Dra. Maria Alejandra Bravo de la Parra
Investigadora Titular C Tiempo Completo

Microbiología Industrial utilizando proteinas bioinsecticidas
Número de registros: 30
  • Activos
  • Vencidos
  • Análisis de la región transmembranal en la toxina cry1ab de bacillus thuringiensis, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2025 - 2027
  • Análisis in vivo del mecanismo de acción de la toxina cry de bacillus thuringiensis y de las respuestas inducidas en las larvas de insectos., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2023 - 2025
  • Análisis funcional de transportadores abc de lepidópteros como receptores de toxinas cry insecticidas de bacillus thuringiensis, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2022 - 2024
  • Análisis de la respuesta en larvas de insectos ante el ataque de toxinas cry de bacillus thuringiensis, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2019 - 2021
  • Desarrollo de nuevas toxinas insecticidas de bacillus thuringiensis contra la plagas invasivas de cultivos primordiales para méxico como maíz y algodón, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2016 - 2018
  • Desarrollo de nuevas toxinas insecticidas de bacillus thuringiensis contra gusano cogollero-spodoptera frugiperda, plaga principal de cultivos de maíz mexicanos, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2016 - 2019
  • Ingeniería de la toxina cyt1aa para inhibir su actividad hemolítica y optimizar su sinergismo con toxinas cry de bacillus thuringiensis, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2014 - 2018
  • Mecanismos moleculares de la especificidad de las toxinas cry de bacillus thuringiensis, PRESUPUESTO UNAM, 2014 - 2020
  • Papel de la oligomerización en toxinas cry y cyt de bacillus thuringiensis en su toxicidad y en el sinergismo entre estas toxinas, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2013 - 2016
  • Análisis de la respuesta celular en insectos ante el ataque de las toxinas insecticidas de bacillus thuringiensis, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2011 - 2014
  • Análisis molecular del proceso de oligomerización de las toxinas cry producidas por bacillus thuringiensis, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2009 - 2011
  • Toxinas insecticidas de bacillus thuringiensis: eventos estructurales involucrados en la formación de poro en las células blanco y análisis de la respuesta celular a la toxina., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2006 - 2009
  • Molecular recognition: the case of bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal toxins, INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR GENETIC ENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 2006
  • Mosquitocidal action of bacillus thuringiensis toxins, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 2005 - 2009
  • Análsis molecular del mecanismo de acción y del sinergismo entre toxinas insecticidas de bacillus thuringiensis activas contra especies de mosquitos importantes en la transmisión de enfermedades infecciosas en humanos., DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2004 - 2006
  • 3º reunión conjunta (fao-cyted) programa iberoamericano de ciencia y tecnología para el desarrollo., FOOD AND AGRICULTRUAL ORGANIZATION, 2002
  • Selection and structure/function analysis of bacillus thuringiensis toxins active against disease-vector mosquitoes and agricultural insect pests., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2001 - 2005
  • Análisis estructural y funcional de las toxinas insecticidas de bacillus thuringiensis para el cntrol biológico de especies de mosquitos importantes en la transmisión de enfermedades infecciosas en humanos., UNIVERSIDAD DE CALIFORNIA-MÉXICO, 2001 - 2002
  • 2ª reunión fao-cyted, FOOD AND AGRICULTRUAL ORGANIZATION, 2001
  • Desarrollo de biopesticidas autilizando bacterias entomopatológicas para el control de insectos plaga., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2001 - 2004
  • Mejora de la actividad insecticida de delta-endotoxinas de bacilus thuringiensis activas contra insectos coleópteros., AGENCIA ESPAÑOLA DE COOPERACIÓN INTERNACIONAL, 2001 - 2002
  • Efecto de las delta-endotoxinas de bacilus thringiensis sobre líneas celualres de insecto. análisis de toxicidad, formación de poro y su correlación con microdominios de la membrana plasmática (rafts)., DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2000 - 2003
  • Reunión conjunta sobre bioplaguicidas, FOOD AND AGRICULTRUAL ORGANIZATION, 2000
  • Búsqueda y caracterización de proteínas biopesticidas novedosas a partir de cepas de bacillus thuringiensis, SECRETARÍA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES, 1999 - 2002
  • Participación de los dominios estructurales de las toxinas cry producidas por la bacteria bacillus trhuingiensis, en la actividad insecticida., DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INTERCAMBIO ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 1999
  • Development of new biopesticides for environmentally-friendly insect control, COMISIÓN EUROPEA, 1999 - 2002
  • Análisis del mecanismo de acción de delta-endotoxinas en insectos coleópteros, AGENCIA ESPAÑOLA DE COOPERACIÓN INTERNACIONAL, 1998 - 2000
  • Estudio del modo de acción de las toxinas insecticidas de bacillus thuringiensis, análisis de la inserción, oligomerización y formación de poro de estas toxinas, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 1998 - 2001
  • Análisis de la inserción de la toxina cryb1ab de bacillus thuringiensis en membranas, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 1997 - 2000
  • Structural and functional studies of the region alpha-helix 5 of a b. thuringiensis delta-endotoxin proposed to be involved in membrane pore formation, INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION OF SCIENCE, 1997 - 1998

Nivel D del PRIDE
Nivel III del SNII
  • Doctorado, Investigacion Biomedica Basica, CIFN-UNAM (1989)

  • Maestría, Investigacion Biomedica Basica, CIFN-UNAM (1986)

  • Licenciatura, Investigacion Biomedica Basica, Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas-UNAM (1985)

  • Reconocimiento Griswold Lecturer, Universidad de Cornel New York USA, 2014

  • Medalla Omecihuatl Inmujeres, Instituto de las Mujeres de la Ciudad de México, 2013

  • Premio L'oreal-UNESCO Awards for Women in Science, 2010

  • Incluída en la lista de Expertos en Bioseguridad bajo el Protocolo de Cartagena de Seguridad y la Convención sobre Diversidad Biológica, Universidad de Colombia, 2003

  • Premio a la mejor Investigación en Biotecnología Agrícola, AgroBIO-México, 2003

  • Miembro de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias, 2002

  • Disitnción Universidad Nacional para Jóvenes Académicos en el área de investigación en Ciencias Naturales, UNAM, 2000

  • Miembro del "International cry Gene Nomenclature Committee", 1999

  • Premio de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencias en el área de Ciencias Naturales, 1998

3 - Martínez Reynoso, Daniela Lizeth (2018). Contrucción de mutantes de la toxina Cry1Ab de Bacillus thuringiensis para analizar cambios conformacionales durante su mecanismo de acción. Centro Universitario de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias, Licenciado en Biología, Universidad de Guadalajara. *
6 - Matus Acuna, Violeta (2014). Analisis de la oligomerizacion de la toxina cry1ab de bacillus thuringiensis. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
29 - Lorence Quinones, Argelia (1995). Diseno de un sistema de deteccion de nuevas delta endotoxinas de Bacillus thuringiensis . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Biotecnologia, UNAM.
Asesor: Quintero Ramirez, Rodolfo, Bravo de la Parra, Alejandra

