Dra. Yvonne Jane Rosenstein Azoulay
Investigadora Titular C Tiempo Completo

Moléculas co-receptoras, activación y regulación de la respuesta inmune
Pequeños péptidos de defensa e inflamación
Sialomucinas, inflamación y cáncer
Número de registros: 20
  • Activos
  • Vencidos
  • La sialomucina cd43 y el transportador de glucosa glut-1 en linfocitos t, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2023 - 2025
  • Participación de la sialomucina cd43 en activación y transformación celular, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2019 - 2022
  • Contribución de la sialoforina cd43 al ambiente inmunológico de la tuberculosis., Consejo de Ciencia y Tecnología del Estado de Morelos , 2022 - 2023
  • Participación de cd43 (sialoforina) en los procesos de transformación celular:angiogenesis y sobrevida, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2019 - 2021
  • Pequeños péptidos de defensa: nuevas moléculas con capacidades inmunomoduladoras y antimicrobianas, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2016 - 2020
  • Participación de la sialomucina cd43 en la activación y muerte de linfocitos t, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2016 - 2019
  • Adquisición de un cell sorter, para aislamiento y estudio de células únicas a nivel funcional, genómico y proteómico: creación de una unidad de citometría para el fortalecimiento de la infraestructura del polo de ciencia y tecnología de cuernavaca, morelos, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2015 - 2016
  • Participación de la sialomucina cd43 en activación y transformacion celular, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2014 - 2018
  • Activación y regulación de la respuesta inmune, PRESUPUESTO UNAM, 2014 - 2020
  • Participación de la mucina cd43 en la transformación celular, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2013 - 2016
  • Cd43, una molécula que participa en la activación y la transformación celular, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2010 - 2013
  • Cd43 activacion de la proteina cinasa c, y mycobacterium tuberculosis, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2009
  • Participación de la molécula cd43 en la activación y transformación celular, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2005 - 2009
  • Papel regulador de las señales intracelulares de la molécula cd43 en la activación de linfocitos t humanos., DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2004 - 2006
  • Estudio de la señalización intracelular mediada por moléculas co-receptoras en linfocitos t de pacientes con enfermedades autoinmunes., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2000 - 2003
  • Participación de la molécula cd43 en la activación y polarización de linfocitos t humanos., DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2000 - 2003
  • Vías de señalización de la molécula cd43 en linfocitos t humanos, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 1998 - 2000
  • Papel de la molécula cd43 en los mecanismos de activación de linfocitos t, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 1998 - 2001

Nivel D del PRIDE
Nivel Investigador Emérito del SNII
  • Doctorado, en Ciencias, Facultad de Ciencias de París VI (1978)

  • Maestría, en Ciencias de Nutricion, Facultad de Ciencias de París VI (1976)

  • Licenciatura, Biología, Fac. de Ciencias-UNAM (1974)

  • Miembro de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, 2000

  • Doctorado
  • Licenciatura
  • Estancia Temporal
3 - Fuentes Izalde, Alan Isaac (2022). La participacion de CD43 en los mecanismos efectores de neutrofilos . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
4 - Carrillo Ortega,Erika (2022). Producción de TNF-a en respuesta a Mycobacterium tuberculosis por macrófagos de ratones C57BL/6 y BALB/c. Instituto de Investigació en Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, Licenciatura en Ciencias, Area Terminal Bioquímica y Biología Molecular, UAEM . *
7 - Alvarado Vazquez, Den Alejandro (2021). Papel de CD43 en el reconocimiento de Cpn60.2 de Mycobacterium tuberculosis por linfocitos T. Centro de Investigación en Ingeniería y Ciencias Aplicadas, Maestria en Ciencias, UAEM. *
9 - Canas Linares, Alicia (2020). Participacion de CD43 en la capacidad invasora de celulas A549 . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestría en Ciencias Bioquímicas, UNAM.
10 - Aleman Navarro, Estefania (2017). Participacion de CD43 en el establecimiento del microambiente inmune durante el proceso de infeccion por BCG, como modelo de infeccion de M. tuberculosis . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
11 - Bravo Adame, Maria Elena (2016). Las senales de CD43 promueven la activacion de vias que favorecen la sobrevida de los linfocitos T. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
12 - Ruiz Amores, Gerardo (2012). Participacion de la molecula CD43 en anergia . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
13 - Marquez Hernandez, Ana Citlali (2012). Modulacion de la expresion de CD43 por TLRS . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias, UNAM.
14 - Quevedo Castanon, Natasha Mylena (2010). CD43, una molecula regulada por la via de los TLRs. Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biologia, UNAM. *
20 - Cruz Munoz, Mario Ernesto (2003). CD 43 y el receptor de celulas T generan senales intracelulares que pueden regularse mutuamente . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias (Bioquimica), UNAM.
22 - Nunez Cruz, Selene Guadalupe (2000). Papel de CD43 en la reorganizacion del citoesqueleto de actina . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Quimicas (Bioquimica), UNAM.
23 - Oceguera Yanez, Jose Fabian (1998). Vias de transduccion de senales mediadas por CD43, una molecula coreceptora de celulas linfoides . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestro en Ciencias Quimicas (Bioquimica), UNAM.
24 - Plasencia de la Parra, Francisco Javier (1986). Efecto de la T-2 toxina sobre la actividad biologica de macrofagos murinos y sobre la reaccion de hipersensibilidad retardada a2,4- dinitrofluorobenceno. Facultad de Quimica, Quimico Farmaceutico Biologo, UNAM. *
26 - Sanchez Vargas, Irma Josefina (1985). Efecto de la respuesta inmune mediada por linfocitos T citotoxicos in vitro sobre el complejo liposoma-H-2d-gp160 . Facultad de Estudios Superiores Zaragoza , Quimico Farmaceutico Biologo, UNAM. *
27 - Theelen Molina, Marga (1984). Estudios sobre la biosintesis de una glicoproteina de membrana de un mieloma murino resistente a la destruccion inmune. Licenciatura en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM. *
Total de publicaciones: 103
  • Tipo
  • Fecha
Open Access Artículo
28 - Lacombe,C., Aleman-Navarro,E., Drujon,T., Martinez-Osorio,V., Sachon,E., Melchy-Perez,E., Carlier,L., Fajardo-Brigido,E., Fleury,Y., Piesse,C., Gutierrez-Escobedo,G., de las Penas,A., Castano,I., Desriac,A., Beristain-Hernandez,J.L., Combadiere,C., Rosenstein,Y., Auvynet,C. (2024). Characterization of a New Immunosuppressive and Antimicrobial Peptide, DRS-DA2, Isolated from the Mexican Frog, Pachymedusa dacnicolor. International Journal of Inflammation, 2024.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Revisión
32 - Ramirez-Gonzalez,A., Manzo-Merino,J., Contreras-Ochoa,C.O., Bahena-Roman,M., Aguilar-Villasenor,J.M., Lagunas-Martinez,A., Rosenstein,Y., Madrid-Marina,V., Torres-Poveda,K. (2021). Functional Role of AKNA: A Scoping Review. Biomolecules, 11 (11), 1709.
