C., Curras-Collazo,M., Guillen,G., Schlenk,D. (2009). Effect of hyperosmotic conditions on flavin-containing monooxygenase activity, protein and mRNA expression in rat kidney. Toxicology Letters, 187 (2), 115-118.
Artículo; Actas Paper
62 - Rodriguez-Limas,W.A., Flores-Samaniego,B., de la Mora G., Ramirez,O.T., Palomares,L.A. (2009). Genotypification of bovine group A rotavirus in Mexico. Vaccine, 27 (46), 6411-6414.
63 - Rodriguez-Molina,V., Vargas,M.A., Joseph-Bravo,P., Charli,J.L. (2009). NMDA receptor up-regulates pyroglutamyl peptidase II activity in the rat hippocampus. Neuroscience Letters, 449 (3), 211-214.
Open Access Artículo
64 - Rodriguez-Salazar,J., Suarez,R., Caballero-Mellado,J., Iturriaga,G. (2009). Trehalose accumulation in Azospirillum brasilense improves drought tolerance and biomass in maize plants. Fems Microbiology Letters, 296 (1), 52-59. *
Open Access Artículo
65 - Ronceret,A., Doutriaux,M.P., Golubovskaya,I.N., Pawlowski,W.P. (2009). PHS1 regulates meiotic recombination and homologous chromosome pairing by controlling the transport of RAD50 to the nucleus. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106 (47), 20121-20126. *
66 - Sandoval-Jaime,C., Gutierrez-Escolano,A.L. (2009). Cellular proteins mediate 5'-3' end contacts of Norwalk virus genomic RNA. Virology, 387 (2), 322-330. *
67 - Rout,G.R., Sahoo,D.P., Aparajita,S. (2009). Studies on Inter and intra-population variability of Pongamia pinnata: a bioenergy legume tree. Crop Breeding and Applied BiotechnologyCrop Breed.Appl.Biotechnol., 9 (3), 268-273. *
Open Access Artículo
68 - Russell,J.M., Madera,M.J., Ainsworth,S. (2009). El análisis de redes en el estudio de la colaboración científica. REDES- Revista hispana para el an lisis de redes sociales, 17 (2), 39-47.
69 - Saab-Rincon,G., Valderrama,B. (2009). Protein engineering of redox-active enzymes. Antioxidants and Redox Signaling, 11 (2), 167-192.
70 - Sacristan,C., Schattgen,S.A., Berg,L.J., Bunnell,S.C., Roy,A.L., Rosenstein,Y. (2009). Characterization of a novel interaction between transcription factor TFII-I and the inducible tyrosine kinase in T cells. European Journal of Immunology, 39 (9), 2584-2595.
Open Access Artículo
71 - Saldana,Z., Erdem,A.L., Schuller,S., Okeke,I.N., Lucas,M., Sivananthan,A., Phillips,A.D., Kaper,J.B., Puente,J.L., Giron,J.A. (2009). The Escherichia coli common pilus and the bundle-forming pilus act in concert during the formation of localized adherence by enteropathogenic E. coli. Journal of Bacteriology, 191 (11), 3451-3461.
72 - Saldana,Z., Xicohtencatl-Cortes,J., Avelino,F., Phillips,A.D., Kaper,J.B., Puente,J.L., Giron,J.A. (2009). Synergistic role of curli and cellulose in cell adherence and biofilm formation of attaching and effacing Escherichia coli and identification of Fis as a negative regulator of curli. Environmental Microbiology, 11 (4), 992-1006.
Open Access Artículo
74 - Leang,C., Krushkal,J., Ueki,T., Puljic,M., Sun,J., Juarez,K., Nunez,C., Reguera,G., Didonato,R., Postier,B., Adkins,R.M., Lovley,D.R. (2009). Genome-wide analysis of the RpoN regulon in Geobacter sulfurreducens. BMC Genomics, 10 (1), 331.
75 - Kauferstein,S., Kendel,Y., Nicke,A., Coronas,F.I., Possani,L.D., Favreau,P., Krizaj,I., Wunder,C., Kauert,G., Mebs,D. (2009). New conopeptides of the D-superfamily selectively inhibiting neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Toxicon, 54 (3), 295-301.
