Biología Molecular y Bioquímica de venenos de animales ponzoñosos
Bioprocesos con aplicaciones biotecnológicas y para la generación de medicamentos biotecnológicos
Bioquímica Estructural de Proteínas
Estructura, Función y Manipulación de Péptidos y Proteínas con énfasis en estudios electrofisiológicos
Estructura, Función y Manipulación de Péptidos y Proteínas con función antimicrobiana
Número de registros: 39
  • Activos
  • Vencidos
  • Estructura y función de componentes del veneno de alacranes, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2023 - 2025
  • Estructura y función de componentes del veneno de alacranes mexicanos, incluyendo análisis transcriptomica y proteomica, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2019 - 2021
  • Natural agonists of ryanodine receptors: structure-function relationship and antiarrhythmic properties, NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, 2018 - 2020
  • Genes y proteínas de alacranes: aislamiento y caracterización, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2016 - 2019
  • Proteómica y transcriptómica de las glándulas del veneno de alacranes, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2015 - 2019
  • Arácnidos de la biodiversidad mexicana y brasileña: purificación y caracterización de componentes del veneno, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2015 - 2017
  • Proteínas, péptidos y genes del veneno de alacranes y anticuerpos protectores, PRESUPUESTO UNAM, 2014 - 2020
  • Componentes del veneno de alacranes: aislamiento y caracterización, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2013 - 2016
  • Biomedicine for inwardly rectifying potassium channel, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2012 - 2015
  • Eventos moleculares asociados a la intoxicación por veneno de alacranes: un análisis por biología de sistemas, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2012 - 2015
  • Calcins as membrane-permeable ligands of ryanodine receptors, UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 2011 - 2016
  • Purificación y caracterización de componentes del veneno de arácnidos de la biodiversidad mexicana y brasileña, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2010 - 2013
  • Aislamiento y caracterización de componentes del veneno para alacranes, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2010 - 2012
  • Una nueva estrategia para generación de vacuna aviar, mediante el uso de anticuerpos contra receptores de células dendríticas, Instituto de Ciencia y Tecnología del Distrito Federal, 2009 - 2011
  • K+ channel blockers for malaria control, BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION, 2009 - 2010
  • Toxinas de alacrán y sintéticos análogos que afectan los canales de potasio responsables de las corrientes a del sistema nervioso central, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2009 - 2012
  • Desarrollo de mosquitos transgénicos resistentes a la transmisión de malaria y dengue, FONDO DE COOPERACIÓN INTERNACIONAL EN CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA UNIÓN EUROPEA - MÉXICO, 2009 - 2012
  • Identificación y caracterización de nuevas toxinas de alacrán inhibidoras de canales iónicos de linfocitos, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2008 - 2011
  • Caracterización química-funcional de componentes del veneno de alacranes, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2007 - 2009
  • Estudio del veneno de alacrán brasileño opisthacanthus cayaporum: caracterización química-funcional de sus péptidos y generación de una biblioteca de genes para su producción recombinante., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2006 - 2009
  • Eventos moleculares asociados a la intoxicación por veneno de alacranes: un análisis por biología de sistemas., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2006 - 2009
  • Análisis proteómico de venenos de alacranes mexicanos y latinoamericanos con miras a la identificación de nuevas toxinas que afectan canales iónicos de potasio, responsables de las corrientes tipo-a de células del cerebelo., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2006 - 2009
  • Toxinas, antibióticos y defensinas del veneno de alacranes con improtancia en salud pública., FONDO SECTORIAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN SALUD Y SEGURIDAD SOCIAL, 2006 - 2010
  • Producción de antígenos recombinantes para la obtención de faboterápicos útiles en el tratamiento contra la intoxicación causada por picadura de alacrán., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2005 - 2007
  • Identificación y caracterización de nuevas toxinas de alacrán inhibidoras de canales iónicos en linfocitos., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2004 - 2007
  • Ligandos naturales de venenos de arañas como herramientas para el estudio de receptores celulares., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2004 - 2005
  • Caracterización química y funcional de componentes del veneno y de la hemolinfa de alacranes., DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2004 - 2006
  • Componentes del veneno de alacranes: ergtoxinas, defensinas y fosfolipasas, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2003 - 2006
  • Caracterización química- funcional de toxinas de arácnidos que actúan sobre canales iónicos de calico y potasio., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2002 - 2004
  • Aislamiento del veneno de alacranes y caracterización del papel fisiológico que juegan péptidos específicos en los canales iónicos voltaje y neurotransmisores dependientes., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2002 - 2003
  • Ligandos naturales de la biodiversidad mexicana para el desarrollo y diseño de nuevos fármacos., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2000 - 2002
  • Estructura de toxinas del veneno de alacrán y estudio de la interacción con canales iónicos., DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2000 - 2003
  • Toxinas del veneno de alacranes; ergtoxina y canales de potasio, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 1999 - 2002
  • Toxinas de alacrán: herramientas sitio-específico para el estudio de la excitabilidad de las membranas biológicas, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 1999 - 2001
  • Aislamiento y caracterización de péptidos tóxicos de venenos de alacranes de baja california: preparación de un banco de cdn y clonaciòn de genes, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE INTERCAMBIO ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 1997
  • Estudio de la interacción de toxinas de alacranes con canales de potasio, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 1997 - 2000
  • Chemical and functional characterization of scorpion toxins, HOWARD HUGHES MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1997 - 2001
  • Toxinas peptídicas de alacranes mexicanos como sondas para el estudio de las funciones de canales iónicos, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 1996 - 1998
  • Noxiustoxina y cn5 como modelos de toxinas del veneno de alacranes mexicanos que actúan sobre canales iónicos, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 1995 - 1998

Nivel D del PRIDE
Nivel Investigador Emérito del SNII
  • Doctorado, en Biofísica, Faculte des Sciences DOrsay-Universite de París, Francia (octubre 1968-marzo 1970)

  • Licenciatura, Historia Natural, Fac. de Filosofía de la Universidad Federal de Río Grande do Sul, Brasil (1966)

  • Premio Luis Elizondo, Tecnológico de Monterrey, 2017

  • Premio Heberto Castillo, Secretaria de Ciencia, Tecnologia y Innovación de la ciudad de Mexico, 2017

  • Premio Nacional de Ciencias, Gobierno Mexicano, 2016

  • Premio Redi, International Society on Toxinology, 2006

  • Investigador emérito, UNAM, 2005

  • Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad de Debrecen, Hungría, 2005

  • Miembro de la Academia de Ciencias de America Latina, 1999

  • Premio Nacional de Investigación Básica, Fundación Glaxo-Wellcome, 1998

  • Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Research Scholar 1997-2001, 1997

  • Premio Nacional de Ciencias y Artes, Gobierno de la República, 1995

  • Premio de Investigacion Medica Dr. Jorge Rosenkran, 1994

  • Premio Universidad Nacional en el área de Ciencias Naturales, UNAM, 1993

  • Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Research Scholar 1991-1996, 1991

4 - Mendonza Luis,Rey Luis (2019). Síntesis química y predicción de estructura secundaria de Cn29, un péptido aislado del veneno del alacrán ?Centruroides noxius. Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas, Biólogo, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. *
8 - Amaro Estrada, Itzel (2015). Obtencion de anticuerpos de origen humano que neutralicen la toxina ts1 del alacran brasileno tityus serrulatus. Instituto de Biotecnologia, 68 paginas, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
9 - Luna Ramirez,Karen Sofia (2014). Urodacus yaschenkoi, Autralian scorpion: phylogeny, venom characterization and pharmacology. Facultad de Medicina, Odontologia y Ciencias de la Salud, University of Melbourne. *
10 - Jimenez Vargas, Juana Maria (2012). Toxinas de alacran que afectan a canales de potasio del tipo herg1 . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Biomedicas, UNAM.
12 - Rendon Anaya, Martha Rosalia (2011). Analisis del transcriptoma de la glandula de veneno del alacran Centruroides noxius Hoffmann . Instituto de Biotecnologia, x, 97 paginas, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
Asesor: Possani Postay, Lourival D., Herrera Estrella,Luis

13 - Espino Solis, Gerardo Pavel (2009). Desarrollo de anticuerpos contra integrinas de celulas dendriticas de caballo con miras a su aplicacion biotecnologica. Instituto de Biotecnologia, 28, [59] paginas, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
14 - Jimenez Vargas, Juana Maria (2006). Expresion heterologa de genes que codifican para toxinas de alacran . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
22 - Meyer,Lutz (2001). Characterization of the venom of the marine snail Conus delessertii. Diploma en Biologia, Química y Farmácia, Universidad Libre de Berlin. *
Asesor: Possani Postay, Lourival D., Hucho, Ferdinand , Heimer,Edgar

26 - Ferreira Batista,Cesar Vicente (1999). Péptidos antimicrobianos del anfíbio Brasileño Phyllomedusa distincta. Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas (Biología Molecular), Universidad de Brasilia. *
Asesor: Possani Postay,Lourival D., Bloch, Carlos

29 - Valdez Cruz, Norma Adriana (1998). Análisis morfológico del alacrán Centruroides exilicauda y caracterización de algunas de sus toxinas". Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, Licenciado en Químico Farmaco Biólogo, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California. *
Asesor: Possani Postay, Lourival D., Licea, Alexei F.

31 - Pardo Lopez, Liliana (1995). Secuenciación del cDNA que codifica para la toxina Helotermina del veneno de Heloderma horridum horridum. Facultad de Biología, Licenciado en Biología, Universidad Veracruzana. *
33 - Ramirez Navarro, Angelina (1994). Determinacion de las constantes de afinidad de toxinas del veneno de alacranes mexicanos a tejidos excitables : cerebro y musculo. Facultad de Medicina, Doctorado en Ciencias Biomedicas, UNAM. *
35 - Gurrola Briones, Georgina (1994). Caracterizacion funcional estructural de la noxiustoxina. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM.
36 - Muñoz Garay,Roberto Carlos (1994). Determinación del efecto de la toxina 2 de Centruroides noxius sobre la proliferación in vitro de linfocitos murinos. Licenciado en Biología, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Mexico. *
37 - Tapia Vieyra,Juana Virginia (1994). Determinación de la secuencia nucleotídica de cDNAs que codifican para toxinas del veneno de alacrán Centruroides noxius Hoffmann. Licenciado en Biología, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. *
38 - Vaca Dominguez, Luis Alfonso (1994). Uso de toxinas como sensores estructurales de canales de potasio. Facultad de Medicina, Doctorado en Ciencias Biomédicas, UNAM. *
40 - Cossio Bayugar, Raquel (1993). Aislamiento y caracterizacion de una fosfolipasa del veneno del alacran Hadrurus concolourus. Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, Unidad Academica de los Ciclos Profesional y de Posgrado, Licenciatura en Investigación Biomédica Básica, UNAM. *
43 - Fernández Aguilar,Juan Antonio (1992). Aislamiento y caracterización química de componentes tóxicos minoritarios del veneno del alacrán Centruroides limpidus limpidus (Alacrán de Guerrero). Médico Veterinario Zootecnista, Universidad Autónoma Agrária "Antonio Narro", Torreon, Coahuila. *
46 - Mocha Morales, Javier (1991). Caracterizacion quimica y funcional de la toxina helotermina del verano de Heloderna horridum. Facultad de Medicina, Doctorado en Ciencias Biomedicas, UNAM. *
48 - Villarreal Molina, Gilda Maria (1989). Purificación y marcaje de toxinas del alacrán Centruroides noxius para el estudio de canales iónicos de membranas excitables. Licenciatura en Investigación Biomédica Básica, UNAM. *
49 - Vaca Dominguez, Luis Alfonso (1989). Sintesis de peptidos correspondientes a la secuencia de la noxiustoxina : determinantes antigenicos y efectos sobre canales ionicos. Maestria en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM. *
51 - Mochca Morales, Javier (1988). Aislamiento y caracterizacion de una toxina del veneno del Heloderma horridum horridum. Maestro en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM. *
53 - Balderas Altamirano,Cipriano (1988). Aislamiento y caracterizacion de toxinas del alacrán de Morelos Centruroides limpidus limpidus (Karsch). Biólogo, Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Morelos. *
54 - Ramirez Navarro, Angelina (1987). Aislamiento y caracterizacion de las toxinas del veneno del alacran C. Limpidus tecomanus Hoffmann . Facultad de Medicina, Maestria en Ciencias Biomedicas, UNAM. *
55 - Dehesa Dávila,Manuel (1987). Aislamiento y caracterización de una toxina del veneno del alacrán Centruroides infamatus infamatus Koch. Maestro en Investigación Biomédicas, Universidad de Guanajuato, Léon. *
56 - Sanchez Garcia, Maria del Rocio (1986). Purificacion de toxinas del veneno del alacran Centruroides noxius Hoffmann 1932, por medio de inmunoadsorbentes. Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biología, UNAM. *
58 - Colomer Gould, Veronica (1984). Obtencion de anticuerpos monoclonales en contra de toxinas del veneno de alacran centruroides noxius. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas, Licenciatura en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM. *
Asesor: Possani, Lourival Domingos, Celis, Esteban