Open Access Artículo
35 - Cardon,S., Sachon,E., Carlier,L., Drujon,T., Walrant,A., Aleman-Navarro,E., Martinez-Osorio,V., Guianvarc'h,D., Sagan,S., Fleury,Y., Marquant,R., Piesse,C., Rosenstein,Y., Auvynet,C., Lacombe,C. (2018). Peptidoglycan potentiates the membrane disrupting effect of the carboxyamidated form of DMS-DA6, a Gram-positive selective antimicrobial peptide isolated from Pachymedusa dacnicolor skin. PLoS ONE, 13 (10), e0205727.
Open Access Artículo
37 - Vitales-Noyola, M., Layseca-Espinosa, E., Baranda, L., Abud-Mendoza, C., Nino-Moreno, P., Monsivais-Urenda, A., Rosenstein, Y., Gonzalez-Amaro, R. (2018). Analysis of Sodium Chloride Intake and Treg/Th17 Lymphocytes in Healthy Individuals and Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Journal of Immunology Research, 2018, 9627806 .
38 - Alejo-Gonzalez, K., Quester, K., Hanson, E., Secundino, I., Rosenstein, Y., Huerta-Saquero, A., Vazquez-Duhalt, R. (2017). PEGylation of cytochrome P450 enhances its biocatalytic performance for pesticide transformation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 105 (1), 163-170.
40 - Quester, K., Juarez-Moreno, K., Secundino, I., Roseinstein, Y., Alejo, K.P., Huerta-Saquero, A., Vazquez-Duhalt, R. (2017). Cytochrome P450 Bioconjugate as a Nanovehicle for Improved Chemotherapy Treatment. Macromolecular Bioscience, 17 (5), 1600374.
41 - Reyna-Figueroa, J., Lagunas-Martinez, A., Galindo-Delgado, P., Fernandez-Bautista, M.F., Castro-Oteo, P.G., Martinez-Matsumoto, P., Perez, E.M., Rosenstein, Y., Limon-Rojas, A.E., Ortiz-Ibarra, F.J., Madrid-Marina, V. (2017). Serum concentrations of apoptosis-associated molecules in septic children with leukemia, neutropenia and fever. International Journal of Hematology, 105 (5), 668-675.
Open Access Artículo
43 - Corral-Jara,K.F., Trujillo-Ochoa,J.L., Realpe,M., Panduro,A., Gomez-Leyva,J.F., Rosenstein,Y., Jose-Abrego,A., Roman,S., Fierro,N.A. (2016). Conjugated Bilirubin Differentially Regulates CD4+ T Effector Cells and T Regulatory Cell Function through Outside-In and Inside-Out Mechanisms: The Effects of HAV Cell Surface Receptor and Intracellular Signaling. Mediators of inflammation, 2016, 1759027.
Open Access Artículo
44 - Oviedo,M.J., Contreras,O.E., Rosenstein,Y., Vazquez-Duhalt,R., Macedo,Z.S., Carbajal-Arizaga,G.G., Hirata,G.A. (2016). New Bismuth Germanate Oxide Nanoparticle Material for Biolabel Applications in Medicine. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2016, 82625-82625.
45 - Lacombe,C., Piesse,C., Sagan,S., Combadiere,C., Rosenstein,Y., Auvynet,C. (2015). Pachymodulin, a new functional formyl peptide receptor 2 (FPR2) peptidic ligand isolated from frog skin, has Janus-like immunomodulatory capacities. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 58 (3), 1089-1099.
46 - Castro-Garcia,F.P., Corral-Jara,K.F., Escobedo-Melendez,G., Sandoval-Hernandez,M.A., Rosenstein,Y., Roman,S., Panduro,A., Fierro,N.A. (2014). Conjugated bilirubin affects cytokine profiles in hepatitis A virus infection by modulating STATs function. Immunology, 143 (4), 578-587.
Open Access Artículo
47 - Ferat-Osorio,E., Sanchez-Anaya,A., Gutierrez-Mendoza,M., Bosco-Garate,I., Wong-Baeza,I., Pastelin-Palacios,R., Pedraza-Alva,G., Bonifaz,L.C., Cortes-Reynosa,P., Perez-Salazar,E., Arriaga-Pizano,L., Lopez-Macias,C., Rosenstein,Y., Isibasi,A. (2014). Heat shock protein 70 down-regulates the production of toll-like receptor-induced pro-inflammatory cytokines by a heat shock factor-1/constitutive heat shock element-binding factor-dependent mechanism. Journal of Inflammation (United Kingdom), 11 (1), 19.
48 - Galindo-Albarran,A.O., Ramirez-Pliego,O., Labastida-Conde,R.G., Melchy-Perez,E.I., Liquitaya-Montiel,A., Esquivel-Guadarrama,F.R., Rosas-Salgado,G., Rosenstein,Y., Santana,M.A. (2014). CD43 Signals Prepare Human T Cells to Receive Cytokine Differentiation Signals. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 229 (2), 172-180.
51 - Varga,Z., Gurrola-Briones,G., Papp,F., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Pedraza-Alva,G., Tajhya,R.B., Gaspar,R., Cardenas,L., Rosenstein,Y., Beeton,C., Possani,L.D., Panyi,G. (2012). Vm24, a Natural Immunosuppressant Peptide Potently and Selectively Blocks Kv1.3 Potassium Channels of Human T Cells. Molecular Pharmacology, 82 (3), 372-382.
Artículo; Actas Paper
Open Access Artículo
53 - Hernandez-Ruiz,J., Salaiza-Suazo,N., Carrada,G., Escoto,S., Ruiz-Remigio,A., Rosenstein,Y., Zentella,A., Becker,I. (2010). CD8 Cells of Patients with Diffuse Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Display Functional Exhaustion: The Latter Is Reversed, In Vitro, by TLR2 Agonists. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 4 (11), e871.
54 - Montiel,J.L., Monsivais-Urenda,A., Figueroa-Vega,N., Moctezuma,J., Burgos-Vargas,R., Gonzalez-Amaro,R., Rosenstein,Y. (2010). Anti-CD43 and anti-galectin-1 autoantibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, 39 (1), 50-57.
