Dr. Gabriel Isaac Corkidi Blanco
Investigador Titular C Tiempo Completo

Visión por computadora y análisis de imágenes
Número de registros: 8
  • Activos
  • Vencidos
  • Análisis tridimensional del batido flagelar del espermatozoide humano activado e hiperactivado: desarrollo de nuevos métodos y algoritmos de rastreo y análisis en microscopía tridimensional, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2022 - 2024
  • Análisis de imágenes médicas para la detección y el seguimiento de covid-19, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 1900
  • Distribución local del ca2+ intracelular en el flagelo del espermatozoide humano activado e hiperactivado batiendo tridimensionalmente: desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos de microscopía tridimensional de alta velocidad y sensibilidad, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2016 - 2020
  • Análisis tridimensional del nado libre del espermatozoide y su regulación, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2010 - 2013
  • Desarrollo de un prototipo para la evaluacion precisa de la calidad del mango bajo condiciones de laboratorio de campo, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2009
  • Sistemas de análisis del movimiento tridimensional del espermatozoide, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2009 - 2011
  • Seguimiento tridimensional tracking de trayectoria de microorganismos al nado libre, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2007 - 2008
  • Determinación de la posición tridimensional de estructuras complejas en procesos simulados de fermentación multifásica a partir de imágenes estereoscópicas., DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2005 - 2006

Nivel C del PRIDE
Nivel II del SNII
  • Doctorado, en Ciencias, Universidad de París XII (1989)

  • Licenciatura, Ingeniero Electronico y Comunicaciones, Universidad Iberoamericana (1980)

  • Premio Imaging Solutions of the Year, en el área de Microscopía, Revista Industrial Advanced Imaging, 2008

  • Mención Honorífica en el área de Investigación Tecnológica en el Premio CANIFARMA, CANIFARMA, 2007

  • Premio Image-Pro In Action 3er lugar, Media Cybernetics, 2004

  • Premio Image-Pro In Action, Media Cybernetics, 2002

1 - Bribiesca Sánchez, Javier Andrés (2020). Análisis Tridimensional de Flujos Internos en una Gota de Agua Sésil en Evaporación. Instituto de Investigacion en Ciencias Basicas y Aplicadas, Maestro en Ciencias, UAEM. *
3 - Vega Alvarado, Leticia (2003). Busqueda automatizada de celulas en division (metafases) por medio de la caracterizacion de su textura. Instituto de Investigaciones en Matematicas Aplicadas y en Sistemas, Doctor en Ciencias e Ingenieria de la Computacion, UNAM. *
4 - Vargas Soto, Guadalupe (1995). Limite de variacion en la distribucion de las fibras mielinicas y amielinicas del nervio sural normal humano. Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biologia, UNAM. *
Asesor: Teixeira, Fernanda, Corkidi Blanco, Gabriel

5 - Garduno Angeles, Edgar (1995). Sistema automatico para el calculo del indice mitotico por el procesamiento digital de imagenes : MIT 2000 . Facultad de Ingenieria, Ingeniero en Computacion, UNAM. *
6 - Usisima Blanca, Roberto (1992). Analisis morfometrico computarizado del endotelio corneal humano por procesamiento digital de imagenes. Facultad de Ingenieria, Ingeniero en Computacion, UNAM. *
Total de publicaciones: 102
  • Tipo
  • Fecha
Open Access Artículo
8 - Hernandez,H.O., Montoya,F., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Diaz-Guerrero,D.S., Olveres,J., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H., Darszon,A., Escalante-Ramirez,B., Corkidi,G. (2024). Feature-Based 3D+t Descriptors of Hyperactivated Human Sperm Beat Patterns. Heliyon, 10 (5), e26645.
Open Access Artículo
9 - Jablonski,M., Luque,G.M., Gomez-Elias,M., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Xu,X., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Corkidi,G., Linares,A., Abonza,V., Krapf,D., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Buffone,M.G. (2024). Reorganization of the Flagellum Scaffolding Induces a Sperm Standstill Required for Fertilization. Elife, 13, RP93792.
Open Access Artículo
10 - Corkidi,G., Montoya,F., Gonzalez-Cota,A.L., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Bruce,N.C., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H., Darszon,A. (2023). Human sperm rotate with a conserved direction during free swimming in four dimensions . Journal of Cell Science, 136 (22), jcs.261306.
11 - Hernandez-Herrera,P., Ugartechea-Chirino,Y., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Arzola,A.V., Chairez-Veloz,J.E., Garcia-Ponce,B., de la Paz Sanchez,M., Garay-Arroyo,A., Alvarez-Buylla,E.R., Dubrovsky,J.G., Corkidi,G. (2022). Live Plant Cell Tracking: Fiji plugin to analyze cell proliferation dynamics and understand morphogenesis. Plant Physiology, 188 (2), 846-860.