30 - Diaz Camino, Claudia (1995). Mecanismo de accion de las delta Endotoxinas de Bacillus thuringiensis . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Biotecnologia, UNAM.
32 - Ceron Salamanca, Jairo Alonso (1991). Establecimiento de estrategias para la caracterizacion y manipulacion genetica de cepas de Bacillus thuringiensis . Centro de Investigacion sobre Ingenieria Genetica y Biotecnologia, Maestria en Biotecnologia, UNAM.
Total de publicaciones: 268
  • Tipo
  • Fecha
Open Access Artículo
33 - Sun,D., Xu,Q.C., Guo,L., Bai,Y., Shentu,X., Yu,X., Crickmore,N., Zou,X.G., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Zhang,Y.J., Guo,Z.J. (2025). The role of GPI-anchored membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase in the mode of action of Bt Cry1A toxins in the diamondback moth. Fundamental Research, 5 (2), 674-682.
34 - Tan,S., Shang,Z., Jia,H., Huang,J., Geng,L., Shu,C., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Shi,W., Zhang,J., Wei,H. (2025). Enhancing Bacillus thuringiensis Cry8Ea1 toxicity: Insights into protease sensitivity for the evolutionary adaptation of Cry toxins to insect hosts. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 308 (1), 142246.
36 - He,X., Yang,Y., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Zhang,L., Zhang,J., Wang,Z. (2024). Bacillus thuringiensis Cry9Aa Insecticidal Protein Domain I Helices In3 and In4 Are Two Core Regions Involved in Oligomerization and Toxicity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 72 (2), 1321-1329.
Open Access Artículo
37 - Huang,G., Cong,Z., Liu,Z., Chen,F., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Zheng,J., Peng,D., Sun,M. (2024). Silencing Ditylenchus destructor cathepsin L-like cysteine protease has negative pleiotropic effect on nematode ontogenesis. Scientific Reports, 14 (1), 10030.
40 - Wang,H.X., Li,A.J., Bian,H.R., Jin,L., Ma,S.L., Wang,H.Y., Yang,Y.B., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Liu,K.Y. (2024). Transcriptional regulation of Cry2Ab toxin receptor ABCA2 gene in insects involves GATAe and splicing of ant 5' UTR iron. Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology, 206, 106211.
Open Access Artículo
41 - Wang,Z., Yang,Y., Li,S., Ma,W., Wang,K., Soberon,M., Yan,Sh., Shen,J., Francis,F., Bravo,A., Zhang,J. (2024). JAK/STAT signaling regulated intestinal regeneration defends insect pests against pore-forming toxins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis. PLoS Pathogens, 24 (20), e1011823.
Open Access Artículo
42 - Chen,F., Pang,C., Zheng,Z., Zhou,W., Guo,Z., Xiao,D., Du,H., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Sun,M., Peng,D. (2023). Aminopeptidase MNP-1 triggers intestine protease production by activating daf-16 nuclear location to degrade pore-forming toxins in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Pathogens, 19 (7), e1011507.
Open Access Artículo
48 - Wei,W., Wang,L., Pan,S., Wang,H., Xia,Z., Liu,L., Xiao,Y., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Yang,Y., Liu,K. (2023). Helicoverpa armigera GATAe transcriptional factor regulates the expression of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac receptor gene ABCC2 by its interplay with additional transcription factors. Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology, 194, 105516.
49 - do Nascimento,J., Goncalves,K.C., Dias,N.P., de Oliveira,J.L., Bravo,A., Polanczyk,R.A. (2022). Adoption of Bacillus thuringiensis-based biopesticides in agricultural systems and new approaches to improve their use in Brazil. Biological Control, 165, 104792.
Open Access Artículo
50 - Guo,L., Cheng,Z., Qin,J., Sun,D., Wang,S., Wu,Q., Crickmore,N., Zhou,X., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Guo,Z., Zhang,Y. (2022). MAPK-mediated transcription factor GATAd contributes to Cry1Ac resistance in diamondback moth by reducing PxmALP expression. PLoS Genetics, 18 (2), e1010037.
Open Access Artículo
51 - Guo,Z., Guo,L., Qin,J., Ye,F., Sun,D., Wu,Q., Wang,S., Crickmore,N., Zhou,X., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Zhang,Y. (2022). A single transcription factor facilitates an insect host combating Bacillus thuringiensis infection while maintaining fitness. Nature Communications, 13 (1), 6024.
52 - Liao,C., Jin,M., Cheng,Y., Yang,Y., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Liu,K., Xiao,Y. (2022). Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac Protoxin and Activated Toxin Exert Differential Toxicity Due to a Synergistic Interplay of Cadherin with ABCC Transporters in the Cotton Bollworm. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 88 (7), e0250521.
Open Access Artículo
53 - Sun,D., Zhu,L., Guo,L., Wang,S., Wu,Q., Crickmore,N., Zhou,X., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Guo,Z., Zhang,Y. (2022). A versatile contribution of both aminopeptidases N and ABC transporters to Bt Cry1Ac toxicity in the diamondback moth. BMC Biology, 20 (1), 33.
54 - de Oliveira,J.L., Fraceto,L.F., Bravo,A., Polanczyk,R.A. (2021). Encapsulation Strategies for Bacillus thuringiensis: From Now to the Future. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69 (16), 4564-4577.
Open Access Artículo
55 - Guo,Z., Kang,S., Wu,Q., Wang,S., Crickmore,N., Zhou,X., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Zhang,Y. (2021). The regulation landscape of MAPK signaling cascade for thwarting Bacillus thuringiensis infection in an insect host. PLoS Pathogens, 17 (9), e1009917.
56 - Jin,M., Yang,Y., Shan,Y., Chakrabarty,S., Cheng,Y., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Liu,K., Wu,K., Xiao,Y. (2021). Two ABC transporters are differentially involved in the toxicity of two Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1 toxins to the invasive crop-pest Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith). Pest Management Science, 77 (3), 1492-1501.
57 - Liu,Y., Jin,M., Wang,L., Wang,H., Xia,Z., Yang,Y., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Xiao,Y., Liu,K. (2021). SfABCC2 transporter extracellular loops 2 and 4 are responsible for the Cry1Fa insecticidal specificity against Spodoptera frugiperda. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 135, 103608.
60 - Sena da Silva,I.H., Gomez,I., Pacheco,S., Sanchez,J., Zhang,J., Luque Castellane,T.C., Aparecida Desiderio J., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Polanczyk,R.A. (2021). Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab domain III -16 is involved in binding to prohibitin which correlates with toxicity against Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 87 (2), e01930-20.
61 - Shi,J., Zhang,F., Chen,L., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Sun,M. (2021). Systemic mitochondrial disruption is a key event in the toxicity of bacterial pore-forming toxins to Caenorhabditis elegans. Environmental Microbiology, 23 (9), 4896-4907.
Open Access Revisión
62 - Silva-Filha,M.H.N.L., Romao,T.P., Rezende,T.M.T., Carvalho,K.D.S., de Menezes,H.S.G., do Nascimento,N.A., Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2021). Bacterial toxins active against mosquitoes: Mode of action and resistance. Toxins, 13 (8), 523.
Open Access Artículo
63 - Wang,Z., Gan,C., Wang,J., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Yang,Q., Zhang,J. (2021). Nutrient conditions determine the localization of Bacillus thuringiensis Vip3Aa protein in the mother cell compartment. Microbial Biotechnology, 14 (1), 551-560.
Open Access Artículo
64 - Xiao,Y., Li,W., Yang,X., Xu,P., Jin,M., Yuan,H., Zheng,W., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Wilson,K., Wu,K. (2021). Rapid spread of a densovirus in a major crop pest following wide-scale adoption of Bt-cotton in China. Elife, 10, e66913.
65 - Yang,Y., Huang,X., Yuan,W., Xiang,Y., Guo,X., Wei,W., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Liu,K. (2021). Bacillus thuringiensis cry toxin triggers autophagy activity that may enhance cell death. Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology, 171, 104728.
66 - Zhang,D., Jin,M., Yang,Y., Zhang,J., Yang,Y., Liu,K., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Xiao,Y., Wu,K. (2021). Synergistic resistance of Helicoverpa armigera to Bt toxins linked to cadherin and ABC transporters mutations. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 137, 103635.
68 - do Nascimento,N.A., Torres-Quintero,M.C., Lopez-Molina,S., Pacheco,S., Romao,T.P., Pereira-Neves,A., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Silva-Filha,M.H.N.L. (2020). Functional Bacillus thuringiensis Cyt1Aa is necessary to synergize Lysinibacillus sphaericus Binary toxin against Bin-resistant and refractory mosquito species. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 86 (7), 02770-19.
70 - Gomez,I., Ocelotl,J., Sanchez,J., Aguilar-Medel,S., Pena-Chora,G., Lina-Garcia,L., Bravo,A., Soberon,M. (2020). Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab domain III beta-22 mutants with enhanced toxicity to Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 86 (22), e01580-20.
Open Access Artículo
71 - Gong,L., Kang,S., Zhou,J., Sun,D., Guo,L., Qin,J., Zhu,L., Bai,Y., Ye,F., Akami,M., Wu,Q., Wang,S., Xu,B., Yang,Z., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Guo,Z., Wen,L., Zhang,Y. (2020). Reduced Expression of a Novel Midgut Trypsin Gene Involved in Protoxin Activation Correlates with Cry1Ac Resistance in a Laboratory-Selected Strain of Plutella xylostella (L.). Toxins (Basel), 12 (2).
72 - Guo,Z., Gong,L., Kang,S., Zhou,J., Sun,D., Qin,J., Guo,L., Zhu,L., Bai,Y., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Zhang,Y. (2020). Comprehensive analysis of Cry1Ac protoxin activation mediated by midgut proteases in susceptible and resistant Plutella xylostella (L.). Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology, 163, 23-30.
75 - Shabbir,M.Z., Zhang,T., Prabu,S., Wang,Y.Q., Wang,Z.Y., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., He,K. (2020). Identification of Cry1Ah-binding proteins through pull down and gene expression analysis in Cry1Ah-resistant and susceptible strains of Ostrinia furnacalis. Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology, 163, 200-208.
77 - Wang,Z., Wang,K., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Cai,J., Shu,C., Zhang,J. (2020). Coexistence of cry9 with the vip3A Gene in an Identical Plasmid of Bacillus thuringiensis Indicates Their Synergistic Insecticidal Toxicity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68 (47), 14081?14090.
78 - Wei,W., Pan,S., Ma,Y., Xiao,Y., Yang,Y., He,S., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Liu,K. (2020). GATAe transcription factor is involved in Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin receptor gene expression inducing toxin susceptibility. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 118, 103306.
Open Access Artículo
79 - Zhang,J., Jin,M., Yang,Y., Liu,L., Yang,Y., Gomez,I., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Xiao,Y., Liu,K. (2020). The Cadherin Protein Is Not Involved in Susceptibility to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab or Cry1Fa Toxins in Spodoptera frugiperda. Toxins (Basel), 12 (6), 375.
80 - Zheng,Z., Zhang,Y., Liu,Z., Dong,Z., Xie,C., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Mahillon,J., Sun,M., Peng,D. (2020). The CRISPR-Cas systems were selectively inactivated during evolution of Bacillus cereus group for adaptation to diverse environments. ISME Journal, 14 (6), 1479-1493.
Open Access Artículo
83 - Wan,L., Lin,J., Du,H., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Sun,M. (2019). Bacillus thuringiensis targets the host intestinal epithelial junctions for successful infection of Caenorhabditis elegans. Environmental Microbiology, 21 (3), 1086-1098.
Open Access Artículo
84 - Bravo,A., Lopez-Diaz,J.A., Yamamoto,T., Harding,K., Zhao,J.J., Mendoza,G., Onofre,J., Torres,M.C., Nelson,M.E., Wu,G., Sethi,A., Soberon,M. (2018). Susceptible and mCry3A resistant corn rootworm larvae killed by a non-hemolytic Bacillus thuringiensis Cyt1Aa mutant. Scientific Reports, 8 (1), 17805.
85 - Gomez, I., Ocelotl, J., Sanchez, J., Lima, C., Martins, E., Rosales-Juarez, A., Aguilar-Medel, S., Abad, A., Dong, H., Monnerat, R., Pena, G., Zhang, J., Nelson, M., Wu, G., Bravo, A., Soberon, M. (2018). Enhancement of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab and Cry1Fa toxicity to Spodoptera frugiperda by domain III mutations indicates two limiting steps in toxicity as defined by receptor binding and protein stability. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 84 (20), e01393-18.
87 - Liu, L., Chen, Z., Yang, Y., Xiao, Y., Liu, C., Ma, Y., Soberon, M., Bravo, A., Yang, Y., Liu, K. (2018). A single amino acid polymorphism in ABCC2 loop 1 is responsible of differential toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin in different Spodoptera (Noctuidae) species. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 100, 59-65.
88 - Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Shu, C., Lin, K., Song, F., Bravo, A., Soberon, M., Zhang, J. (2018). Cry64Ba and Cry64Ca, two ETX/MTX2 Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal proteins against hemipteran pests. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 84 (3), e01996-17.
Open Access Artículo
91 - Rocha-Munive, M.G., Soberon, M., Castaneda, S., Niaves, E., Scheinvar, E., Eguiarte, L.E., Mota-Sanchez, D., Rosales-Robles, E., Nava-Camberos, U., Martinez-Carrillo, J.L., Blanco, C.A., Bravo, A., Souza, V. (2018). Evaluation of the Impact of Genetically Modified Cotton After 20 Years of Cultivation in Mexico. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 6, 82.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
97 - Wang, Z., Fang, L., Zhou, Z., Pacheco, S., Gomez, I., Song, F., Soberon, M., Zhang, J., Bravo, A. (2018). Specific binding between Bacillus thuringiensis Cry9Aa and Vip3Aa toxins synergizes their toxicity against Asiatic rice borer (Chilo suppressalis). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 293 (29), 11447-11458.
98 - Chen, W.B., Lu, G.Q., Cheng, H.M., Liu, C.X., Xiao, Y.T., Xu, C., Shen, Z.C., Soberon, M., Bravo, A., Wu, K.M. (2017). Transgenic cotton co-expressing chimeric Vip3AcAa and Cry1Ac confers effective protection against Cry1Ac-resistant cotton bollworm. Transgenic Research, 26 (6), 763-774.
99 - Jiang, J., Huang, Y., Shu, C., Soberon, M., Bravo, A., Liu, C., Song, F., Lai, J., Zhang, J. (2017). Holotrichia oblita Midgut Proteins That Bind to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry8-Like Toxin and Assembly of the H. oblita Midgut Tissue Transcriptome. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83 (12), e00541-17.
100 - Li, J., Ma, Y., Yuan, W., Xiao, Y., Liu, C., Wang, J., Peng, J., Peng, R., Soberon, M., Bravo, A., Yang, Y., Liu, K. (2017). FOXA transcriptional factor modulates insect susceptibility to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin by regulating the expression of toxin-receptor ABCC2 and ABCC3 genes. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 88, 1-11.
Open Access Artículo
106 - Rubio, V.P., Bravo, A., Olmos, J. (2017). Identification of a Bacillus thuringiensis Surface-Layer-Protein with Cytotoxic Activity against MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 27 (1), 36-42.
Open Access Artículo
107 - Xiao, Y., Dai, Q., Hu, R., Pacheco, S., Yang, Y., Liang, G., Soberon, M., Bravo, A., Liu, K., Wu, K. (2017). A Single Point Mutation Resulting in Cadherin Mis-localization Underpins Resistance against Bacillus thuringiensis Toxin in Cotton Bollworm. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292 (7), 2933-2943.
108 - Zhou, Z., Liu, Y., Liang, G., Huang, Y., Bravo, A., Soberon, M., Song, F., Zhou, X., Zhang, J. (2017). Insecticidal specificity of Cry1Ah to Helicoverpa armigera is determined by binding APN1 through domain II loops 2 and 3. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83 (4), e02864-16.
Open Access Artículo