57 - Diaz-Benitez,C.E., Navarro-Fuentes,K.R., Flores-Sosa,J.A., Juarez-Diaz,J., Uribe-Salas,F.J., Roman-Basaure,E., Gonzalez-Mena,L.E., Alonso de Ruiz P., Lopez-Estrada,G., Lagunas-Martinez,A., Bermudez-Morales,V.H., Alcocer-Gonzalez,J.M., Martinez-Barnetche,J., Hernandez-Pando,R., Rosenstein,Y., Moreno,J., Madrid-Marina,V. (2009). CD3zeta Expression and T Cell Proliferation are Inhibited by TGF-beta1 and IL-10 in Cervical Cancer Patients. Journal of Clinical Immunology, 29 (4), 532-544.
58 - Sacristan,C., Schattgen,S.A., Berg,L.J., Bunnell,S.C., Roy,A.L., Rosenstein,Y. (2009). Characterization of a novel interaction between transcription factor TFII-I and the inducible tyrosine kinase in T cells. European Journal of Immunology, 39 (9), 2584-2595.
59 - Auvynet,C., El-Amri,C., Lacombe,C., Bruston,F., Bourdais,J., Nicolas,P., Rosenstein,Y. (2008). Structural requirements for antimicrobial versus chemoattractant activities for dermaseptin S9. Febs Journal, 275 (16), 4134-4151.
60 - Kared,H., Leforban,B., Montandon,R., Renand,A., Layseca-Espinosa,E., Chatenoud,L., Rosenstein,Y., Schneider,E., Dy,M., Zavala,F. (2008). Role of GM-CSF in tolerance induction by mobilized hematopoietic progenitors. Blood, 112 (6), 2575-2578.
61 - Pedraza-Alva,G., Rosenstein,Y. (2007). CD43 - One molecule, many tales to recount. Signal Transduction, 7 (5-6), 372-385.
Open Access Artículo
62 - Ramirez-Pliego,O., Escobar-Zarate,D.L., Rivera-Martinez,G.M., Cervantes-Badillo,M.G., Esquivel-Guadarrama,F.R., Rosas-Salgado,G., Rosenstein,Y., Santana,M.A. (2007). CD43 signals induce Type One lineage commitment of human CD4+ T cells. BMC Immunology, 8 (1), 30.
65 - Valencia-Pacheco,G., Layseca-Espinosa,E., Nino-Moreno,P., Portales-Perez,D.P., Baranda,L., Rosenstein,Y., Abud-Mendoza,C., Gonzalez-Amaro,R. (2006). Expression and function of IL-10R in mononuclear cells from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, 35 (5), 368-378.
66 - Maldonado-Bernal,C., Kirschning,C.J., Rosenstein,Y., Rocha,L.M., Rios-Sarabia,N., Espinosa-Cantellano,M., Becker,I., Estrada,I., Salazar-Gonzalez,R.M., Lopez-Macias,C., Wagner,H., Sanchez,J., Isibasi,A. (2005). The innate immune response to Entamoeba histolytica lipopeptidophosphoglycan is mediated by toll-like receptors 2 and 4. Parasite Immunology, 27 (4), 127-137.
67 - Del Rio,R., Rincon,M., Layseca-Espinosa,E., Fierro,N.A., Rosenstein,Y., Pedraza-Alva,G. (2004). PKCtheta; is required for the activation of human T lymphocytes induced by CD43 engagement. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 325 (1), 133-143.
69 - Cruz-Munoz,M.E., Salas-Vidal,E., Salaiza-Suazo,N., Becker,I., Pedraza-Alva,G., Rosenstein,Y. (2003). The CD43 Coreceptor Molecule Recruits the zeta-Chain as Part of Its Signaling Pathway. Journal of Immunology, 171 (4), 1901-1908.
71 - Santana,M.A., Rosenstein,Y. (2003). What it takes to become an effector T cell: The process, the cells involved, and the mechanisms. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 195 (3), 392-401.
72 - Layseca-Espinosa,E., Perez-Gonzalez,L.F., Torres-Montes,A., Baranda,L., de la Fuente,H., Rosenstein,Y., Gonzalez-Amaro,R. (2002). Expression of CD64 as a potential marker of neonatal sepsis. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 13 (5), 319-327.
73 - Portales-Perez,D.P., Baranda,L., Layseca,E., Fierro,N.A., de la Fuente,H., Rosenstein,Y., Gonzalez-Amaro,R. (2002). Comparative and Prospective Study of Different Immune Parameters in Healthy Subjects at Risk for Tuberculosis and in Tuberculosis Patients. Clinical & Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 9 (2), 299-307.
Open Access Artículo
75 - Pedraza-Alva,G., Sawasdikosol,S., Liu,Y.C., Merida,L.B., Cruz-Munoz,M.E., Oceguera-Yanez,F., Burakoff,S.J., Rosenstein,Y. (2001). Regulation of Cbl molecular interactions by the co-receptor molecule CD43 in human T cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276 (1), 729-737.
Open Access Artículo
76 - Santana,M.A., Pedraza-Alva,G., Olivares-Zavaleta,N., Madrid-Marina,V., Horejsi,V., Burakoff,S.J., Rosenstein,Y. (2000). CD43-mediated signals induce DNA binding activity of AP-1, NF-AT, and NFkappa B transcription factors in human T lymphocytes. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 275 (40), 31460-31468.
77 - Rosenstein,Y., Santana,A., Pedraza-Alva,G. (1999). CD43, a molecule with multiple functions. Immunologic Research, 20 (2), 89-99.
Open Access Artículo
78 - Lopez-Briones,S., Portales-Perez,D.P., Baranda,L., de la Fuente,H., Rosenstein,Y., Gonzalez-Amaro,R. (1998). Stimulation through CD50 preferentially induces apoptosis of TCR1+ human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Cell Adhesion and Communication, 6 (6), 465-479.
Open Access Artículo
80 - Pedraza-Alva,G., Merida,L.B., Burakoff,S.J., Rosenstein,Y. (1996). CD43-specific activation of T cells induces association of CD43 to Fyn kinase. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271 (44), 27564-27568.
Open Access Artículo nacional
81 - Rosenstein,I., Pedraza,G. (1996). Moleculas de adhesion: trafico celular y comunicacion interleucocitaria. Revista Mexicana de Reumatologia, 11 (2), 52-58.