13 - Mata-Martinez,E., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Chavez,J.C., Guerrero,A., Trevino,C.L., Corkidi,G., Montoya,F., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Buffone,M.G., Balestrini,P.A., Darszon,A. (2021). Role of calcium oscillations in sperm physiology. Biosystems, 209, 104524 [correction 104546].
18 - Hernandez-Herrera, P., Montoya, F., Rendon-Mancha, J.M., Darszon, A., Corkidi, G. (2018). 3D+t Human Sperm Flagellum Tracing in low SNR Fluorescence Images. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 37 (10), 2236-2247.
19 - Sanchez-Cardenas, C., Montoya, F., Navarrete, F.A., Hernandez-Cruz, A., Corkidi, G., Visconti, P.E., Darszon, A. (2018). Intracellular Ca2+ threshold reversibly switches flagellar beat off and on. Biology of Reproduction, 99 (5), 1010-1021.
21 - Corkidi, G., Montoya, F., Hernandez-Herrera, P., Rios-Herrera, W.A., Muller, M.F., Trevino, C.L., Darszon, A. (2017). Are there intracellular Ca2+ oscillations correlated with flagellar beating in human sperm? A three vs. two-dimensional analysis. Molecular Human Reproduction, 23 (9), 583-593.
23 - Corkidi,G., Montoya,F., Hernandez-Cruz,G., Vargas,M., Luviano-Ortiz,J.L., Ramos,E. (2016). Evaporation dynamics and sedimentation pattern of a sessile particle laden water droplet. Experiments in Fluids, 57 (6).
24 - Pacheco-Escobedo,M.A., Ivanov,V.B., Ransom-Rodriguez,I., Arriaga-Mejia,G., Avila,H., Baklanov,I.A., Pimentel,A., Corkidi,G., Doerner,P., Dubrovsky,J.G., Alvarez-Buylla,E.R., Garay-Arroyo,A. (2016). Longitudinal zonation pattern in Arabidopsis root tip defined by a multiple structural change algorithm. Annals of Botany, 118 (4), 763-776.
26 - Montiel-Martinez,A., Ciros-Perez,J., Corkidi,G. (2015). Littoral zooplankton-water hyacinth interactions: habitat or refuge?. Hydrobiologia, 755 (1), 173-182.
28 - Wucherpfennig,T., Schulz,A., Pimentel,J.A., Corkidi,G., Sieblitz,D., Pump,M., Gorr,G., Schutte,K., Wittmann,C., Krull,R. (2014). Viability characterization of Taxus chinensis plant cell suspension cultures by rapid colorimetric- and image analysis-based techniques. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 37 (9), 1799-1808.
Open Access Artículo
32 - Corkidi,G., Hernandez-Cruz,G., Ramos,E., Ascanio,G. (2009). Visualization of pseudocaverns in stirred vessels. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 4 (4), 344-350.
36 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A. (2008). Tracking sperm in three-dimensions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 373 (1), 125-129.
Artículo; Actas Paper
38 - Guevara-Lopez,E., Sanjuan-Galindo,R., Cordova-Aguilar,M.S., Corkidi,G., Ascanio,G., Galindo,E. (2008). High-speed visualization of multiphase dispersions in a mixing tank. Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 86 (12A), 1382-1387.
Open Access Artículo; Actas
39 - Vega-Alvarado,L., Elezgaray,I., Hemar,A., Menard,M., Ranger,C., Corkidi,G. (2007). A comparison of image deconvolution algorithms applied to the detection of endocytic vesicles in fluorescence images of neural proteins. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 1, 755-758. *
49 - Vega-Alvarado,L., Marquez,J., Corkidi,G. (2002). Inter-chromosome texture as a feature for automatic identification of metaphase spreads. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 40 (4), 479-484.
50 - Arambula-Cosio F., Vega,L., Herrera-Becerra A., Prieto-Melendez C., Corkidi,G. (2001). Automatic identification of metaphase spreads and nuclei using neural networks. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 39 (3), 391-396.
Open Access Artículo
51 - Poggio,S., Osorio,A., Corkidi,G., Dreyfus,G., Camarena,L. (2001). The N terminus of FliM is essential to promote flagellar rotation in Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Journal of Bacteriology, 183 (10), 3142-3148.