109 - Fang,L., Wang,B., Zhou,Z., Yang,S., Shu,C., Song,F., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Zhang,J. (2016). Oligomerization of Cry9Aa in solution without receptor binding, is not related with insecticidal activity. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 21, 54-57.
110 - Jin,T., Duan,X., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Wang,Z., He,K. (2016). Identification of an alkaline phosphatase as a putative Cry1Ac binding protein in Ostrinia furnacalis (Gun?e). Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology, 131, 80-86.
Open Access Artículo
111 - Queiroz,P.R., Ramiro,C.A., Martins,E.S., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Monnerat,R.G. (2016). Mitochondrial markers to distinguish Spodoptera frugiperda populations associated with corn and cotton crops. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 51 (5), 692-696.
Open Access Artículo
113 - Xiao,Y., Liu,K., Zhang,D., Gong,L., He,F., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Tabashnik,B.E., Wu,K. (2016). Resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis Mediated by an ABC Transporter Mutation Increases Susceptibility to Toxins from Other Bacteria in an Invasive Insect. PLoS Pathogens, 12 (2), e1005450.
114 - Zhang,D., Xiao,Y., Hussain,Dhiloo K., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Wu,K. (2016). Molecular Cloning, Expression, and Identification of Bre Genes Involved in Glycosphingolipids Synthesis in Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Journal Of Economic Entomology, 109 (3), 1415-1423.
Open Access Artículo
115 - Zhou,Z., Wang,Z., Liu,Y., Liang,G., Shu,C., Song,F., Zhou,X., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Zhang,J. (2016). Identification of ABCC2 as a binding protein of Cry1Ac on brush border membrane vesicles from Helicoverpa armigera by an improved pull-down assay. Microbiologyopen, 5 (4), 659-669.
118 - Garcia,K., Ibarra,J.E., Bravo,A., Diaz,J., Gutierrez,D., Torres,P.V., Gomez de Leon P. (2015). Variability of Bacillus thuringiensis Strains by ERIC-PCR and Biofilm Formation. Current Microbiology, 70 (1), 10-18.
Open Access Artículo
120 - Monnerat,R., Martins,E., Macedo,C., Queiroz,P., Praca,L., Soares,C.M., Moreira,H., Grisi,I., Silva,J., Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2015). Evidence of Field-Evolved Resistance of Spodoptera frugiperda to Bt Corn Expressing Cry1F in Brazil That Is Still Sensitive to Modified Bt Toxins. PLoS ONE, 10 (4), e0119544.
123 - Shu,C., Tan,S., Yin,J., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Liu,C., Geng,L., Song,F., Li,K., Zhang,J. (2015). Assembling of Holotrichia parallela (dark black chafer) midgut tissue transcriptome and identification of midgut proteins that bind to Cry8Ea toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99 (17), 7209-7218.
Open Access Artículo
124 - Tabashnik,B.E., Zhang,M., Fabrick,J.A., Wu,Y., Gao,M., Huang,F., Wei,J., Zhang,J., Yelich,A., Unnithan,G.C., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Carriere,Y., Li,X. (2015). Dual mode of action of Bt proteins: protoxin efficacy against resistant insects. Scientific Reports, 5, 15107.
128 - Monnerat,R., Pereira,E., Teles,B., Martins,E., Praca,L., Queiroz,P., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Ramos,F., Soares,C.M. (2014). Synergistic activity of Bacillus thuringiensis toxins against Simulium spp. larvae. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 121, 70-73.
Open Access Artículo
131 - Bravo,A. (2013). Biotecnología agrícola y agroecologia, complementarias u opuestas?. Ciencia, Revista de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencia, 64 (1), 68-77.
Open Access Artículo
138 - Tabashnik,B.E., Fabrick,J.A., Unnithan,G.C., Yelich,A.J., Masson,L., Zhang,J., Bravo,A., Soberon,M. (2013). Efficacy of Genetically Modified Bt Toxins Alone and in Combinations Against Pink Bollworm Resistant to Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab. PLoS ONE, 8 (11), e80496.
Open Access Artículo
140 - Cancino-Rodezno,A., Lozano,L., Oppert,C., Castro,J.I., Lanz-Mendoza,H., Encarnacion,S., Evans,A.E., Gill,S.S., Soberon,M., Jurat-Fuentes,J.L., Bravo,A. (2012). Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Aedes aegypti Larval Midgut after Intoxication with Cry11Aa Toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis. PLoS ONE, 7 (5), e37034.
Open Access Revisión
144 - Vazquez-Pineda,A., Bravo-de-la-Parra,A., Mendoza de Gives,P., Liebano-Hernandez,E., Hernandez-Linares,I, Yanez-Perez,N., Aguilar-Marcelino,L., Ramirez-Vargas,G., Hernandez-Castro,E., Gutierrez-Segura,I., Lopez-Arellano,E. (2012). Use of Bacillus thuringiensis products as alternative method of control against important veterinary parasitic nematodes : Review. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 3 (1), 77-88.
145 - Bravo,A., Likitvivatanavong,S., Gill,S.S., Soberon,M. (2011). Bacillus thuringiensis: A story of a successful bioinsecticide. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 41 (7), 423-431.
148 - Likitvivatanavong,S., Chen,J., Evans,A.M., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Gill,S.S. (2011). Multiple Receptors as Targets of Cry Toxins in Mosquitoes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59 (7), 2829-2838.
149 - Likitvivatanavong,S., Chen,J., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Gill,S.S. (2011). Cadherin, Alkaline Phosphatase, and Aminopeptidase N as Receptors of Cry11Ba Toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. jegathesan in Aedes aegypti?. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77 (1), 24-31.
154 - Tabashnik,B.E., Huang,F., Ghimire,M.N., Leonard,B.R., Siegfried,B.D., Rangasamy,M., Yang,Y., Wu,Y., Gahan,L.J., Heckel,D.G., Bravo,A., Soberon,M. (2011). Efficacy of genetically modified Bt toxins against insects with different genetic mechanisms of resistance. Nature Biotechnology, 29, 1128-1131.
155 - Terenius,O., Papanicolaou,A., Garbutt,J.S., Eleftherianos,I., Huvenne,H., Sriramana,K., Albrechtsen,M., An,C., Aymeric,J.L., Barthel,A., Bebas,P., Bitra,K., Bravo,A., Chevalier,F., Collinge,D.P., Crava,C.M., de Maagd,R.A., Duvic,B., Erlandson,M., Faye,I., Felfoldi,G., Fujiwara,H., Futahashi,R., Gandhe,A.S., Gatehouse,H.S., Gatehouse,L.N., Giebultowicz,J., Gomez,I., Grimmelikhuijzen,C.J., Groot,A.T., Hauser,F., Heckel,D.G., Hegedus,D.D., Hrycaj,S., Huang,L., Hull,J.J., Iatrou,K., Iga,M., Kanost,M.R., Kotwica,J., Li,C., Li,J., Liu,J., Lundmark,M., Matsumoto,S., Meyering-Vos,M., Millichap,P.J., Monteiro,A., Mrinal,N., Niimi,T., Nowara,D., Ohnishi,A., Oostra,V., Ozaki,K., Papakonstantinou,M., Popadic,A., Rajam,M.V., Saenko,S., Simpson,R.M., Soberon,M., Strand,M.R., Tomita,S., Toprak,U., Wang,P., Wee,C.W., Whyard,S., Zhang,W., Nagaraju,J., Ffrench-Constant,R.H., Herrero,S., Gordon,K., Swevers,L., Smagghe,G., et al (2011). RNA interference in Lepidoptera: an overview of successful and unsuccessful studies and implications for experimental design. Journal of Insect Physiology, 57 (2), 231-245.
158 - Cancino-Rodezno,A., Alexander,C., Villasenor,R., Pacheco,S., Porta,H., Pauchet,Y., Soberon,M., Gill,S.S., Bravo,A. (2010). The mitogen-activated protein kinase p38 is involved in insect defense against cry toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 40 (1), 58-63 [corrigendum 43 (9) 898 2013 ].
Open Access Artículo
161 - Fernandez-Ruvalcaba,M., Pena-Chora,G., Romo-Martinez,A., Hernandez-Velazquez,V., de la Parra,A.B., De la Rosa,D.P. (2010). Evaluation of Bacillus thuringiensis pathogenicity for a strain of the tick, Rhipicephalus microplus, resistant to chemical pesticides - art. no. 186. Journal of Insect Science, 10, 186-190.
163 - Martins,E.S., Monnerat,R.G., Queiroz,P.R., Dumas,V.F., Braz,S.V., de Souza Aguiar,R.W., Mendes-Gomes,A.C., Sanchez,J., Bravo,A., Ribeiro,B.M. (2010). Midgut GPI- anchored proteins with alkaline phosphatase activity from the cotton boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) can be the putative receptors for the Cry1B protein of Bacillus thuringiensis. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 40 (2), 138-145.
Artículo; Actas Paper
165 - Vazquez-Pineda,A., Yanez-Perez,G.N., Lopez-Arellano,M.E., Mendoza de Gives,P., Liebano-Hernandez,E., Bravo-de-la-Parra,A. (2010). Biochemical Characterization of Two Purified Proteins of the IB-16 Bacillus thuringiensis Strains and Their Toxicity Against the Sheep Nematode Haemonchus contortus In vitro. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 57 (1-2), 111-114.
166 - Cancino-Rodezno,A., Porta,H., Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2009). Defense and death responses to pore forming toxins . Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, 26 (65), 82.
168 - Fernandez,L.E., Martinez-Anaya,C., Lira,E., Chen,J., Evans,A., Hernandez-Martinez,S., Lanz-Mendoza,H., Bravo,A., Gill,S.S., Soberon,M. (2009). Cloning and epitope mapping of Cry11Aa-binding sites in the Cry11Aa-receptor alkaline phosphatase from Aedes aegypti. Biochemistry, 48 (37), 8899-8907.
169 - Franklin,M.T., Nieman,C.L., Janmaat,A.F., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Tabashnik,B.E., Myers,J.H. (2009). Modified Bacillus thuringiensis toxins and a hybrid B. thuringiensis strain counter greenhouse-selected resistance in Trichoplusia ni. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75 (17), 5739-5741.
176 - Soberon,M., Gill,S.S., Bravo,A. (2009). Signaling versus punching hole: How do Bacillus thuringiensis toxins kill insect midgut cells?. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 66 (8), 1337-1349.
177 - Bravo,A., Soberon,M. (2008). How to cope with insect resistance to Bt toxins?. Trends in Biotechnology, 26 (10), 573-579.
179 - Hernandez-Linares,I, Lopez-Arellano,M.E., Mendoza de Gives,P., Liebano-Hernandez,E., Bravo-de-la-Parra,A. (2008). Lethal activity of two Bacillus thuringiensis strains against Haemonchus contortus histotropic larvae. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1149, 164-166.
183 - Ishikawa,H., Hoshino,Y., Motoki,Y., Kawahara,T., Kitajima,M., Kitami,M., Watanabe,A., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Honda,A., Yaoi,K., Sato,R. (2007). A system for the directed evolution of the insecticidal protein from Bacillus thuringiensis. Molecular Biotechnology, 36 (2), 90-101.
185 - Ochoa-Campuzano,C., Real,M.D., Martinez-Ramirez,A.C., Bravo,A., Rausell,C. (2007). An ADAM metalloprotease is a Cry3Aa Bacillus thuringiensis toxin receptor. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 362 (2), 437-442.
187 - Rausell,C., Ochoa-Campuzano,C., Martinez-Ramirez,A.C., Bravo,A., Real,M.D. (2007). A membrane associated metalloprotease cleaves Cry3Aa Bacillus thuringiensis toxin reducing pore formation in Colorado potato beetle brush border membrane vesicles. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 362 (2), 437-442.
189 - Soberon,M., Pardo-Lopez,L., Lopez,I., Gomez,I., Tabashnik,B.E., Bravo,A. (2007). Engineering Modified Bt Toxins to Counter Insect Resistance. Science, 318 (5856), 1640-1642 [erratum vol 345 (6198) art num 1256132].
Artículo; Actas Paper
193 - Lopez,M.E., Flores,J., Mendoza,P., Vazquez,V., Liebano,E., Bravo,A., Herrera,D., Godines,E., Vargas,P., Zamudio,F. (2006). Use of Bacillus thuringiensis Toxin as an Alternative Method of Control against Haemonchus contortus. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1081, 347-354.
194 - Monnerat,R., Martins,E., Queiroz,P., Orduz,S., Jaramillo,G., Benintende,G., Cozzi,J., Real,M.D., Martinez-Ramirez,A., Rausell,C., Ceron,J., Ibarra,J.E., del Rincon-Castro,M.C., Espinoza,A.M., Meza-Basso,L., Cabrera,L., Sanchez,J., Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2006). Genetic variability of Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) populations from Latin America is associated with variations in susceptibility to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72 (11), 7029-7035.
195 - Munoz-Garay,C., Sanchez,J., Darszon,A., de Maagd,R.A., Bakker,P., Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2006). Permeability Changes of Manduca sexta Midgut Brush Border Membranes Induced by Oligomeric Structures of Different Cry Toxins. Journal of Membrane Biology, 212 (1), 61-68 [Erratum: 245 (12) 859].
196 - Pacheco,S., Gomez,I., Sato,R., Bravo,A., Soberon,M. (2006). Functional display of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin on T7 phage. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 92 (1), 45-49.
197 - Padilla,C., Pardo-Lopez,L., de la Riva,G., Gomez,I., Sanchez,J., Hernandez,G., Nunez,M.E., Carey,M.P., Dean,D.H., Alzate,O., Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2006). Role of Tryptophan Residues in Toxicity of Cry1Ab Toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72 (1), 901-907.
201 - de Maagd,R.A., Bravo,A., Crickmore,N. (2005). Bt toxin not guilty by association. Nature Biotechnology, 23 (7), 791.
203 - Letowski,J., Bravo,A., Brousseau,R., Masson,L. (2005). Assessment of cry1 Gene Contents of Bacillus thuringiensis Strains by Use of DNA Microarrays. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71 (9), 5391-5398.
204 - Perez,C., Fernandez,L.E., Sun,J., Folch,J.L., Gill,S.S., Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2005). Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis Cyt1Aa synergizes Cry11Aa toxin by functioning as a membrane-bound receptor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102 (51), 18303-18308.
Open Access Artículo
205 - Xie,R., Zhuang,M., Ross,L.S., Gomez,I., Oltean,D.I., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Gill,S.S. (2005). Single amino acid mutations in the cadherin receptor from heliothis virescens affect its toxin binding ability to Cry1A toxins. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280 (9), 8416-8425.
207 - da Silva,S.M.B., Silva-Werneck,J.O., Falcao,R., Gomes,A.C., Fragoso,R.R., Quezado,M.T., Neto,O.B.O., Aguiar,J.B., de Sa,M.F.G., Bravo,A., Monnerat,R.G. (2004). Characterization of novel Brazilian Bacillus thuringiensis strains active against Spodoptera frugiperda and other insect pests. Journal of Applied Entomology, 128 (2), 102-107.
210 - Rausell,C., Garcia-Robles,I., Sanchez,J., Munoz-Garay,C., Martinez-Ramirez,A.C., Real,M.D., Bravo,A. (2004). Role of toxin activation on binding and pore formation activity of the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry3 toxins in membranes of Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say). Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1660 (1-2), 99-105.
211 - Vazquez-Padron,R.I., de la Riva,G., Silva,Y., Pham,S.M., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Aitouche,A. (2004). Cryptic endotoxic nature of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab insecticidal crystal protein. FEBS Letters, 570 (1-3), 30-36.
212 - de Maagd,R.A., Bravo,A., Berry,C., Crickmore,N., Schnepf,H.E. (2003). Structure, diversity, and evolution of protein toxins from spore-forming entomopathogenic bacteria. Annual Review of Genetics, 37, 409-433.
214 - Ibarra,J.E., Del Rincon,M.C., Orduz,S., Noriega,D., Benintende,G., Monnerat,R., Regis,L., De Oliveira,C.M., Lanz,H., Rodriguez,M.H., Sanchez,J., Pena,G., Bravo,A. (2003). Diversity of Bacillus thuringiensis Strains from Latin America with Insecticidal Activity against Different Mosquito Species. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69 (9), 5269-5274.
Open Access Artículo
216 - Bravo,A., Sanchez,J., Kouskoura,T., Crickmore,N. (2002). N-terminal activation is an essential early step in the mechanism of action of the B. thuringiensis Cry1Ac insecticidal toxin. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277 (27), 23985-23987.
219 - Lopez-Arellano,M.E., Flores-Crespo,J., Mendoza de Gives,P., Bravo-de-la-Parra,A., Herrera-Rodriguez,D, Liebano-Hernandez,E., Vazquez-Prats,V.M., Vargas-Uriostegui,P. (2002). In vitro lethal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis toxins against Haemonchus contortus eggs and infective larvae. International Journal of Nematology, 12 (1), 66-72.
Open Access Artículo
