M.C. Maria Elena Rodriguez Alegria
Técnica Académica Titular C Tiempo Completo

Ingeniería y Tecnología de Enzimas

Nivel D del PRIDE
Total de publicaciones: 46
  • Tipo
  • Fecha
10 - Lopez-Hernandez, M., Rodriguez-Alegria, M.E., Lopez-Munguia A., Wacher, C. (2018). Evaluation of xylan as carbon source for Weissella spp., a predominant strain in pozol fermentation. LWT Food Science and Technology, 89, 192-197.
27 - Martinez,A., Rodriguez,M.E., Wells,M.L., York,S.W., Preston,J.F., Ingram,L.O. (2001). Detoxification of dilute acid hydrolysates of lignocellulose with lime. Biotechnology Progress, 17 (2), 287-293.
Open Access Artículo
28 - Tao,H., Gonzalez,R., Martinez,A., Rodriguez,M., Ingram,L.O., Preston,J.F., Shanmugam,K.T. (2001). Engineering a homo-ethanol pathway in Escherichia coli: increased glycolytic flux and levels of expression of glycolytic genes during xylose fermentation. Journal of Bacteriology, 183 (10), 2979-2988. *
29 - Hernandez,N., Rodriguez-Alegria,M.E., Gonzalez,F., Lopez-Munguia,A. (2000). Enzymatic treatment of rice bran to improve processing. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 77 (2), 177-180.
30 - Martinez,A., Rodriguez,M.E., York,S.W., Preston,J.F., Ingram,L.O. (2000). Use of UV absorbance To monitor furans in dilute acid hydrolysates of biomass. Biotechnology Progress, 16 (4), 637-641.
31 - Martinez,A., Rodriguez,M.E., York,S.W., Preston,J.F., Ingram,L.O. (2000). Effects of Ca(OH)(2) treatments ("overliming") on the composition and toxicity of bagasse hemicellulose hydrolysates. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 69 (5), 526-536.
33 - Rodriguez,M., Gomez,A., Gonzalez,F., Barzana,E., Lopez-Munguia,A. (1997). Stability of invertase in alcoholysis reactions with methanol. Journal Of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic, 2 (6), 299-306.
34 - Rodriguez,M., Gomez,A., Gonzalez,F., Barzana,E., Lopez-Munguia,A. (1996). Selectivity of methyl-fructoside synthesis with beta-fructofuranosidase. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 59 (2), 167-175.
Internacional in press
39 - Rodriguez-Alegria,M.E., Castrejon-Castillo,S., Lopez-Munguia,A. (2024). Chapter 9. Levan and levan-fructooligosaccharides. Enzymatic production of oligosaccharides: from basic research to industrial production. Amsterdam: Elsevier Inc..
40 - Martinez, A., Rodriguez-Alegria, M., Fernandes, M. C., Gosset, G., Vargas-Tah, A. (2017). Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli for Lactic Acid Production from Renewable Resources. Engineering of Microorganisms for the Production of Chemicals and Biofuels from Renewable Resources. 125-145, Cham.
Open Access Nacional divulgación
Open Access Divulgación
Open Access Divulgación
43 - Rodriguez-Alegria,M.E., Castillo-Rosales,E. (2014). Enzimas aplicadas en procesos industriales. Revista Digital Universitaria, 15 (12), art 96.
Open Access Divulgación
45 - Rodriguez Alegria, Ma Elena (1992). Centrifugacion en la recuperacion de productos biotecnologicos . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Especialista en Biotecnologia, UNAM.
46 - Rodriguez Alegria, Ma Elena (1992). Diseno y caracterizacion de un biocatalizador de penicilino amidasa . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Biotecnologia, UNAM.
Internacional in press
49 - Rodriguez-Alegria,M.E., Castrejon-Castillo,S., Lopez-Munguia,A.. Chapter 9. Levan and levan-fructooligosaccharides. Enzymatic production of oligosaccharides: from basic research to industrial production. Amsterdam: Elsevier Inc..
Open Access Nacional divulgación
60 - Martinez, A., Rodriguez-Alegria, M., Fernandes, M. C., Gosset, G., Vargas-Tah, A.. Metabolic Engineering of Escherichia coli for Lactic Acid Production from Renewable Resources. Engineering of Microorganisms for the Production of Chemicals and Biofuels from Renewable Resources. 125-145, Cham.
79 - Martinez,A., Rodriguez,M.E., Wells,M.L., York,S.W., Preston,J.F., Ingram,L.O.. Detoxification of dilute acid hydrolysates of lignocellulose with lime. Biotechnology Progress, 17 (2), 287-293.
Open Access Artículo
80 - Tao,H., Gonzalez,R., Martinez,A., Rodriguez,M., Ingram,L.O., Preston,J.F., Shanmugam,K.T.. Engineering a homo-ethanol pathway in Escherichia coli: increased glycolytic flux and levels of expression of glycolytic genes during xylose fermentation. Journal of Bacteriology, 183 (10), 2979-2988. *
81 - Hernandez,N., Rodriguez-Alegria,M.E., Gonzalez,F., Lopez-Munguia,A.. Enzymatic treatment of rice bran to improve processing. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 77 (2), 177-180.
82 - Martinez,A., Rodriguez,M.E., York,S.W., Preston,J.F., Ingram,L.O.. Use of UV absorbance To monitor furans in dilute acid hydrolysates of biomass. Biotechnology Progress, 16 (4), 637-641.
83 - Martinez,A., Rodriguez,M.E., York,S.W., Preston,J.F., Ingram,L.O.. Effects of Ca(OH)(2) treatments ("overliming") on the composition and toxicity of bagasse hemicellulose hydrolysates. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 69 (5), 526-536.
85 - Rodriguez,M., Gomez,A., Gonzalez,F., Barzana,E., Lopez-Munguia,A.. Stability of invertase in alcoholysis reactions with methanol. Journal Of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic, 2 (6), 299-306.
86 - Rodriguez,M., Gomez,A., Gonzalez,F., Barzana,E., Lopez-Munguia,A.. Selectivity of methyl-fructoside synthesis with beta-fructofuranosidase. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 59 (2), 167-175.