54 - Corkidi,G., Vega,L., Marquez,J., Rojas,E., Ostrosky-Wegman,P. (1998). Roughness feature of metaphase chromosome spreads and nuclei for automated cell proliferation analysis. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 36 (6), 679-685 [erratum vol 37 p 543]. *
57 - Corkidi,G., Ruiz-Velasco,S., Ortiz,A., Vargas,G., Teixeira,F. (1997). Limits of variation of fiber distribution in the sural nerve of man. Archives of Medical Research, 28 (2), 183-187. *
59 - Talavera,E., Martinez-Lorenzana,G., Corkidi,G., Leon-Olea,M., Condes-Lara,M. (1997). NADPH-diaphorase-stained neurons after experimental epilepsy in rats. Nitric Oxide - Biology and Chemistry, 1 (6), 484-493. *
60 - Lopez-Velazquez,G., Marquez,J., Ubaldo,E., Corkidi,G., Echeverria,O., Vazquez-Nin,G.H. (1996). Three-dimensional analysis of the arrangement of compact chromatin in the nucleus of G0 rat lymphocytes. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 105 (2), 153-161. *
61 - Verdugo-Diaz,L., Mendez,M., Corkidi,G., Drucker-Colin,R. (1995). Phenotypic changes induced by replating of early post-natal rat chromaffin cells. Neuroscience Letters, 183 (3), 167-170.
62 - Corkidi,G., Marquez,J., Garcia-Ruiz,M., Diaz-Cintra,S., Graue,E. (1994). Cartographic system for spatial distribution analysis of corneal endothelial cells. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 32 (4), 421-426. *
63 - Diaz-Cintra,S., Garcia-Ruiz,M., Corkidi,G., Cintra,L. (1994). Effects of prenatal malnutrition and postnatal nutritional rehabilitation on CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cells in rats of four ages. Brain Research, 662 (1-2), 117-126. *
65 - Sapiro,R., Corkidi,G., Dominguez,R. (1994). Blockade of the cholinergic system during the female's rat infantile period stimulates follicular growth but not stimulatory feedback of oestrogen. Medical Science Research, 22 (2), 131-132. *
66 - Corkidi,G., Marquez,J., Usisima,R., Toledo,R., Valdez,J., Graue,E. (1993). Automated in vivo and online morphometry of human corneal endothelium. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 31 (4), 432-437 . *
67 - Garcia-Ruiz,M., Diaz-Cintra,S., Cintra,L., Corkidi,G. (1993). Effect of protein malnutrition on CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cells in rats of three ages. Brain Research, 625 (2), 203-212. *
68 - Flores,R., Ortiz,L., Moreno,M., Corkidi,G., Solar,A., Briseno,M. (1984). OPTO-ELECTRONIC SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATIC TRACK COUNTING IN PLASTIC SSNTD. Nuclear Tracks And Radiation Measurements, 8 (1-4), 211-214. *
69 - Flores,R., Ortiz,L., Moreno,M., Corkidi,G., Solar,A., Balcazar-Garcia,M. (1983). OPTO-ELECTRONIC SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATIC TRACK COUNTING IN PLASTIC SSNTD. Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research, 212 (1-3), 375-381. *
Memoria in extenso
70 - Diaz-Guerrero,D.S., Montoya,F., Hernandez,H.O., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G. (2024). Computation of Human-Sperm Local Flagellar Instantaneous Velocity. XLVI Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering. IFMBE Proceedings vol 96. 59-66, Cham: Springer.
Memoria in extenso
71 - Bribiesca-Sanchez,A., Montoya,F., Gonzalez-Cota,A.L., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G. (2023). Artifacts Generated by the 3D Rotation of a Freely-Swimming Human Sperm in the Measurement of Intracellular Ca2+. XLV Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering. CNIB 2022. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 86. 355-362, Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Memoria in extenso
72 - Bribiesca-Sanchez,A., Guzman,A., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G., Bribiesca,E. (2023). A Measure of Tortuosity for 3D Curves: Identifying 3D Beating Patterns ofSperm Flagella. Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol 14062. 363-374.
Memoria in extenso
73 - Bribiesca,J., Montoya,F., Hernandez,P., Ramos,E., Corkidi,G. (2019). Metodología para el análisis 3D de la evaporación y sedimentación de una gota de agua. SOMI XXXIV Congreso de Instrumentación Morelia, Michoacán, México, 16 al 18 de octubre de 2019. .
Memoria in extenso
74 - Bribiesca, J., Montoya, J., Hernandez, P., Ramos-Mora, E., Corkidi, G. (2018). Instrumentación y Algoritmos para el Análisis de la Dinámica Tridimensional de Evaporación de Gotas Sésiles de Agua. SOMI XXXII Congreso de Instrumentación. Acapulco, Gro, Mexico 25 al 27 de octubre 2017. 1-7.