82 - Fragoso,G., Valdez,F., Rosenstein,Y., Govezensky,T., Larralde,C., Sciutto,E. (1993). Immunoenzymatic assay that measures the expression of murine histocompatibility antigens in macrophages and lymphocytes. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, 7 (6), 348-352. *
Open Access Artículo
83 - Hahn,W.C., Rosenstein,Y., Calvo,V., Burakoff,S.J., Bierer,B.E. (1992). A distinct cytoplasmic domain of CD2 regulates ligand avidity and T-cell responsiveness to antigen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 89 (15), 7179-7183. *
85 - Park,J.K., Rosenstein,Y.J., Remold-O'Donnell,E., Bierer,B.E., Rosen,F.S., Burakoff,S.J. (1991). Enhancement of T-cell activation by the CD43 molecule whose expression is defective in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. Nature, 350 (6320), 706-709. *
86 - Rosenstein,Y., Park,J.K., Hahn,W.C., Rosen,F.S., Bierer,B.E., Burakoff,S.J. (1991). CD43, a molecule defective in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, binds ICAM-1. Nature, 354 (6350), 233-235. *
87 - Silberman,S.L., Goldman,S.J., Mitchell,D.B., Tong,A.T., Rosenstein,Y., Diamond,D.C., Finberg,R.W., Schrreiber,S.L., Burakoff,S.J. (1991). The interaction of CD4 with HIV-1 gp120. Seminars in Immunology, 3 (3), 187-192. *
88 - Sleckman,B.P., Rosenstein,Y., Igras,V.E., Greenstein,J.L., Burakoff,S.J. (1991). Glycolipid-anchored form of CD4 increases intercellular adhesion but is unable to enhance T cell activation. Journal of Immunology, 147 (2), 428-431. *
89 - Finberg,R.W., Diamond,D.C., Mitchell,D.B., Rosenstein,Y., Soman,G., Norman,T.C., Schrreiber,S.L., Burakoff,S.J. (1990). Prevention of HIV-1 infection and preservation of CD4 function by the binding of CPFs to gp120. Science, 249 (4966), 287-291. *
90 - Plasencia,F.J., Rosenstein,Y. (1990). Effect of in vivo administration of T-2 toxin on peritoneal murine macrophages. Toxicon, 28 (5), 559-567. *
91 - Rosenstein,Y., Burakoff,S.J., Herrmann,S.H. (1990). HIV-gp120 can block CD4-class II MHC-mediated adhesion. Journal of Immunology, 144 (2), 526-531. *
92 - Rosenstein,Y., Ratnofsky,S., Burakoff,S.J., Herrmann,S.H. (1989). Direct evidence for binding of CD8 to HLA class I antigens. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 169 (1), 149-160. *
93 - Gonzalez-Amaro,R., Alarcon-Segovia,D., Alcocer-Varela,J., Diaz de Leon,L., Rosenstein,Y. (1988). Mononuclear cell-fibroblast interactions in scleroderma. Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, 46 (3), 412-420. *
94 - Rosenstein,Y., Osornio-Vargas,A.R. (1986). Morphology surface of a mouse plasmacytoma (LPC-1) showing cyclic resistance to immune lysis. Laboratory Investigation, 54 (1), 71-76. *
96 - Gil-Recasens,M.E., Cats,S., Lopez-Osuna,M., Rosenstein,Y.J., Romo,R., Cervera,J., Kretschmer,R.R. (1984). Increased leucocyte histamine release by Entamoeba histolytica antigen in patients with amoebic abscess of the liver. Parasite Immunology, 6 (3), 211-222. *
Open Access Artículo
97 - Pardo,A., Rosenstein,I., Montfort,I., Perez Tamayo,R. (1983). Immunohistochemical identification of collagenase in carrageenin granuloma. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 31 (5), 641-646. *
98 - Rosenstein,Y., Lafarge-Frayssinet,C. (1983). Inhibitory effect of Fusarium T2-toxin on lymphoid DNA and protein synthesis. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 70 (2), 283-288. *
99 - Gil-Recasens,M.E., Cats,S., Rosenstein,Y.J., Cervera,J., Kretschmer,R.R. (1982). [In vitro liberation of leukocyte histamine caused by amebic antigen and by concanavalin in patients with invasive amebiasis]. Archivos de Investigacion Medica, 13 (Suppl 3), 277-280. *
100 - Rosenstein,Y., Kretschmer,R.R., Lafarge-Frayssinet,C. (1981). Effect of Fusarium toxins, T2-toxin and diacetoxyscirpenol on murine T-independent immune responses. Immunology, 44 (3), 555-560. *
101 - Lafarge-Frayssinet,C., Lespinats,G., Lafont,P., Loisillier,F., Mousset,S., Rosenstein,Y., Frayssinet,C. (1979). Immunosuppressive effects of Fusarium extracts and trichothecenes: blastogenic response of murine splenic and thymic cells to mitogens. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 160 (3), 302-311. *
102 - Rosenstein,Y., Lafarge-Frayssinet,C., Lespinats,G., Loisillier,F., Lafont,P., Frayssinet,C. (1979). Immunosuppressive activity of Fusarium toxins. Effects on antibody synthesis and skin grafts of crude extracts, T2-toxin and diacetoxyscirpenol. Immunology, 36 (1), 111-117. *
103 - Rosenstein,Y., Lafont,P., Frayssinet-Lafarge,C. (1978). Immunosuppressive effects of fusarium toxins. Collection de Medecine Legale et de Toxicologie Medicale, NO. 107, 51-57. *
Artículo nacional
104 - Perez-Tamayo,R., Montfort,I., Pardo,A., Rosenstein,Y., Tronick,D., Tello,E. (1976). Mammalian collagenases. A review of recent advances [Colagenasas de mamÍferos. RevisiÓn de algunos avances recientes.]. Revista de Investigacion Clinica, 28, 279-295. *
105 - Torres-Huerta, A., Aleman-Navarro, E., Bravo-Adame, M. E., Sandoval-Hernandez, M. A., Migueles-Lozano, O. A., Rosenstein, Y. (2018). CD43. Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules. New York, NY: Springer.
106 - Torres-Huerta,A., Aleman-Navarro,E., Bravo-Adame,M.E., Sandoval-Hernandez,M.A., Migueles-Lozano,O.A., Rosenstein,Y. (2016). CD43. Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules. 1-13, New York, NY.
107 - Bravo-Adame,M.E., Sandoval-Hernandez,M.A., Migueles-Lozano,O.A., Rosenstein,Y. (2012). CD43. Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules. 320-328.
108 - Rosenstein,Y., Garcia-Garcia,E., Becker,I. (2010). Mecanismos celulares y moleculares de la respuesta inmune adquirida. Inmunologia Medica . Mexico: McGraw Hill.
109 - Rosenstein,Y., Pedraza-Alva,G. (2008). La vida cotidiana de los linfocitos, o de los quehaceres de los inmunólogos. Una ventana al quehacer científico. Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM 25 aniversario, cap 2. 1-8, Mexico, D.F..
110 - Prieto-Moreno,G.A., Rosenstein,Y. (2006). The Links between the Endocrine and the Immune Systems: Views of an Immunologist. Molecular Endocrinology. 171-192, Kerala, India: Research Signpost.