59 - Rode Sanchez, Gustavo Ricardo (1984). Aislamiento y caracterización de los componentes tóxicos del veneno del alacrán sudamericano Tityus serrulatus. Facultad de Química, Maestría en Ciencias (Bioquímica), UNAM. *
60 - Ramirez Avila, Guillermo Julio (1983). Aislamiento y caracterizacion de proteinasas del veneno de la serpiente mexicana crotalus molossus nigrescens (Gloyd) 1936. Facultad de Quimica, Maestro en Ciencias Quimicas (Bioquimica), UNAM. *
61 - Dent, Myrna Alexandra Roberta (1983). Aislamiento y caracterizacion quimica de diversas toxinas del veneno del alacran centruroides noxius hoffmann. Facultad de Química, Maestría en Ciencias Químicas (Bioquímica), UNAM. *
62 - Rode Sanchez, Gustavo Ricardo (1980). Contribucion al estudio de la glutamato descarboxilasa (GAD) de cerebro : Aspectos cineticos y problemas de purificacion . Facultad de Quimica, Quimico Farmaceutico Biologo, UNAM. *
63 - Alagon Cano, Alejandro (1980). Estudio sobre los venenos de varias especies zoologicas. Instituto de Investigacions Biomedicas, Maestria en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM. *
64 - Molinar Rode, Ricardo Alejandro (1979). Caracterizacion bioquimica del veneno de la serpiente mexicana bothrops asper . Facultad de Quimica, Quimico Farmaceutico Biologo, UNAM. *
65 - Dent, Myrna Alexandra Roberta (1979). Contribucion al estudio de las toxinas del veneno y ultraestructura del telson del alacran de Nayarit centruroides noxius hoffmann. Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biología, UNAM. *
Total de publicaciones: 450
  • Tipo
  • Fecha
Open Access Artículo
68 - Monteiro,I.S., Araujo,I.F.S., Camargos,T.S., Ortiz,E., Souza,A.C.B., Lima,J.D., Possani,L.D., Schwartz,E.F., Tibery,D.V. (2025). The First K(+)-Channel Blocker Described from Tityus fasciolatus Venom: The Purification, Molecular Cloning, and Functional Characterization of a-KTx4.9 (Tf5). Toxins (Basel), 17 (2), 96.
Open Access Artículo
70 - Gonzalez-Santillan,E., Valdez-Velazquez,L.L., Delgado-Hernandez,O., Cid-Uribe,J.I., Romero-Gutierrez,M.T., Possani,L.D. (2024). A multigene approach to identify the scorpion species (Arachnida: Scorpiones) of Colima, Mexico, with comments on their venom diversity. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 95, e955373.
Open Access Artículo
73 - Garcia-Villalvazo,P.E, Jimenez-Vargas,J.M, Lino-Lopez,G.J, Meneses,E.P, Bermudez-Guzman,M.J, Barajas-Saucedo,C.E, Delgado-Enciso,I., Possani,L.D, Valdez-Velazquez,L.L (2023). Unveiling the Protein Components of the Secretory-Venom Gland and Venom of the Scorpion Centruroides possanii (Buthidae) through Omic Technologies. Toxins (Basel), 15 (8), 498.
75 - Ibarra-Vega,R., Jimenez-Vargas,J.M., Pineda-Contreras,A., Martinez-Martinez,F.J., Barajas-Saucedo,C.E., Garcia-Ortega,H., Magana-Vergara,N.E., Possani,L.D., Corzo,G., Gaitan-Hinojosa,M.A., Vazquez-Vuelvas,O.F., Zamudio,F., Valdez-Velazquez,L.L. (2023). Indolealkylamines in the venom of the scorpion Thorellius intrepidus. Toxicon, 233, 107232.
76 - Lopez-Giraldo,E., Carrillo,E., Titaux-Delgado,G., Cano-Sanchez,P., Colorado,A., Possani,L.D., Rio-Portilla,F.D. (2023). Structural and functional studies of scorpine: A channel blocker and cytolytic peptide. Toxicon, 222, 106985 .
79 - Salazar,M.H., Ortiz,M.H., Encarnacion,S., Zamudio,F., Possani,L.D., Cleghorn,J., Moran,M., Acosta,H., Corzo,G. (2023). A proteomic overview of the major venom components from Tityus championi from Panama. Toxicon, 227, 107082.
82 - Bermudez-Guzman,M.J., Jimenez-Vargas,J.M., Possani,L.D., Zamudio,F., Ororzco-Gutierrez,G., Oceguera-Contreras,E., Enriquez-Vara,J.N, Vazquez-Vuelvas,O.F., Garcia-Villalvazo,P.E., Valdez-Velazquez,L.L. (2022). Biochemical characterization and insecticidal activity of isolated peptides from the venom of the scorpion Centruroides tecomanus. Toxicon, 206, 90-102.
Open Access Artículo
83 - Csoti,A., Najera-Meza,R.C., Bogar,F., Tajti,G., Szanto,T.G., Varga,Z., Gurrola,G.B., Toth,G.K., Possani,L.D., Panyi,G. (2022). sVmKTx, a transcriptome analysis-based synthetic peptide analogue of Vm24, inhibits Kv1.3 channels of human T cells with improved selectivity. Biochemical Pharmacology, 199, 115023.
Open Access Artículo
84 - Delgado-Prudencio,G., Cid-Uribe,J.I., Morales,J.A., Possani,L.D., Ortiz,E., Romero-Gutierrez,T. (2022). The Enzymatic Core of Scorpion Venoms. Toxins, 14 (4), 248.
Open Access Artículo
85 - Espinoza-Duarte,M.R., Ortega-Ochoa,C., Baca-Ramirez,A., Possani,L.D., Espino-Solis,G.P. (2022). Flow cytometry analysis of CD11c-positive peripheral blood mononuclear cells in horses. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 253 (November), 110504.
86 - Naseem,M.U., Carcamo-Noriega,E., Borrego,J., Szanto,T.G., Zamudio,F.Z., Delgado-Prudencio,G., Possani,L.D., Panyi,G. (2022). Cm28, a scorpion toxin having a unique primary structure, inhibits KV1.2 and KV1.3 with high affinity. Journal of General Physiology, 154 (8), e202213146.
90 - Alamilla,J., Jimenez-Vargas,J.M., Galvan-Hernandez,A.R., Reyes-Mendez,M.E., Bermudez-Guzman,M.J., Restano-Cassulini,R., Olamendi-Portugal,T., Zamudio,F.Z., Possani,L.D., Valdez-Velazquez,L.L. (2021). Toxin Ct1a, from venom of Centruroides tecomanus, modifies the spontaneous firing frequency of neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Toxicon, 197, 114-125.
93 - Lopes,K.S., Torres Quintanilha,M.V., Barros de Souza,A.C., Zamudio-Zuniga,F., Possani,L.D., Mortari,M.R. (2021). Antiseizure potential of peptides from the venom of social wasp Chartergellus communis against chemically-induced seizures. Toxicon, 194, 23.
Open Access Artículo
95 - Rodriguez-Ravelo,R., Ruiz-Urquiola,A., Possani-Postay,L.D., Morris-Quevedo,H.J., Rodriguez-Ravelo,M., Espinosa-Lopez,G. (2021). Variation of cytochrome oxidase-I gene and venom proteins of Rhopalurus junceus populations in the Moanicum sector: Pharmacological implications. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy Research, 9 (1), 1-12.
96 - Vargas-Jaimes,L., Rodriguez,M.C., Argotte-Ramos,R., Juarez-Gonzalez,V.R., Pastor,N., Cesa-Luna,C., Possani,L.D., Quintero-Hernandez,V. (2021). Recombinant C-Terminal Domains from Scorpine-like Peptides Inhibit the Plasmodium berghei Ookinete Development In Vitro. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, 27, 817-829.
98 - Cid-Uribe,J.I., Veytia-Bucheli,J.I., Romero-Gutierrez,T., Ortiz,E., Possani,L.D. (2020). Scorpion venomics: a 2019 overview. Expert Review of Proteomics, 17 (1), 67-83.
99 - Cota-Arce,J.M., Zazueta-Favela,D., Diaz-Castillo,F., Jimenez,S., Bernaldez-Sarabia,J., Caram-Salas,N.L., Dan,K.W.L., Escobedo,G., Licea-Navarro,A.F., Possani,L.D., De Leon-Nava,M.A. (2020). Venom components of the scorpion Centruroides limpidus modulate cytokine expression by T helper lymphocytes: Identification of ion channel-related toxins by mass spectrometry. International Immunopharmacology, 84, 106505.
100 - El-Bitar, A. M. H., Sarhan, M., Abdel-Rahman, M. A., Quintero-Hernandez, V., Aoki-Utsubo, C., Moustafa, M. A., Possani, L. D., Hotta, H. (2020). Smp76, a Scorpine-Like Peptide Isolated from the Venom of the Scorpion Scorpio maurus palmatus, with a Potent Antiviral Activity Against Hepatitis C Virus and Dengue Virus. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, 26, 811-821.
104 - Luna-Ramirez,K., Csoti,A., McArthur,J.R., Chin,Y.K.Y., Anangi,R., Najera,R.D.C., Possani,L.D., King,G.F., Panyi,G., Yu,H., Adams,D.J., Finol-Urdaneta,R.K. (2020). Structural basis of the potency and selectivity of Urotoxin, a potent Kv1 blocker from scorpion venom. Biochemical Pharmacology, 174, 113782.
105 - Mourao,C.B.F., Brand,G.D., Fernandes,J.P.C., Prates,M.V., Bloch,C., Barbosa,J.A.R.G., Freitas,S.M., Restano-Cassulini,R., Possani,L.D., Schwartz,E.F. (2020). Head-to-Tail Cyclization after Interaction with Trypsin: A Scorpion Venom Peptide that Resembles Plant Cyclotides. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 63 (17), 9500?951.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
109 - Bernaldez-Sarabia,J., Figueroa-Montiel,A., Duenas,S., Cervantes-Luevano,K., Beltran,J.A., Ortiz,E., Jimenez,S., Possani,L.D., Paniagua-Solis,J.F., Gonzalez-Canudas,J., Licea-Navarro,A. (2019). The Diversified O-Superfamily in Californiconus californicus Presents a Conotoxin with Antimycobacterial Activity. Toxins (Basel), 11 (2), E128.
110 - Carcamo-Noriega,E.N., Sathyamoorthi,S., Banerjee,S., Gnanamani,E., Mendoza-Trujillo,Monserrat, Mata-Espinosa,D., Hernandez-Pando,R., Veytia-Bucheli,J.I., Possani,L.D., Zare,R.N. (2019). 1,4-Benzoquinone antimicrobial agents against Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis derived from scorpion venom. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (26), 201812334, 12642-12647.
Open Access Artículo
119 - Santibanez-Lopez,C.E., Graham,M.R., Sharma,P.P., Ortiz,E., Possani,L.D. (2019). Hadrurid Scorpion Toxins: Evolutionary Conservation and Selective Pressures. Toxins (Basel), 11 (11), E637, E637.
Open Access Artículo
121 - Banerjee, S., Gnanamani, E., Lynch, S.R., Zamudio-Zuniga, F., Jimenez-Vargas, J.M., Possani, L.D., Zare, R.N. (2018). An Alkaloid from Scorpion Venom: Chemical Structure and Synthesis. Journal of Natural Products, 81 (8), 1899-1904.
129 - Salazar, M.H., Arenas, I., Corrales-Garcia, L.L., Miranda, R., Velez, S., Sanchez, J., Mendoza, K., Cleghorn, J., Zamudio, F.Z., Castillo, A., Possani, L.D., Corzo, G., Acosta, H. (2018). Venoms of Centruroides and Tityus species from Panama and their main toxic fractions. Toxicon, 141, 79-87.
136 - Jimenez-Vargas, J.M., Possani, L.D., Luna-Ramirez, K. (2017). Arthropod toxins acting on neuronal potassium channels. Neuropharmacology, 127, 139-160.
137 - Lopes, K.S., Campos, G.A.A., Camargo, L.C., de Souza, A.C.B., Ibituruna, B.V., Magalhaes, A.C.M., da Rocha, L.F., Garcia, A.B., Rodrigues, M.C., Ribeiro, D.M., Costa, M.C., Lopez, M.H.M., Nolli, L.M., Zamudio-Zuniga, F., Possani, L.D., Schwartz, E.F., Mortari, M.R. (2017). Characterization of two peptides isolated from the venom of social wasp Chartergellus communis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae): Influence of multiple alanine residues and C-terminal amidation on biological effects. Peptides, 95, 84-93.
Open Access Artículo
140 - Restano-Cassulini, R., Garcia, W., Paniagua-Solis, J.F., Possani, L.D. (2017). Antivenom Evaluation by Electrophysiological Analysis. Toxins (Basel), 9 (3), 74.
144 - Vargas-Jaimes, L., Xiao, L., Zhang, J., Possani, L.D., Valdivia, H.H., Quintero-Hernandez, V. (2017). Recombinant expression of Intrepicalcin from the scorpion Vaejovis intrepidus and its effect on skeletal ryanodine receptors. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1861 (4), 936-946.
Open Access Artículo
145 - Figueroa-Montiel,A., Ramos,M.A., Mares,R.E., Duenas,S., Pimienta,G., Ortiz,E., Possani,L.D., Licea-Navarro,A.F. (2016). In Silico Identification of Protein Disulfide Isomerase Gene Families in the De Novo Assembled Transcriptomes of Four Different Species of the Genus Conus. PLoS ONE, 11 (2), e0148390.
146 - Luna-Martinez,K., Jimenez-Vargas,J.M., Possani,L.D. (2016). Scorpine-Like Peptides. Single Cell Biology, 5 (138).
148 - Osnaya-Romero N., Acosta-Saavedra,L.C., Goytia-Acevedo,R., Lares-Asseff,I., Basurto-Celaya,G., Perez-Guille,G., Possani,L.D., Calderon-Aranda,E.S. (2016). Serum level of scorpion toxins, electrolytes and electrocardiogram alterations in Mexican children envenomed by scorpion sting. Toxicon, 122, 103-108.
Open Access Revisión
152 - Santibanez-Lopez,C.E., Francke,O.F., Ureta,C., Possani,L.D. (2016). Scorpions from Mexico: From Species Diversity to Venom Complexity. Toxins (Basel), 8 (1).
153 - Valdez-Velazquez,L.L., Romero-Gutierrez,M.T., Delgado-Enciso,I., Dobrovinskaya,O., Melnikov,V., Quintero-Hernandez,V., Ceballos-Magana,S.G., Gaitan-Hinojosa,M.A., Coronas,F.I., Puebla-Perez,A.M., Zamudio,F., De la Cruz-Garcia,I, Vazquez-Vuelvas,O.F., Soriano-Hernandez,A.D., Possani,L.D. (2016). Comprehensive analysis of venom from the scorpion Centruroides tecomanus reveals compounds with antimicrobial, cytotoxic, and insecticidal activities. Toxicon, 118, 95-103.
154 - Xiao,L., Gurrola,G.B., Zhang,J., Valdivia,C.R., SanMartin,M., Zamudio,F.Z., Zhang,L., Possani,L.D., Valdivia,H.H. (2016). Structure-function relationships of peptides forming the calcin family of ryanodine receptor ligands. Journal of General Physiology, 147 (5), 375-394.
155 - Zhang,H., Du,M., Xie,J., Liu,X., Sun,J., Wang,W., Xin,X., Possani,L.D., Yea,K., Lerner,R.A. (2016). Autocrine-Based Selection of Drugs that Target Ion Channels from Combinatorial Venom Peptide Libraries. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 55 (32), 9306-9310.
157 - Espino-Solis,G.P., Quintero-Hernandez,V., Olvera-Rodriguez,A., Calderon-Amador,J., Pedraza-Escalona,M., Licea-Navarro,A., Flores-Romo,L., Possani,L.D. (2015). Novel monoclonal antibody against alphaX subunit from horse CD11c/CD18 integrin. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 164 (3-4), 220-226.
159 - Okada,M., Corzo,G., Romero-Perez,G.A., Coronas,F., Matsuda,H., Possani,L.D. (2015). A pore forming peptide from spider Lachesana sp. venom induced neuronal depolarization and pain. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1850 (4), 657-666.
Open Access Revisión
160 - Ortiz,E., Possani,L.D. (2015). The unfulfilled promises of scorpion insectotoxins. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases, 21, 16.
168 - Luna-Ramirez,K., Sani,M.A., Silva-Sanchez,J., Jimenez-Vargas,J.M., Reyna-Flores,F., Winkel,K.D., Wright,C.E., Possani,L.D., Separovic,F. (2014). Membrane Interactions and Biological Activity of Antimicrobial Peptides from Australian Scorpion. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1838 (9), 2140-2148.
169 - Ortiz,E., Rendon-Anaya,M., Rego,S.C., Schwartz,E.F., Possani,L.D. (2014). Antarease-like Zn-metalloproteases are ubiquitous in the venom of different scorpion genera. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1840 (6), 1738-1746.
171 - Picco,C., Corzo,G., Possani,L.D., Prestipino,G. (2014). Interaction of the scorpion toxin Discrepin with Kv4.3 channels and A-type K channels in cerebellum granular cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1840 (9), 2744-2751.