220 - Miranda,R., Gomez,I., Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2002). Mecanismo de accion de las toxinas Cry de Bacillus Thuringiensis. TIP revista especializada en Ciencias Quimico-Biologicas, 5, 5-13.
Open Access Artículo
221 - Zhuang,M., Oltean,D.I., Gomez,I., Pullikuth,A.K., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Gill,S.S. (2002). Heliothis virescens and Manduca sexta lipid rafts are involved in Cry1A toxin binding to the midgut epithelium and subsequent pore formation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277 (16), 13863-13872.
222 - de Maagd,R.A., Bravo,A., Crickmore,N. (2001). How Bacillus thuringiensis has evolved specific toxins to colonize the insect world. Trends in Genetics, 17 (4), 193-199.
223 - Garcia-Robles,I., Sanchez,J., Gruppe,A., Martinez-Ramirez,A.C., Rausell,C., Real,M.D., Bravo,A. (2001). Mode of action of Bacillus thuringiensis PS86Q3 strain in hymenopteran forest pests. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 31 (9), 849-856.
Open Access Artículo
226 - Nunez-Valdez,M., Sanchez,J., Lina,L., Guereca,L., Bravo,A. (2001). Structural and functional studies of alpha-helix 5 region from Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab delta-endotoxin. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure And Molecular Enzymology, 1546 (1), 122-131.
228 - Guereca,L., Bravo,A. (1999). The oligomeric state of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins in solution. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure And Molecular Enzymology, 1429 (2), 342-350.
229 - Bravo,A., Sarabia,S., Lopez,L., Ontiveros,H., Abarca,C., Ortiz,A., Ortiz,M., Lina,L., Villalobos,F.J., Pena,G., Nunez-Valdez,M.E., Soberon,M., Quintero,R. (1998). Characterization of cry genes in a Mexican Bacillus thuringiensis strain collection. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 64 (12), 4965-4972.
230 - Bohorova,N., Cabrera,M., Abarca,C., Quintero,R., Maciel,A.M., Brito,R.M., Hoisington,D., Bravo,A. (1997). Susceptibility of four tropical lepidopteran maize pests to Bacillus thuringiensis CryI-type insecticidal toxins. Journal Of Economic Entomology, 90 (2), 412-415.
235 - Bravo,A., Agaisse,H., Salamitou,S., Lereclus,D. (1996). Analysis of cryIAa expression in sigE and sigK mutants of Bacillus thuringiensis. Molecular and General Genetics, 250 (6), 734-741. *
237 - Salamitou,S., Agaisse,H., Bravo,A., Lereclus,D. (1996). Genetic analysis of cryIIIA gene expression in Bacillus thuringiensis. Microbiology, 142 (Pt 8), 2049-2055. *
240 - Ceron,J., Covarrubias,L., Quintero,R., Ortiz,A., Ortiz,M., Aranda,E., Lina,L., Bravo,A. (1994). PCR analysis of the cryI insecticidal crystal family genes from Bacillus thuringiensis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 60 (1), 353-356.
243 - Bravo,A., Hendrikx,K., Jansens,S., Peferoen,M. (1992). Immunocytochemical analysis of specific binding of Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal crystal proteins to lepidopteran and coleopteran mudgut membranes. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 60 (3), 247-253.
244 - Bravo,A., Jansens,S., Peferoen,M. (1992). Immunocytochemical localization of Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal crystal proteins in intoxicated insects. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 60 (3), 237-246.
Open Access Artículo
246 - Folch,J.L., Antaramian,A., Rodriguez,L., Bravo,A., Brunner,A., Gonzalez,A. (1989). Isolation and characterization of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant with impaired glutamate synthase activity. Journal of Bacteriology, 171 (12), 6776-6781. *
Open Access Note
Open Access Artículo
248 - Bravo,A., Mora,J. (1988). Ammonium assimilation in Rhizobium phaseoli by the glutamine synthetase-glutamate synthase pathway. Journal of Bacteriology, 170 (2), 980-984. *
Capítulo internacional
249 - Bravo,A., Pacheco,S., Gomez,I., Soberon,M. (2023). Mode of action of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry pesticidal proteins. Insecticidal Proteins and RNAi in the Control of Insects . Advances in Insect Physiology, 55-92, 65, Cambridge, Mass.: Academic Press Inc..
Capítulo internacional
250 - Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Blanco,C.A. (2023). Strategies to Reduce Insecticide Use in Agricultural Production [Update]. Sustainable Food Science - A Comprehensive Approach: Volumes 1-4. 507-5014, 1-4, Amsterdam: Elsevier.
251 - Bravo de la Parra,M.,A., Soberon Chavez,M. (2019). Desarrollos biotecnológicos en algodonero. Algodón GM en Mexico: 20 años de siembra y experiencia. 43-52, Cd Mexico: UNAM, 1a ed.
253 - Soberon, M., Monnerat, R., Bravo, A. (2018). Mode of Action of Cry Toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis and Resistance Mechanisms. Microbial Toxins. Toxinology, 15-27, Dordrecht: Springer.
254 - Bravo, A., Pacheco, S., Gomez, I., Garcia-Gomez, B., Onofre, J., Soberon, M. (2017). Insecticidal Proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis and Their Mechanism of Action. Bacillus thuringiensis and Lysinibacillus sphaericus: Characterization and use in the field of biocontrol. 53-66, Cham: Springer. *
255 - Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Blanco,C.A. (2016). Strategies to Reduce Insecticide Use in Agricultural Production. Reference Module in Food Science. .
256 - Soberon,M., Monnerat,R., Bravo,A. (2016). Mode of Action of Cry Toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis and Resistance Mechanisms. Microbial Toxins. 1-13, Dordrecht.
258 - Bravo,A., Gomez,I., Mendoza,G., Gaytan,M., Soberon,M. (2015). Different models of the mode of action of Bt 3d-Cry toxins. Bt resistance - characterization and strategies for GM crops expressing Bacillus thuringiensis toxins . 56-68, Oxford.
Editorial Material
259 - Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Gao,Y. (2015). Preface. Bt Resistance: Characterization and Strategies for GM Crops Producing Bacillus thuringiensis Toxins. xi-xii, Oxford.
260 - Soberon,M., Garcia-Gomez,B.I., Pacheco,S., Sanchez-Quintana,J., Tabashnik,B.E., Bravo,A. (2015). Countering pest resistance with genetically modified Bt toxins. Bt resistance-characterization and strategies for GM crops expressing Bacillus thuringiensis . CABI Biotechnology Series Volume: 4, 150-161, Oxford.
Memoria in extenso
261 - Bravo,A., Martinez-de-Castro,D.L., Sanchez,J., Munoz-Garay,C., Matus,V., Canton,P.E., Lopez-Diaz,J., Portugal,L., Mendoza,G., Soberon,M. (2014). Mode of action of Bacillus thuringiensis toxins and their use in transgenic crops to control insect pests. Biotechnology: beyond borders. Proceedings of the Indo-Mexico workshop on Biotechnology held at CSIR NCL, Pune, India from October 7-9, 2013., 122-134.
Memoria in extenso
262 - Soberon,M., Gomez,I., Garcia-Gomez,B.I., Carmona,D., Ocelotl,J., Villanueva,F., Flores,B., Bravo,A. (2014). Mode of action of mosquitocidal toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis and their use in control of insect vectors of human diseases. Biotechnology: beyond borders. Proceedings of the Indo-Mexico workshop on Biotechnology held at CSIR NCL, Pune, India from October 7-9, 2013., 279-288.
263 - Zuniga-Navarrete,F., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Gomez,I. (2012). Role of GPI-anchored membrane receptors in the mode of action of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins. Integrated Pest Management and Pest Control- Current and Future Tactics . 551-566.
264 - Bravo,A., del Rincon-Castro,M.C., Ibarra,J.E., Soberon,M. (2011). Towards a healthy control of insect pest: Potential use of Microbial insecticides. Green trends in insect control. 266-299, London.
265 - Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2011). Control de insectos con Bacillus thuringiensis, un método efectivo y compatible con el ambiente. V CICLO MUJER CIENCIA. 1-11, Mexico,D.F:.
266 - Bravo,A., Gill,S.S., Soberon,M. (2010). Bacillus thuringiensis Mechanisms and Use with addendum 2010. Insect Control Biological and Synthetic Agents. Comprehensive Molecular Insect Science, 247-282.
267 - Soberon,M., Pardo,L., Munoz-Garay,C., Sanchez,J., Gomez,I., Porta,H., Bravo,A. (2010). Pore Formation by Cry Toxins. Proteins: Membrane Binding and Pore Formation. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 127-142, Austin, TX: Landes Bioscience.
269 - Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2008). Las toxinas Cry de Bacillus thuringiensis: modo de acción y consecuencias de su aplicación. Una ventana al quehacer científico. Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM 25 aniversario, cap 27. 303-314, Mexico, D.F..
Memoria in extenso
270 - Gomez,I., Miranda-Rios,J., Arenas,I., Grande,R., Becerril,B., Bravo,A., Soberon,M. (2007). Identification of scFv Molecules that Recognize Loop 3 of Domain II and Domain III of Cry1Ab Toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis. 6th Pacific Rim Conference on the biotechnology of Bacillus thuringiensis and its Environmental Impact . 12-14, Montreal.
Memoria in extenso
271 - Masson,L., Letowski,J., Bravo,A., Brousseau,R. (2007). Using DNA Microarrays for Assessing Crystal Protein Genes in Bacillus thuringiensis. Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Rim Conference on the Biotechnology of Bacillus thuringiensis and its Environmental Impact. 28-30.
Memoria in extenso
272 - Pardo,L., Gomez,I., Munoz-Garay,C., Jimenez-Juarez,N., Sanchez,J., Perez,C., Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2007). Oligomer Formation of Different Cry Toxins Indicates that a Pre-Pore is an Essential Intermediate in the Mode of Action of the Three-Domain Cry Family. Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Rim Conference on the Biotechnology of Bacillus thuringiensis and its Environmental Impact. 7-8.
Memoria in extenso
273 - Perez,C., Fernandez,L.E., Sun,J.G., Folch,J.L., Gill,S.S., Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2007). Cyt1Aa from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis Synergizes Cry11Aa Toxin Activity by Functioning as a Membrane-Bound Receptor. Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Rim Conference on the Biotechnology of Bacillus thuringiensis and its Environmental Impact. 9-11.
Memoria in extenso
274 - Soberon,M., Gomez,I., Pardo,L., Munoz,C., Fernandez,L.E., Perez,C., Gill,S.S., Bravo,A. (2007). Important Interactions with membrane Receptors in the Mode of Action of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins. 6th Pacific Rim Conference on the biotechnology of Bacillus thuringiensis and its Environmental Impact , cap 1. 1-6, Montreal.
275 - Munoz,R., Pardo,L., Sanchez-Quintana,J., Raussell.C., Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2006). Mecanismos moleculares de insercion de la toxina Cry de Bacillus thuringiensis en membrana. La fisica biologica en Mexico. 1-27, Mexico.
276 - Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Gill,S.S. (2005). Bacillus thuringiensis, mechanism and use. Comprehensive molecular insect science. 175-205.
277 - Soberon,M., Nuñez,M., Gomez I., Sanchez-Quintana,J., Bravo,A. (2004). Functional studies of helix a-5 region from Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab d-endotoxin shows that conserved residues are important for pore formation and stability but not for oligomer formation. Pore-forming peptides and protein toxins. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of toxin action ;v. 5, 90-101, London ;New York.
278 - Ibarra,A, Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2003). La biotecnología y el control biológico de insectos. Fronteras de la Biología en los Inicios del Siglo XXI, Módulo III. 27-52, Mexico,D.F..
279 - Nunez-Valdez,M.E., Ramírez-Gama,R.M., Calderon,M.A., Hernandez,L., Romero.A., Rodríguez-Segura,Z., Aranda,E., Bravo,A., Villalobos-Hernandez,F.J. (2003). Bacterias entomopatógenas para el control de larvas de Phyllophaga spp. Estudios Sobre Coleópteros del Suelo en América. 347-359, Puebla.
280 - Bravo,A. (2001). Proteínas insecticidas de Bacillus thuringiensis. Bioinsecticidas: Fundamentos y aplicaciones de Bacillus thuringiensis en el control integrado de plagas . 73-88, Navarra.
Open Access Nacional
281 - Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2001). Bacillus thuringisensis y sus toxinas insecticidas. Microbios en linea. 221-235.
282 - Monnerat,R., Bravo,A. (2000). Proteinas bioinsecticidas produzidas pela bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis. Contole biologico. .
283 - Bravo,A. (1999). Comparative analysis of pore formation activity of cry toxins in membranes isolated from different insect orders. Biotechnology of Bacillus thuringiensis. 177-178, Beijing, China..
284 - Rocha Munive,M.G., Eguiarte Fruns,L.E., Soberon Chavez,M., Bravo de la Parra,M.A., Souza Saldivar,V. (2019). Algodón GM en Mexico: 20 años de siembra y experiencia. 136, Cd Mexico: UNAM.
285 - Soberon, M., Gao, Y. L., Bravo, A. (2015). Bt resistance- characterization and strategies for GM crops expressing Bacillus thuringiensis toxins. CABI Biotechnology Series, 1-213, Oxford: CABI.
286 - Bravo,A., Arrieta,G, Benintende,G, Real,M.D., Espinoza,A.M., Ibarra.J., Monnerat,R., Orduz,S, Soberon,M. (2001). Metodologías utilizadas en investigación sobre bacterias entimopatógenas. Mexico, D.F..
Open Access Editorial material
Open Access Editorial Material
Open Access Nacional divulgación
289 - Lopez-Molina,S., Bravo,A. (2022). ¿Cómo eliminan los bioinsecticidas de las bacterias Bt a los mosquitos?. Biotecnología en Movimiento.Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 31 (Octubre-Diciembre).
Open Access divulgación
290 - Bravo,A., Soberon,M. (2021). Control biológico de plagas agrícolas de insectos. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 24, 25-27.
Open Access Preprint
291 - Wu,K.M., Xiao,Y.T., Xu,P.J., Wilson,K., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Yang,X.M., Yuan,H., Jin,M.H., Zheng,W.G., Li,W.J. (2021). Rapid spread of a symbiotic virus in a major crop pest following wide-scale adoption of Bt-cotton in China. bioRxiv, Preprint posted February 10..
Nacional divulgación
Open Access Preprint
293 - Velasquez,L.F., Canton,P.E., Sanchez-Flores,A., Bravo,A., Ceron,J. (2020). De novo transcriptome assembly of Premnotrypes vorax (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Research Square, Preprint posted 17 Jan.
Open Access Nacional
294 - Samaniego-Gaxiola,J.A., Pedroza-Sandoval,A., Bravo,A., Sanchez,J.F., Pena-Chora,G., Mendoza-Flores,D., Chew-Madinaveitia,Y., Gaytan-Mascorro,A. (2019). Fumigación con ácido acético y antimicrobianos para disminuir mortandad de Chrysoperla carneapor infección indeterminada. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agricolas, 10 (5), 973-986.
Open Access Divulgación
295 - Bravo-de-la-Parra,A. (2015). Viejas y nuevas tendencias en el uso de la fluorescencia para el analisis estructural de las proteínas y sus procesos. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 1, 26.
Open Access Nacional
296 - Ibarra,J.E., Castro,M.C., Galindo,E., Patino,M., Serrano,L., Garcia,R., Carrillo,J.A., Pereyra-Alferez,B., Alcazar-Pizana,A., Luna-Olvera,H., Galan-Wong,L., Pardo,L., Munoz-Garay,C., Gomez,I., Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2006). [Microorganisms in the biological control of insects and phytopathogens]. Revista Latinoamericana de Microbiologia, 48 (2), 113-120.
Open Access Divulgación
297 - Aranda,E., Sanchez,J.F., Lina,L., Peferoen,M., Bravo,A. (1999). Analisis de la union in vitro e in vivo de las d-endotoxinas de Bacillus Thuringiensis al epitelio intestinal de Diatrea grandiosello. BioTecnologia. Sociedad Mexicana de Biotecnologia y Bioingenieria, 3, 95-105.
298 - Bravo,A., Lorence,A., Quintero,R. (1995). Biopesticidas compatibles con el medio ambiente: Bacillus thuringiensis, un modelo unico. Biocontrol, 1 (1), 41-55.
299 - Bravo de la Parra, Ma Alejandra (2002). Estrategias moleculares que tiene Rhizobium phaseoli para manejar el nitrogeno en vida libre . Licenciatura en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM. *
Asesor: Mora, Jaime