Memoria in extenso
111 - Burakoff,S.J., Collins,T., Hahn,W.C., Park,J.K., Sleckmann,B.P., Igras,V., Rosenstein,Y., Bierer,B.E. (1993). The Role of Co-receptors in T Cell Activation. Progress in Immunology. 275-281. *
112 - Rosenstein,Y., Park,J.K., Bierer,B.E., Burakoff,S. (1993). The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome: An immunodeficiency associated with defects of the CD43 molecule. New Concepts in Immunodeficiency Diseases. 250-268, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. *
113 - Rosenstein,Y., Santana,M. (2003). Cuerpo saludable. Biblioteca Juvenil Ilustrada, Mexico, D.F.
114 - Rosenstein,Y., Santana,M., Acuna,R (2003). Nuestro cuerpo. Bibioteca Juvenil Ilustrada, Mexico, D.F..
Open Access Divulgación nacional
115 - Aleman-Navarro,E., Rosenstein,Y. (2024). Pero.. la tuberculosis, ¿no estaba ya erradicada?. Biotecnología en Movimiento.Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 36.
Open Access Case report
116 - Mendoza-Portillo,E., Aleman-Navarro,E., Prieto,G.A., Rosenstein,Y., Lozano-Nuevo,J.J., Perez-Lopez,A. (2023). Neurological manifestations with jugular vein thrombosis linked to an inflammatory profile may be a sequela of long COVID. Neuroprotection, 1 (2), 170-175.
Open Access Editorial material
117 - Chemtob,S., Rosenstein,Y., Auvynet,C. (2022). Editorial: Use of small peptides in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 13, 1090014.
Editorial material
118 - Diethelm-Varela,B., Reyes,A., Rosenstein,Y., Kalil,J., Hill,M., Docena,G., Anegon,I., Gonzalez,P.A., Kalergis,A.M. (2022). Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies Goes South 2021: advanced course on molecular and cellular translational immunology. Immunotherapy, 14 (11), 839-842.
Open Access Nacional divulgacion
119 - Rosenstein,Y., Auvynet,C. (2022). Las ranas: de la medicina tradicional a nuevos fármacos. Biotecnología en Movimiento.Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 31 (Octubre-Diciembre).
Open Access Divulgación nacional
120 - Lozano,J.J., Mendoza,E., Perez-Lopez,A., Rosenstein,Y., Prieto,A. (2021). Secuelas: el síndrome post-COVID. ¿Como ves?, 275.
Editorial Material
122 - Kalergis,A.M., Lacerda,M., Rabinovich,G.A., Rosenstein,Y. (2016). Challenges for Scientists in Latin America. Trends in Molecular Medicine, 22 (9), 743-745.
Open Access Nacional
123 - Pedraza-Alva,G., Torres-Huerta,A., Rosenstein,Y. (2015). Las intrincadas redes de la inmunidad. Ciencia, Revista de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencia, 66 (2), 27-35.
Editorial Material
124 - Nicolas,P., Rosenstein,Y. (2009). Multifunctional host defense peptides. Febs Journal, 276 (22), 6464-6464.
Editorial Material
125 - Garcia-Sainz,J.A., Rosenstein,Y. (2007). Signal transduction in Mexico. Signal Transduction, 7 (5-6), 349-350.
Open Access Divulgación
126 - Prieto,A., Gonzalez-Amaro,R., Rosenstein,Y. (2007). El enemigo m s íntimo. Como ves, 99, 10-14.
Open Access Página web
127 - Aguilar-Delfin,I., Fierro,N.A., Rosenstein,Y. (2006). CD43. UCSD-Nature Molecule Pages.
Open Access Divulgación
128 - Rosenstein,Y. (2002). El sistema inmune: los pros y los contras. Revista Universidad de Mexico, 617, 56-63.
Open Access Nacional
129 - Rosenstein,Y. (1983). Linfocitos T citotoxicos. Boletin de Educacion Bioquimica, 2 (1), 8-13.
130 - Rosenstein, Yvonne (1975). Demostracion de actividad colagenolitica en homogenados de granuloma de carregenina . Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biologia, UNAM. *
Open Access Artículo
131 - Lacombe,C., Aleman-Navarro,E., Drujon,T., Martinez-Osorio,V., Sachon,E., Melchy-Perez,E., Carlier,L., Fajardo-Brigido,E., Fleury,Y., Piesse,C., Gutierrez-Escobedo,G., de las Penas,A., Castano,I., Desriac,A., Beristain-Hernandez,J.L., Combadiere,C., Rosenstein,Y., Auvynet,C.. Characterization of a New Immunosuppressive and Antimicrobial Peptide, DRS-DA2, Isolated from the Mexican Frog, Pachymedusa dacnicolor. International Journal of Inflammation, 2024.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Divulgación nacional
133 - Aleman-Navarro,E., Rosenstein,Y.. Pero.. la tuberculosis, ¿no estaba ya erradicada?. Biotecnología en Movimiento.Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 36.
Open Access Case report
134 - Mendoza-Portillo,E., Aleman-Navarro,E., Prieto,G.A., Rosenstein,Y., Lozano-Nuevo,J.J., Perez-Lopez,A.. Neurological manifestations with jugular vein thrombosis linked to an inflammatory profile may be a sequela of long COVID. Neuroprotection, 1 (2), 170-175.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Editorial material
136 - Chemtob,S., Rosenstein,Y., Auvynet,C.. Editorial: Use of small peptides in the treatment of inflammatory diseases. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 13, 1090014.
Editorial material
137 - Diethelm-Varela,B., Reyes,A., Rosenstein,Y., Kalil,J., Hill,M., Docena,G., Anegon,I., Gonzalez,P.A., Kalergis,A.M.. Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies Goes South 2021: advanced course on molecular and cellular translational immunology. Immunotherapy, 14 (11), 839-842.
Open Access Nacional divulgacion
138 - Rosenstein,Y., Auvynet,C.. Las ranas: de la medicina tradicional a nuevos fármacos. Biotecnología en Movimiento.Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 31 (Octubre-Diciembre).
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Revisión
140 - Ramirez-Gonzalez,A., Manzo-Merino,J., Contreras-Ochoa,C.O., Bahena-Roman,M., Aguilar-Villasenor,J.M., Lagunas-Martinez,A., Rosenstein,Y., Madrid-Marina,V., Torres-Poveda,K.. Functional Role of AKNA: A Scoping Review. Biomolecules, 11 (11), 1709.
Open Access Divulgación nacional
142 - Lozano,J.J., Mendoza,E., Perez-Lopez,A., Rosenstein,Y., Prieto,A.. Secuelas: el síndrome post-COVID. ¿Como ves?, 275.