Artículo; Actas Paper
175 - Aguilar,M.B., Ortiz,E., Kaas,Q., Lopez-Vera,E., Becerril,B., Possani,L.D., de la Cotera,E.P. (2013). Precursor De13.1 from Conus delessertii defines the novel G gene superfamily. Peptides, 41, 17-20.
Open Access Artículo
176 - Bernaldez,J., Roman-Gonzalez,S.A., Martinez,O., Jimenez,S., Vivas,O., Arenas,I., Corzo,G., Arreguin,R., Garcia,D.E., Possani,L.D., Licea,A. (2013). A Conus regularis Conotoxin with a Novel Eight-Cysteine Framework Inhibits CaV2.2 Channels and Displays an Anti-Nociceptive Activity. Marine Drugs, 11 (4), 1188-1202.
178 - Deuis,J.R., Zimmermann,K., Romanovsky,A.A., Possani,L.D., Cabot,P.J., Lewis,R.J., Vetter,I. (2013). An animal model of oxaliplatin-induced cold allodynia reveals a crucial role for Na1.6 in peripheral pain pathways. Pain, 154 (9), 1749-1757.
179 - Garcia,F., Villegas,E., Espino-Solis,G.P., Rodriguez,A., Paniagua-Solis,J.F., Sandoval-Lopez,G., Possani,L.D., Corzo,G. (2013). Antimicrobial peptides from arachnid venoms and their microbicidal activity in the presence of commercial antibiotics. Journal of Antibiotics, 66 (1), 3-10.
181 - Mourao,C.B., Heghinian,M.D., Barbosa,E.A., Mari,F., Bloch,C.,Jr., Restano-Cassulini,R., Possani,L.D., Schwartz,E.F. (2013). Characterization of a novel peptide toxin from Acanthoscurria paulensis spider venom: a distinct cysteine assignment into the HWTX-II family. Biochemistry, 52 (14), 2440-2452.
Open Access Artículo
185 - Rodriguez-Ravelo,R., Coronas,F.I., Zamudio,F.Z., Gonzalez-Morales,L., Lopez,G.E., Urquiola,A.R., Possani,L.D. (2013). The Cuban scorpion Rhopalurus junceus (Scorpiones, Buthidae): component variations in venom samples collected in different geographical areas. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases, 19 (1), 13.
186 - Sanchez-Vasquez,L., Silva-Sanchez,J., Jimenez-Vargas,J.M., Rodriguez-Romero,A., Munoz-Garay,C., Rodriguez,M.C., Gurrola,G.B., Possani,L.D. (2013). Enhanced antimicrobial activity of novel synthetic peptides derived from vejovine and hadrurin. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1830 (6), 3427-3436.
187 - Schwartz,E.F., Bartok,A., Schwartz,C.A., Papp,F., Gomez-Lagunas,F., Panyi,G., Possani,L.D. (2013). OcyKTx2, a new K-channel toxin characterized from the venom of the scorpion Opisthacanthus cayaporum. Peptides, 46, 40-46.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
194 - Gurrola,G.B., Hernandez-Lopez,R.A., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Varga,Z., Batista,C.V., Salas-Castillo,S.P., Panyi,G., del Rio-Portilla,F., Possani,L.D. (2012). Structure, function and chemical synthesis of Vaejovis mexicanus peptide 24: a novel potent blocker of Kv1.3 potassium channels of human T lymphocytes. Biochemistry, 51 (19), 4049-4061.
Open Access Artículo
201 - Saucedo,A.L., Flores-Solis,D., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Ramirez-Cordero,B., Hernandez-Lopez,R., Cano-Sanchez,P., Noriega-Navarro,R., Garcia-Valdes,J., Coronas-Valderrama,F., de Roodt,A., Brieba,L.G., Possani,L.D., del Rio-Portilla,F. (2012). New tricks of an old pattern: structural versatility of scorpion toxins with common cysteine spacing. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287 (15), 12321-12330.
202 - Saucedo,A.L., Del Rio,F., Picco,C., Estrada,G., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D., Delepierre,M., Corzo,G. (2012). Solution structure of native and recombinant expressed toxin CssII from the venom of the scorpion suffusus, and their effects on Nav1.5 Sodium channels. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 1824 (3), 478-487.
204 - Varga,Z., Gurrola-Briones,G., Papp,F., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Pedraza-Alva,G., Tajhya,R.B., Gaspar,R., Cardenas,L., Rosenstein,Y., Beeton,C., Possani,L.D., Panyi,G. (2012). Vm24, a Natural Immunosuppressant Peptide Potently and Selectively Blocks Kv1.3 Potassium Channels of Human T Cells. Molecular Pharmacology, 82 (3), 372-382.
205 - Wang,X., Jimenez-Vargas,J.M., Xu,C., Possani,L.D., Zhu,S. (2012). Positive selection-guided mutational analysis revealing two key functional sites of scorpion ERG K(+) channel toxins. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 429 (1-2), 111-116.
207 - Camargos,T.S., Restano-Cassulini,R., Possani,L.D., Peigneur,S., Tytgat,J., Schwartz,C.A., de Freitas,S.M., Schwartz,E.F. (2011). The new kappa-KTx 2.5 from the scorpion Opisthacanthus cayaporum. Peptides, 32 (7), 1509-1517.
218 - de Roodt,A.R., Coronas,F.I., Lago,N., Gonzalez,M.E., Laskowicz,R.D., Beltramino,J.C., Saavedra,S., Lopez,R.A., Reati,G., Vucharchuk,M.G., Bazan,E., Varni,L., Salomon,O.D., Possani,L.D. (2010). General biochemical and immunological characterization of the venom from the scorpion Tityus trivittatus of Argentina. Toxicon, 55 (2-3), 307-319.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
220 - Redaelli,E., Restano-Cassulini,R., Fuentes-Silva,D., Clement,H., Schiavon,E., Zamudio,F.Z., Odell,G., Arcangeli,A., Clare,J.J., Alagon,A., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Possani,L.D., Wanke,E. (2010). Target promiscuity and heterogeneous effects of tarantula venom peptides affecting Na+ and K+ ion channels. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285 (6), 4130-4142 .
Artículo; Actas Paper
221 - Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Schwartz,E.F., Possani,L.D. (2010). Mining on scorpion venom biodiversity. Toxicon, 56 (7), 1155-1161.
223 - Zhu,S., Gao,B., Aumelas,A., Rodriguez,M.D., Lanz-Mendoza,H., Peigneur,S., Diego-Garcia,E., Martin-Eauclaire,M.F., Tytgat,J., Possani,L.D. (2010). MeuTXKbeta1, a scorpion venom-derived two-domain potassium channel toxin-like peptide with cytolytic activity. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 1804 (4), 872-883.
224 - Corzo,G., Bernard,C., Clement,H., Villegas,E., Bosmans,F., Tytgat,J., Possani,L.D., Darbon,H., Alagon,A. (2009). Insecticidal peptides from the theraposid spider Brachypelma albiceps: A NMR-based model of Ba2. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 1794 (8), 1190-1196.
225 - Corzo,G., Prochnicka-Chalufour,A., Garcia,B.I., Possani,L.D., Delepierre,M. (2009). Solution structure of Cn5, a crustacean toxin found in the venom of the scorpions Centruroides noxius and Centruroides suffusus suffusus. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 1794 (11), 1591-1598.
228 - Espino-Solis,G.P., Calderon-Amador,J., Calderon-Aranda,E.S., Licea,A.F., Donis-Maturano,L., Flores-Romo,L., Possani,L.D. (2009). Rational design of synthetic peptides to generate antibodies that recognize in situ CD11c+ putative dendritic cells in horse lymph nodes. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 132 (2-4), 181-190.
232 - Kauferstein,S., Kendel,Y., Nicke,A., Coronas,F.I., Possani,L.D., Favreau,P., Krizaj,I., Wunder,C., Kauert,G., Mebs,D. (2009). New conopeptides of the D-superfamily selectively inhibiting neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Toxicon, 54 (3), 295-301.
233 - Papp,F., Batista,C.V., Varga,Z., Herceg,M., Roman-Gonzalez,S.A., Gaspar,R., Possani,L.D., Panyi,G. (2009). Tst26, a novel peptide blocker of Kv1.2 and Kv1.3 channels from the venom of Tityus stigmurus. Toxicon, 54 (4), 379-389.
234 - Prestipino,G., Corzo,G., Romeo,S., Murgia,A.R., Zanardi,I., Gurrola,G., Possani,L.D. (2009). Scorpion toxins that block transient currents (IA) of rat cerebellum granular cells. Toxicology Letters, 187 (1), 1-9.
235 - Schwartz,E.F., Capes,E.M., Diego-Garcia,E., Zamudio,F.Z., Fuentes,O., Possani,L.D., Valdivia,H.H. (2009). Characterization of hadrucalcin, a peptide from Hadrurus gertschi scorpion venom with pharmacological activity on ryanodine receptors. British Journal of Pharmacology, 157 (3), 392-403.
236 - Silva,E.C., Camargos,T.S., Maranhao,A.Q., Silva-Pereira,I., Silva,L.P., Possani,L.D., Schwartz,E.F. (2009). Cloning and characterization of cDNA sequences encoding for new venom peptides of the Brazilian scorpion Opisthacanthus cayaporum. Toxicon, 54 (3), 252-261.
237 - Abdel-Mottaleb,Y., Corzo,G., Martin-Eauclaire,M.F., Satake,H., Ceard,B., Peigneur,S., Nambaru,P., Bougis,P.E., Possani,L.D., Tytgat,J. (2008). A common "hot spot" confers hERG blockade activity to alpha-scorpion toxins affecting K(+) channels. Biochemical Pharmacology, 76 (6), 805-815.
238 - Carballar-Lejarazu,R., Rodriguez,M.H., De La Cruz Hernandez-Hernandez,F., Ramos-Castaneda,J., Possani,L.D., Zurita-Ortega,M., Reynaud-Garza,E., Hernandez-Rivas,R., Loukeris,T., Lycett,G., Lanz-Mendoza,H. (2008). Recombinant scorpine: a multifunctional antimicrobial peptide with activity against different pathogens. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 65 (19), 3081-3092.
241 - Diego-Garcia,E., Abdel-Mottaleb,Y., Schwartz,E.F., de la Vega RC, Tytgat,J., Possani,L.D. (2008). Cytolytic and K(+) channel blocking activities of beta-KTx and scorpine-like peptides purified from scorpion venoms. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 65 (1), 187-200.
244 - Petricevich,V.L., Reynaud,E., Cruz,A.H., Possani,L.D. (2008). Macrophage activation, phagocytosis and intracellular calcium oscillations induced by scorpion toxins from Tityus serrulatus. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 154 (3), 415-423.
246 - Romeo,S., Corzo,G., Vasile,A., Satake,H., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D. (2008). A positive charge at the N-terminal segment of Discrepin increases the blocking effect of K(+) channels responsible for the I(A) currents in cerebellum granular cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1780 (4), 750-755.
247 - Schwartz,E.F., Camargos,T.S., Zamudio,F.Z., Silva,L.P., Bloch,C.,Jr., Caixeta,F., Schwartz,C.A., Possani,L.D. (2008). Mass spectrometry analysis, amino acid sequence and biological activity of venom components from the Brazilian scorpion Opisthacanthus cayaporum. Toxicon, 51 (8), 1499-1508.
251 - Estrada,G., Garcia,B.I., Schiavon,E., Ortiz,E., Cestele,S., Wanke,E., Possani,L.D., Corzo,G. (2007). Four disulfide-bridged scorpion beta neurotoxin CssII: Heterologous expression and proper folding in vitro. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1770 (8), 1161-1168.
252 - Lopez-Vera,E., Aguilar,M.B., Schiavon,E., Marinzi,C., Ortiz,E., Restano-Cassulini,R., Batista,C.V.F., Possani,L.D., Heimer de la Cotera,E.P., Peri,F., Becerril,B., Wanke,E. (2007). Novel alpha-conotoxins from Conus spurius and the alpha-conotoxin EI share high-affinity potentiation and low-affinity inhibition of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Febs Journal, 274 (15), 3972-3985.
258 - Abdel-Mottaleb,Y., Coronas,F.V., de Roodt,A.R., Possani,L.D., Tytgat,J. (2006). A novel toxin from the venom of the scorpion Tityus trivittatus, is the first member of a new alpha-KTX subfamily. FEBS Letters, 580 (2), 592-596.
259 - Barona,J., Batista,C.V., Zamudio,F.Z., Gomez-Lagunas,F., Wanke,E., Otero,R., Possani,L.D. (2006). Proteomic analysis of the venom and characterization of toxins specific for Na(+)- and K(+)-channels from the Colombian scorpion Tityus pachyurus. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 1764 (1), 76-84.
260 - Batista,C.V., D'Suze,G., Gomez-Lagunas,F., Zamudio,F.Z., Encarnacion,S., Sevcik,C., Possani,L.D. (2006). Proteomic analysis of Tityus discrepans scorpion venom and amino acid sequence of novel toxins. Proteomics, 6 (12), 3718-3727.
263 - Panyi,G., Possani,L.D., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Gaspar,R., Varga,Z. (2006). K+ Channel Blockers: Novel Tools to Inhibit T Cell Activation Leading to Specific Immunosuppression. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 12 (18), 2199-2220.
264 - Prochnicka-Chalufour,A., Corzo,G., Satake,H., Martin-Eauclaire,M.F., Murgia,A.R., Prestipino,G., D'Suze,G., Possani,L.D., Delepierre,M. (2006). Solution Structure of Discrepin, a New K(+)-Channel Blocking Peptide from the alpha-KTx15 Subfamily(,). Biochemistry, 45 (6), 1795-1804.
Artículo; Actas Paper
265 - Restano-Cassulini,R., Korolkova,Y.V., Diochot,S., Gurrola,G., Guasti,L., Possani,L., Lazdunski,M., Grishin,E., Arcangeli,A., Wanke,E. (2006). Species Diversity and Peptide Toxins Blocking Selectivity of ERG Subfamily K+ Channels in CNS. Molecular Pharmacology, 69 (5), 1673-1683.
Open Access Artículo
267 - Schwartz,E.F., Schwartz,C.A., Gomez-Lagunas,F., Zamudio,F.Z., Possani,L.D. (2006). HgeTx1, the first K(+)-channel specific toxin characterized from the venom of the scorpion Hadrurus gertschi Soleglad. Toxicon, 48 (8), 1046-1053.
268 - Aguilar,M.B., Lopez-Vera,E., Ortiz,E., Becerril,B., Possani,L.D., Olivera,B.M., Heimer de la Cotera,E.P. (2005). A Novel Conotoxin from Conus delessertii with Posttranslationally Modified Lysine Residues. Biochemistry, 44 (33), 11130-11136.
271 - Diego-Garcia,E., Batista,C.V., Garcia-Gomez,B.I., Lucas,S., Candido,D.M., Gomez-Lagunas,F., Possani,L.D. (2005). The Brazilian scorpion Tityus costatus Karsch: genes, peptides and function. Toxicon, 45 (3), 273-283.
272 - Gazarian,K.G., Gazarian,T., Hernandez,R., Possani,L.D. (2005). Immunology of scorpion toxins and perspectives for generation of anti-venom vaccines. Vaccine, 23 (26), 3357-3368.
276 - Possani,L.D. (2005). Insecticidal peptide from scorpion venom. Industrial Bioprocessing, 27 (2), 9-10.
279 - Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Possani,L.D. (2005). On the evolution of invertebrate defensins. Trends in Genetics, 21 (6), 330-332.
280 - Batista,C.V., Del Pozo,L., Zamudio,F.Z., Contreras,S., Becerril,B., Wanke,E., Possani,L.D. (2004). Proteomics of the venom from the Amazonian scorpion Tityus cambridgei and the role of prolines on mass spectrometry analysis of toxins. Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 803 (1), 55-66.
283 - Frenal,K., Xu,C.Q., Wolff,N., Wecker,K., Gurrola,G.B., Zhu,S.Y., Chi,C.W., Possani,L.D., Tytgat,J., Delepierre,M. (2004). Exploring structural features of the interaction between the scorpion toxinCnErg1 and ERG K(+) channels. Proteins, 56 (2), 367-375.
Open Access Artículo