Open Access Revisión
78 - Branham,M.T., Bustos,M.A., de Blas,G.A., Rehmann,H., Zarelli,V.E., Trevino,C.L., Darszon,A., Mayorga,L.S., Tomes,C.N. (2009). Epac activates the small G proteins Rap1 and Rab3A to achieve exocytosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284 (37), 24825-24839.
Open Access Artículo
79 - Brito-Argaez,L., Moguel-Salazar,F., Zamudio,F., Gonzalez-Estrada,T., Islas-Flores,I. (2009). Characterization of a Capsicum chinense seed peptide fraction with broad antibacterial activity. Asian Journal of Biochemistry, 4 (3), 77-87.
80 - Cancino-Rodezno,A., Porta,H., Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2009). Defense and death responses to pore forming toxins . Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, 26 (65), 82.
81 - Cardenas,L. (2009). New findings in the mechanisms regulating polar growth in root hair cells. Plant Signaling and Behavior, 4 (1), 4-8.
84 - Chase,P., Boyer-Hassen,L., McNally,J., Vazquez,H.L., Theodorou,A.A., Walter,F.G., Alagon,A. (2009). Serum levels and urine detection of Centruroides sculpturatus venom in significantly envenomated patients. Clinical Toxicology, 47 (1), 24-28.
Open Access Revisión
87 - Collado-Vides,J., Salgado,H., Morett,E., Gama-Castro,S., Jimenez-Jacinto,V., Martinez-Flores,I., Medina-Rivera,A., Muniz-Rascado,L., Peralta-Gil,M., Santos-Zavaleta,A. (2009). Bioinformatics resources for the study of gene regulation in bacteria. Journal of Bacteriology, 191 (1), 23-31.
Artículo; Actas Paper
88 - Cordoba,E., Salmi,M., Leon,P. (2009). Unravelling the regulatory mechanisms that modulate the MEP pathway in higher plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 60 (10), 2933-2943.
Open Access Artículo
89 - Corkidi,G., Hernandez-Cruz,G., Ramos,E., Ascanio,G. (2009). Visualization of pseudocaverns in stirred vessels. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 4 (4), 344-350.
90 - Corzo,G., Bernard,C., Clement,H., Villegas,E., Bosmans,F., Tytgat,J., Possani,L.D., Darbon,H., Alagon,A. (2009). Insecticidal peptides from the theraposid spider Brachypelma albiceps: A NMR-based model of Ba2. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 1794 (8), 1190-1196.
91 - Corzo,G., Prochnicka-Chalufour,A., Garcia,B.I., Possani,L.D., Delepierre,M. (2009). Solution structure of Cn5, a crustacean toxin found in the venom of the scorpions Centruroides noxius and Centruroides suffusus suffusus. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 1794 (11), 1591-1598.
92 - Boyer,L.V., Theodorou,A.A., Berg,R.A., Mallie,J., Chavez-Mendez,A., Garcia-Ubbelohde,W., Hardiman,S., Alagon,A. (2009). Antivenom for critically ill children with neurotoxicity from scorpion stings. New England Journal of Medicine, 360 (20), 2090-2098 (Reply 2009 vol 361 632).
93 - Blancas-Mejia,L.M., Tellez,L.A., Del Pozo-Yauner,L., Becerril,B., Sanchez-Ruiz,J.M., Fernandez-Velasco,D.A. (2009). Thermodynamic and Kinetic Characterization of a Germ Line Human lambda6 Light-Chain Protein: The Relation between Unfolding and Fibrillogenesis. Journal of Molecular Biology, 386 (4), 1153-1166.
95 - Auvynet,C., Topalis,D., Caillat,C., Munier-Lehmann,H., Seclaman,E., Balzarini,J., Agrofoglio,L.A., Kaminski,P.A., Meyer,P., Deville-Bonne,D., El Amri,C. (2009). Phosphorylation of dGMP analogs by vaccinia virus TMP kinase and human GMP kinase. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 388 (1), 6-11. *
96 - Ardon,F., Rodriguez-Miranda,E., Beltran,C., Hernandez-Cruz,A., Darszon,A. (2009). Mitochondrial inhibitors activate influx of external Ca(2+) in sea urchin sperm. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 1787 (1), 15-24.