300 - Bravo de la Parra, Ma Alejandra (1992). Relacion entre la asimilacion de amonio y la fijacion de nitrogeno en Rhizobium phaseoli . CIFN, Doctoradoen Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM. *
Asesor: Mora, Jaime

Open Access Artículo
301 - Sun,D., Xu,Q.C., Guo,L., Bai,Y., Shentu,X., Yu,X., Crickmore,N., Zou,X.G., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Zhang,Y.J., Guo,Z.J.. The role of GPI-anchored membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase in the mode of action of Bt Cry1A toxins in the diamondback moth. Fundamental Research, 5 (2), 674-682.
302 - Tan,S., Shang,Z., Jia,H., Huang,J., Geng,L., Shu,C., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Shi,W., Zhang,J., Wei,H.. Enhancing Bacillus thuringiensis Cry8Ea1 toxicity: Insights into protease sensitivity for the evolutionary adaptation of Cry toxins to insect hosts. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 308 (1), 142246.
Open Access Artículo
304 - He,X., Yang,Y., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Zhang,L., Zhang,J., Wang,Z.. Bacillus thuringiensis Cry9Aa Insecticidal Protein Domain I Helices In3 and In4 Are Two Core Regions Involved in Oligomerization and Toxicity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 72 (2), 1321-1329.
Open Access Artículo
305 - Huang,G., Cong,Z., Liu,Z., Chen,F., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Zheng,J., Peng,D., Sun,M.. Silencing Ditylenchus destructor cathepsin L-like cysteine protease has negative pleiotropic effect on nematode ontogenesis. Scientific Reports, 14 (1), 10030.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
308 - Wang,H.X., Li,A.J., Bian,H.R., Jin,L., Ma,S.L., Wang,H.Y., Yang,Y.B., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Liu,K.Y.. Transcriptional regulation of Cry2Ab toxin receptor ABCA2 gene in insects involves GATAe and splicing of ant 5' UTR iron. Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology, 206, 106211.
Open Access Artículo
309 - Wang,Z., Yang,Y., Li,S., Ma,W., Wang,K., Soberon,M., Yan,Sh., Shen,J., Francis,F., Bravo,A., Zhang,J.. JAK/STAT signaling regulated intestinal regeneration defends insect pests against pore-forming toxins produced by Bacillus thuringiensis. PLoS Pathogens, 24 (20), e1011823.
Open Access Artículo
310 - Chen,F., Pang,C., Zheng,Z., Zhou,W., Guo,Z., Xiao,D., Du,H., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Sun,M., Peng,D.. Aminopeptidase MNP-1 triggers intestine protease production by activating daf-16 nuclear location to degrade pore-forming toxins in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS Pathogens, 19 (7), e1011507.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Revisión
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
316 - Wei,W., Wang,L., Pan,S., Wang,H., Xia,Z., Liu,L., Xiao,Y., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Yang,Y., Liu,K.. Helicoverpa armigera GATAe transcriptional factor regulates the expression of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac receptor gene ABCC2 by its interplay with additional transcription factors. Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology, 194, 105516.
Capítulo internacional
317 - Bravo,A., Pacheco,S., Gomez,I., Soberon,M.. Mode of action of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry pesticidal proteins. Insecticidal Proteins and RNAi in the Control of Insects . Advances in Insect Physiology, 55-92, 65, Cambridge, Mass.: Academic Press Inc..
Capítulo internacional
318 - Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Blanco,C.A.. Strategies to Reduce Insecticide Use in Agricultural Production [Update]. Sustainable Food Science - A Comprehensive Approach: Volumes 1-4. 507-5014, 1-4, Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Open Access Editorial material
320 - do Nascimento,J., Goncalves,K.C., Dias,N.P., de Oliveira,J.L., Bravo,A., Polanczyk,R.A.. Adoption of Bacillus thuringiensis-based biopesticides in agricultural systems and new approaches to improve their use in Brazil. Biological Control, 165, 104792.
Open Access Artículo
321 - Guo,L., Cheng,Z., Qin,J., Sun,D., Wang,S., Wu,Q., Crickmore,N., Zhou,X., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Guo,Z., Zhang,Y.. MAPK-mediated transcription factor GATAd contributes to Cry1Ac resistance in diamondback moth by reducing PxmALP expression. PLoS Genetics, 18 (2), e1010037.
Open Access Artículo
322 - Guo,Z., Guo,L., Qin,J., Ye,F., Sun,D., Wu,Q., Wang,S., Crickmore,N., Zhou,X., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Zhang,Y.. A single transcription factor facilitates an insect host combating Bacillus thuringiensis infection while maintaining fitness. Nature Communications, 13 (1), 6024.
Open Access Artículo
324 - Sun,D., Zhu,L., Guo,L., Wang,S., Wu,Q., Crickmore,N., Zhou,X., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Guo,Z., Zhang,Y.. A versatile contribution of both aminopeptidases N and ABC transporters to Bt Cry1Ac toxicity in the diamondback moth. BMC Biology, 20 (1), 33.
Open Access Editorial Material
Open Access Nacional divulgación
326 - Lopez-Molina,S., Bravo,A.. ¿Cómo eliminan los bioinsecticidas de las bacterias Bt a los mosquitos?. Biotecnología en Movimiento.Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 31 (Octubre-Diciembre).
327 - de Oliveira,J.L., Fraceto,L.F., Bravo,A., Polanczyk,R.A.. Encapsulation Strategies for Bacillus thuringiensis: From Now to the Future. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69 (16), 4564-4577.
Open Access Artículo
328 - Guo,Z., Kang,S., Wu,Q., Wang,S., Crickmore,N., Zhou,X., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Zhang,Y.. The regulation landscape of MAPK signaling cascade for thwarting Bacillus thuringiensis infection in an insect host. PLoS Pathogens, 17 (9), e1009917.
329 - Jin,M., Yang,Y., Shan,Y., Chakrabarty,S., Cheng,Y., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Liu,K., Wu,K., Xiao,Y.. Two ABC transporters are differentially involved in the toxicity of two Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1 toxins to the invasive crop-pest Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith). Pest Management Science, 77 (3), 1492-1501.
330 - Liu,Y., Jin,M., Wang,L., Wang,H., Xia,Z., Yang,Y., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Xiao,Y., Liu,K.. SfABCC2 transporter extracellular loops 2 and 4 are responsible for the Cry1Fa insecticidal specificity against Spodoptera frugiperda. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 135, 103608.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
333 - Sena da Silva,I.H., Gomez,I., Pacheco,S., Sanchez,J., Zhang,J., Luque Castellane,T.C., Aparecida Desiderio J., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Polanczyk,R.A.. Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab domain III -16 is involved in binding to prohibitin which correlates with toxicity against Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 87 (2), e01930-20.
334 - Shi,J., Zhang,F., Chen,L., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Sun,M.. Systemic mitochondrial disruption is a key event in the toxicity of bacterial pore-forming toxins to Caenorhabditis elegans. Environmental Microbiology, 23 (9), 4896-4907.
Open Access Revisión
335 - Silva-Filha,M.H.N.L., Romao,T.P., Rezende,T.M.T., Carvalho,K.D.S., de Menezes,H.S.G., do Nascimento,N.A., Soberon,M., Bravo,A.. Bacterial toxins active against mosquitoes: Mode of action and resistance. Toxins, 13 (8), 523.
Open Access Artículo
336 - Wang,Z., Gan,C., Wang,J., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Yang,Q., Zhang,J.. Nutrient conditions determine the localization of Bacillus thuringiensis Vip3Aa protein in the mother cell compartment. Microbial Biotechnology, 14 (1), 551-560.
Open Access Artículo
337 - Xiao,Y., Li,W., Yang,X., Xu,P., Jin,M., Yuan,H., Zheng,W., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Wilson,K., Wu,K.. Rapid spread of a densovirus in a major crop pest following wide-scale adoption of Bt-cotton in China. Elife, 10, e66913.
338 - Yang,Y., Huang,X., Yuan,W., Xiang,Y., Guo,X., Wei,W., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Liu,K.. Bacillus thuringiensis cry toxin triggers autophagy activity that may enhance cell death. Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology, 171, 104728.
339 - Zhang,D., Jin,M., Yang,Y., Zhang,J., Yang,Y., Liu,K., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Xiao,Y., Wu,K.. Synergistic resistance of Helicoverpa armigera to Bt toxins linked to cadherin and ABC transporters mutations. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 137, 103635.
Open Access divulgación
340 - Bravo,A., Soberon,M.. Control biológico de plagas agrícolas de insectos. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 24, 25-27.
Open Access Preprint
341 - Wu,K.M., Xiao,Y.T., Xu,P.J., Wilson,K., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Yang,X.M., Yuan,H., Jin,M.H., Zheng,W.G., Li,W.J.. Rapid spread of a symbiotic virus in a major crop pest following wide-scale adoption of Bt-cotton in China. bioRxiv, Preprint posted February 10..
343 - do Nascimento,N.A., Torres-Quintero,M.C., Lopez-Molina,S., Pacheco,S., Romao,T.P., Pereira-Neves,A., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Silva-Filha,M.H.N.L.. Functional Bacillus thuringiensis Cyt1Aa is necessary to synergize Lysinibacillus sphaericus Binary toxin against Bin-resistant and refractory mosquito species. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 86 (7), 02770-19.
Open Access Artículo
345 - Gomez,I., Ocelotl,J., Sanchez,J., Aguilar-Medel,S., Pena-Chora,G., Lina-Garcia,L., Bravo,A., Soberon,M.. Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab domain III beta-22 mutants with enhanced toxicity to Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 86 (22), e01580-20.
Open Access Artículo
346 - Gong,L., Kang,S., Zhou,J., Sun,D., Guo,L., Qin,J., Zhu,L., Bai,Y., Ye,F., Akami,M., Wu,Q., Wang,S., Xu,B., Yang,Z., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Guo,Z., Wen,L., Zhang,Y.. Reduced Expression of a Novel Midgut Trypsin Gene Involved in Protoxin Activation Correlates with Cry1Ac Resistance in a Laboratory-Selected Strain of Plutella xylostella (L.). Toxins (Basel), 12 (2).
347 - Guo,Z., Gong,L., Kang,S., Zhou,J., Sun,D., Qin,J., Guo,L., Zhu,L., Bai,Y., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Zhang,Y.. Comprehensive analysis of Cry1Ac protoxin activation mediated by midgut proteases in susceptible and resistant Plutella xylostella (L.). Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology, 163, 23-30.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
350 - Shabbir,M.Z., Zhang,T., Prabu,S., Wang,Y.Q., Wang,Z.Y., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., He,K.. Identification of Cry1Ah-binding proteins through pull down and gene expression analysis in Cry1Ah-resistant and susceptible strains of Ostrinia furnacalis. Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology, 163, 200-208.
Open Access Artículo
352 - Wang,Z., Wang,K., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Cai,J., Shu,C., Zhang,J.. Coexistence of cry9 with the vip3A Gene in an Identical Plasmid of Bacillus thuringiensis Indicates Their Synergistic Insecticidal Toxicity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 68 (47), 14081?14090.
353 - Wei,W., Pan,S., Ma,Y., Xiao,Y., Yang,Y., He,S., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Liu,K.. GATAe transcription factor is involved in Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin receptor gene expression inducing toxin susceptibility. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 118, 103306.
Open Access Artículo
354 - Zhang,J., Jin,M., Yang,Y., Liu,L., Yang,Y., Gomez,I., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Xiao,Y., Liu,K.. The Cadherin Protein Is Not Involved in Susceptibility to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab or Cry1Fa Toxins in Spodoptera frugiperda. Toxins (Basel), 12 (6), 375.
355 - Zheng,Z., Zhang,Y., Liu,Z., Dong,Z., Xie,C., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Mahillon,J., Sun,M., Peng,D.. The CRISPR-Cas systems were selectively inactivated during evolution of Bacillus cereus group for adaptation to diverse environments. ISME Journal, 14 (6), 1479-1493.
Nacional divulgación
Open Access Preprint
357 - Velasquez,L.F., Canton,P.E., Sanchez-Flores,A., Bravo,A., Ceron,J.. De novo transcriptome assembly of Premnotrypes vorax (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Research Square, Preprint posted 17 Jan.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
361 - Bravo de la Parra,M.,A., Soberon Chavez,M.. Desarrollos biotecnológicos en algodonero. Algodón GM en Mexico: 20 años de siembra y experiencia. 43-52, Cd Mexico: UNAM, 1a ed.
363 - Rocha Munive,M.G., Eguiarte Fruns,L.E., Soberon Chavez,M., Bravo de la Parra,M.A., Souza Saldivar,V.. Algodón GM en Mexico: 20 años de siembra y experiencia. 136, Cd Mexico: UNAM.
Open Access Nacional
364 - Samaniego-Gaxiola,J.A., Pedroza-Sandoval,A., Bravo,A., Sanchez,J.F., Pena-Chora,G., Mendoza-Flores,D., Chew-Madinaveitia,Y., Gaytan-Mascorro,A.. Fumigación con ácido acético y antimicrobianos para disminuir mortandad de Chrysoperla carneapor infección indeterminada. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Agricolas, 10 (5), 973-986.