Memoria in extenso
75 - Bribiesca-Sanchez,J.A., Montoya,F., Hernandez,P., Ramos,E., Corkidi,G. (2018). Sistema de microscopía tridimensional para muestreo rápido y Time Lapse simultáneamente. SOMI XXXIII Congreso de Instrumentación, Torreón, Coahuila, México, del 29 al 31 de Octubre de 2018. Mexico: SOMI.
Memoria in extenso
76 - Ehrlich, H., Montoya, F., Hernandez, P., Darszon, A., Corkidi, G. (2017). Análisis de Métricas Sobre el Flagelo de Espermatozoides de Humano en 3D para su Clasificación entre Activados e Hiperactivados. Memorias del XL Congreso Nacional de Ingenieria Biomedica CNIB 2017. 182-185, Nuevo Leon: Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Biomédica.
Memoria in extenso
77 - Hernandez-Herrera, P., Montoya, F., Rendon, J. M., Darszon, A., Corkidi, G. (2017). Sperm Flagellum Center-Line Tracing in Fluorescence 3D+t Low SNR Stacks Using an Iterative Minimal Path Method. Image Analysis and Recognition: 14th International Conference, ICIAR 2017, Montreal, QC, Canada, July 5-7, 2017, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series , 437-445, Cham.
78 - Serrano-Carreon,L., Galindo,E., Rocha-Valadez,J.A., Holguin-Salas,A., Corkidi,G. (2015). Hydrodynamics, Fungal Physiology, and Morphology. Filaments in Bioprocesses. Advances in Biochemical Engineering Biotechnology vol 149, 55-90.
Memoria in extenso
79 - Silva-Villalobos,F., Pimentel,J.A., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G. (2014). Imaging of the 3D dynamics of flagellar beating in human sperm. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 190-193, 2014.
Memoria in extenso
80 - Rojas-Dominguez,A., Corkidi,G. (2011). Automated recognition of oil drops in images of multiphase dispersions via gradient direction pattern. Image and Signal Processing (CISP), 2011 4th International Congress on. 1209-1213.
Memoria in extenso
81 - Pimentel,J.A., Corkidi,G. (2010). Three dimensional template matching segmentation method for motile cells in 3D+t video sequences. Proceedings 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology . 4777-4780, 1.
Memoria in extenso
82 - Pimentel,A., Corkidi,G. (2009). Mechanical vibration compensation method for 3D+t multi-particle tracking in microscopic volumes. Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering the Future of Biomedicine, EMBC 2009. 1429-1432, 1.
Memoria in extenso
83 - Rojas-Dominguez,A., Corkidi,G. (2009). Toward automated detection of oil drops in images of multiphase dispersions. Proceeding (654) Signal and Image Processing - 2009. .
Memoria in extenso
84 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A. (2008). Three-dimensional image acquisition system for multi-sperm tracking. Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on. 145-148.
85 - Corkidi-Blanco,G. (2008). Viaje al interior de un biorreactor, im genes y an lisis. Una ventana al quehacer científico. Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM 25 aniversario, cap 11. 119-130, Mexico, D.F..
Memoria in extenso
86 - Briere,J.B., Cordova,M.S., Galindo,E., Corkidi,G. (2005). Micro-stereoscopic vision system for the determination of air bubbles and aqueous droplets density within oil drops in simulated processes. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference 3-D Digital Imaging and Modelling. 499-505, Ottawa.
88 - Corkidi-Blanco,G., Trejo,M., Nieto-Sotelo,J. (2003). Automated microbial colony counting using image processing techniques. Rapid analytical microbiology: the chemistry and physics of microbial indentification. 263-282.
Memoria in extenso
89 - Taboada,B., Poggio,S., Camarena,L., Corkidi,G. (2003). Automatic tracking and analysis system for free-swimming bacteria. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 906-909, 1.
Memoria in extenso
90 - Vega-Alvarado,L., Taboada,B., Galindo,E., Corkidi,G. (2003). Hough transform based method for air bubbles and oil drops segmentation in dispersions ocurring in stirred bioreactors. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 735-738, 1.
Memoria in extenso
91 - Cosio,F.A., Vega,L., Becerra,A.H., Hernandez,R.P., Corkidi,G. (2001). A neural network based workstation for automated cell proliferation analysis. Annual Reports of the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University. 2567-2570, 3. *
Memoria in extenso
92 - Vega-Alvarado,L., Marquez,J., Corkidi,G. (2001). Automatic metaphase finding by inter-chromosome extrema profile analysis. Annual Reports of the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University. 2560-2562, 3.
Memoria in extenso
93 - Vega-Alvarado,L., Marquez,J., Corkidi,G. (2001). Inter-extrema profile analysis for a texture coarseness estimate in automatic metaphase finding. ISPA 2001: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON IMAGE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS. 159-162.