98 - Arias,C., Zepeda,A., Hernandez-Ortega,K., Leal-Galicia,P., Lojero,C., Camacho-Arroyo,I. (2009). Sex and estrous cycle-dependent differences in glial fibrillary acidic protein immunoreactivity in the adult rat hippocampus. Hormones and Behavior, 55 (1), 257-263. *
102 - Avila-Fernandez,A., Rendon-Poujol,X., Olvera,C., Gonzalez,F., Capella,S., Pena-Alvarez,A., Lopez-Munguia,A. (2009). Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Fructans in the Tequila Production Process. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57 (12), 5578-5585.
Open Access Artículo
103 - Bernardo,L., Fleitas,O., Pavon,A., Hermida,L., Guillen,G., Guzman,M.G. (2009). Antibodies Induced by Dengue Virus Type 1 and 2 Envelope Domain III Recombinant Proteins in Monkeys Neutralize Strains with Different Genotypes. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 16 (12), 1829-1831. *
Open Access Artículo
106 - Baez-Saldana,A., Fetter-Pruneda,I., Fuentes-Farias,A.L., Granados-Rojas,L., Gutierrez-Ospina,G., Martinez-Mendez,R, Melendez-Herrera,E., Mendoza-Torreblanca,J, Sandoval-Velasco,M (2009). Brain plasticity, signal transduction and epigenesis: A missing link revealed. Annual Review of Biomedical Sciences, 11, 114-122. *
Open Access Artículo
110 - Benkova,E., Ivanchenko,M.G., Friml,J., Shishkova,S., Dubrovsky,J.G. (2009). A morphogenetic trigger: is there an emerging concept in plant developmental biology?. Trends in Plant Science, 14 (4), 189-193.
Open Access Artículo
111 - de Blas,G.A., Darszon,A., Ocampo,A.Y., Serrano,C.J., Castellano,L.E., Hernandez-Gonzalez,E.O., Chirinos,M., Larrea,F., Beltran,C., Trevino,C.L. (2009). TRPM8, a versatile channel in human sperm. PLoS ONE, 4 (6), e6095.
113 - Juarez,K., Kim,B.C., Nevin,K., Olvera,L., Reguera,G., Lovley,D.R., Methe,B.A. (2009). PilR, a Transcriptional Regulator for Pilin and Other Genes Required for Fe(III) Reduction in Geobacter sulfurreducens. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, 16 (3-4), 146-158.
114 - Gosset,G. (2009). Production of aromatic compounds in bacteria. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 20 (6), 651-658.
115 - Gil,F., Hernandez-Lucas,I., Polanco,R., Pacheco,N., Collao,B., Villarreal,J.M., Nardocci,G., Calva,E., Saavedra,C.P. (2009). SoxS regulates the expression of the Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium ompW gene. Microbiology, 155 (8), 2490-2497.
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Open Access Artículo
117 - Gonzalez-Mariscal,L., Garay,E., Lechuga,S. (2009). Virus interaction with the apical junctional complex. Frontiers in Bioscience, 14 (2), 731-768. *
120 - Gonzalez-Zamorano,M., Mendoza-Hernandez,G., Xolalpa,W., Parada,C., Vallecillo,A.J., Bigi,F., Espitia,C. (2009). Mycobacterium tuberculosis glycoproteomics based on ConA-lectin affinity capture of mannosylated proteins. Journal of Proteome Research, 8 (2), 721-733. *
121 - Gutierrez-Preciado,A., Henkin,T.M., Grundy,F.J., Yanofsky,C., Merino,E. (2009). Biochemical Features and Functional Implications of the RNA-Based T-Box Regulatory Mechanism. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 73 (1), 36-61.
Open Access Artículo
123 - Hernandez-Campuzano,B., Suarez,R., Lina,L., Hernandez,V., Villegas,E., Corzo,G., Iturriaga,G. (2009). Expression of a spider venom peptide in transgenic tobacco confers insect resistance. Toxicon, 53 (1), 122-128.