Open Access Artículo
365 - Bravo,A., Lopez-Diaz,J.A., Yamamoto,T., Harding,K., Zhao,J.J., Mendoza,G., Onofre,J., Torres,M.C., Nelson,M.E., Wu,G., Sethi,A., Soberon,M.. Susceptible and mCry3A resistant corn rootworm larvae killed by a non-hemolytic Bacillus thuringiensis Cyt1Aa mutant. Scientific Reports, 8 (1), 17805.
366 - Gomez, I., Ocelotl, J., Sanchez, J., Lima, C., Martins, E., Rosales-Juarez, A., Aguilar-Medel, S., Abad, A., Dong, H., Monnerat, R., Pena, G., Zhang, J., Nelson, M., Wu, G., Bravo, A., Soberon, M.. Enhancement of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab and Cry1Fa toxicity to Spodoptera frugiperda by domain III mutations indicates two limiting steps in toxicity as defined by receptor binding and protein stability. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 84 (20), e01393-18.
368 - Liu, L., Chen, Z., Yang, Y., Xiao, Y., Liu, C., Ma, Y., Soberon, M., Bravo, A., Yang, Y., Liu, K.. A single amino acid polymorphism in ABCC2 loop 1 is responsible of differential toxicity of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin in different Spodoptera (Noctuidae) species. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 100, 59-65.
369 - Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Shu, C., Lin, K., Song, F., Bravo, A., Soberon, M., Zhang, J.. Cry64Ba and Cry64Ca, two ETX/MTX2 Bacillus thuringiensis insecticidal proteins against hemipteran pests. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 84 (3), e01996-17.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
372 - Rocha-Munive, M.G., Soberon, M., Castaneda, S., Niaves, E., Scheinvar, E., Eguiarte, L.E., Mota-Sanchez, D., Rosales-Robles, E., Nava-Camberos, U., Martinez-Carrillo, J.L., Blanco, C.A., Bravo, A., Souza, V.. Evaluation of the Impact of Genetically Modified Cotton After 20 Years of Cultivation in Mexico. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 6, 82.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
378 - Wang, Z., Fang, L., Zhou, Z., Pacheco, S., Gomez, I., Song, F., Soberon, M., Zhang, J., Bravo, A.. Specific binding between Bacillus thuringiensis Cry9Aa and Vip3Aa toxins synergizes their toxicity against Asiatic rice borer (Chilo suppressalis). Journal of Biological Chemistry, 293 (29), 11447-11458.
379 - Soberon, M., Monnerat, R., Bravo, A.. Mode of Action of Cry Toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis and Resistance Mechanisms. Microbial Toxins. Toxinology, 15-27, Dordrecht: Springer.
380 - Chen, W.B., Lu, G.Q., Cheng, H.M., Liu, C.X., Xiao, Y.T., Xu, C., Shen, Z.C., Soberon, M., Bravo, A., Wu, K.M.. Transgenic cotton co-expressing chimeric Vip3AcAa and Cry1Ac confers effective protection against Cry1Ac-resistant cotton bollworm. Transgenic Research, 26 (6), 763-774.
381 - Jiang, J., Huang, Y., Shu, C., Soberon, M., Bravo, A., Liu, C., Song, F., Lai, J., Zhang, J.. Holotrichia oblita Midgut Proteins That Bind to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry8-Like Toxin and Assembly of the H. oblita Midgut Tissue Transcriptome. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83 (12), e00541-17.
382 - Li, J., Ma, Y., Yuan, W., Xiao, Y., Liu, C., Wang, J., Peng, J., Peng, R., Soberon, M., Bravo, A., Yang, Y., Liu, K.. FOXA transcriptional factor modulates insect susceptibility to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin by regulating the expression of toxin-receptor ABCC2 and ABCC3 genes. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 88, 1-11.
Open Access Artículo
Artículo; Actas Paper
Open Access Artículo
388 - Rubio, V.P., Bravo, A., Olmos, J.. Identification of a Bacillus thuringiensis Surface-Layer-Protein with Cytotoxic Activity against MDA-MB-231 Breast Cancer Cells. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 27 (1), 36-42.
Open Access Artículo
389 - Xiao, Y., Dai, Q., Hu, R., Pacheco, S., Yang, Y., Liang, G., Soberon, M., Bravo, A., Liu, K., Wu, K.. A Single Point Mutation Resulting in Cadherin Mis-localization Underpins Resistance against Bacillus thuringiensis Toxin in Cotton Bollworm. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292 (7), 2933-2943.
390 - Zhou, Z., Liu, Y., Liang, G., Huang, Y., Bravo, A., Soberon, M., Song, F., Zhou, X., Zhang, J.. Insecticidal specificity of Cry1Ah to Helicoverpa armigera is determined by binding APN1 through domain II loops 2 and 3. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 83 (4), e02864-16.
391 - Bravo, A., Pacheco, S., Gomez, I., Garcia-Gomez, B., Onofre, J., Soberon, M.. Insecticidal Proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis and Their Mechanism of Action. Bacillus thuringiensis and Lysinibacillus sphaericus: Characterization and use in the field of biocontrol. 53-66, Cham: Springer. *
Open Access Artículo
392 - Fang,L., Wang,B., Zhou,Z., Yang,S., Shu,C., Song,F., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Zhang,J.. Oligomerization of Cry9Aa in solution without receptor binding, is not related with insecticidal activity. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 21, 54-57.
393 - Jin,T., Duan,X., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Wang,Z., He,K.. Identification of an alkaline phosphatase as a putative Cry1Ac binding protein in Ostrinia furnacalis (Gun?e). Pesticide Biochemistry And Physiology, 131, 80-86.
Open Access Artículo
394 - Queiroz,P.R., Ramiro,C.A., Martins,E.S., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Monnerat,R.G.. Mitochondrial markers to distinguish Spodoptera frugiperda populations associated with corn and cotton crops. Pesquisa Agropecuaria Brasileira, 51 (5), 692-696.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
398 - Zhou,Z., Wang,Z., Liu,Y., Liang,G., Shu,C., Song,F., Zhou,X., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Zhang,J.. Identification of ABCC2 as a binding protein of Cry1Ac on brush border membrane vesicles from Helicoverpa armigera by an improved pull-down assay. Microbiologyopen, 5 (4), 659-669.
399 - Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Blanco,C.A.. Strategies to Reduce Insecticide Use in Agricultural Production. Reference Module in Food Science. .
Open Access Artículo
403 - Garcia,K., Ibarra,J.E., Bravo,A., Diaz,J., Gutierrez,D., Torres,P.V., Gomez de Leon P.. Variability of Bacillus thuringiensis Strains by ERIC-PCR and Biofilm Formation. Current Microbiology, 70 (1), 10-18.
Open Access Artículo
405 - Monnerat,R., Martins,E., Macedo,C., Queiroz,P., Praca,L., Soares,C.M., Moreira,H., Grisi,I., Silva,J., Soberon,M., Bravo,A.. Evidence of Field-Evolved Resistance of Spodoptera frugiperda to Bt Corn Expressing Cry1F in Brazil That Is Still Sensitive to Modified Bt Toxins. PLoS ONE, 10 (4), e0119544.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
408 - Shu,C., Tan,S., Yin,J., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Liu,C., Geng,L., Song,F., Li,K., Zhang,J.. Assembling of Holotrichia parallela (dark black chafer) midgut tissue transcriptome and identification of midgut proteins that bind to Cry8Ea toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99 (17), 7209-7218.
Open Access Artículo
409 - Tabashnik,B.E., Zhang,M., Fabrick,J.A., Wu,Y., Gao,M., Huang,F., Wei,J., Zhang,J., Yelich,A., Unnithan,G.C., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Carriere,Y., Li,X.. Dual mode of action of Bt proteins: protoxin efficacy against resistant insects. Scientific Reports, 5, 15107.
412 - Bravo,A., Gomez,I., Mendoza,G., Gaytan,M., Soberon,M.. Different models of the mode of action of Bt 3d-Cry toxins. Bt resistance - characterization and strategies for GM crops expressing Bacillus thuringiensis toxins . 56-68, Oxford.
Editorial Material
413 - Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Gao,Y.. Preface. Bt Resistance: Characterization and Strategies for GM Crops Producing Bacillus thuringiensis Toxins. xi-xii, Oxford.
414 - Soberon,M., Garcia-Gomez,B.I., Pacheco,S., Sanchez-Quintana,J., Tabashnik,B.E., Bravo,A.. Countering pest resistance with genetically modified Bt toxins. Bt resistance-characterization and strategies for GM crops expressing Bacillus thuringiensis . CABI Biotechnology Series Volume: 4, 150-161, Oxford.
Open Access Divulgación
416 - Bravo-de-la-Parra,A.. Viejas y nuevas tendencias en el uso de la fluorescencia para el analisis estructural de las proteínas y sus procesos. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 1, 26.
419 - Monnerat,R., Pereira,E., Teles,B., Martins,E., Praca,L., Queiroz,P., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Ramos,F., Soares,C.M.. Synergistic activity of Bacillus thuringiensis toxins against Simulium spp. larvae. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 121, 70-73.
Memoria in extenso
421 - Bravo,A., Martinez-de-Castro,D.L., Sanchez,J., Munoz-Garay,C., Matus,V., Canton,P.E., Lopez-Diaz,J., Portugal,L., Mendoza,G., Soberon,M.. Mode of action of Bacillus thuringiensis toxins and their use in transgenic crops to control insect pests. Biotechnology: beyond borders. Proceedings of the Indo-Mexico workshop on Biotechnology held at CSIR NCL, Pune, India from October 7-9, 2013., 122-134.
Memoria in extenso
422 - Soberon,M., Gomez,I., Garcia-Gomez,B.I., Carmona,D., Ocelotl,J., Villanueva,F., Flores,B., Bravo,A.. Mode of action of mosquitocidal toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis and their use in control of insect vectors of human diseases. Biotechnology: beyond borders. Proceedings of the Indo-Mexico workshop on Biotechnology held at CSIR NCL, Pune, India from October 7-9, 2013., 279-288.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
424 - Bravo,A.. Biotecnología agrícola y agroecologia, complementarias u opuestas?. Ciencia, Revista de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencia, 64 (1), 68-77.
Open Access Revisión
Open Access Revisión
Open Access Artículo
431 - Tabashnik,B.E., Fabrick,J.A., Unnithan,G.C., Yelich,A.J., Masson,L., Zhang,J., Bravo,A., Soberon,M.. Efficacy of Genetically Modified Bt Toxins Alone and in Combinations Against Pink Bollworm Resistant to Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab. PLoS ONE, 8 (11), e80496.
Artículo; Actas Paper
Open Access Artículo
433 - Cancino-Rodezno,A., Lozano,L., Oppert,C., Castro,J.I., Lanz-Mendoza,H., Encarnacion,S., Evans,A.E., Gill,S.S., Soberon,M., Jurat-Fuentes,J.L., Bravo,A.. Comparative Proteomic Analysis of Aedes aegypti Larval Midgut after Intoxication with Cry11Aa Toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis. PLoS ONE, 7 (5), e37034.
Open Access Revisión
437 - Vazquez-Pineda,A., Bravo-de-la-Parra,A., Mendoza de Gives,P., Liebano-Hernandez,E., Hernandez-Linares,I, Yanez-Perez,N., Aguilar-Marcelino,L., Ramirez-Vargas,G., Hernandez-Castro,E., Gutierrez-Segura,I., Lopez-Arellano,E.. Use of Bacillus thuringiensis products as alternative method of control against important veterinary parasitic nematodes : Review. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 3 (1), 77-88.
438 - Zuniga-Navarrete,F., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Gomez,I.. Role of GPI-anchored membrane receptors in the mode of action of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins. Integrated Pest Management and Pest Control- Current and Future Tactics . 551-566.
439 - Bravo,A., Likitvivatanavong,S., Gill,S.S., Soberon,M.. Bacillus thuringiensis: A story of a successful bioinsecticide. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 41 (7), 423-431.
Open Access Artículo
442 - Likitvivatanavong,S., Chen,J., Evans,A.M., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Gill,S.S.. Multiple Receptors as Targets of Cry Toxins in Mosquitoes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59 (7), 2829-2838.
443 - Likitvivatanavong,S., Chen,J., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Gill,S.S.. Cadherin, Alkaline Phosphatase, and Aminopeptidase N as Receptors of Cry11Ba Toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. jegathesan in Aedes aegypti?. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77 (1), 24-31.
Open Access Artículo
448 - Tabashnik,B.E., Huang,F., Ghimire,M.N., Leonard,B.R., Siegfried,B.D., Rangasamy,M., Yang,Y., Wu,Y., Gahan,L.J., Heckel,D.G., Bravo,A., Soberon,M.. Efficacy of genetically modified Bt toxins against insects with different genetic mechanisms of resistance. Nature Biotechnology, 29, 1128-1131.
449 - Terenius,O., Papanicolaou,A., Garbutt,J.S., Eleftherianos,I., Huvenne,H., Sriramana,K., Albrechtsen,M., An,C., Aymeric,J.L., Barthel,A., Bebas,P., Bitra,K., Bravo,A., Chevalier,F., Collinge,D.P., Crava,C.M., de Maagd,R.A., Duvic,B., Erlandson,M., Faye,I., Felfoldi,G., Fujiwara,H., Futahashi,R., Gandhe,A.S., Gatehouse,H.S., Gatehouse,L.N., Giebultowicz,J., Gomez,I., Grimmelikhuijzen,C.J., Groot,A.T., Hauser,F., Heckel,D.G., Hegedus,D.D., Hrycaj,S., Huang,L., Hull,J.J., Iatrou,K., Iga,M., Kanost,M.R., Kotwica,J., Li,C., Li,J., Liu,J., Lundmark,M., Matsumoto,S., Meyering-Vos,M., Millichap,P.J., Monteiro,A., Mrinal,N., Niimi,T., Nowara,D., Ohnishi,A., Oostra,V., Ozaki,K., Papakonstantinou,M., Popadic,A., Rajam,M.V., Saenko,S., Simpson,R.M., Soberon,M., Strand,M.R., Tomita,S., Toprak,U., Wang,P., Wee,C.W., Whyard,S., Zhang,W., Nagaraju,J., Ffrench-Constant,R.H., Herrero,S., Gordon,K., Swevers,L., Smagghe,G., et al. RNA interference in Lepidoptera: an overview of successful and unsuccessful studies and implications for experimental design. Journal of Insect Physiology, 57 (2), 231-245.