285 - Huys,I., Olamendi-Portugal,T., Garcia-Gomez,B.I., Vandenberghe,I., Van Beeumen,J., Dyason,K., Clynen,E., Zhu,S., van der Walt,J., Possani,L., Tytgat,J. (2004). A subfamily of acidic alpha -K+ toxins. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279 (4), 2781-2789.
286 - Montero-Solis,C., Gonzalez-Ceron,L., Rodriguez,M.H., Cirerol,B.E., Zamudio,F., Possanni,L.D., James,A.A., De La Cruz Hernandez-Hernandez,F. (2004). Identification and characterization of gp65, a salivary-gland-specific molecule expressed in the malaria vector Anopheles albimanus. Insect Molecular Biology, 13 (2), 155-164.
288 - Pascual,I., Gil-Parrado,S., Cisneros,M., Joseph-Bravo,P., Diaz,J., Possani,L.D., Charli,J.L., Chavez,M. (2004). Purification of a specific inhibitor of pyroglutamyl aminopeptidase II from the marine annelide Hermodice carunculata. In vivo effects in rodent brain. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 36 (1), 138-152.
Open Access Artículo
293 - Shalabi,A., Zamudio,F., Wu,X., Scaloni,A., Possani,L., Villereal,M.L. (2004). Tetrapandins, a new class of scorpion toxins that specifically inhibit store-operated calcium entry in HEK-293 cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279 (2), 1040-1049.
Open Access Artículo
297 - Zhu,X., Zamudio,F.Z., Olbinski,B.A., Possani,L.D., Valdivia,H.H. (2004). Activation of skeletal ryanodine receptors by two novel scorpion toxins from buthotus judaicus. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279 (25), 26588-26596.
298 - Corona,M., Coronas,F.V., Merino,E., Becerril,B., Gutierrez,R., Rebolledo-Antunez,S., Garcia,D.E., Possani,L.D. (2003). A novel class of peptide found in scorpion venom with neurodepressant effects in peripheral and central nervous system of the rat. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 1649 (1), 58-67.
303 - Guijarro,J.I., M'Barek,S., Gomez-Lagunas,F., Garnier,D., Rochat,H., Sabatier,J.M., Possani,L.D., Delepierre,M. (2003). Solution structure of Pi4, a short four-disulfide-bridged scorpion toxin specific of potassium channels. Protein Science, 12 (9), 1844-1854.
304 - Gutierrez,M.C., Abarca,C., Possani,L.D. (2003). A toxic fraction from scolopendra venom increases the basal release of neurotransmitters in the ventral ganglia of crustaceans. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - C Toxicology and Pharmacology, 135 (2), 205-214.
307 - Xu,C.Q., Zhu,S.Y., Chi,C.W., Tytgat,J., Possani,L.D., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C. (2003). Turret and pore block of K+ channels: What is the difference? (multiple letters). Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 24 (9), 446-449.
308 - Angulo,Y., Olamendi-Portugal,T., Alape-Giron,A., Possani,L.D., Lomonte,B. (2002). Structural characterization and phylogenetic relationships of myotoxin II from Atropoides (Bothrops) nummifer snake venom, a Lys49 phospholipase A(2) homologue. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 34 (10), 1268-1278.
310 - Batista,C.V., Zamudio,F.Z., Lucas,S., Fox,J.W., Frau,A., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D. (2002). Scorpion toxins from Tityus cambridgei that affect Na(+)-channels. Toxicon, 40 (5), 557-562.
313 - Lecchi,M., Redaelli,E., Rosati,B., Gurrola,G., Florio,T., Crociani,O., Curia,G., Cassulini,R.R., Masi,A., Arcangeli,A., Olivotto,M., Schettini,G., Possani,L.D., Wanke,E. (2002). Isolation of a long-lasting eag-related gene-type K+ current in MMQ lactotrophs and its accommodating role during slow firing and prolactin release. Journal of Neuroscience, 22 (9), 3414-3425.
314 - Olamendi-Portugal,T., Garcia,B.I., Lopez-Gonzalez,I., van der Walt,J., Dyason,K., Ulens,C., Tytgat,J., Felix,R., Darszon,A., Possani,L.D. (2002). Two new scorpion toxins that target voltage-gated Ca(2+) and Na(+) channels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 299 (4), 562-568.
Open Access Artículo
316 - Pardo-Lopez,L., Zhang,M., Liu,J., Jiang,M., Possani,L.D., Tseng,G.N. (2002). Mapping the binding site of a human ether-a-go-go-related gene-specific peptide toxin (ErgTx) to the channel's outer vestibule. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277 (19), 16403-16411.
317 - Possani,L.D., Corona,M., Zurita,M., Rodriguez,M.H. (2002). From Noxiustoxin to Scorpine and Possible Transgenic Mosquitoes Resistant to Malaria. Archives of Medical Research, 33 (4), 398-404.
Open Access Artículo
319 - Vacher,H., Alami,M., Crest,M., Possani,L.D., Bougis,P.E., Martin-Eauclaire,M.F. (2002). Expanding the scorpion toxin alpha-KTX 15 family with AmmTX3 from Androctonus mauretanicus. European Journal of Biochemistry, 269 (24), 6037-6041.
321 - Frau,A., Pisciotta,M., Gurrola,G.B., Possani,L.D., Prestipino,G. (2001). Synthetic undecapeptide (NTX10-20) of noxiustoxin blocks completely the I(A) potassium currents of cerebellum granular cells. European Biophysics Journal, 29 (8), 569-573.
323 - Goudet,C., Ferrer,T., Galan,L., Artiles,A., Batista,C.F., Possani,L.D., Alvarez,J., Aneiros,A., Tytgat,J. (2001). Characterization of two Bunodosoma granulifera toxins active on cardiac sodium channels. British Journal of Pharmacology, 134 (6), 1195-1206.
324 - Nishigaki,T., Zamudio,F.Z., Possani,L.D., Darszon,A. (2001). Time-Resolved Sperm Responses to an Egg Peptide Measured by Stopped-Flow Fluorometry. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 284 (2), 531-535.
325 - Peter,M.,Jr, Varga,Z., Hajdu,P., Gaspar,R., Damjanovich,S., Horjales,E., Possani,L.D., Panyi,G. (2001). Effects of toxins Pi2 and Pi3 on human T lymphocyte Kv1.3 channels: the role of Glu7 and Lys24. Journal of Membrane Biology, 179 (1), 13-25.
326 - Rocchetti,M., Besana,A., Gurrola,G.B., Possani,L.D., Zaza,A. (2001). Rate dependency of delayed rectifier currents during the guinea-pig ventricular action potential. Journal of Physiology, 534 (Pt 3), 721-732.
327 - Angulo,Y., Olamendi-Portugal,T., Possani,L.D., Lomonte,B. (2000). Isolation and characterization of myotoxin II from Atropoides (Bothrops) nummifer snake venom, a new Lys49 phospholipase A2 homologue. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 32 (1), 63-71.
331 - Peter,M.,Jr, Hajdu,P., Varga,Z., Damjanovich,S., Possani,L.D., Panyi,G., Gaspar,R. (2000). Blockage of human T lymphocyte Kv1.3 channels by Pi1, a novel class of scorpion toxin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 278 (1), 34-37.
332 - Pisciotta,M., Coronas,F.I., Bloch,C., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D. (2000). Fast K(+) currents from cerebellum granular cells are completely blocked by a peptide purified from Androctonus australis Garzoni scorpion venom. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1468 (1-2), 203-212.
334 - Possani,L.D. (2000). Antivenom for scorpion sting. Lancet, 355 (9197), 67.
336 - Altamirano,M.M., Garcia,C., Possani,L.D., Fersht,A.R. (1999). Oxidative refolding chromatography: folding of the scorpion toxin Cn5. Nature Biotechnology, 17 (2), 187-191.
337 - Batista,C.V., da Silva,L.R., Sebben,A., Scaloni,A., Ferrara,L., Paiva,G.R., Olamendi-Portugal,T., Possani,L.D., Bloch,C. (1999). Antimicrobial peptides from the Brazilian frog Phyllomedusa distincta. Peptides, 20 (6), 679-686.
341 - Delepierre,M., Prochnicka-Chalufour,A., Boisbouvier,J., Possani,L.D. (1999). Pi7, an orphan peptide from the scorpion Pandinus imperator: a 1H-NMR analysis using a nano-NMR Probe. Biochemistry, 38 (51), 16756-16765.
Open Access Artículo
343 - Gurrola,G.B., Rosati,B., Rocchetti,M., Pimienta,G., Zaza,A., Arcangeli,A., Olivotto,M., Possani,L.D., Wanke,E. (1999). A toxin to nervous, cardiac, and endocrine ERG K+ channels isolated from Centruroides noxius scorpion venom. FASEB Journal, 13 (8), 953-962.
344 - Ottolia,M., Babini,E., Gazzotti,P., Possani,L.D., Prestipino,G. (1999). Reconstitution of a voltage and calcium dependent potassium channel from rat cerebellum. Brain Research, 815 (2), 410-413.
345 - Pintar,A., Possani,L.D., Delepierre,M. (1999). Solution structure of toxin 2 from centruroides noxius Hoffmann, a beta-scorpion neurotoxin acting on sodium channels. Journal of Molecular Biology, 287 (2), 359-367.
346 - Possani,L.D., Selisko,B., Gurrola,G.B. (1999). Structure and function of scorpion toxins affecting K+-channels. Perspectives In Drug Discovery And Design, 16, 15-40.
Open Access Revisión
347 - Possani,L.D., Becerril,B., Delepierre,M., Tytgat,J. (1999). Scorpion toxins specific for Na+-channels. European Journal of Biochemistry, 264 (2), 287-300.
349 - Tytgat,J., Chandy,K.G., Garcia,M.L., Gutman,G.A., Martin-Eauclaire,M.F., van der Walt,J.J., Possani,L.D. (1999). A unified nomenclature for short-chain peptides isolated from scorpion venoms: alpha-KTx molecular subfamilies. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 20 (11), 444-447.
Open Access Artículo
351 - Boisbouvier,J., Prochnicka-Chalufour,A., Nieto,A.R., Torres,J.A., Nanard,N., Rodriguez,M.H., Possani,L.D., Delepierre,M. (1998). Structural information on a cecropin-like synthetic peptide, Shiva-3 toxic to the sporogonic development of Plasmodium berghei. European Journal of Biochemistry, 257 (1), 263-273.
352 - Delepierre,M., Prochnicka-Chalufour,A., Possani,L.D. (1998). 1H NMR structural analysis of novel potassium blocking toxins using a nano-NMR probe. Toxicon, 36 (11), 1599-1608.
Open Access Artículo
353 - Licea,A.F., Gutierrez,M.C., Esparza,J., Estrada-Parra,S., Estrada,G.I., Quesada-Pascual,F., Possani,L.D. (1998). Enhancement of the immunogenicity of Mycobacterium leprae peptides by means of polymerization. Asia-Pacific Journal Of Molecular Biology And Biotechnology, 6 (2), 89-95.
356 - Peter,M.,Jr, Varga,Z., Panyi,G., Bene,L., Damjanovich,S., Pieri,C., Possani,L.D., Gaspar,R. (1998). Pandinus imperator scorpion venom blocks voltage-gated K+ channels in human lymphocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 242 (3), 621-625.
357 - Pisciotta,M., Ottolia,M., Possani,L.D., Prestipino,G. (1998). A novel toxin form the scorpion Androctonus australis blocks Shaker K+ channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 242 (2), 287-291.
359 - Possani,L.D., Zurita,M., Delepierre,M., Hernandez,F.H., Rodriguez,M.H. (1998). From noxiustoxin to Shiva-3, a peptide toxic to the sporogonic development of Plasmodium berghei. Toxicon, 36 (11), 1683-1692.
361 - Tytgat,J., Debont,T., Rostoll,K., Muller,G.J., Verdonck,F., Daenens,P., van der Walt,J.J., Possani,L.D. (1998). Purification and partial characterization of a 'short' insectotoxin-like peptide from the venom of the scorpion Parabuthus schlechteri. FEBS Letters, 441 (3), 387-391.
362 - Valdivia,H.H., Possani,L.D. (1998). Peptide toxins as probes of ryanodine receptor structure and function. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine, 8 (3), 111-118.
363 - Becerril,B., Marangoni,S., Possani,L.D. (1997). Toxins and genes isolated from scorpions of the genus Tityus. Toxicon, 35 (6), 821-835.
364 - Ben Khalifa,R., Stankiewicz,M., Pelhate,M., Serrano-Hernandez,S.E., Possani,L.D., Hinkel,H., Mebs,D. (1997). Action of babycurus-toxin 1 from the east African scorpion Babycurus centrurimorphus on the isolated cockroach giant axon. Toxicon, 35 (7), 1069-1080.
365 - Delepierre,M., Prochnicka-Chalufour,A., Possani,L.D. (1997). A novel potassium channel blocking toxin from the scorpion Pandinus imperator: A 1H NMR analysis using a nano-NMR probe. Biochemistry, 36 (9), 2649-2658.
366 - Garcia,C., Becerril,B., Selisko,B., Delepierre,M., Possani,L.D. (1997). Isolation, characterization and comparison of a novel crustacean toxin with a mammalian toxin from the venom of the scorpion Centruroides noxius Hoffmann. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 116 (3), 315-322.
369 - Zamudio,F.Z., Gurrola,G.B., Arevalo,C., Sreekumar,R., Walker,J.W., Valdivia,H.H., Possani,L.D. (1997). Primary structure and synthesis of Imperatoxin A (IpTx(a)), a peptide activator of Ca2+ release channels/ryanodine receptors. FEBS Letters, 405 (3), 385-389.
Open Access Artículo
370 - Zamudio,F.Z., Conde,R., Arevalo,C., Becerril,B., Martin,B.M., Valdivia,H.H., Possani,L.D. (1997). The mechanism of inhibition of ryanodine receptor channels by imperatoxin I, a heterodimeric protein from the scorpion Pandinus imperator. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 272 (18), 11886-11894.
379 - Nobile,M., Noceti,F., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D. (1996). Helothermine, a lizard venom toxin, inhibits calcium current in cerebellar granules. Experimental Brain Research, 110 (1), 15-20.
382 - Vaca,L., Licea,A., Possani,L.D. (1996). Modulation of cell membrane potential in cultured vascular endothelium. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, 270 (3 Pt 1), C819-C824.
384 - Becerril,B., Corona,M., Garcia,C., Bolivar,F., Possani,L.D. (1995). Cloning of genes encoding scorpion toxins: An interpretative review. Journal Of Toxicology-Toxin Reviews, 14 (3), 339-357.
387 - Drakopoulou,E., Cotton,J., Virelizier,H., Bernardi,E., Schoofs,A.R., Partiseti,M., Choquet,D., Gurrola,G., Possani,L.D., Vita,C. (1995). Chemical synthesis, structural and functional characterisation of noxiustoxin, a powerful blocker of lymphocyte voltage-dependent K+ channels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 213 (3), 901-907.
388 - Gaspar,R., Bene,L., Damjanovich,S., Munoz-Garay,C., Calderon-Aranda,E.S., Possani,L.D. (1995). Beta-scorpion toxin 2 from Centruroides noxius blocks voltage-gated K+ channels in human lymphocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 213 (2), 419-423.
389 - Gurrola,G.B., Possani,L.D. (1995). Structural and functional features of noxiustoxin: a K+ channel blocker. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, 37 (3), 527-535.
390 - Herion,P., Gurrola-Briones,G., Sanchez,M.D.R., Saavedra,R., Possani,L.D. (1995). Monoclonal antibodies against noxiustoxin. Hybridoma, 14 (3), 247-251.
391 - Morrissette,J., Kratzschmar,J., Haendler,B., Elhayek,R., Mochca-Morales,J., Martin,B.M., Patel,J.R., Moss,R.L., Schleuning,W.D., Coronado,R., Possani,L.D. (1995). Primary Structure and Properties of Helothermine, A Peptide Toxin That Blocks Ryanodine Receptors. Biophysical Journal, 68 (6), 2280-2288.
Open Access Artículo