94 - Ren,X.M., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Montoya,F., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H. (2024). Fluid flow reconstruction around a free-swimming sperm in 3D. bioRxiv, Preprint posted June 01, 2024.
97 - Jablonski,M., Luque,G.M., Gomez-Elias,M., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Xu,X., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Corkidi,G., Linares,A., Abonza,V., Krapf,D., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Buffone,M.G. (2023). Reorganization of the Flagellum Scaffolding Induces a Sperm Standstill Required for Fertilization. bioRxiv, Preprint posted Oct 18.
98 - Corkidi,G., Montoya,F., Gonzalez-Cota,A.L., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Bruce,N.C., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H., Darszon,A. (2022). The human sperm head spins with a conserved direction during swimming in 3D. bioRxiv, Preprint posted November 29, 2022.
memoria in extenso
99 - Hernandez,H.O., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Montoya,F., Olveres,J., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H., Darszon,A., Escalante-Ramirez,B., Corkidi,G. (2022). 3D+t feature-based descriptor for unsupervised flagellar human sperm beat classification. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2022, 488-492.
Open Access Memoria in extenso
100 - Bribiesca,A., Montoya,F., Hernandez,P., Ramos,E., Corkidi,G. (2021). Análisis de la dinámica tridimensional de evaporación de gotas sésiles de interés biomédico. Memorias Del Congreso Nacional De Ingeniería Biomédica, 8 (1), 69-72.
Open Access Divulgación
102 - Corkidi-Blanco,G, Darszon-Israel,A. (2019). El flagelo del espermatozoide humano en tres dimensiones. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 16, 3-5.
Open Access Preprint
103 - Gadelha,H., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Montoya,F., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G. (2019). The human sperm beats anisotropically and asymmetrically in 3D. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 05, 2019, 795245.
Open Access Divulgación
104 - Holguin-Salas,A., Corkidi-Blanco,G, Galindo-Fentanes,E. (2017). La ciencia detrás de la receta de la abuela para preparar chocolate espumoso usando un molinillo. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 10, 3-5.
Open Access Divulgación
105 - Galindo,E., Corkidi,G., Holguin-Salas,A., Lopez-Lopez,D. (2014). Producción de espuma en el chocolate con el molinillo tradicional. Revista Digital Universitaria, 15 (5), art 37.
Open Access Nacional
107 - Taboada,B., Larralde,P., Brito,T., Vega-Alvarado,L., Diaz,R., Galindo,E., Corkidi,G. (2003). Images acquisition of multiphase dispersion in fermentation processes. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 1 (1), 78-84.
108 - Granados,L., Cintra,L., Aguilar,A., Corkidi,G., Kemper,T., Morgane,P., Diaz-Cintra,S. (1995). Mossy fibers of the hippocampal formation in prenatal malnourished rats. Boletin de estudios medicos y biologicos, 43 (1-4), 3-11. *
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
111 - Jablonski,M., Luque,G.M., Gomez-Elias,M., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Xu,X., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Corkidi,G., Linares,A., Abonza,V., Krapf,D., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Buffone,M.G.. Reorganization of the Flagellum Scaffolding Induces a Sperm Standstill Required for Fertilization. Elife, 13, RP93792.
Memoria in extenso
112 - Diaz-Guerrero,D.S., Montoya,F., Hernandez,H.O., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G.. Computation of Human-Sperm Local Flagellar Instantaneous Velocity. XLVI Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering. IFMBE Proceedings vol 96. 59-66, Cham: Springer.
113 - Ren,X.M., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Montoya,F., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H.. Fluid flow reconstruction around a free-swimming sperm in 3D. bioRxiv, Preprint posted June 01, 2024.
Open Access Artículo
Memoria in extenso
115 - Bribiesca-Sanchez,A., Montoya,F., Gonzalez-Cota,A.L., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G.. Artifacts Generated by the 3D Rotation of a Freely-Swimming Human Sperm in the Measurement of Intracellular Ca2+. XLV Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering. CNIB 2022. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 86. 355-362, Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Memoria in extenso
116 - Bribiesca-Sanchez,A., Guzman,A., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G., Bribiesca,E.. A Measure of Tortuosity for 3D Curves: Identifying 3D Beating Patterns ofSperm Flagella. Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol 14062. 363-374.
119 - Jablonski,M., Luque,G.M., Gomez-Elias,M., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Xu,X., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Corkidi,G., Linares,A., Abonza,V., Krapf,D., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Buffone,M.G.. Reorganization of the Flagellum Scaffolding Induces a Sperm Standstill Required for Fertilization. bioRxiv, Preprint posted Oct 18.