Open Access Artículo
451 - Bravo,A., del Rincon-Castro,M.C., Ibarra,J.E., Soberon,M.. Towards a healthy control of insect pest: Potential use of Microbial insecticides. Green trends in insect control. 266-299, London.
452 - Soberon,M., Bravo,A.. Control de insectos con Bacillus thuringiensis, un método efectivo y compatible con el ambiente. V CICLO MUJER CIENCIA. 1-11, Mexico,D.F:.
Open Access Artículo
454 - Cancino-Rodezno,A., Alexander,C., Villasenor,R., Pacheco,S., Porta,H., Pauchet,Y., Soberon,M., Gill,S.S., Bravo,A.. The mitogen-activated protein kinase p38 is involved in insect defense against cry toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 40 (1), 58-63 [corrigendum 43 (9) 898 2013 ].
Open Access Artículo
457 - Fernandez-Ruvalcaba,M., Pena-Chora,G., Romo-Martinez,A., Hernandez-Velazquez,V., de la Parra,A.B., De la Rosa,D.P.. Evaluation of Bacillus thuringiensis pathogenicity for a strain of the tick, Rhipicephalus microplus, resistant to chemical pesticides - art. no. 186. Journal of Insect Science, 10, 186-190.
459 - Martins,E.S., Monnerat,R.G., Queiroz,P.R., Dumas,V.F., Braz,S.V., de Souza Aguiar,R.W., Mendes-Gomes,A.C., Sanchez,J., Bravo,A., Ribeiro,B.M.. Midgut GPI- anchored proteins with alkaline phosphatase activity from the cotton boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis) can be the putative receptors for the Cry1B protein of Bacillus thuringiensis. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 40 (2), 138-145.
Artículo; Actas Paper
461 - Vazquez-Pineda,A., Yanez-Perez,G.N., Lopez-Arellano,M.E., Mendoza de Gives,P., Liebano-Hernandez,E., Bravo-de-la-Parra,A.. Biochemical Characterization of Two Purified Proteins of the IB-16 Bacillus thuringiensis Strains and Their Toxicity Against the Sheep Nematode Haemonchus contortus In vitro. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 57 (1-2), 111-114.
462 - Bravo,A., Gill,S.S., Soberon,M.. Bacillus thuringiensis Mechanisms and Use with addendum 2010. Insect Control Biological and Synthetic Agents. Comprehensive Molecular Insect Science, 247-282.
463 - Soberon,M., Pardo,L., Munoz-Garay,C., Sanchez,J., Gomez,I., Porta,H., Bravo,A.. Pore Formation by Cry Toxins. Proteins: Membrane Binding and Pore Formation. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, 127-142, Austin, TX: Landes Bioscience.
464 - Cancino-Rodezno,A., Porta,H., Soberon,M., Bravo,A.. Defense and death responses to pore forming toxins . Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews, 26 (65), 82.
466 - Fernandez,L.E., Martinez-Anaya,C., Lira,E., Chen,J., Evans,A., Hernandez-Martinez,S., Lanz-Mendoza,H., Bravo,A., Gill,S.S., Soberon,M.. Cloning and epitope mapping of Cry11Aa-binding sites in the Cry11Aa-receptor alkaline phosphatase from Aedes aegypti. Biochemistry, 48 (37), 8899-8907.
467 - Franklin,M.T., Nieman,C.L., Janmaat,A.F., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Tabashnik,B.E., Myers,J.H.. Modified Bacillus thuringiensis toxins and a hybrid B. thuringiensis strain counter greenhouse-selected resistance in Trichoplusia ni. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75 (17), 5739-5741.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
474 - Soberon,M., Gill,S.S., Bravo,A.. Signaling versus punching hole: How do Bacillus thuringiensis toxins kill insect midgut cells?. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 66 (8), 1337-1349.
475 - Bravo,A., Soberon,M.. How to cope with insect resistance to Bt toxins?. Trends in Biotechnology, 26 (10), 573-579.
Artículo; Actas Paper
477 - Hernandez-Linares,I, Lopez-Arellano,M.E., Mendoza de Gives,P., Liebano-Hernandez,E., Bravo-de-la-Parra,A.. Lethal activity of two Bacillus thuringiensis strains against Haemonchus contortus histotropic larvae. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1149, 164-166.
Artículo; Actas Paper
480 - Soberon,M., Bravo,A.. Las toxinas Cry de Bacillus thuringiensis: modo de acción y consecuencias de su aplicación. Una ventana al quehacer científico. Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM 25 aniversario, cap 27. 303-314, Mexico, D.F..
Artículo; Actas Paper
483 - Ishikawa,H., Hoshino,Y., Motoki,Y., Kawahara,T., Kitajima,M., Kitami,M., Watanabe,A., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Honda,A., Yaoi,K., Sato,R.. A system for the directed evolution of the insecticidal protein from Bacillus thuringiensis. Molecular Biotechnology, 36 (2), 90-101.
Open Access Artículo
485 - Ochoa-Campuzano,C., Real,M.D., Martinez-Ramirez,A.C., Bravo,A., Rausell,C.. An ADAM metalloprotease is a Cry3Aa Bacillus thuringiensis toxin receptor. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 362 (2), 437-442.
Open Access Artículo
487 - Rausell,C., Ochoa-Campuzano,C., Martinez-Ramirez,A.C., Bravo,A., Real,M.D.. A membrane associated metalloprotease cleaves Cry3Aa Bacillus thuringiensis toxin reducing pore formation in Colorado potato beetle brush border membrane vesicles. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 362 (2), 437-442.
489 - Soberon,M., Pardo-Lopez,L., Lopez,I., Gomez,I., Tabashnik,B.E., Bravo,A.. Engineering Modified Bt Toxins to Counter Insect Resistance. Science, 318 (5856), 1640-1642 [erratum vol 345 (6198) art num 1256132].
Memoria in extenso
491 - Gomez,I., Miranda-Rios,J., Arenas,I., Grande,R., Becerril,B., Bravo,A., Soberon,M.. Identification of scFv Molecules that Recognize Loop 3 of Domain II and Domain III of Cry1Ab Toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis. 6th Pacific Rim Conference on the biotechnology of Bacillus thuringiensis and its Environmental Impact . 12-14, Montreal.
Memoria in extenso
492 - Masson,L., Letowski,J., Bravo,A., Brousseau,R.. Using DNA Microarrays for Assessing Crystal Protein Genes in Bacillus thuringiensis. Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Rim Conference on the Biotechnology of Bacillus thuringiensis and its Environmental Impact. 28-30.
Memoria in extenso
Memoria in extenso
494 - Perez,C., Fernandez,L.E., Sun,J.G., Folch,J.L., Gill,S.S., Soberon,M., Bravo,A.. Cyt1Aa from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis Synergizes Cry11Aa Toxin Activity by Functioning as a Membrane-Bound Receptor. Proceedings of the 6th Pacific Rim Conference on the Biotechnology of Bacillus thuringiensis and its Environmental Impact. 9-11.
Memoria in extenso
495 - Soberon,M., Gomez,I., Pardo,L., Munoz,C., Fernandez,L.E., Perez,C., Gill,S.S., Bravo,A.. Important Interactions with membrane Receptors in the Mode of Action of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins. 6th Pacific Rim Conference on the biotechnology of Bacillus thuringiensis and its Environmental Impact , cap 1. 1-6, Montreal.
Open Access Artículo
Artículo; Actas Paper
498 - Lopez,M.E., Flores,J., Mendoza,P., Vazquez,V., Liebano,E., Bravo,A., Herrera,D., Godines,E., Vargas,P., Zamudio,F.. Use of Bacillus thuringiensis Toxin as an Alternative Method of Control against Haemonchus contortus. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1081, 347-354.
499 - Monnerat,R., Martins,E., Queiroz,P., Orduz,S., Jaramillo,G., Benintende,G., Cozzi,J., Real,M.D., Martinez-Ramirez,A., Rausell,C., Ceron,J., Ibarra,J.E., del Rincon-Castro,M.C., Espinoza,A.M., Meza-Basso,L., Cabrera,L., Sanchez,J., Soberon,M., Bravo,A.. Genetic variability of Spodoptera frugiperda Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) populations from Latin America is associated with variations in susceptibility to Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72 (11), 7029-7035.
501 - Pacheco,S., Gomez,I., Sato,R., Bravo,A., Soberon,M.. Functional display of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ac toxin on T7 phage. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 92 (1), 45-49.
502 - Padilla,C., Pardo-Lopez,L., de la Riva,G., Gomez,I., Sanchez,J., Hernandez,G., Nunez,M.E., Carey,M.P., Dean,D.H., Alzate,O., Soberon,M., Bravo,A.. Role of Tryptophan Residues in Toxicity of Cry1Ab Toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 72 (1), 901-907.
Artículo; Actas Paper
506 - Munoz,R., Pardo,L., Sanchez-Quintana,J., Raussell.C., Soberon,M., Bravo,A.. Mecanismos moleculares de insercion de la toxina Cry de Bacillus thuringiensis en membrana. La fisica biologica en Mexico. 1-27, Mexico.
Open Access Nacional
507 - Ibarra,J.E., Castro,M.C., Galindo,E., Patino,M., Serrano,L., Garcia,R., Carrillo,J.A., Pereyra-Alferez,B., Alcazar-Pizana,A., Luna-Olvera,H., Galan-Wong,L., Pardo,L., Munoz-Garay,C., Gomez,I., Soberon,M., Bravo,A.. [Microorganisms in the biological control of insects and phytopathogens]. Revista Latinoamericana de Microbiologia, 48 (2), 113-120.
508 - de Maagd,R.A., Bravo,A., Crickmore,N.. Bt toxin not guilty by association. Nature Biotechnology, 23 (7), 791.
510 - Letowski,J., Bravo,A., Brousseau,R., Masson,L.. Assessment of cry1 Gene Contents of Bacillus thuringiensis Strains by Use of DNA Microarrays. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 71 (9), 5391-5398.
511 - Perez,C., Fernandez,L.E., Sun,J., Folch,J.L., Gill,S.S., Soberon,M., Bravo,A.. Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis Cyt1Aa synergizes Cry11Aa toxin by functioning as a membrane-bound receptor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 102 (51), 18303-18308.
Open Access Artículo
512 - Xie,R., Zhuang,M., Ross,L.S., Gomez,I., Oltean,D.I., Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Gill,S.S.. Single amino acid mutations in the cadherin receptor from heliothis virescens affect its toxin binding ability to Cry1A toxins. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280 (9), 8416-8425.
513 - Bravo,A., Soberon,M., Gill,S.S.. Bacillus thuringiensis, mechanism and use. Comprehensive molecular insect science. 175-205.
515 - da Silva,S.M.B., Silva-Werneck,J.O., Falcao,R., Gomes,A.C., Fragoso,R.R., Quezado,M.T., Neto,O.B.O., Aguiar,J.B., de Sa,M.F.G., Bravo,A., Monnerat,R.G.. Characterization of novel Brazilian Bacillus thuringiensis strains active against Spodoptera frugiperda and other insect pests. Journal of Applied Entomology, 128 (2), 102-107.
Open Access Artículo
518 - Rausell,C., Garcia-Robles,I., Sanchez,J., Munoz-Garay,C., Martinez-Ramirez,A.C., Real,M.D., Bravo,A.. Role of toxin activation on binding and pore formation activity of the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry3 toxins in membranes of Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say). Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1660 (1-2), 99-105.
519 - Vazquez-Padron,R.I., de la Riva,G., Silva,Y., Pham,S.M., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Aitouche,A.. Cryptic endotoxic nature of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab insecticidal crystal protein. FEBS Letters, 570 (1-3), 30-36.
521 - de Maagd,R.A., Bravo,A., Berry,C., Crickmore,N., Schnepf,H.E.. Structure, diversity, and evolution of protein toxins from spore-forming entomopathogenic bacteria. Annual Review of Genetics, 37, 409-433.
523 - Ibarra,J.E., Del Rincon,M.C., Orduz,S., Noriega,D., Benintende,G., Monnerat,R., Regis,L., De Oliveira,C.M., Lanz,H., Rodriguez,M.H., Sanchez,J., Pena,G., Bravo,A.. Diversity of Bacillus thuringiensis Strains from Latin America with Insecticidal Activity against Different Mosquito Species. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 69 (9), 5269-5274.
524 - Ibarra,A, Soberon,M., Bravo,A.. La biotecnología y el control biológico de insectos. Fronteras de la Biología en los Inicios del Siglo XXI, Módulo III. 27-52, Mexico,D.F..
525 - Nunez-Valdez,M.E., Ramírez-Gama,R.M., Calderon,M.A., Hernandez,L., Romero.A., Rodríguez-Segura,Z., Aranda,E., Bravo,A., Villalobos-Hernandez,F.J.. Bacterias entomopatógenas para el control de larvas de Phyllophaga spp. Estudios Sobre Coleópteros del Suelo en América. 347-359, Puebla.
Open Access Artículo
527 - Bravo,A., Sanchez,J., Kouskoura,T., Crickmore,N.. N-terminal activation is an essential early step in the mechanism of action of the B. thuringiensis Cry1Ac insecticidal toxin. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277 (27), 23985-23987.
Open Access Artículo
530 - Lopez-Arellano,M.E., Flores-Crespo,J., Mendoza de Gives,P., Bravo-de-la-Parra,A., Herrera-Rodriguez,D, Liebano-Hernandez,E., Vazquez-Prats,V.M., Vargas-Uriostegui,P.. In vitro lethal activity of Bacillus thuringiensis toxins against Haemonchus contortus eggs and infective larvae. International Journal of Nematology, 12 (1), 66-72.
Open Access Artículo
531 - Miranda,R., Gomez,I., Soberon,M., Bravo,A.. Mecanismo de accion de las toxinas Cry de Bacillus Thuringiensis. TIP revista especializada en Ciencias Quimico-Biologicas, 5, 5-13.
Open Access Artículo
532 - Zhuang,M., Oltean,D.I., Gomez,I., Pullikuth,A.K., Soberon,M., Bravo,A., Gill,S.S.. Heliothis virescens and Manduca sexta lipid rafts are involved in Cry1A toxin binding to the midgut epithelium and subsequent pore formation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277 (16), 13863-13872.
533 - Bravo de la Parra, Ma Alejandra. Estrategias moleculares que tiene Rhizobium phaseoli para manejar el nitrogeno en vida libre . Licenciatura en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM. *
Asesor: Mora, Jaime