128 - Janga,S.C., Perez-Rueda,E. (2009). Plasticity of transcriptional machinery in bacteria is increased by the repertoire of regulatory families. Computational Biology and Chemistry, 33 (4), 261-268.
129 - Joanne,P., Falord,M., Chesneau,O., Lacombe,C., Castano,S., Desbat,B., Auvynet,C., Nicolas,P., Msadek,T., El-Amri,C. (2009). Comparative study of two plasticins: specificity, interfacial behavior, and bactericidal activity. Biochemistry, 48 (40), 9372-9383.
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Open Access Artículo
133 - Espinosa,A.C., Arias,C.F., Sanchez-Colon,S., Mazari-Hiriart,M. (2009). Comparative study of enteric viruses, coliphages and indicator bacteria for evaluating water quality in a tropical high-altitude system. Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source, 8 (1), 49.
134 - Diaz,A., Valdes,V.J., Rudino-Pinera,E., Horjales,E., Hansberg,W. (2009). Structure-Function Relationships in Fungal Large-Subunit Catalases. Journal of Molecular Biology, 386 (1), 218-232.
135 - Diaz-Benitez,C.E., Navarro-Fuentes,K.R., Flores-Sosa,J.A., Juarez-Diaz,J., Uribe-Salas,F.J., Roman-Basaure,E., Gonzalez-Mena,L.E., Alonso de Ruiz P., Lopez-Estrada,G., Lagunas-Martinez,A., Bermudez-Morales,V.H., Alcocer-Gonzalez,J.M., Martinez-Barnetche,J., Hernandez-Pando,R., Rosenstein,Y., Moreno,J., Madrid-Marina,V. (2009). CD3zeta Expression and T Cell Proliferation are Inhibited by TGF-beta1 and IL-10 in Cervical Cancer Patients. Journal of Clinical Immunology, 29 (4), 532-544.
136 - Dominguez-Lopez,M.L., Ortega-Ortega,Y., Manriquez-Raya,J.C., Burgos-Vargas,R., Vega-Lopez,A., Garcia-Latorre,E. (2009). Antibodies against recombinant heat shock proteins of 60 kDa from enterobacteria in the sera and synovial fluid of HLA-B27 positive ankylosing spondylitis patients. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 27 (4), 626-632. *
138 - Dubrovsky,J.G., Soukup,A., Napsucialy-Mendivil,S., Jeknic,Z., Ivanchenko,M.G. (2009). The lateral root initiation index: an integrative measure of primordium formation. Annals of Botany, 103 (5), 807-817.
139 - Dunn,M.F., Ramirez-Trujillo,J.A., Hernandez-Lucas,I. (2009). Major Roles of Isocitrate Lyase and Malate Synthase in Bacterial and Fungal Pathogenesis. Microbiology, 155 (10), 3166-3175.
140 - Espino-Solis,G.P., Calderon-Amador,J., Calderon-Aranda,E.S., Licea,A.F., Donis-Maturano,L., Flores-Romo,L., Possani,L.D. (2009). Rational design of synthetic peptides to generate antibodies that recognize in situ CD11c+ putative dendritic cells in horse lymph nodes. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 132 (2-4), 181-190.
141 - Gayou,V.L., Salazar-Hernandez,B., Zavala,G., Santiago,P., Ascencio,J.A. (2009). SEM and HRTEM analysis of ZnS nanoflakes produced by a simple route. Applied Physics A-Materials Science & Processing, 94 (4), 735-738.
143 - Fernandez,L.E., Martinez-Anaya,C., Lira,E., Chen,J., Evans,A., Hernandez-Martinez,S., Lanz-Mendoza,H., Bravo,A., Gill,S.S., Soberon,M. (2009). Cloning and epitope mapping of Cry11Aa-binding sites in the Cry11Aa-receptor alkaline phosphatase from Aedes aegypti. Biochemistry, 48 (37), 8899-8907.
Open Access Artículo
145 - Flores-Jasso,C.F., Arenas-Huertero,C., Reyes,J.L., Contreras-Cubas,C., Covarrubias,A., Vaca,L. (2009). First step in pre-miRNAs processing by human Dicer. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 30 (8), 1177-1185.