Open Access Artículo
145 - Cardon,S., Sachon,E., Carlier,L., Drujon,T., Walrant,A., Aleman-Navarro,E., Martinez-Osorio,V., Guianvarc'h,D., Sagan,S., Fleury,Y., Marquant,R., Piesse,C., Rosenstein,Y., Auvynet,C., Lacombe,C.. Peptidoglycan potentiates the membrane disrupting effect of the carboxyamidated form of DMS-DA6, a Gram-positive selective antimicrobial peptide isolated from Pachymedusa dacnicolor skin. PLoS ONE, 13 (10), e0205727.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
147 - Vitales-Noyola, M., Layseca-Espinosa, E., Baranda, L., Abud-Mendoza, C., Nino-Moreno, P., Monsivais-Urenda, A., Rosenstein, Y., Gonzalez-Amaro, R.. Analysis of Sodium Chloride Intake and Treg/Th17 Lymphocytes in Healthy Individuals and Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis or Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Journal of Immunology Research, 2018, 9627806 .
148 - Torres-Huerta, A., Aleman-Navarro, E., Bravo-Adame, M. E., Sandoval-Hernandez, M. A., Migueles-Lozano, O. A., Rosenstein, Y.. CD43. Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules. New York, NY: Springer.
149 - Alejo-Gonzalez, K., Quester, K., Hanson, E., Secundino, I., Rosenstein, Y., Huerta-Saquero, A., Vazquez-Duhalt, R.. PEGylation of cytochrome P450 enhances its biocatalytic performance for pesticide transformation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 105 (1), 163-170.
151 - Quester, K., Juarez-Moreno, K., Secundino, I., Roseinstein, Y., Alejo, K.P., Huerta-Saquero, A., Vazquez-Duhalt, R.. Cytochrome P450 Bioconjugate as a Nanovehicle for Improved Chemotherapy Treatment. Macromolecular Bioscience, 17 (5), 1600374.
152 - Reyna-Figueroa, J., Lagunas-Martinez, A., Galindo-Delgado, P., Fernandez-Bautista, M.F., Castro-Oteo, P.G., Martinez-Matsumoto, P., Perez, E.M., Rosenstein, Y., Limon-Rojas, A.E., Ortiz-Ibarra, F.J., Madrid-Marina, V.. Serum concentrations of apoptosis-associated molecules in septic children with leukemia, neutropenia and fever. International Journal of Hematology, 105 (5), 668-675.
Open Access Artículo
154 - Corral-Jara,K.F., Trujillo-Ochoa,J.L., Realpe,M., Panduro,A., Gomez-Leyva,J.F., Rosenstein,Y., Jose-Abrego,A., Roman,S., Fierro,N.A.. Conjugated Bilirubin Differentially Regulates CD4+ T Effector Cells and T Regulatory Cell Function through Outside-In and Inside-Out Mechanisms: The Effects of HAV Cell Surface Receptor and Intracellular Signaling. Mediators of inflammation, 2016, 1759027.
Open Access Artículo
155 - Oviedo,M.J., Contreras,O.E., Rosenstein,Y., Vazquez-Duhalt,R., Macedo,Z.S., Carbajal-Arizaga,G.G., Hirata,G.A.. New Bismuth Germanate Oxide Nanoparticle Material for Biolabel Applications in Medicine. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2016, 82625-82625.
156 - Torres-Huerta,A., Aleman-Navarro,E., Bravo-Adame,M.E., Sandoval-Hernandez,M.A., Migueles-Lozano,O.A., Rosenstein,Y.. CD43. Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules. 1-13, New York, NY.
Editorial Material
157 - Kalergis,A.M., Lacerda,M., Rabinovich,G.A., Rosenstein,Y.. Challenges for Scientists in Latin America. Trends in Molecular Medicine, 22 (9), 743-745.
Open Access Nacional
159 - Pedraza-Alva,G., Torres-Huerta,A., Rosenstein,Y.. Las intrincadas redes de la inmunidad. Ciencia, Revista de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencia, 66 (2), 27-35.
160 - Castro-Garcia,F.P., Corral-Jara,K.F., Escobedo-Melendez,G., Sandoval-Hernandez,M.A., Rosenstein,Y., Roman,S., Panduro,A., Fierro,N.A.. Conjugated bilirubin affects cytokine profiles in hepatitis A virus infection by modulating STATs function. Immunology, 143 (4), 578-587.
Open Access Artículo
161 - Ferat-Osorio,E., Sanchez-Anaya,A., Gutierrez-Mendoza,M., Bosco-Garate,I., Wong-Baeza,I., Pastelin-Palacios,R., Pedraza-Alva,G., Bonifaz,L.C., Cortes-Reynosa,P., Perez-Salazar,E., Arriaga-Pizano,L., Lopez-Macias,C., Rosenstein,Y., Isibasi,A.. Heat shock protein 70 down-regulates the production of toll-like receptor-induced pro-inflammatory cytokines by a heat shock factor-1/constitutive heat shock element-binding factor-dependent mechanism. Journal of Inflammation (United Kingdom), 11 (1), 19.
162 - Galindo-Albarran,A.O., Ramirez-Pliego,O., Labastida-Conde,R.G., Melchy-Perez,E.I., Liquitaya-Montiel,A., Esquivel-Guadarrama,F.R., Rosas-Salgado,G., Rosenstein,Y., Santana,M.A.. CD43 Signals Prepare Human T Cells to Receive Cytokine Differentiation Signals. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 229 (2), 172-180.
165 - Varga,Z., Gurrola-Briones,G., Papp,F., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Pedraza-Alva,G., Tajhya,R.B., Gaspar,R., Cardenas,L., Rosenstein,Y., Beeton,C., Possani,L.D., Panyi,G.. Vm24, a Natural Immunosuppressant Peptide Potently and Selectively Blocks Kv1.3 Potassium Channels of Human T Cells. Molecular Pharmacology, 82 (3), 372-382.
166 - Bravo-Adame,M.E., Sandoval-Hernandez,M.A., Migueles-Lozano,O.A., Rosenstein,Y.. CD43. Encyclopedia of Signaling Molecules. 320-328.
Artículo; Actas Paper
Open Access Artículo
168 - Hernandez-Ruiz,J., Salaiza-Suazo,N., Carrada,G., Escoto,S., Ruiz-Remigio,A., Rosenstein,Y., Zentella,A., Becker,I.. CD8 Cells of Patients with Diffuse Cutaneous Leishmaniasis Display Functional Exhaustion: The Latter Is Reversed, In Vitro, by TLR2 Agonists. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 4 (11), e871.
169 - Montiel,J.L., Monsivais-Urenda,A., Figueroa-Vega,N., Moctezuma,J., Burgos-Vargas,R., Gonzalez-Amaro,R., Rosenstein,Y.. Anti-CD43 and anti-galectin-1 autoantibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, 39 (1), 50-57.
170 - Rosenstein,Y., Garcia-Garcia,E., Becker,I.. Mecanismos celulares y moleculares de la respuesta inmune adquirida. Inmunologia Medica . Mexico: McGraw Hill.