534 - de Maagd,R.A., Bravo,A., Crickmore,N.. How Bacillus thuringiensis has evolved specific toxins to colonize the insect world. Trends in Genetics, 17 (4), 193-199.
535 - Garcia-Robles,I., Sanchez,J., Gruppe,A., Martinez-Ramirez,A.C., Rausell,C., Real,M.D., Bravo,A.. Mode of action of Bacillus thuringiensis PS86Q3 strain in hymenopteran forest pests. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 31 (9), 849-856.
Open Access Artículo
538 - Nunez-Valdez,M., Sanchez,J., Lina,L., Guereca,L., Bravo,A.. Structural and functional studies of alpha-helix 5 region from Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab delta-endotoxin. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure And Molecular Enzymology, 1546 (1), 122-131.
539 - Bravo,A.. Proteínas insecticidas de Bacillus thuringiensis. Bioinsecticidas: Fundamentos y aplicaciones de Bacillus thuringiensis en el control integrado de plagas . 73-88, Navarra.
Open Access Nacional
541 - Bravo,A., Arrieta,G, Benintende,G, Real,M.D., Espinoza,A.M., Ibarra.J., Monnerat,R., Orduz,S, Soberon,M.. Metodologías utilizadas en investigación sobre bacterias entimopatógenas. Mexico, D.F..
Open Access Artículo
543 - Monnerat,R., Bravo,A.. Proteinas bioinsecticidas produzidas pela bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis. Contole biologico. .
544 - Guereca,L., Bravo,A.. The oligomeric state of Bacillus thuringiensis Cry toxins in solution. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure And Molecular Enzymology, 1429 (2), 342-350.
545 - Bravo,A.. Comparative analysis of pore formation activity of cry toxins in membranes isolated from different insect orders. Biotechnology of Bacillus thuringiensis. 177-178, Beijing, China..
Open Access Divulgación
546 - Aranda,E., Sanchez,J.F., Lina,L., Peferoen,M., Bravo,A.. Analisis de la union in vitro e in vivo de las d-endotoxinas de Bacillus Thuringiensis al epitelio intestinal de Diatrea grandiosello. BioTecnologia. Sociedad Mexicana de Biotecnologia y Bioingenieria, 3, 95-105.
547 - Bravo,A., Sarabia,S., Lopez,L., Ontiveros,H., Abarca,C., Ortiz,A., Ortiz,M., Lina,L., Villalobos,F.J., Pena,G., Nunez-Valdez,M.E., Soberon,M., Quintero,R.. Characterization of cry genes in a Mexican Bacillus thuringiensis strain collection. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 64 (12), 4965-4972.
553 - Bravo,A., Agaisse,H., Salamitou,S., Lereclus,D.. Analysis of cryIAa expression in sigE and sigK mutants of Bacillus thuringiensis. Molecular and General Genetics, 250 (6), 734-741. *
Open Access Artículo
555 - Salamitou,S., Agaisse,H., Bravo,A., Lereclus,D.. Genetic analysis of cryIIIA gene expression in Bacillus thuringiensis. Microbiology, 142 (Pt 8), 2049-2055. *
558 - Bravo,A., Lorence,A., Quintero,R.. Biopesticidas compatibles con el medio ambiente: Bacillus thuringiensis, un modelo unico. Biocontrol, 1 (1), 41-55.
559 - Ceron,J., Covarrubias,L., Quintero,R., Ortiz,A., Ortiz,M., Aranda,E., Lina,L., Bravo,A.. PCR analysis of the cryI insecticidal crystal family genes from Bacillus thuringiensis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 60 (1), 353-356.
Open Access Artículo
566 - Folch,J.L., Antaramian,A., Rodriguez,L., Bravo,A., Brunner,A., Gonzalez,A.. Isolation and characterization of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant with impaired glutamate synthase activity. Journal of Bacteriology, 171 (12), 6776-6781. *