146 - Franklin,M.T., Nieman,C.L., Janmaat,A.F., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Tabashnik,B.E., Myers,J.H. (2009). Modified Bacillus thuringiensis toxins and a hybrid B. thuringiensis strain counter greenhouse-selected resistance in Trichoplusia ni. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75 (17), 5739-5741.
Open Access Artículo
147 - Gao,X., Wan,F., Mateo,K., Callegari,E., Wang,D., Deng,W., Puente,J., Li,F., Chaussee,M.S., Finlay,B.B., Lenardo,M.J., Hardwidge,P.R. (2009). Bacterial effector binding to ribosomal protein s3 subverts NF-kappaB function. PLoS Pathogens, 5 (12), e1000708.
Open Access Artículo
149 - Yamaji,N., Little,M.J., Nishio,H., Billen,B., Villegas,E., Nishiuchi,Y., Tytgat,J., Nicholson,G.M., Corzo,G. (2009). Synthesis, solution structure and phyla-selectivity of a spider {delta}-toxin that slows inactivation of specific voltage-gated sodium channel subtypes. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284 (36), 24568-24582.
Publicaciones institucionales: 134


1 - Calva,J.J., Calva,E. (2009). Molecular biology and molecular epidemiology of Salmonella infections. Kerala: Research Signpost.
Publicaciones institucionales: 1


1 - Arias, C. F., Perez-Vargas, J., Lopez, S. (2009). La familia reoviridae. Manjarrez, M. A. Microbiologia Medica. Mexico, 4a..
2 - Perez-Vargas, J., Lopez, S., Arias, C. F. (2009). Reoviridae. Tay-Zavala, J. Microbiologia y Parasitologia Medica. Cd de Mexico, 4a.
3 - Nieto-Sotelo,J. (2009). Las Plantas Transgénicas y su Impacto en la Agricultura, en la Industria y en la Salud. Keiman,A. Mitos y Realidades sobre los Organismos Genéticamente Modificados. Una Perspectiva Interdisciplinaria . in press, Mexico.
Memoria in extenso
4 - Oubram,O., Gaggero Sager,L.M., Diaz-Guerrero,D.S. (2009). Relative mobility and relative conductivity in ALD-FET (atomic layer doped-field effect transistor) in GaAs. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2009, PIERS 2009 Beijing. 1159-1163, 2. *
5 - Paniagua,D. (2009). Jenevi?. Rebolledo,F. Ciencia y ficción. Antología de un taller de redacción. 253-255, Mexico, D.F..
6 - Paniagua,D. (2009). Misión: Síntesis prot?ica. Rebolledo,F. Ciencia y ficción. Antología de un taller de redacción. 145-147, Mexico, D.F..
7 - Paniagua,D. (2009). Una noche en la ciudad. Rebolledo,F. Ciencia y ficción. Antología de un taller de redacción. 259-264, Mexico, D.F..
Memoria in extenso
8 - Perez-Gutierrez,F.G., Guillen,G., Evans,R., Camacho-Lopez,S., Aguilar,G. (2009). Cell damage extent due to irradiation with nanosecond laser pulses under cell culturing medium and dry environment. Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE. 717514, 7175.
Memoria in extenso
9 - Pimentel,A., Corkidi,G. (2009). Mechanical vibration compensation method for 3D+t multi-particle tracking in microscopic volumes. Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering the Future of Biomedicine, EMBC 2009. 1429-1432, 1.
10 - Lopez-Munguia,A. (2009). La mascara o El desierto que viene. Rebolledo,F. Ciencia y ficción. Antología de un taller de redacción. 201-205, Mexico, D.F..
11 - Rodriguez-de-la-Vega,R., Barraza,R., Restano,R., Possani,L.D. (2009). Toxins active on Herg channel: structure and function. de Lima,M.E. Animal toxins: State of the Art. Perspectives in Health and Biotechnology . 193-204, Belo Horizonte: EditoraUFMG.
Memoria in extenso
12 - Rojas-Dominguez,A., Corkidi,G. (2009). Toward automated detection of oil drops in images of multiphase dispersions. Smith,N.B. Proceeding (654) Signal and Image Processing - 2009. .