393 - Noeske-Jungblut,C., Haendler,B., Donner,P., Alagon,A., Possani,L., Schleuning,W.D. (1995). Triabin, a highly potent exosite inhibitor of thrombin. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 270 (48), 28629-28634.
394 - Possani,L.D. (1995). Monoclonal antibodies BNTX12, anti-noxiustoxin. Hybridoma, 14 (3), 301.
395 - Possani,L.D. (1995). Monoclonal antibodies BNTX18, anti-noxiustoxin. Hybridoma, 14 (3), 304.
396 - Possani,L.D. (1995). Monoclonal antibodies BNTX4, anti-noxiustoxin. Hybridoma, 14 (3), 300.
397 - Possani,L.D. (1995). Monoclonal antibodies BNTX16, anti-noxiustoxin. Hybridoma, 14 (3), 303.
398 - Possani,L.D. (1995). Monoclonal antibodies BNTX21, anti-noxiustoxin. Hybridoma, 14 (3), 305.
399 - Possani,L.D. (1995). Monoclonal antibodies BNTX14, anti-noxiustoxin. Hybridoma, 14 (3), 302.
400 - Rodriguez,M.C., Zamudio,F., Torres,J.A., Gonzalez-Ceron,L., Possani,L.D., Rodriguez,M.H. (1995). Effect of a cecropin-like synthetic peptide (Shiva-3) on the sporogonic development of Plasmodium berghei. Experimental Parasitology, 80 (4), 596-604.
401 - Trequattrini,C., Zamudio,F.Z., Petris,A., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D., Franciolini,F. (1995). Tityus bahiensis toxin IV-5b selectively affects Na channel inactivation in chick dorsal root ganglion neurons. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -- Part A: Physiology, 112 (1), 21-28.
404 - Dehesa-Davila,M., Possani,L.D. (1994). Scorpionism and serotherapy in Mexico. Toxicon, 32 (9), 1015-1018.
405 - Fletcher,M.D., Possani,L.D., Fletcher,P.L. (1994). Morphological studies by light and electron microscopy of pancreatic acinar cells under the effect of Tityus serrulatus venom. Cell and Tissue Research, 278 (2), 255-264.
407 - Gutierrez,M.C., ESTRADA,I.C.E., Estrada-Parra,S., Quesada-Pascual,F., Licea,A.F., Possani,L.D. (1994). The imunogenetic activity of synthetic peptides corresponding to M. Leprae protein sequences. Asia-Pacific Journal Of Molecular Biology And Biotechnology, 2, 143-150.
410 - Martin,B.M., Ramirez,A.N., Gurrola,G.B., Nobile,M., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D. (1994). Novel K(+)-channel-blocking toxins from the venom of the scorpion Centruroides limpidus limpidus Karsch. Biochemical Journal, 304 (Pt 1), 51-56.
411 - Nobile,M., Magnelli,V., Lagostena,L., Mochca-Morales,J., Possani,L.D., Prestipino,G. (1994). The toxin helothermine affects potassium currents in newborn rat cerebellar granule cells. Journal of Membrane Biology, 139 (1), 49-55.
Open Access Artículo
412 - Noeske-Jungblut,C., Kratzschmar,J., Haendler,B., Alagon,A., Possani,L., Verhallen,P., Donner,P., Schleuning,W.D. (1994). An inhibitor of collagen-induced platelet aggregation from the saliva of Triatoma pallidipennis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 269 (7), 5050-5053.
414 - Sacile,R., Ruggiero,C., Ballestrero,R., Possani,L.D., Prestipino,G., Rauch,G. (1994). Secondary structure of noxiustoxin and charybdotoxin from hydropathy power spectra. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 201 (1), 186-193.
415 - Valdivia,H.H., Martin,B.M., Ramirez,A.N., Fletcher,P.L., Possani,L.D. (1994). Isolation and pharmacological characterization of four novel Na+ channel-blocking toxins from the scorpion Centruroides noxius Hoffmann. Journal of Biochemistry, 116 (6), 1383-1391.
419 - Vaca,L., Gurrola,G.B., Possani,L.D., Kunze,D.L. (1993). Blockade of a KCa channel with synthetic peptides from noxiustoxin: a K+ channel blocker. Journal of Membrane Biology, 134 (2), 123-129.
Open Access Artículo
421 - Estrada,I.C., Gutierrez,M.C., Esparza,J., Quesada-Pascual,F., Estrada-Parra,S., Possani,L.D. (1992). Use of synthetic peptides corresponding to sequences of Mycobacterium leprae proteins to study delayed-type hypersensitivity response in sensitized guinea pigs. International Journal of Leprosy, 60 (1), 18-27.
422 - Fletcher,P.L., Fletcher,M.D., Possani,L.D. (1992). Characteristics of pancreatic exocrine secretion produced by venom from the Brazilian scorpion, Tityus serrulatus. European Journal of Cell Biology, 58 (2), 259-270.
423 - Harvey,A.L., Marshall,D.L., Possani,L.D. (1992). Dendrotoxin-like effects of noxiustoxin. Toxicon, 30 (11), 1497-1500.
Open Access Artículo
424 - Possani,L.D., Fletcher,P.L., Fletcher,M.D., Rode,G.S., Mochca-Morales,J., Lucas,S., Coronas,F.V., Alagon,A.C., Martin,B.M. (1992). Structural and functional characteristics of toxins purified from the venom of the Brazilian scorpion Tityus serrulatus Lutz and Mello. Memorias do Instituto Butantan, 54 (2), 35-52.
425 - Possani,L.D., Mochca-Morales,J., Amezcua,J., Martin,B.M., Prestipino,G., Nobile,M. (1992). Anionic currents of chick sensory neurons are affected by a phospholipase A2 purified from the venom of the taipan snake. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 1134 (3), 210-216.
426 - Possani,L.D., Martin,B.M., Yatani,A., Mochca-Morales,J., Zamudio,F.Z., Gurrola,G.B., Brown,A.M. (1992). Isolation and physiological characterization of taicatoxin, a complex toxin with specific effects on calcium channels. Toxicon, 30 (11), 1343-1364.
427 - Valdivia,H.H., Martin,B.M., Escobar,L., Possani,L.D. (1992). Noxiustoxin and leiurutoxin III, two homologous peptide toxins with binding properties to synaptosomal membrane K+ channels. Biochemistry International, 27 (6), 953-962.
Open Access Artículo
429 - Possani,L.D., Martin,B.M., Fletcher,M.D., Fletcher,P.L. (1991). Discharge effect on pancreatic exocrine secretion produced by toxins purified from Tityus serrulatus scorpion venom. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 266 (5), 3178-3185.
430 - Colden-Stanfield,M., Schilling,W.P., Possani,L.D., Kunze,D.L. (1990). Bradykinin-induced potassium current in cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells. Journal of Membrane Biology, 116 (3), 227-238. *
435 - Kirsch,G.E., Skattebol,A., Possani,L.D., Brown,A.M. (1989). Modification of Na channel gating by an alpha scorpion toxin from Tityus serrulatus. Journal of General Physiology, 93 (1), 67-83.
436 - Prestipino,G., Valdivia,H.H., Lievano,A., Darszon,A., Ramirez,A.N., Possani,L.D. (1989). Purification and reconstitution of potassium channel proteins from squid axon membranes. FEBS Letters, 250 (2), 570-574.
437 - Alagon,A.C., Guzman,H.S., Martin,B.M., Ramirez,A.N., Carbone,E., Possani,L.D. (1988). Isolation and characterization of two toxins from the Mexican scorpion Centruroides limpidus limpidus Karsch. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 89 (1), 153-161.
438 - Martin,B.M., Carbone,E., Yatani,A., Brown,A.M., Ramirez,A.N., Gurrola,G.B., Possani,L.D. (1988). Amino acid sequence and physiological characterization of toxins from the venom of the scorpion Centruroides limpidus tecomanus Hoffmann. Toxicon, 26 (9), 785-794.
440 - Valdivia,H.H., Smith,J.S., Martin,B.M., Coronado,R., Possani,L.D. (1988). Charybdotoxin and noxiustoxin, two homologous peptide inhibitors of the K+ (Ca2+) channel. FEBS Letters, 226 (2), 280-284.
441 - Yatani,A., Kirsch,G.E., Possani,L.D., Brown,A.M. (1988). Effects of New World scorpion toxins on single-channel and whole cell cardiac sodium currents. American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 254 (3 Pt 2), H443-H451.
442 - Brown,A.M., Yatani,A., Lacerda,A.E., Gurrola,G.B., Possani,L.D. (1987). Neurotoxins that act selectively on voltage-dependent cardiac calcium channels. Circulation Research, 61 (4 Pt 2), I6-I9.
443 - Carbone,E., Prestipino,G., Spadavecchia,L., Franciolini,F., Possani,L.D. (1987). Blocking of the squid axon K+ channel by noxiustoxin: a toxin from the venom of the scorpion Centruroides noxius. Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, 408 (5), 423-431.
445 - Alagon,A., Possani,L.D., Smart,J., Schleuning,W.D. (1986). Helodermatine, a kallikrein-like, hypotensive enzyme from the venom of Heloderma horridum horridum (Mexican beaded lizard). Journal of Experimental Medicine, 164 (6), 1835-1845.
446 - Rodriguez,A., Tablero,M., Barragan,B., Lara,P., Rangel,M., Arreguin,B., Possani,L., Soriano-Garcia,M. (1986). Crystallization of Hevein - A Protein from Latex of Hevea-Brasiliensis (Rubber Tree). Journal of Crystal Growth, 76 (3), 710-714. *
449 - Possani,L.D., Martin,B.M., Svendsen,I., Rode,G.S., Erickson,B.W. (1985). Scorpion toxins from Centruroides noxius and Tityus serrulatus. Primary structures and sequence comparison by metric analysis. Biochemical Journal, 229 (3), 739-750. *
450 - Carbone,E., Prestipino,G., Franciolini,F., Dent,M.A., Possani,L.D. (1984). Selective modification of the squid axon Na currents by Centruroides noxius toxin II-10. Journal de Physiologie, 79 (4), 179-184. *
452 - Carbone,E., Wanke,E., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D., Maelicke,A. (1982). Selective blockage of voltage-dependent K+ channels by a novel scorpion toxin. Nature, 296 (5852), 90-91. *
453 - Carbone,E., Wanke,E., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D., Maelicke,A. (1982). Selective Action of Purified Scorpion Neurotoxins on the Ionic Currents of the Squid Giant-Axon. Hoppe-Seylers Zeitschrift fur Physiologische Chemie, 363 (2), 1299-1300. *
Open Access Artículo
454 - Possani,L.D., Martin,B.M., Svendsen,I.B. (1982). The Primary Structure of Noxiustoxin - A K+-Channel Blocking Peptide, Purified from the Venom of the Scorpion Centruroides-Noxius Hoffmann. Carlsberg Research Communications, 47 (5), 285-289. *
455 - Trejo,A.C., Possani,L.D. (1982). Electron microscopic evidence for scorpion toxin binding to synapses of rat brain cortex. Neuroscience Letters, 32 (2), 103-108. *
456 - Perez de la Mora,M., Possani,L.D., Tapia,R., Teran,L., Palacios,R., Fuxe,K., Hokfelt,T., Ljungdahl,A. (1981). Demonstration of central gamma-aminobutyrate-containing nerve terminals by means of antibodies against glutamate decarboxylase. Neuroscience, 6 (5), 875-895. *
457 - Possani,L., Steinmetz,W.E., Dent,M.A., Alagon,A.C., Wuthrich,K. (1981). Preliminary spectroscopic characterization of six toxins from Latin American scorpions. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure, 669 (2), 183-192. *
Open Access Artículo
458 - Possani,L.D., Dent,M.A.R., Martin,B.M., Maelicke,A., Svendsen,I. (1981). The Amino Terminal Sequence of Several Toxins from the Venom of the Mexican Scorpion Centruroides Noxius Hoffmann. Carlsberg Research Communications, 46 (4), 207-214. *
Open Access Artículo
459 - Possani,L.D., Martin,B.M., Mochcamorales,J., Svendsen,I. (1981). Purification and Chemical Characterization of the Major Toxins from the Venom of the Brazilian Scorpion Tityus Serrulatus Lutz and Mello. Carlsberg Research Communications, 46 (4), 195-205. *
460 - Possani,L.D., Fernandez de Castro,J., Julia,J.Z. (1981). Detoxification with glutaraldehyde of purified scorpion (Centruroides noxius Hoffmann) venom. Toxicon, 19 (2), 323-329. *
461 - Alagon,A.C., Molinar,R.R., Possani,L.D., Fletcher,P.L., Cronan,J.E., Julia,J.Z. (1980). Venom from the snake Bothrops asper Garman. Purification and characterization of three phospholipases A2. Biochemical Journal, 185 (3), 695-704. *
466 - Sosa,B.P., Alagon,A.C., Possani,L.D., Julia,J.Z. (1979). Comparison of phospholipase activity with direct and indirect lytic effects of animal venoms upon human red cells. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry, 64 (2), 231-234. *
467 - Bayon,A., Possani,L.D., Rode,G., Tapia,R. (1978). Kinetics of brain glutamate decarboxylase. Dead-end and product inhibition studies. Journal of Neurochemistry, 30 (6), 1629-1631. *
468 - Hokfelt,T., Elde,R., Fuxe,K., Johansson,O., Ljungdahl,A., Goldstein,M., Luft,R., Efendic,S., Nilsson,G., Terenius,L., Ganten,D., Jeffcoate,S.L., Rehfeld,J., Said,S., Perez de la Mora,M., Possani,L., Tapia,R., Teran,L., Palacios,R. (1978). Aminergic and peptidergic pathways in the nervous system with special reference to the hypothalamus. Research publications - Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease, 56, 69-135. *
469 - Possani,L.D., Ramirez,G.A., Fletcher,P.L., Gurrola,M.A. (1978). Isolation of two mammalian toxins from the venom of the Mexican scorpion Centruroides elegans (Thorell). FEBS Letters, 91 (2), 261-264. *
471 - Bayon,A., Possani,L.D., Tapia,R. (1977). Kinetics of brain glutamate decarboxylase. Inhibition studies with N-(5'-phosphopyridoxyl) amino acids. Journal of Neurochemistry, 29 (3), 513-517. *
472 - Possani,L.D., Bayon,A., Tapia,R. (1977). Synthesis of affinity chromatography resins for the purification of brain glutamate decarboxylase. Neurochemical Research, 2 (1), 51-57. *
473 - Possani,L.D., Alagon,A.C., Fletcher,P.L., Erickson,B.W. (1977). Purification and properties of mammalian toxins from the venom of Brazilian Scorpion Tityus serrulatus Lutz and Mello. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 180 (2), 394-403. *
Open Access Artículo
474 - Klett,R.P., Fulpius,B.W., Cooper,D., Smith,M., Reich,E., Possani,L.D. (1973). The acetylcholine receptor. I. Purification and characterization of a macromolecule isolated from Electrophorus electricus. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 248 (19), 6841-6853. *
475 - Possani,L.D. (1973). GABA effects and GABA receptors in neuromuscular junctions of crustaceans: analysis of some stereochemical models. Revista brasileira de pesquisas medicas e biologicas, 6 (1), 31-42. *
476 - Tondo,C.V., Possani,L.D. (1972). Study of the bimodal frequency distribution of the relative concentration of hemoglobin S in heterozygous carriers. Revista brasileira de pesquisas medicas e biologicas, 5 (1-2), 47-56. *
477 - Possani,L.D., Banerjee,R., Balny,C., Douzou,P. (1970). Oxidation of haemoglobin by oxygen in light: possible role of singlet oxygen. Nature, 226 (248), 861-862. *
478 - Abdel-Rahman,M.A., Quintero-Hernandez,V., Possani,L.D. (2014). Scorpion Venom Gland Transcriptomics and Proteomics: An Overview. Venom Genomics and Proteomics. 105-124.
479 - Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Corzo,G., Possani,L.D. (2014). Scorpion Venoms as a Platform for Drug Development. Venoms to Drugs: Venom as a Source for the Development of Human Therapeutics. 204-220, Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry.