120 - Hernandez-Herrera,P., Ugartechea-Chirino,Y., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Arzola,A.V., Chairez-Veloz,J.E., Garcia-Ponce,B., de la Paz Sanchez,M., Garay-Arroyo,A., Alvarez-Buylla,E.R., Dubrovsky,J.G., Corkidi,G.. Live Plant Cell Tracking: Fiji plugin to analyze cell proliferation dynamics and understand morphogenesis. Plant Physiology, 188 (2), 846-860.
121 - Corkidi,G., Montoya,F., Gonzalez-Cota,A.L., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Bruce,N.C., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H., Darszon,A.. The human sperm head spins with a conserved direction during swimming in 3D. bioRxiv, Preprint posted November 29, 2022.
memoria in extenso
122 - Hernandez,H.O., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Montoya,F., Olveres,J., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H., Darszon,A., Escalante-Ramirez,B., Corkidi,G.. 3D+t feature-based descriptor for unsupervised flagellar human sperm beat classification. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2022, 488-492.
124 - Mata-Martinez,E., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Chavez,J.C., Guerrero,A., Trevino,C.L., Corkidi,G., Montoya,F., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Buffone,M.G., Balestrini,P.A., Darszon,A.. Role of calcium oscillations in sperm physiology. Biosystems, 209, 104524 [correction 104546].
Open Access Memoria in extenso
125 - Bribiesca,A., Montoya,F., Hernandez,P., Ramos,E., Corkidi,G.. Análisis de la dinámica tridimensional de evaporación de gotas sésiles de interés biomédico. Memorias Del Congreso Nacional De Ingeniería Biomédica, 8 (1), 69-72.
Memoria in extenso
131 - Bribiesca,J., Montoya,F., Hernandez,P., Ramos,E., Corkidi,G.. Metodología para el análisis 3D de la evaporación y sedimentación de una gota de agua. SOMI XXXIV Congreso de Instrumentación Morelia, Michoacán, México, 16 al 18 de octubre de 2019. .
Open Access Divulgación
132 - Corkidi-Blanco,G, Darszon-Israel,A.. El flagelo del espermatozoide humano en tres dimensiones. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 16, 3-5.
Open Access Preprint
133 - Gadelha,H., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Montoya,F., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G.. The human sperm beats anisotropically and asymmetrically in 3D. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 05, 2019, 795245.
134 - Hernandez-Herrera, P., Montoya, F., Rendon-Mancha, J.M., Darszon, A., Corkidi, G.. 3D+t Human Sperm Flagellum Tracing in low SNR Fluorescence Images. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 37 (10), 2236-2247.
135 - Sanchez-Cardenas, C., Montoya, F., Navarrete, F.A., Hernandez-Cruz, A., Corkidi, G., Visconti, P.E., Darszon, A.. Intracellular Ca2+ threshold reversibly switches flagellar beat off and on. Biology of Reproduction, 99 (5), 1010-1021.
Memoria in extenso
136 - Bribiesca, J., Montoya, J., Hernandez, P., Ramos-Mora, E., Corkidi, G.. Instrumentación y Algoritmos para el Análisis de la Dinámica Tridimensional de Evaporación de Gotas Sésiles de Agua. SOMI XXXII Congreso de Instrumentación. Acapulco, Gro, Mexico 25 al 27 de octubre 2017. 1-7.
Memoria in extenso
137 - Bribiesca-Sanchez,J.A., Montoya,F., Hernandez,P., Ramos,E., Corkidi,G.. Sistema de microscopía tridimensional para muestreo rápido y Time Lapse simultáneamente. SOMI XXXIII Congreso de Instrumentación, Torreón, Coahuila, México, del 29 al 31 de Octubre de 2018. Mexico: SOMI.
139 - Corkidi, G., Montoya, F., Hernandez-Herrera, P., Rios-Herrera, W.A., Muller, M.F., Trevino, C.L., Darszon, A.. Are there intracellular Ca2+ oscillations correlated with flagellar beating in human sperm? A three vs. two-dimensional analysis. Molecular Human Reproduction, 23 (9), 583-593.
Memoria in extenso
141 - Ehrlich, H., Montoya, F., Hernandez, P., Darszon, A., Corkidi, G.. Análisis de Métricas Sobre el Flagelo de Espermatozoides de Humano en 3D para su Clasificación entre Activados e Hiperactivados. Memorias del XL Congreso Nacional de Ingenieria Biomedica CNIB 2017. 182-185, Nuevo Leon: Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Biomédica.