13 - Saab-Rincon,G., Li,Y.G., Meyer,M., Carbone,M., Landwehr,M., Arnold,F.H. (2009). Protein Engineering by Structure-Guided (SCHEMA) Recombination. Bornscheuer,U.T. Protein Engineering Handbook cap 20 . 481-493, 2, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH.
14 - Silva,C., Wiesner,M. (2009). An introduction to Systematic natural history and population genetics of Salmonella. Calva,E. Molecular biology and molecular epidemiology of Salmonella infections. 1-18, Kerala: Research Signpost. *
15 - Tapia,J.J., Morett,E., Vallejo,E.E. (2009). A clustering genetic algorithm for genomic data mining. Foundations of Computational Intelligence . Studies in Computational Intelligence, 249-275, 4, Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
Memoria in extenso
16 - Tapia,J.J., Vallejo,E.E., Morett,E. (2009). MOCEA: A multi-objective clustering evolutionary algorithm for inferring protein-protein functional interactions. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, GECCO-2009. 1793-1794.
17 - Mendez,E., Arias,C.F. (2009). Astroviruses. Hayden,F.G. Clinical Virology. 1145-1153.
18 - Lopez-Munguia,A. (2009). Amor procario. Rebolledo,F. Ciencia y ficción. Antología de un taller de redacción. 165-170, Mexico, D.F..
19 - Calva-Mercado,E. (2009). Biologia molecular. Cosmos: Enciclopedia de la ciencia y la tecnologia en Mexico . 285-291, Mexico.
Memoria in extenso
20 - Gaggero-Sager,L.M., Pujals,E., Diaz-Guerrero,D.S. (2009). Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in a cantor-like potential. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2009, PIERS 2009 Beijing. 1154-1158, 2. *
21 - Cedano,K., Lopez-Munguia,A. (2009). Con peras y manzanas. Rebolledo,F. Ciencia y ficción. Antología de un taller de redacción. 15-22, Mexico, D.F..
Memoria in extenso
22 - Ciuffo,L.N., Alves,L., Alves de Melo,A.C., Aparicio,G., Arce,P., Blanquer,I., Burbano,D.A., Carrion,A., Castro,H., Hernandez,V., Hurtado,J.M., Isea,R., Lagares,J.I., Lopez-Fenner,J., Mayo,R., Merino,E., Montes,E., Nogales-Cadenas,I., Oliviera,I., Pascual-Montano,A., Perez,M.A., Pezoa,R., Roa,J.C., Romero,F., Rubio-Montero,J.A., Salinas,L., Tirado,F., Verleyen,J., Vicente-Molina,C., Walter,W.E. (2009). Biomedical applications in the EELA-2 project. NETTAB 2009 Ninth Annual Workshop Network Tools and Applications in Biology, 10-12 June 2009, Catania, Italy. Liberodescrivere, 35-38.
23 - del Pozo-Yauner,L, Ortiz,E., Becerril,B. (2009). Diseases related to protein misfolding. Fernandez-Velasco,D.A. Advances in Protein Physical Chemistry. 469-501, Kerala: Research Signpost.
Memoria in extenso
24 - Diaz-Guerrero,D.S., Montoya,F., Gaggero-Sager,L.M. (2009). Electronic states in mixed cantor-like potentials. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium. 1150-1153, 2. *
25 - Escalante,A., Martinez,A., Rivera,M., Gosset,G. (2009). Solute transport processes inside the cell. Smolke,C.D. Metabolic Pathway Engineering Handbook . 10-20.
26 - Frausto-Solis,J., Soberon-Mainero,X., Linan-Garcia,E. (2009). MultiQuenching annealing algorithm for protein folding problem. Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. MICAI 2009: Advances in Artificial Intelligence . Lecture Notes in Computer Science , 578-589.
27 - Gallego,A., Hernandez,I., Calva,E. (2009). The LeuO regulon in Salmonella. Calva,E. Molecular biology and molecular epidemiology of Salmonella infections. 275-286, Kerala: Research Signpost.