481 - Petricevich,V.L., Barbosa-Navarro,L., Possani,L.D. (2013). Therapeutic use of scorpion venom. Molecular aspects of inflammation. 209-231, Kerala: Research Signpost.
482 - Rodriguez-de-la-Vega,R., Vidal,N., Possani,L.D. (2013). Scorpion Peptides. Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides, second edition . 423-429.
483 - Possani,L.D., Gurrola,G.B., Schwartz,E., Restano,R. (2011). Bioquimica y biologia molecular de los venenos de escorpiones de importancia medica en el continente americano. Emergencias por Animales Ponzonosos en las Americas . 147-180, Mexico.
484 - Valdez-Cruz,N.A., Conde,R., Zamudio,F., Possani,L.D. (2011). Anticoagulants from scorpion venoms. Toxins and Hemostasis: From Bench to Bedside . 255-266.
485 - Rodriguez-de-la-Vega,R., Barraza,R., Restano,R., Possani,L.D. (2009). Toxins active on Herg channel: structure and function. Animal toxins: State of the Art. Perspectives in Health and Biotechnology . 193-204, Belo Horizonte: EditoraUFMG.
486 - Possani-Postay,L.D. (2008). El estudio de los componentes del veneno de alacranes en el contexto de la biología molecular, la farmacología y la medicina. Una ventana al quehacer científico. Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM 25 aniversario, cap 16. 179-187, Mexico, D.F..
487 - Delepierre,M., Possani,L.D. (2006). Pharmaceutical Applications of Ion Channel Blockers: Use of NMR to Determine the Structure of Scorpion Toxins. Modern Magnetic Resonance. 1325-1330, 2, Dordrecht: Springer.
488 - Possani,L.D., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C. (2006). Scorpion venom peptides. Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides. 339-354, San Diego.
489 - Alagon,A., Possani,L.D. (2003). Desarrollo de nuevos f rmacos a partir de la fauna tropical. Fronteras de la Biología en los Inicios del Siglo XXI, Módulo VII . 123-160, Mexico,D.F..
490 - Possani,L.D., Merino,E., Corona,M., Becerril,B. (2002). Scorpion genes and peptides specific for potassium channels: Structure, function and evolution. Perspectives in Molecular Toxinology. 201-214.
491 - Possani,L.D., Becerril,B., Tytgat,J., Delepierre,M. (2001). High Affinity Scorpion Toxins for Studying Potassium and Sodium Channels. Ion Channel Localization Methods and Protocols: Methods and Protocols. 145-165.
492 - Calderon-Aranda,E.S., Dehesa-Davila,M., Chavez-Haro,A., Possani,L.D. (1996). Scorpion stings and their treatment in Mexico. Envenomings and their treatment. 311-320, Lyon.
493 - Dehesa-Davila,M., Alagon,A.C., Possani,L.D. (1995). Clinical toxicology of scorpion stings. Handbook of clinical toxicology of animal venoms and poisons. 221-238, New York.
Memoria in extenso
494 - Gutierrez,M.C., Estrada,G.I., Estrada-Parra,S., Gurrola,G.B., Possani,L.D. (1991). Synthetic peptides as skin test reagents in leprosy. Proceedings Leprosy Research in Latin America. 7 p, Caracas.
Memoria in extenso
495 - Possani,L.D., Gurrola,G.B., Portugal,T.O., Zamudio,F.Z., Vaca,L.D., Calderon,S.A., Kirsch,G.E. (1991). Scorpion toxins: a model for peptide synthesis of new drugs. Proceedings First Brazilian Congress on Proteins. 352-367, Brasil.
496 - Gurrola,G.B., Molina-Rode,R., Zentella,A.D., Possani,L.D. (1984). Sintesis de peptidos y su posible utilizacion como vacuna contra toxinas de alacran. Avances en el mecanismo de accion de farmacos. 35-50.
497 - Possani,L.D. (1984). Structure of scorpion toxins. Handbook of natural toxins. 513-550, New York. *
Memoria in extenso
498 - Perez de la Mora,M., Fuxe,K., Hokfelt,T., Anderson,K., Possani,L., Tapia,R. (1981). Gabaergic synapses: distribution and interaction with other Neurotransmitter systems in the brain. Regulatory Mechanisms of Synaptic Transmission. 71-101, Boston,MA. *
499 - Fuxe,K., Andersson,K., Schwarcz,R., Agnati,L.F., Perez de la Mora,M., Hokfelt,T., Goldstein,M., Ferland,L., Possani,L., Tapia,L. (1979). Studies on different types of dopamine nerve terminals in the forebrain adn their possible interactions with neurons. Advances in neurology. Advances in neurology, 199-216, New York. *
Memoria in extenso
500 - Perez de la Mora,M., Fuxe,K., Andersson,K., Hokfelt,T., Ljungdahl,A., Possani,L., Tapia,R. (1979). STUDIES ON GABA-MONOAMINE AND GABA-ENDORPHIN INTERACTIONS. Catecholamines: Basic and Clinical Frontiers Proceedings of the Fourth International Catecholamine Symposium, Pacific Grove, California, September 17-22, 1978. 1032-1034. *
501 - Alagon,A.C., Possani,L.D., Erickson,B.W. (1978). ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SEVERAL PROTEINS FROM TITYUS SERRULATUS SCORPION VENOM. Toxins Animal, Plant and Microbial. 609-618. *
502 - Fuxe,K., Hokfelt,T., Agnati,L.F., Johansson,O., Goldstein,M., Perez de la Mora,M., Possani,L., Tapia,R., Teran,L., Palacios,R. (1978). Mapping out central catecholamine synthesizing neurons: immunohistochemical studies on catecholamine-synthesizing enzymes. Psychopharmacology: a Generation of Progress. 67-94, New York. *
503 - Gopalakrishnakone, P., Possani, L. D., Schwartz, E., Rodriguez-de-la-Vega, R. (2014). Scorpion Venoms. Toxinology, Dordrecht: Springer.
504 - Possani,L.D. (2005). El alacrán y su piquete. Mexico: Gobierno del Distrito Federal.
505 - Alagon,A., Carillo,C., Chavez-Haro,A., De la Mora-Zerpa,C., Larralde,C., Lamas,N, Martin,E, Osnaya-Romero,N., Perez,Y, Possani,L.D., Romero-Zamora,L. (2003). Práctica Médica Efectiva- Alacranismo (T63.2, X22). Mexico.
Open Access nacional divulgacion
506 - Possani Postay,L.D. (2023). Un interés dedicado al conocimiento y las tecnologías para la salud a partir de venenos de alacranes. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 9 (32).
Open Access Divulgación
507 - Carcamo-Noriega,E.N., Possani-Postay,L.D. (2019). Veneno rojo: un potencial antibiotico contra la tuberculosis obtenido del veneno del alacran. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 18, 20-23.
Editorial Material
509 - Garcia,M.L., Possani,L.D. (2007). Gating modifier peptides of ion channels. Toxicon, 49 (2), 123.
Editorial Material
Editorial Material
511 - Possani,L.D. (2003). The past, present, and future of biotechnology in Mexico. Nature Biotechnology, 21 (5), 582-583.
Editorial Material
513 - Possani,L.D. (2000). Alacranismo en Mexico. La salud en Durango, 1, 5-6.
514 - Domingos Possani,L. (1983). The toxins of scorpion venom: structure and function. Boletin de estudios medicos y biologicos, 32 (7-8 Suppl 1), 285-297.
515 - Possani Postay, Lourival, D. (2024). Caracterización del veneno de alacrán Hoffmannihadrurus aztecus. Dirección de Ingenieria en Biotecnología y Tecnologia Ambiental, Licenciatura, Universidad Politécnica del Estado de Morelos. *
Open Access Artículo
520 - Gonzalez-Santillan,E., Valdez-Velazquez,L.L., Delgado-Hernandez,O., Cid-Uribe,J.I., Romero-Gutierrez,M.T., Possani,L.D.. A multigene approach to identify the scorpion species (Arachnida: Scorpiones) of Colima, Mexico, with comments on their venom diversity. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad, 95, e955373.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Articulo
523 - Possani Postay, Lourival, D.. Caracterización del veneno de alacrán Hoffmannihadrurus aztecus. Dirección de Ingenieria en Biotecnología y Tecnologia Ambiental, Licenciatura, Universidad Politécnica del Estado de Morelos. *
Open Access Artículo
524 - Garcia-Villalvazo,P.E, Jimenez-Vargas,J.M, Lino-Lopez,G.J, Meneses,E.P, Bermudez-Guzman,M.J, Barajas-Saucedo,C.E, Delgado-Enciso,I., Possani,L.D, Valdez-Velazquez,L.L. Unveiling the Protein Components of the Secretory-Venom Gland and Venom of the Scorpion Centruroides possanii (Buthidae) through Omic Technologies. Toxins (Basel), 15 (8), 498.
526 - Ibarra-Vega,R., Jimenez-Vargas,J.M., Pineda-Contreras,A., Martinez-Martinez,F.J., Barajas-Saucedo,C.E., Garcia-Ortega,H., Magana-Vergara,N.E., Possani,L.D., Corzo,G., Gaitan-Hinojosa,M.A., Vazquez-Vuelvas,O.F., Zamudio,F., Valdez-Velazquez,L.L.. Indolealkylamines in the venom of the scorpion Thorellius intrepidus. Toxicon, 233, 107232.
527 - Lopez-Giraldo,E., Carrillo,E., Titaux-Delgado,G., Cano-Sanchez,P., Colorado,A., Possani,L.D., Rio-Portilla,F.D.. Structural and functional studies of scorpine: A channel blocker and cytolytic peptide. Toxicon, 222, 106985 .
Open Access Artículo
530 - Salazar,M.H., Ortiz,M.H., Encarnacion,S., Zamudio,F., Possani,L.D., Cleghorn,J., Moran,M., Acosta,H., Corzo,G.. A proteomic overview of the major venom components from Tityus championi from Panama. Toxicon, 227, 107082.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access nacional divulgacion
533 - Possani Postay,L.D.. Un interés dedicado al conocimiento y las tecnologías para la salud a partir de venenos de alacranes. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 9 (32).
534 - Bermudez-Guzman,M.J., Jimenez-Vargas,J.M., Possani,L.D., Zamudio,F., Ororzco-Gutierrez,G., Oceguera-Contreras,E., Enriquez-Vara,J.N, Vazquez-Vuelvas,O.F., Garcia-Villalvazo,P.E., Valdez-Velazquez,L.L.. Biochemical characterization and insecticidal activity of isolated peptides from the venom of the scorpion Centruroides tecomanus. Toxicon, 206, 90-102.
Open Access Artículo
535 - Csoti,A., Najera-Meza,R.C., Bogar,F., Tajti,G., Szanto,T.G., Varga,Z., Gurrola,G.B., Toth,G.K., Possani,L.D., Panyi,G.. sVmKTx, a transcriptome analysis-based synthetic peptide analogue of Vm24, inhibits Kv1.3 channels of human T cells with improved selectivity. Biochemical Pharmacology, 199, 115023.
Open Access Artículo
536 - Delgado-Prudencio,G., Cid-Uribe,J.I., Morales,J.A., Possani,L.D., Ortiz,E., Romero-Gutierrez,T.. The Enzymatic Core of Scorpion Venoms. Toxins, 14 (4), 248.
Open Access Artículo
537 - Espinoza-Duarte,M.R., Ortega-Ochoa,C., Baca-Ramirez,A., Possani,L.D., Espino-Solis,G.P.. Flow cytometry analysis of CD11c-positive peripheral blood mononuclear cells in horses. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 253 (November), 110504.
538 - Naseem,M.U., Carcamo-Noriega,E., Borrego,J., Szanto,T.G., Zamudio,F.Z., Delgado-Prudencio,G., Possani,L.D., Panyi,G.. Cm28, a scorpion toxin having a unique primary structure, inhibits KV1.2 and KV1.3 with high affinity. Journal of General Physiology, 154 (8), e202213146.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
542 - Alamilla,J., Jimenez-Vargas,J.M., Galvan-Hernandez,A.R., Reyes-Mendez,M.E., Bermudez-Guzman,M.J., Restano-Cassulini,R., Olamendi-Portugal,T., Zamudio,F.Z., Possani,L.D., Valdez-Velazquez,L.L.. Toxin Ct1a, from venom of Centruroides tecomanus, modifies the spontaneous firing frequency of neurons in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. Toxicon, 197, 114-125.
Open Access Artículo
545 - Lopes,K.S., Torres Quintanilha,M.V., Barros de Souza,A.C., Zamudio-Zuniga,F., Possani,L.D., Mortari,M.R.. Antiseizure potential of peptides from the venom of social wasp Chartergellus communis against chemically-induced seizures. Toxicon, 194, 23.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
547 - Rodriguez-Ravelo,R., Ruiz-Urquiola,A., Possani-Postay,L.D., Morris-Quevedo,H.J., Rodriguez-Ravelo,M., Espinosa-Lopez,G.. Variation of cytochrome oxidase-I gene and venom proteins of Rhopalurus junceus populations in the Moanicum sector: Pharmacological implications. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacognosy Research, 9 (1), 1-12.
548 - Vargas-Jaimes,L., Rodriguez,M.C., Argotte-Ramos,R., Juarez-Gonzalez,V.R., Pastor,N., Cesa-Luna,C., Possani,L.D., Quintero-Hernandez,V.. Recombinant C-Terminal Domains from Scorpine-like Peptides Inhibit the Plasmodium berghei Ookinete Development In Vitro. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, 27, 817-829.
550 - Cid-Uribe,J.I., Veytia-Bucheli,J.I., Romero-Gutierrez,T., Ortiz,E., Possani,L.D.. Scorpion venomics: a 2019 overview. Expert Review of Proteomics, 17 (1), 67-83.
551 - Cota-Arce,J.M., Zazueta-Favela,D., Diaz-Castillo,F., Jimenez,S., Bernaldez-Sarabia,J., Caram-Salas,N.L., Dan,K.W.L., Escobedo,G., Licea-Navarro,A.F., Possani,L.D., De Leon-Nava,M.A.. Venom components of the scorpion Centruroides limpidus modulate cytokine expression by T helper lymphocytes: Identification of ion channel-related toxins by mass spectrometry. International Immunopharmacology, 84, 106505.
552 - El-Bitar, A. M. H., Sarhan, M., Abdel-Rahman, M. A., Quintero-Hernandez, V., Aoki-Utsubo, C., Moustafa, M. A., Possani, L. D., Hotta, H.. Smp76, a Scorpine-Like Peptide Isolated from the Venom of the Scorpion Scorpio maurus palmatus, with a Potent Antiviral Activity Against Hepatitis C Virus and Dengue Virus. International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, 26, 811-821.
556 - Luna-Ramirez,K., Csoti,A., McArthur,J.R., Chin,Y.K.Y., Anangi,R., Najera,R.D.C., Possani,L.D., King,G.F., Panyi,G., Yu,H., Adams,D.J., Finol-Urdaneta,R.K.. Structural basis of the potency and selectivity of Urotoxin, a potent Kv1 blocker from scorpion venom. Biochemical Pharmacology, 174, 113782.
557 - Mourao,C.B.F., Brand,G.D., Fernandes,J.P.C., Prates,M.V., Bloch,C., Barbosa,J.A.R.G., Freitas,S.M., Restano-Cassulini,R., Possani,L.D., Schwartz,E.F.. Head-to-Tail Cyclization after Interaction with Trypsin: A Scorpion Venom Peptide that Resembles Plant Cyclotides. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 63 (17), 9500?951.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
561 - Bernaldez-Sarabia,J., Figueroa-Montiel,A., Duenas,S., Cervantes-Luevano,K., Beltran,J.A., Ortiz,E., Jimenez,S., Possani,L.D., Paniagua-Solis,J.F., Gonzalez-Canudas,J., Licea-Navarro,A.. The Diversified O-Superfamily in Californiconus californicus Presents a Conotoxin with Antimycobacterial Activity. Toxins (Basel), 11 (2), E128.
562 - Carcamo-Noriega,E.N., Sathyamoorthi,S., Banerjee,S., Gnanamani,E., Mendoza-Trujillo,Monserrat, Mata-Espinosa,D., Hernandez-Pando,R., Veytia-Bucheli,J.I., Possani,L.D., Zare,R.N.. 1,4-Benzoquinone antimicrobial agents against Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis derived from scorpion venom. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116 (26), 201812334, 12642-12647.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