Memoria in extenso
142 - Hernandez-Herrera, P., Montoya, F., Rendon, J. M., Darszon, A., Corkidi, G.. Sperm Flagellum Center-Line Tracing in Fluorescence 3D+t Low SNR Stacks Using an Iterative Minimal Path Method. Image Analysis and Recognition: 14th International Conference, ICIAR 2017, Montreal, QC, Canada, July 5-7, 2017, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series , 437-445, Cham.
Open Access Divulgación
143 - Holguin-Salas,A., Corkidi-Blanco,G, Galindo-Fentanes,E.. La ciencia detrás de la receta de la abuela para preparar chocolate espumoso usando un molinillo. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 10, 3-5.
144 - Corkidi,G., Montoya,F., Hernandez-Cruz,G., Vargas,M., Luviano-Ortiz,J.L., Ramos,E.. Evaporation dynamics and sedimentation pattern of a sessile particle laden water droplet. Experiments in Fluids, 57 (6).
145 - Pacheco-Escobedo,M.A., Ivanov,V.B., Ransom-Rodriguez,I., Arriaga-Mejia,G., Avila,H., Baklanov,I.A., Pimentel,A., Corkidi,G., Doerner,P., Dubrovsky,J.G., Alvarez-Buylla,E.R., Garay-Arroyo,A.. Longitudinal zonation pattern in Arabidopsis root tip defined by a multiple structural change algorithm. Annals of Botany, 118 (4), 763-776.
150 - Wucherpfennig,T., Schulz,A., Pimentel,J.A., Corkidi,G., Sieblitz,D., Pump,M., Gorr,G., Schutte,K., Wittmann,C., Krull,R.. Viability characterization of Taxus chinensis plant cell suspension cultures by rapid colorimetric- and image analysis-based techniques. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 37 (9), 1799-1808.
Memoria in extenso
151 - Silva-Villalobos,F., Pimentel,J.A., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G.. Imaging of the 3D dynamics of flagellar beating in human sperm. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 190-193, 2014.
Open Access Divulgación
152 - Galindo,E., Corkidi,G., Holguin-Salas,A., Lopez-Lopez,D.. Producción de espuma en el chocolate con el molinillo tradicional. Revista Digital Universitaria, 15 (5), art 37.
Memoria in extenso
156 - Rojas-Dominguez,A., Corkidi,G.. Automated recognition of oil drops in images of multiphase dispersions via gradient direction pattern. Image and Signal Processing (CISP), 2011 4th International Congress on. 1209-1213.
Memoria in extenso
157 - Pimentel,J.A., Corkidi,G.. Three dimensional template matching segmentation method for motile cells in 3D+t video sequences. Proceedings 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology . 4777-4780, 1.
Open Access Divulgación
Open Access Artículo
159 - Corkidi,G., Hernandez-Cruz,G., Ramos,E., Ascanio,G.. Visualization of pseudocaverns in stirred vessels. Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, 4 (4), 344-350.
Memoria in extenso
161 - Pimentel,A., Corkidi,G.. Mechanical vibration compensation method for 3D+t multi-particle tracking in microscopic volumes. Proceedings of the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering the Future of Biomedicine, EMBC 2009. 1429-1432, 1.
Memoria in extenso
165 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A.. Tracking sperm in three-dimensions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 373 (1), 125-129.
Open Access Artículo
Artículo; Actas Paper
167 - Guevara-Lopez,E., Sanjuan-Galindo,R., Cordova-Aguilar,M.S., Corkidi,G., Ascanio,G., Galindo,E.. High-speed visualization of multiphase dispersions in a mixing tank. Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 86 (12A), 1382-1387.
Memoria in extenso
168 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A.. Three-dimensional image acquisition system for multi-sperm tracking. Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on. 145-148.
169 - Corkidi-Blanco,G.. Viaje al interior de un biorreactor, im genes y an lisis. Una ventana al quehacer científico. Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM 25 aniversario, cap 11. 119-130, Mexico, D.F..
Open Access Artículo; Actas
180 - Corkidi-Blanco,G., Trejo,M., Nieto-Sotelo,J.. Automated microbial colony counting using image processing techniques. Rapid analytical microbiology: the chemistry and physics of microbial indentification. 263-282.
Memoria in extenso
181 - Taboada,B., Poggio,S., Camarena,L., Corkidi,G.. Automatic tracking and analysis system for free-swimming bacteria. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 906-909, 1.
Memoria in extenso
182 - Vega-Alvarado,L., Taboada,B., Galindo,E., Corkidi,G.. Hough transform based method for air bubbles and oil drops segmentation in dispersions ocurring in stirred bioreactors. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology - Proceedings. 735-738, 1.