28 - Herrera-Estrella,L.R., Guevara-Garcia,A.A. (2009). Heavy Metal Adaptation Update. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Chichester.
29 - Garcia-Garcia,F. (2009). ¨Qu? es la GFP?. Rebolledo,F. Ciencia y ficción. Antología de un taller de redacción. 113-114, Mexico, D.F..
30 - Garciarrubio,A. (2009). Procedimientos de rutina Guía #17. Rebolledo,F. Ciencia y ficción. Antología de un taller de redacción. 209-215, Mexico, D.F..
31 - Garciarrubio,A. (2009). Querida Abuela. Rebolledo,F. Ciencia y ficción. Antología de un taller de redacción. 133-141.
32 - Garciarrubio,A. (2009). Seg£n me acuerdo. Rebolledo,F. Ciencia y ficción. Antología de un taller de redacción. 173-180, Mexico, D.F..
33 - Gonzalez-Duarte,R. (2009). Vita dell'artista. Rebolledo,F. Ciencia y ficción. Antología de un taller de redacción. 267-271, Mexico, D.F..
34 - Gutierrez-Preciado,A., Peimbert,M., Merino,E. (2009). Genome Sequence Databases: Types of Data and Bioinformatic Tools. Schaechter,M. Encyclopedia of Microbiology. 211-236, 3a, Oxford.
Memoria in extenso
35 - Verleyen,J., Hurtado-Ramirez,J.M., Merino-Perez,E. (2009). Meta-Dock, a gridification of a docking application. Mayo,R. Proceedings of the First EELA-2. 147-153.
Publicaciones institucionales: 31


5 - Espino Solis, Gerardo Pavel (2009). Desarrollo de anticuerpos contra integrinas de celulas dendriticas de caballo con miras a su aplicacion biotecnologica. Instituto de Biotecnologia, 28, [59] paginas, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
6 - Escobar Zarate, Diana Luz (2009). Caracterizacion de las proteinas componentes de los SGS durante la infeccion con rotavirus . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
7 - Diaz Salinas, Marco Aurelio (2009). Reconstitucion de particulas infecciosas de rotavirus . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
9 - Cruz Morales, Pablo (2009). Migración funcional entre distintos plegamientos con mecanismos de reacción comunes. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestría en Ciencias Bioquímicas, UNAM.
14 - Castillo Ramirez, Santiago (2009). Analisis de la congruencia evolutiva de los genes ortologos de Rhizobium etli CFN42. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
Asesor: Gonzalez Zuniga, Victor

20 - Hernández Aponte,Cynthia Annabel (2009). Búsqueda, identificación y caracterización de componentes de venenos de alacranes Mexicanos con actividad antibacteriana. Centro de Investigación en Biotecnología , Maestro en Biotecnología, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. *
21 - Flores Saldana, Mario Antonio (2009). Caracterización de las catalasas de Azotobacter vinelandii y su papel en la respuesta a estrés oxidativo. Licenciatura en Biología, Licenciatura en Biología, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos. *
22 - Bonilla Badia, Fernando (2009). Caracterización funcional del sistema de dos componentes CbrA/CbrB en la fisiología de Azotobacter vinelandii y en la producción de alginato. Facultad de Biología, Licenciatura en Biología, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos. *
24 - Arenas Huertero, Catalina (2009). Identificacion de microRNAs de frijol y su participacion en la respuesta a estres . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
28 - Avila Magana, Viridiana (2009). Termoriboswitches : moleculas de RNA regulatorias responsivas a temperatura. Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biología, UNAM. *
29 - Ayala Breton, Camilo (2009). Elementos que definen y regulan la funcion del RNA mensajero de rotavirus . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
31 - Baizabal Carballo, Jose Manuel (2009). Determinacion del potencial diferenciativo de las celulas precursoras neurales . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
35 - Gutierrez Aguiar, Maria Lucia (2009). Busqueda de proteinas que interaccionan con tonalliA en Drosophila melanogaster . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