173 - Diaz-Benitez,C.E., Navarro-Fuentes,K.R., Flores-Sosa,J.A., Juarez-Diaz,J., Uribe-Salas,F.J., Roman-Basaure,E., Gonzalez-Mena,L.E., Alonso de Ruiz P., Lopez-Estrada,G., Lagunas-Martinez,A., Bermudez-Morales,V.H., Alcocer-Gonzalez,J.M., Martinez-Barnetche,J., Hernandez-Pando,R., Rosenstein,Y., Moreno,J., Madrid-Marina,V.. CD3zeta Expression and T Cell Proliferation are Inhibited by TGF-beta1 and IL-10 in Cervical Cancer Patients. Journal of Clinical Immunology, 29 (4), 532-544.
174 - Sacristan,C., Schattgen,S.A., Berg,L.J., Bunnell,S.C., Roy,A.L., Rosenstein,Y.. Characterization of a novel interaction between transcription factor TFII-I and the inducible tyrosine kinase in T cells. European Journal of Immunology, 39 (9), 2584-2595.
Editorial Material
175 - Nicolas,P., Rosenstein,Y.. Multifunctional host defense peptides. Febs Journal, 276 (22), 6464-6464.
176 - Auvynet,C., El-Amri,C., Lacombe,C., Bruston,F., Bourdais,J., Nicolas,P., Rosenstein,Y.. Structural requirements for antimicrobial versus chemoattractant activities for dermaseptin S9. Febs Journal, 275 (16), 4134-4151.
177 - Kared,H., Leforban,B., Montandon,R., Renand,A., Layseca-Espinosa,E., Chatenoud,L., Rosenstein,Y., Schneider,E., Dy,M., Zavala,F.. Role of GM-CSF in tolerance induction by mobilized hematopoietic progenitors. Blood, 112 (6), 2575-2578.
178 - Rosenstein,Y., Pedraza-Alva,G.. La vida cotidiana de los linfocitos, o de los quehaceres de los inmunólogos. Una ventana al quehacer científico. Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM 25 aniversario, cap 2. 1-8, Mexico, D.F..
179 - Pedraza-Alva,G., Rosenstein,Y.. CD43 - One molecule, many tales to recount. Signal Transduction, 7 (5-6), 372-385.
Open Access Artículo
180 - Ramirez-Pliego,O., Escobar-Zarate,D.L., Rivera-Martinez,G.M., Cervantes-Badillo,M.G., Esquivel-Guadarrama,F.R., Rosas-Salgado,G., Rosenstein,Y., Santana,M.A.. CD43 signals induce Type One lineage commitment of human CD4+ T cells. BMC Immunology, 8 (1), 30.
Editorial Material
181 - Garcia-Sainz,J.A., Rosenstein,Y.. Signal transduction in Mexico. Signal Transduction, 7 (5-6), 349-350.
Open Access Divulgación
182 - Prieto,A., Gonzalez-Amaro,R., Rosenstein,Y.. El enemigo m s íntimo. Como ves, 99, 10-14.
185 - Valencia-Pacheco,G., Layseca-Espinosa,E., Nino-Moreno,P., Portales-Perez,D.P., Baranda,L., Rosenstein,Y., Abud-Mendoza,C., Gonzalez-Amaro,R.. Expression and function of IL-10R in mononuclear cells from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Scandinavian Journal of Rheumatology, 35 (5), 368-378.
186 - Prieto-Moreno,G.A., Rosenstein,Y.. The Links between the Endocrine and the Immune Systems: Views of an Immunologist. Molecular Endocrinology. 171-192, Kerala, India: Research Signpost.
Open Access Página web
187 - Aguilar-Delfin,I., Fierro,N.A., Rosenstein,Y.. CD43. UCSD-Nature Molecule Pages.
188 - Maldonado-Bernal,C., Kirschning,C.J., Rosenstein,Y., Rocha,L.M., Rios-Sarabia,N., Espinosa-Cantellano,M., Becker,I., Estrada,I., Salazar-Gonzalez,R.M., Lopez-Macias,C., Wagner,H., Sanchez,J., Isibasi,A.. The innate immune response to Entamoeba histolytica lipopeptidophosphoglycan is mediated by toll-like receptors 2 and 4. Parasite Immunology, 27 (4), 127-137.
Open Access Artículo nacional
193 - Santana,M.A., Rosenstein,Y.. What it takes to become an effector T cell: The process, the cells involved, and the mechanisms. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 195 (3), 392-401.
194 - Rosenstein,Y., Santana,M.. Cuerpo saludable. Biblioteca Juvenil Ilustrada, Mexico, D.F.
195 - Rosenstein,Y., Santana,M., Acuna,R. Nuestro cuerpo. Bibioteca Juvenil Ilustrada, Mexico, D.F..
196 - Layseca-Espinosa,E., Perez-Gonzalez,L.F., Torres-Montes,A., Baranda,L., de la Fuente,H., Rosenstein,Y., Gonzalez-Amaro,R.. Expression of CD64 as a potential marker of neonatal sepsis. Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, 13 (5), 319-327.
197 - Portales-Perez,D.P., Baranda,L., Layseca,E., Fierro,N.A., de la Fuente,H., Rosenstein,Y., Gonzalez-Amaro,R.. Comparative and Prospective Study of Different Immune Parameters in Healthy Subjects at Risk for Tuberculosis and in Tuberculosis Patients. Clinical & Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology, 9 (2), 299-307.
Open Access Divulgación
198 - Rosenstein,Y.. El sistema inmune: los pros y los contras. Revista Universidad de Mexico, 617, 56-63.
Open Access Artículo
200 - Pedraza-Alva,G., Sawasdikosol,S., Liu,Y.C., Merida,L.B., Cruz-Munoz,M.E., Oceguera-Yanez,F., Burakoff,S.J., Rosenstein,Y.. Regulation of Cbl molecular interactions by the co-receptor molecule CD43 in human T cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 276 (1), 729-737.
Open Access Artículo
201 - Santana,M.A., Pedraza-Alva,G., Olivares-Zavaleta,N., Madrid-Marina,V., Horejsi,V., Burakoff,S.J., Rosenstein,Y.. CD43-mediated signals induce DNA binding activity of AP-1, NF-AT, and NFkappa B transcription factors in human T lymphocytes. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 275 (40), 31460-31468.
202 - Rosenstein,Y., Santana,A., Pedraza-Alva,G.. CD43, a molecule with multiple functions. Immunologic Research, 20 (2), 89-99.
Open Access Artículo
203 - Lopez-Briones,S., Portales-Perez,D.P., Baranda,L., de la Fuente,H., Rosenstein,Y., Gonzalez-Amaro,R.. Stimulation through CD50 preferentially induces apoptosis of TCR1+ human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Cell Adhesion and Communication, 6 (6), 465-479.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
205 - Pedraza-Alva,G., Merida,L.B., Burakoff,S.J., Rosenstein,Y.. CD43-specific activation of T cells induces association of CD43 to Fyn kinase. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 271 (44), 27564-27568.