Open Access Nacional
183 - Taboada,B., Larralde,P., Brito,T., Vega-Alvarado,L., Diaz,R., Galindo,E., Corkidi,G.. Images acquisition of multiphase dispersion in fermentation processes. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 1 (1), 78-84.
187 - Arambula-Cosio F., Vega,L., Herrera-Becerra A., Prieto-Melendez C., Corkidi,G.. Automatic identification of metaphase spreads and nuclei using neural networks. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 39 (3), 391-396.
Open Access Artículo
188 - Poggio,S., Osorio,A., Corkidi,G., Dreyfus,G., Camarena,L.. The N terminus of FliM is essential to promote flagellar rotation in Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Journal of Bacteriology, 183 (10), 3142-3148.
Memoria in extenso
190 - Cosio,F.A., Vega,L., Becerra,A.H., Hernandez,R.P., Corkidi,G.. A neural network based workstation for automated cell proliferation analysis. Annual Reports of the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University. 2567-2570, 3. *
Memoria in extenso
191 - Vega-Alvarado,L., Marquez,J., Corkidi,G.. Automatic metaphase finding by inter-chromosome extrema profile analysis. Annual Reports of the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University. 2560-2562, 3.
Memoria in extenso
192 - Vega-Alvarado,L., Marquez,J., Corkidi,G.. Inter-extrema profile analysis for a texture coarseness estimate in automatic metaphase finding. ISPA 2001: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON IMAGE AND SIGNAL PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS. 159-162.
194 - Corkidi,G., Vega,L., Marquez,J., Rojas,E., Ostrosky-Wegman,P.. Roughness feature of metaphase chromosome spreads and nuclei for automated cell proliferation analysis. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 36 (6), 679-685 [erratum vol 37 p 543]. *
197 - Corkidi,G., Ruiz-Velasco,S., Ortiz,A., Vargas,G., Teixeira,F.. Limits of variation of fiber distribution in the sural nerve of man. Archives of Medical Research, 28 (2), 183-187. *
199 - Talavera,E., Martinez-Lorenzana,G., Corkidi,G., Leon-Olea,M., Condes-Lara,M.. NADPH-diaphorase-stained neurons after experimental epilepsy in rats. Nitric Oxide - Biology and Chemistry, 1 (6), 484-493. *
200 - Lopez-Velazquez,G., Marquez,J., Ubaldo,E., Corkidi,G., Echeverria,O., Vazquez-Nin,G.H.. Three-dimensional analysis of the arrangement of compact chromatin in the nucleus of G0 rat lymphocytes. Histochemistry and Cell Biology, 105 (2), 153-161. *
201 - Verdugo-Diaz,L., Mendez,M., Corkidi,G., Drucker-Colin,R.. Phenotypic changes induced by replating of early post-natal rat chromaffin cells. Neuroscience Letters, 183 (3), 167-170.
202 - Granados,L., Cintra,L., Aguilar,A., Corkidi,G., Kemper,T., Morgane,P., Diaz-Cintra,S.. Mossy fibers of the hippocampal formation in prenatal malnourished rats. Boletin de estudios medicos y biologicos, 43 (1-4), 3-11. *
203 - Corkidi,G., Marquez,J., Garcia-Ruiz,M., Diaz-Cintra,S., Graue,E.. Cartographic system for spatial distribution analysis of corneal endothelial cells. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 32 (4), 421-426. *
206 - Sapiro,R., Corkidi,G., Dominguez,R.. Blockade of the cholinergic system during the female's rat infantile period stimulates follicular growth but not stimulatory feedback of oestrogen. Medical Science Research, 22 (2), 131-132. *
207 - Corkidi,G., Marquez,J., Usisima,R., Toledo,R., Valdez,J., Graue,E.. Automated in vivo and online morphometry of human corneal endothelium. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 31 (4), 432-437 . *
208 - Garcia-Ruiz,M., Diaz-Cintra,S., Cintra,L., Corkidi,G.. Effect of protein malnutrition on CA3 hippocampal pyramidal cells in rats of three ages. Brain Research, 625 (2), 203-212. *
209 - Flores,R., Ortiz,L., Moreno,M., Corkidi,G., Solar,A., Briseno,M.. OPTO-ELECTRONIC SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATIC TRACK COUNTING IN PLASTIC SSNTD. Nuclear Tracks And Radiation Measurements, 8 (1-4), 211-214. *
210 - Flores,R., Ortiz,L., Moreno,M., Corkidi,G., Solar,A., Balcazar-Garcia,M.. OPTO-ELECTRONIC SYSTEM FOR AUTOMATIC TRACK COUNTING IN PLASTIC SSNTD. Nuclear Instruments & Methods In Physics Research, 212 (1-3), 375-381. *

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