571 - Santibanez-Lopez,C.E., Graham,M.R., Sharma,P.P., Ortiz,E., Possani,L.D.. Hadrurid Scorpion Toxins: Evolutionary Conservation and Selective Pressures. Toxins (Basel), 11 (11), E637, E637.
Open Access Divulgación
572 - Carcamo-Noriega,E.N., Possani-Postay,L.D.. Veneno rojo: un potencial antibiotico contra la tuberculosis obtenido del veneno del alacran. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 18, 20-23.
Open Access Artículo
574 - Banerjee, S., Gnanamani, E., Lynch, S.R., Zamudio-Zuniga, F., Jimenez-Vargas, J.M., Possani, L.D., Zare, R.N.. An Alkaloid from Scorpion Venom: Chemical Structure and Synthesis. Journal of Natural Products, 81 (8), 1899-1904.
Open Access Artículo
582 - Salazar, M.H., Arenas, I., Corrales-Garcia, L.L., Miranda, R., Velez, S., Sanchez, J., Mendoza, K., Cleghorn, J., Zamudio, F.Z., Castillo, A., Possani, L.D., Corzo, G., Acosta, H.. Venoms of Centruroides and Tityus species from Panama and their main toxic fractions. Toxicon, 141, 79-87.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
589 - Jimenez-Vargas, J.M., Possani, L.D., Luna-Ramirez, K.. Arthropod toxins acting on neuronal potassium channels. Neuropharmacology, 127, 139-160.
590 - Lopes, K.S., Campos, G.A.A., Camargo, L.C., de Souza, A.C.B., Ibituruna, B.V., Magalhaes, A.C.M., da Rocha, L.F., Garcia, A.B., Rodrigues, M.C., Ribeiro, D.M., Costa, M.C., Lopez, M.H.M., Nolli, L.M., Zamudio-Zuniga, F., Possani, L.D., Schwartz, E.F., Mortari, M.R.. Characterization of two peptides isolated from the venom of social wasp Chartergellus communis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae): Influence of multiple alanine residues and C-terminal amidation on biological effects. Peptides, 95, 84-93.
Open Access Artículo
593 - Restano-Cassulini, R., Garcia, W., Paniagua-Solis, J.F., Possani, L.D.. Antivenom Evaluation by Electrophysiological Analysis. Toxins (Basel), 9 (3), 74.
Open Access Artículo
597 - Vargas-Jaimes, L., Xiao, L., Zhang, J., Possani, L.D., Valdivia, H.H., Quintero-Hernandez, V.. Recombinant expression of Intrepicalcin from the scorpion Vaejovis intrepidus and its effect on skeletal ryanodine receptors. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1861 (4), 936-946.
Open Access Artículo
598 - Figueroa-Montiel,A., Ramos,M.A., Mares,R.E., Duenas,S., Pimienta,G., Ortiz,E., Possani,L.D., Licea-Navarro,A.F.. In Silico Identification of Protein Disulfide Isomerase Gene Families in the De Novo Assembled Transcriptomes of Four Different Species of the Genus Conus. PLoS ONE, 11 (2), e0148390.
599 - Luna-Martinez,K., Jimenez-Vargas,J.M., Possani,L.D.. Scorpine-Like Peptides. Single Cell Biology, 5 (138).
601 - Osnaya-Romero N., Acosta-Saavedra,L.C., Goytia-Acevedo,R., Lares-Asseff,I., Basurto-Celaya,G., Perez-Guille,G., Possani,L.D., Calderon-Aranda,E.S.. Serum level of scorpion toxins, electrolytes and electrocardiogram alterations in Mexican children envenomed by scorpion sting. Toxicon, 122, 103-108.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Revisión
606 - Valdez-Velazquez,L.L., Romero-Gutierrez,M.T., Delgado-Enciso,I., Dobrovinskaya,O., Melnikov,V., Quintero-Hernandez,V., Ceballos-Magana,S.G., Gaitan-Hinojosa,M.A., Coronas,F.I., Puebla-Perez,A.M., Zamudio,F., De la Cruz-Garcia,I, Vazquez-Vuelvas,O.F., Soriano-Hernandez,A.D., Possani,L.D.. Comprehensive analysis of venom from the scorpion Centruroides tecomanus reveals compounds with antimicrobial, cytotoxic, and insecticidal activities. Toxicon, 118, 95-103.
607 - Xiao,L., Gurrola,G.B., Zhang,J., Valdivia,C.R., SanMartin,M., Zamudio,F.Z., Zhang,L., Possani,L.D., Valdivia,H.H.. Structure-function relationships of peptides forming the calcin family of ryanodine receptor ligands. Journal of General Physiology, 147 (5), 375-394.
608 - Zhang,H., Du,M., Xie,J., Liu,X., Sun,J., Wang,W., Xin,X., Possani,L.D., Yea,K., Lerner,R.A.. Autocrine-Based Selection of Drugs that Target Ion Channels from Combinatorial Venom Peptide Libraries. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 55 (32), 9306-9310.
610 - Espino-Solis,G.P., Quintero-Hernandez,V., Olvera-Rodriguez,A., Calderon-Amador,J., Pedraza-Escalona,M., Licea-Navarro,A., Flores-Romo,L., Possani,L.D.. Novel monoclonal antibody against alphaX subunit from horse CD11c/CD18 integrin. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 164 (3-4), 220-226.
Open Access Artículo
612 - Okada,M., Corzo,G., Romero-Perez,G.A., Coronas,F., Matsuda,H., Possani,L.D.. A pore forming peptide from spider Lachesana sp. venom induced neuronal depolarization and pain. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1850 (4), 657-666.
Open Access Revisión
613 - Ortiz,E., Possani,L.D.. The unfulfilled promises of scorpion insectotoxins. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases, 21, 16.
Open Access Artículo
621 - Luna-Ramirez,K., Sani,M.A., Silva-Sanchez,J., Jimenez-Vargas,J.M., Reyna-Flores,F., Winkel,K.D., Wright,C.E., Possani,L.D., Separovic,F.. Membrane Interactions and Biological Activity of Antimicrobial Peptides from Australian Scorpion. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1838 (9), 2140-2148.
622 - Ortiz,E., Rendon-Anaya,M., Rego,S.C., Schwartz,E.F., Possani,L.D.. Antarease-like Zn-metalloproteases are ubiquitous in the venom of different scorpion genera. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1840 (6), 1738-1746.
624 - Picco,C., Corzo,G., Possani,L.D., Prestipino,G.. Interaction of the scorpion toxin Discrepin with Kv4.3 channels and A-type K channels in cerebellum granular cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1840 (9), 2744-2751.
627 - Abdel-Rahman,M.A., Quintero-Hernandez,V., Possani,L.D.. Scorpion Venom Gland Transcriptomics and Proteomics: An Overview. Venom Genomics and Proteomics. 105-124.
628 - Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Corzo,G., Possani,L.D.. Scorpion Venoms as a Platform for Drug Development. Venoms to Drugs: Venom as a Source for the Development of Human Therapeutics. 204-220, Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry.
630 - Gopalakrishnakone, P., Possani, L. D., Schwartz, E., Rodriguez-de-la-Vega, R.. Scorpion Venoms. Toxinology, Dordrecht: Springer.
Open Access Divulgación
Artículo; Actas Paper
633 - Aguilar,M.B., Ortiz,E., Kaas,Q., Lopez-Vera,E., Becerril,B., Possani,L.D., de la Cotera,E.P.. Precursor De13.1 from Conus delessertii defines the novel G gene superfamily. Peptides, 41, 17-20.
Open Access Artículo
634 - Bernaldez,J., Roman-Gonzalez,S.A., Martinez,O., Jimenez,S., Vivas,O., Arenas,I., Corzo,G., Arreguin,R., Garcia,D.E., Possani,L.D., Licea,A.. A Conus regularis Conotoxin with a Novel Eight-Cysteine Framework Inhibits CaV2.2 Channels and Displays an Anti-Nociceptive Activity. Marine Drugs, 11 (4), 1188-1202.
636 - Deuis,J.R., Zimmermann,K., Romanovsky,A.A., Possani,L.D., Cabot,P.J., Lewis,R.J., Vetter,I.. An animal model of oxaliplatin-induced cold allodynia reveals a crucial role for Na1.6 in peripheral pain pathways. Pain, 154 (9), 1749-1757.
639 - Mourao,C.B., Heghinian,M.D., Barbosa,E.A., Mari,F., Bloch,C.,Jr., Restano-Cassulini,R., Possani,L.D., Schwartz,E.F.. Characterization of a novel peptide toxin from Acanthoscurria paulensis spider venom: a distinct cysteine assignment into the HWTX-II family. Biochemistry, 52 (14), 2440-2452.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
643 - Rodriguez-Ravelo,R., Coronas,F.I., Zamudio,F.Z., Gonzalez-Morales,L., Lopez,G.E., Urquiola,A.R., Possani,L.D.. The Cuban scorpion Rhopalurus junceus (Scorpiones, Buthidae): component variations in venom samples collected in different geographical areas. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases, 19 (1), 13.
644 - Sanchez-Vasquez,L., Silva-Sanchez,J., Jimenez-Vargas,J.M., Rodriguez-Romero,A., Munoz-Garay,C., Rodriguez,M.C., Gurrola,G.B., Possani,L.D.. Enhanced antimicrobial activity of novel synthetic peptides derived from vejovine and hadrurin. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1830 (6), 3427-3436.
645 - Schwartz,E.F., Bartok,A., Schwartz,C.A., Papp,F., Gomez-Lagunas,F., Panyi,G., Possani,L.D.. OcyKTx2, a new K-channel toxin characterized from the venom of the scorpion Opisthacanthus cayaporum. Peptides, 46, 40-46.
Open Access Artículo
647 - Petricevich,V.L., Barbosa-Navarro,L., Possani,L.D.. Therapeutic use of scorpion venom. Molecular aspects of inflammation. 209-231, Kerala: Research Signpost.
648 - Rodriguez-de-la-Vega,R., Vidal,N., Possani,L.D.. Scorpion Peptides. Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides, second edition . 423-429.
Open Access Artículo
654 - Gurrola,G.B., Hernandez-Lopez,R.A., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Varga,Z., Batista,C.V., Salas-Castillo,S.P., Panyi,G., del Rio-Portilla,F., Possani,L.D.. Structure, function and chemical synthesis of Vaejovis mexicanus peptide 24: a novel potent blocker of Kv1.3 potassium channels of human T lymphocytes. Biochemistry, 51 (19), 4049-4061.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
661 - Saucedo,A.L., Flores-Solis,D., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Ramirez-Cordero,B., Hernandez-Lopez,R., Cano-Sanchez,P., Noriega-Navarro,R., Garcia-Valdes,J., Coronas-Valderrama,F., de Roodt,A., Brieba,L.G., Possani,L.D., del Rio-Portilla,F.. New tricks of an old pattern: structural versatility of scorpion toxins with common cysteine spacing. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287 (15), 12321-12330.
662 - Saucedo,A.L., Del Rio,F., Picco,C., Estrada,G., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D., Delepierre,M., Corzo,G.. Solution structure of native and recombinant expressed toxin CssII from the venom of the scorpion suffusus, and their effects on Nav1.5 Sodium channels. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 1824 (3), 478-487.
664 - Varga,Z., Gurrola-Briones,G., Papp,F., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Pedraza-Alva,G., Tajhya,R.B., Gaspar,R., Cardenas,L., Rosenstein,Y., Beeton,C., Possani,L.D., Panyi,G.. Vm24, a Natural Immunosuppressant Peptide Potently and Selectively Blocks Kv1.3 Potassium Channels of Human T Cells. Molecular Pharmacology, 82 (3), 372-382.
665 - Wang,X., Jimenez-Vargas,J.M., Xu,C., Possani,L.D., Zhu,S.. Positive selection-guided mutational analysis revealing two key functional sites of scorpion ERG K(+) channel toxins. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 429 (1-2), 111-116.
667 - Camargos,T.S., Restano-Cassulini,R., Possani,L.D., Peigneur,S., Tytgat,J., Schwartz,C.A., de Freitas,S.M., Schwartz,E.F.. The new kappa-KTx 2.5 from the scorpion Opisthacanthus cayaporum. Peptides, 32 (7), 1509-1517.
Open Access Artículo
Artículo; Actas Paper
Open Access Artículo
678 - Possani,L.D., Gurrola,G.B., Schwartz,E., Restano,R.. Bioquimica y biologia molecular de los venenos de escorpiones de importancia medica en el continente americano. Emergencias por Animales Ponzonosos en las Americas . 147-180, Mexico.
679 - Valdez-Cruz,N.A., Conde,R., Zamudio,F., Possani,L.D.. Anticoagulants from scorpion venoms. Toxins and Hemostasis: From Bench to Bedside . 255-266.
680 - de Roodt,A.R., Coronas,F.I., Lago,N., Gonzalez,M.E., Laskowicz,R.D., Beltramino,J.C., Saavedra,S., Lopez,R.A., Reati,G., Vucharchuk,M.G., Bazan,E., Varni,L., Salomon,O.D., Possani,L.D.. General biochemical and immunological characterization of the venom from the scorpion Tityus trivittatus of Argentina. Toxicon, 55 (2-3), 307-319.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
682 - Redaelli,E., Restano-Cassulini,R., Fuentes-Silva,D., Clement,H., Schiavon,E., Zamudio,F.Z., Odell,G., Arcangeli,A., Clare,J.J., Alagon,A., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Possani,L.D., Wanke,E.. Target promiscuity and heterogeneous effects of tarantula venom peptides affecting Na+ and K+ ion channels. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285 (6), 4130-4142 .
Artículo; Actas Paper
683 - Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Schwartz,E.F., Possani,L.D.. Mining on scorpion venom biodiversity. Toxicon, 56 (7), 1155-1161.
685 - Zhu,S., Gao,B., Aumelas,A., Rodriguez,M.D., Lanz-Mendoza,H., Peigneur,S., Diego-Garcia,E., Martin-Eauclaire,M.F., Tytgat,J., Possani,L.D.. MeuTXKbeta1, a scorpion venom-derived two-domain potassium channel toxin-like peptide with cytolytic activity. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 1804 (4), 872-883.
686 - Corzo,G., Bernard,C., Clement,H., Villegas,E., Bosmans,F., Tytgat,J., Possani,L.D., Darbon,H., Alagon,A.. Insecticidal peptides from the theraposid spider Brachypelma albiceps: A NMR-based model of Ba2. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 1794 (8), 1190-1196.
687 - Corzo,G., Prochnicka-Chalufour,A., Garcia,B.I., Possani,L.D., Delepierre,M.. Solution structure of Cn5, a crustacean toxin found in the venom of the scorpions Centruroides noxius and Centruroides suffusus suffusus. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 1794 (11), 1591-1598.
690 - Espino-Solis,G.P., Calderon-Amador,J., Calderon-Aranda,E.S., Licea,A.F., Donis-Maturano,L., Flores-Romo,L., Possani,L.D.. Rational design of synthetic peptides to generate antibodies that recognize in situ CD11c+ putative dendritic cells in horse lymph nodes. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 132 (2-4), 181-190.
694 - Kauferstein,S., Kendel,Y., Nicke,A., Coronas,F.I., Possani,L.D., Favreau,P., Krizaj,I., Wunder,C., Kauert,G., Mebs,D.. New conopeptides of the D-superfamily selectively inhibiting neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Toxicon, 54 (3), 295-301.
695 - Papp,F., Batista,C.V., Varga,Z., Herceg,M., Roman-Gonzalez,S.A., Gaspar,R., Possani,L.D., Panyi,G.. Tst26, a novel peptide blocker of Kv1.2 and Kv1.3 channels from the venom of Tityus stigmurus. Toxicon, 54 (4), 379-389.
696 - Prestipino,G., Corzo,G., Romeo,S., Murgia,A.R., Zanardi,I., Gurrola,G., Possani,L.D.. Scorpion toxins that block transient currents (IA) of rat cerebellum granular cells. Toxicology Letters, 187 (1), 1-9.
697 - Schwartz,E.F., Capes,E.M., Diego-Garcia,E., Zamudio,F.Z., Fuentes,O., Possani,L.D., Valdivia,H.H.. Characterization of hadrucalcin, a peptide from Hadrurus gertschi scorpion venom with pharmacological activity on ryanodine receptors. British Journal of Pharmacology, 157 (3), 392-403.