Open Access Artículo nacional
206 - Rosenstein,I., Pedraza,G.. Moleculas de adhesion: trafico celular y comunicacion interleucocitaria. Revista Mexicana de Reumatologia, 11 (2), 52-58.
207 - Fragoso,G., Valdez,F., Rosenstein,Y., Govezensky,T., Larralde,C., Sciutto,E.. Immunoenzymatic assay that measures the expression of murine histocompatibility antigens in macrophages and lymphocytes. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, 7 (6), 348-352. *
Memoria in extenso
208 - Burakoff,S.J., Collins,T., Hahn,W.C., Park,J.K., Sleckmann,B.P., Igras,V., Rosenstein,Y., Bierer,B.E.. The Role of Co-receptors in T Cell Activation. Progress in Immunology. 275-281. *
209 - Rosenstein,Y., Park,J.K., Bierer,B.E., Burakoff,S.. The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome: An immunodeficiency associated with defects of the CD43 molecule. New Concepts in Immunodeficiency Diseases. 250-268, Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. *
Open Access Artículo
210 - Hahn,W.C., Rosenstein,Y., Calvo,V., Burakoff,S.J., Bierer,B.E.. A distinct cytoplasmic domain of CD2 regulates ligand avidity and T-cell responsiveness to antigen. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 89 (15), 7179-7183. *
212 - Park,J.K., Rosenstein,Y.J., Remold-O'Donnell,E., Bierer,B.E., Rosen,F.S., Burakoff,S.J.. Enhancement of T-cell activation by the CD43 molecule whose expression is defective in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. Nature, 350 (6320), 706-709. *
213 - Rosenstein,Y., Park,J.K., Hahn,W.C., Rosen,F.S., Bierer,B.E., Burakoff,S.J.. CD43, a molecule defective in Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, binds ICAM-1. Nature, 354 (6350), 233-235. *
214 - Silberman,S.L., Goldman,S.J., Mitchell,D.B., Tong,A.T., Rosenstein,Y., Diamond,D.C., Finberg,R.W., Schrreiber,S.L., Burakoff,S.J.. The interaction of CD4 with HIV-1 gp120. Seminars in Immunology, 3 (3), 187-192. *
215 - Sleckman,B.P., Rosenstein,Y., Igras,V.E., Greenstein,J.L., Burakoff,S.J.. Glycolipid-anchored form of CD4 increases intercellular adhesion but is unable to enhance T cell activation. Journal of Immunology, 147 (2), 428-431. *
216 - Finberg,R.W., Diamond,D.C., Mitchell,D.B., Rosenstein,Y., Soman,G., Norman,T.C., Schrreiber,S.L., Burakoff,S.J.. Prevention of HIV-1 infection and preservation of CD4 function by the binding of CPFs to gp120. Science, 249 (4966), 287-291. *
218 - Rosenstein,Y., Burakoff,S.J., Herrmann,S.H.. HIV-gp120 can block CD4-class II MHC-mediated adhesion. Journal of Immunology, 144 (2), 526-531. *
219 - Rosenstein,Y., Ratnofsky,S., Burakoff,S.J., Herrmann,S.H.. Direct evidence for binding of CD8 to HLA class I antigens. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 169 (1), 149-160. *
220 - Gonzalez-Amaro,R., Alarcon-Segovia,D., Alcocer-Varela,J., Diaz de Leon,L., Rosenstein,Y.. Mononuclear cell-fibroblast interactions in scleroderma. Clinical Immunology and Immunopathology, 46 (3), 412-420. *
221 - Rosenstein,Y., Osornio-Vargas,A.R.. Morphology surface of a mouse plasmacytoma (LPC-1) showing cyclic resistance to immune lysis. Laboratory Investigation, 54 (1), 71-76. *
223 - Gil-Recasens,M.E., Cats,S., Lopez-Osuna,M., Rosenstein,Y.J., Romo,R., Cervera,J., Kretschmer,R.R.. Increased leucocyte histamine release by Entamoeba histolytica antigen in patients with amoebic abscess of the liver. Parasite Immunology, 6 (3), 211-222. *
Open Access Artículo
224 - Pardo,A., Rosenstein,I., Montfort,I., Perez Tamayo,R.. Immunohistochemical identification of collagenase in carrageenin granuloma. Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, 31 (5), 641-646. *
225 - Rosenstein,Y., Lafarge-Frayssinet,C.. Inhibitory effect of Fusarium T2-toxin on lymphoid DNA and protein synthesis. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 70 (2), 283-288. *
Open Access Nacional
226 - Rosenstein,Y.. Linfocitos T citotoxicos. Boletin de Educacion Bioquimica, 2 (1), 8-13.
227 - Gil-Recasens,M.E., Cats,S., Rosenstein,Y.J., Cervera,J., Kretschmer,R.R.. [In vitro liberation of leukocyte histamine caused by amebic antigen and by concanavalin in patients with invasive amebiasis]. Archivos de Investigacion Medica, 13 (Suppl 3), 277-280. *
228 - Rosenstein,Y., Kretschmer,R.R., Lafarge-Frayssinet,C.. Effect of Fusarium toxins, T2-toxin and diacetoxyscirpenol on murine T-independent immune responses. Immunology, 44 (3), 555-560. *
229 - Lafarge-Frayssinet,C., Lespinats,G., Lafont,P., Loisillier,F., Mousset,S., Rosenstein,Y., Frayssinet,C.. Immunosuppressive effects of Fusarium extracts and trichothecenes: blastogenic response of murine splenic and thymic cells to mitogens. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 160 (3), 302-311. *
230 - Rosenstein,Y., Lafarge-Frayssinet,C., Lespinats,G., Loisillier,F., Lafont,P., Frayssinet,C.. Immunosuppressive activity of Fusarium toxins. Effects on antibody synthesis and skin grafts of crude extracts, T2-toxin and diacetoxyscirpenol. Immunology, 36 (1), 111-117. *
231 - Rosenstein,Y., Lafont,P., Frayssinet-Lafarge,C.. Immunosuppressive effects of fusarium toxins. Collection de Medecine Legale et de Toxicologie Medicale, NO. 107, 51-57. *
Artículo nacional
232 - Perez-Tamayo,R., Montfort,I., Pardo,A., Rosenstein,Y., Tronick,D., Tello,E.. Mammalian collagenases. A review of recent advances [Colagenasas de mamÍferos. RevisiÓn de algunos avances recientes.]. Revista de Investigacion Clinica, 28, 279-295. *
233 - Rosenstein, Yvonne. Demostracion de actividad colagenolitica en homogenados de granuloma de carregenina . Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biologia, UNAM. *