45 - Otero Bilbao, Anabel (2009). Estudio de la expresion de glicosiltransferasas en leuconostoc mesenteroides ATCC 8293 . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
47 - Torres Duarte, Cristina del Carmen (2009). Transformacion de plaguicidas por el sistema lacasamediador de Coriolopsis gallica. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
56 - Hernandez Garcia, Leandro David (2009). Participacion del estres oxidativo en la muerte celular programada . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
60 - Huesca Alatorre, Fabian (2009). Caracterización funcional de SepD en Escherichia Coli enteropatógena. Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biologia, UNAM. *
63 - Medina Sanchez, Luis (2009). Estudio de la familia genica que codifica a DXS en Zea mays . Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biología, UNAM. *
65 - Longoria Hernandez, Adriana Margarita (2009). Sintesis enzimatica de polimeros intrinsecamente conductores . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
69 - Martinez Mercado, Miguel Angel (2009). Papel de gangliosidos en la infeccion de celulas MA104 por rotavirus. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
Asesor: Isa, Pavel

Publicaciones institucionales: 49

Otras Publicaciones

Open Access Divulgación
1 - Arias,C.F., Lopez-Charreton,S. (2009). Anatomía del virus de la influenza A/H1N1-2009. Ciencia, Revista de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencia, 60 (3), 14-24. *
Open Access Divulgación
Open Access Nacional
3 - Vazquez-Echeverría,C., Zavala,G., Chavez,B., Echeverria-Martinez,O.M., Vazquez-Nin,G.H., Segura-Valdez,Mde L., Jimenez-Garcia,L.F. (2009). Evidencia Ultraestructural del Nucleolo de Entamoeba Histolytica. TIP revista especializada en Ciencias Quimico-Biologicas, 12 (1). *
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7 - Rajchenberg-Ceceña,E., Rodriguez-Ruiz,J.A., Juarez-Lopez,K., Martinez-Jimenez,A., Morales-Arrieta,S. (2009). Producción Microbiológica de Butanol. BioTecnologia. Sociedad Mexicana de Biotecnologia y Bioingenieria, 13 (3), 26-37.
Open Access Divulgación
Editorial Material
9 - Nicolas,P., Rosenstein,Y. (2009). Multifunctional host defense peptides. Febs Journal, 276 (22), 6464-6464.
Open Access Divulgación
10 - Garibay-Hernandez,A., Vazquez-Duhalt,R., Sanchez-Saavedra,M.P., Serrano-Carreon,L., Martinez-Jimenez,A. (2009). Biodiesel a Partir de Microalgas. BioTecnologia. Sociedad Mexicana de Biotecnologia y Bioingenieria, 13 (3), 38-61.
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12 - Falcon,A., Lozano,J.E., Juarez,K., katy.juarez@ibt.unam.mx (2009). Bioelectricidad. BioTecnologia. Sociedad Mexicana de Biotecnologia y Bioingenieria, 13 (3), 62-78.
Open Access Nacional
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Open Access Divulgación
Open Access Divulgación
16 - Carreon-Rodriguez,O.E., Sabido-Ramos,A., Centeno-Leija,S., Leal-Reyes,L.J., Martinez-Jimenez,A., Fernandez-Sandoval,M.T. (2009). Etanol Carburante. BioTecnologia. Sociedad Mexicana de Biotecnologia y Bioingenieria, 13 (3), 79-102.
Open Access Divulgación
17 - Bolivar-Zapata,F (2009). Espacio esencial en México. Revista Universidad de Mexico, 68, 7-9.
Open Access Divulgación
18 - Bolivar-Zapata,F (2009). La Universidad Pública: Espacio vital para la nación mexicana. Revista Universidad de Mexico, 59, 24-29.
Open Access Divulgación
19 - Batista-Garcia,R.A., Sanchez-Reyes,A. (2009). Fitorremediacion de metales pesados y microorganismos. Revista electronica de la Agencia de Medio Ambiente, 9 (16), 1-6. *
Editorial Material
20 - Walton,J.D., Avis,T.J., Alfano,J.R., Gijzen,M., Spanu,P., Hammond-Kosack,K., Sanchez,F. (2009). Effectors, Effectors et encore des Effectors: The XIV International Congress on Molecular-Plant Microbe Interactions, Quebec. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 22 (12), 1479-1483.
Publicaciones institucionales: 17