698 - Silva,E.C., Camargos,T.S., Maranhao,A.Q., Silva-Pereira,I., Silva,L.P., Possani,L.D., Schwartz,E.F.. Cloning and characterization of cDNA sequences encoding for new venom peptides of the Brazilian scorpion Opisthacanthus cayaporum. Toxicon, 54 (3), 252-261.
699 - Rodriguez-de-la-Vega,R., Barraza,R., Restano,R., Possani,L.D.. Toxins active on Herg channel: structure and function. Animal toxins: State of the Art. Perspectives in Health and Biotechnology . 193-204, Belo Horizonte: EditoraUFMG.
700 - Abdel-Mottaleb,Y., Corzo,G., Martin-Eauclaire,M.F., Satake,H., Ceard,B., Peigneur,S., Nambaru,P., Bougis,P.E., Possani,L.D., Tytgat,J.. A common "hot spot" confers hERG blockade activity to alpha-scorpion toxins affecting K(+) channels. Biochemical Pharmacology, 76 (6), 805-815.
701 - Carballar-Lejarazu,R., Rodriguez,M.H., De La Cruz Hernandez-Hernandez,F., Ramos-Castaneda,J., Possani,L.D., Zurita-Ortega,M., Reynaud-Garza,E., Hernandez-Rivas,R., Loukeris,T., Lycett,G., Lanz-Mendoza,H.. Recombinant scorpine: a multifunctional antimicrobial peptide with activity against different pathogens. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 65 (19), 3081-3092.
704 - Diego-Garcia,E., Abdel-Mottaleb,Y., Schwartz,E.F., de la Vega RC, Tytgat,J., Possani,L.D.. Cytolytic and K(+) channel blocking activities of beta-KTx and scorpine-like peptides purified from scorpion venoms. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 65 (1), 187-200.
707 - Petricevich,V.L., Reynaud,E., Cruz,A.H., Possani,L.D.. Macrophage activation, phagocytosis and intracellular calcium oscillations induced by scorpion toxins from Tityus serrulatus. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 154 (3), 415-423.
709 - Romeo,S., Corzo,G., Vasile,A., Satake,H., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D.. A positive charge at the N-terminal segment of Discrepin increases the blocking effect of K(+) channels responsible for the I(A) currents in cerebellum granular cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1780 (4), 750-755.
710 - Schwartz,E.F., Camargos,T.S., Zamudio,F.Z., Silva,L.P., Bloch,C.,Jr., Caixeta,F., Schwartz,C.A., Possani,L.D.. Mass spectrometry analysis, amino acid sequence and biological activity of venom components from the Brazilian scorpion Opisthacanthus cayaporum. Toxicon, 51 (8), 1499-1508.
711 - Possani-Postay,L.D.. El estudio de los componentes del veneno de alacranes en el contexto de la biología molecular, la farmacología y la medicina. Una ventana al quehacer científico. Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM 25 aniversario, cap 16. 179-187, Mexico, D.F..
Artículo; Actas Paper
715 - Estrada,G., Garcia,B.I., Schiavon,E., Ortiz,E., Cestele,S., Wanke,E., Possani,L.D., Corzo,G.. Four disulfide-bridged scorpion beta neurotoxin CssII: Heterologous expression and proper folding in vitro. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1770 (8), 1161-1168.
Open Access Artículo
Editorial Material
722 - Garcia,M.L., Possani,L.D.. Gating modifier peptides of ion channels. Toxicon, 49 (2), 123.
724 - Barona,J., Batista,C.V., Zamudio,F.Z., Gomez-Lagunas,F., Wanke,E., Otero,R., Possani,L.D.. Proteomic analysis of the venom and characterization of toxins specific for Na(+)- and K(+)-channels from the Colombian scorpion Tityus pachyurus. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 1764 (1), 76-84.
725 - Batista,C.V., D'Suze,G., Gomez-Lagunas,F., Zamudio,F.Z., Encarnacion,S., Sevcik,C., Possani,L.D.. Proteomic analysis of Tityus discrepans scorpion venom and amino acid sequence of novel toxins. Proteomics, 6 (12), 3718-3727.
728 - Panyi,G., Possani,L.D., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C., Gaspar,R., Varga,Z.. K+ Channel Blockers: Novel Tools to Inhibit T Cell Activation Leading to Specific Immunosuppression. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 12 (18), 2199-2220.
729 - Prochnicka-Chalufour,A., Corzo,G., Satake,H., Martin-Eauclaire,M.F., Murgia,A.R., Prestipino,G., D'Suze,G., Possani,L.D., Delepierre,M.. Solution Structure of Discrepin, a New K(+)-Channel Blocking Peptide from the alpha-KTx15 Subfamily(,). Biochemistry, 45 (6), 1795-1804.
Artículo; Actas Paper
730 - Restano-Cassulini,R., Korolkova,Y.V., Diochot,S., Gurrola,G., Guasti,L., Possani,L., Lazdunski,M., Grishin,E., Arcangeli,A., Wanke,E.. Species Diversity and Peptide Toxins Blocking Selectivity of ERG Subfamily K+ Channels in CNS. Molecular Pharmacology, 69 (5), 1673-1683.
Open Access Artículo
733 - Delepierre,M., Possani,L.D.. Pharmaceutical Applications of Ion Channel Blockers: Use of NMR to Determine the Structure of Scorpion Toxins. Modern Magnetic Resonance. 1325-1330, 2, Dordrecht: Springer.
734 - Possani,L.D., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C.. Scorpion venom peptides. Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides. 339-354, San Diego.
735 - Aguilar,M.B., Lopez-Vera,E., Ortiz,E., Becerril,B., Possani,L.D., Olivera,B.M., Heimer de la Cotera,E.P.. A Novel Conotoxin from Conus delessertii with Posttranslationally Modified Lysine Residues. Biochemistry, 44 (33), 11130-11136.
Open Access Artículo
739 - Gazarian,K.G., Gazarian,T., Hernandez,R., Possani,L.D.. Immunology of scorpion toxins and perspectives for generation of anti-venom vaccines. Vaccine, 23 (26), 3357-3368.
743 - Possani,L.D.. Insecticidal peptide from scorpion venom. Industrial Bioprocessing, 27 (2), 9-10.
747 - Possani,L.D.. El alacrán y su piquete. Mexico: Gobierno del Distrito Federal.
748 - Batista,C.V., Del Pozo,L., Zamudio,F.Z., Contreras,S., Becerril,B., Wanke,E., Possani,L.D.. Proteomics of the venom from the Amazonian scorpion Tityus cambridgei and the role of prolines on mass spectrometry analysis of toxins. Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 803 (1), 55-66.
751 - Frenal,K., Xu,C.Q., Wolff,N., Wecker,K., Gurrola,G.B., Zhu,S.Y., Chi,C.W., Possani,L.D., Tytgat,J., Delepierre,M.. Exploring structural features of the interaction between the scorpion toxinCnErg1 and ERG K(+) channels. Proteins, 56 (2), 367-375.
Open Access Artículo
753 - Huys,I., Olamendi-Portugal,T., Garcia-Gomez,B.I., Vandenberghe,I., Van Beeumen,J., Dyason,K., Clynen,E., Zhu,S., van der Walt,J., Possani,L., Tytgat,J.. A subfamily of acidic alpha -K+ toxins. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279 (4), 2781-2789.
754 - Montero-Solis,C., Gonzalez-Ceron,L., Rodriguez,M.H., Cirerol,B.E., Zamudio,F., Possanni,L.D., James,A.A., De La Cruz Hernandez-Hernandez,F.. Identification and characterization of gp65, a salivary-gland-specific molecule expressed in the malaria vector Anopheles albimanus. Insect Molecular Biology, 13 (2), 155-164.
756 - Pascual,I., Gil-Parrado,S., Cisneros,M., Joseph-Bravo,P., Diaz,J., Possani,L.D., Charli,J.L., Chavez,M.. Purification of a specific inhibitor of pyroglutamyl aminopeptidase II from the marine annelide Hermodice carunculata. In vivo effects in rodent brain. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 36 (1), 138-152.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
761 - Shalabi,A., Zamudio,F., Wu,X., Scaloni,A., Possani,L., Villereal,M.L.. Tetrapandins, a new class of scorpion toxins that specifically inhibit store-operated calcium entry in HEK-293 cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279 (2), 1040-1049.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
765 - Zhu,X., Zamudio,F.Z., Olbinski,B.A., Possani,L.D., Valdivia,H.H.. Activation of skeletal ryanodine receptors by two novel scorpion toxins from buthotus judaicus. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 279 (25), 26588-26596.
766 - Corona,M., Coronas,F.V., Merino,E., Becerril,B., Gutierrez,R., Rebolledo-Antunez,S., Garcia,D.E., Possani,L.D.. A novel class of peptide found in scorpion venom with neurodepressant effects in peripheral and central nervous system of the rat. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics, 1649 (1), 58-67.
771 - Guijarro,J.I., M'Barek,S., Gomez-Lagunas,F., Garnier,D., Rochat,H., Sabatier,J.M., Possani,L.D., Delepierre,M.. Solution structure of Pi4, a short four-disulfide-bridged scorpion toxin specific of potassium channels. Protein Science, 12 (9), 1844-1854.
772 - Gutierrez,M.C., Abarca,C., Possani,L.D.. A toxic fraction from scolopendra venom increases the basal release of neurotransmitters in the ventral ganglia of crustaceans. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - C Toxicology and Pharmacology, 135 (2), 205-214.
775 - Xu,C.Q., Zhu,S.Y., Chi,C.W., Tytgat,J., Possani,L.D., Rodriguez de la Vega,R.C.. Turret and pore block of K+ channels: What is the difference? (multiple letters). Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 24 (9), 446-449.
776 - Alagon,A., Possani,L.D.. Desarrollo de nuevos f rmacos a partir de la fauna tropical. Fronteras de la Biología en los Inicios del Siglo XXI, Módulo VII . 123-160, Mexico,D.F..
777 - Alagon,A., Carillo,C., Chavez-Haro,A., De la Mora-Zerpa,C., Larralde,C., Lamas,N, Martin,E, Osnaya-Romero,N., Perez,Y, Possani,L.D., Romero-Zamora,L.. Práctica Médica Efectiva- Alacranismo (T63.2, X22). Mexico.
Editorial Material
Editorial Material
779 - Possani,L.D.. The past, present, and future of biotechnology in Mexico. Nature Biotechnology, 21 (5), 582-583.
Editorial Material
781 - Angulo,Y., Olamendi-Portugal,T., Alape-Giron,A., Possani,L.D., Lomonte,B.. Structural characterization and phylogenetic relationships of myotoxin II from Atropoides (Bothrops) nummifer snake venom, a Lys49 phospholipase A(2) homologue. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 34 (10), 1268-1278.
783 - Batista,C.V., Zamudio,F.Z., Lucas,S., Fox,J.W., Frau,A., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D.. Scorpion toxins from Tityus cambridgei that affect Na(+)-channels. Toxicon, 40 (5), 557-562.
Open Access Artículo
786 - Lecchi,M., Redaelli,E., Rosati,B., Gurrola,G., Florio,T., Crociani,O., Curia,G., Cassulini,R.R., Masi,A., Arcangeli,A., Olivotto,M., Schettini,G., Possani,L.D., Wanke,E.. Isolation of a long-lasting eag-related gene-type K+ current in MMQ lactotrophs and its accommodating role during slow firing and prolactin release. Journal of Neuroscience, 22 (9), 3414-3425.
787 - Olamendi-Portugal,T., Garcia,B.I., Lopez-Gonzalez,I., van der Walt,J., Dyason,K., Ulens,C., Tytgat,J., Felix,R., Darszon,A., Possani,L.D.. Two new scorpion toxins that target voltage-gated Ca(2+) and Na(+) channels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 299 (4), 562-568.
Open Access Artículo
789 - Pardo-Lopez,L., Zhang,M., Liu,J., Jiang,M., Possani,L.D., Tseng,G.N.. Mapping the binding site of a human ether-a-go-go-related gene-specific peptide toxin (ErgTx) to the channel's outer vestibule. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277 (19), 16403-16411.
790 - Possani,L.D., Corona,M., Zurita,M., Rodriguez,M.H.. From Noxiustoxin to Scorpine and Possible Transgenic Mosquitoes Resistant to Malaria. Archives of Medical Research, 33 (4), 398-404.
Open Access Artículo
792 - Vacher,H., Alami,M., Crest,M., Possani,L.D., Bougis,P.E., Martin-Eauclaire,M.F.. Expanding the scorpion toxin alpha-KTX 15 family with AmmTX3 from Androctonus mauretanicus. European Journal of Biochemistry, 269 (24), 6037-6041.
793 - Possani,L.D., Merino,E., Corona,M., Becerril,B.. Scorpion genes and peptides specific for potassium channels: Structure, function and evolution. Perspectives in Molecular Toxinology. 201-214.
797 - Goudet,C., Ferrer,T., Galan,L., Artiles,A., Batista,C.F., Possani,L.D., Alvarez,J., Aneiros,A., Tytgat,J.. Characterization of two Bunodosoma granulifera toxins active on cardiac sodium channels. British Journal of Pharmacology, 134 (6), 1195-1206.
798 - Nishigaki,T., Zamudio,F.Z., Possani,L.D., Darszon,A.. Time-Resolved Sperm Responses to an Egg Peptide Measured by Stopped-Flow Fluorometry. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 284 (2), 531-535.
799 - Peter,M.,Jr, Varga,Z., Hajdu,P., Gaspar,R., Damjanovich,S., Horjales,E., Possani,L.D., Panyi,G.. Effects of toxins Pi2 and Pi3 on human T lymphocyte Kv1.3 channels: the role of Glu7 and Lys24. Journal of Membrane Biology, 179 (1), 13-25.
800 - Rocchetti,M., Besana,A., Gurrola,G.B., Possani,L.D., Zaza,A.. Rate dependency of delayed rectifier currents during the guinea-pig ventricular action potential. Journal of Physiology, 534 (Pt 3), 721-732.
801 - Possani,L.D., Becerril,B., Tytgat,J., Delepierre,M.. High Affinity Scorpion Toxins for Studying Potassium and Sodium Channels. Ion Channel Localization Methods and Protocols: Methods and Protocols. 145-165.
806 - Peter,M.,Jr, Hajdu,P., Varga,Z., Damjanovich,S., Possani,L.D., Panyi,G., Gaspar,R.. Blockage of human T lymphocyte Kv1.3 channels by Pi1, a novel class of scorpion toxin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 278 (1), 34-37.
807 - Pisciotta,M., Coronas,F.I., Bloch,C., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D.. Fast K(+) currents from cerebellum granular cells are completely blocked by a peptide purified from Androctonus australis Garzoni scorpion venom. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 1468 (1-2), 203-212.
809 - Possani,L.D.. Antivenom for scorpion sting. Lancet, 355 (9197), 67.
Open Access Artículo
811 - Possani,L.D.. Alacranismo en Mexico. La salud en Durango, 1, 5-6.
812 - Altamirano,M.M., Garcia,C., Possani,L.D., Fersht,A.R.. Oxidative refolding chromatography: folding of the scorpion toxin Cn5. Nature Biotechnology, 17 (2), 187-191.
813 - Batista,C.V., da Silva,L.R., Sebben,A., Scaloni,A., Ferrara,L., Paiva,G.R., Olamendi-Portugal,T., Possani,L.D., Bloch,C.. Antimicrobial peptides from the Brazilian frog Phyllomedusa distincta. Peptides, 20 (6), 679-686.
Open Access Artículo
817 - Delepierre,M., Prochnicka-Chalufour,A., Boisbouvier,J., Possani,L.D.. Pi7, an orphan peptide from the scorpion Pandinus imperator: a 1H-NMR analysis using a nano-NMR Probe. Biochemistry, 38 (51), 16756-16765.
Open Access Artículo
819 - Gurrola,G.B., Rosati,B., Rocchetti,M., Pimienta,G., Zaza,A., Arcangeli,A., Olivotto,M., Possani,L.D., Wanke,E.. A toxin to nervous, cardiac, and endocrine ERG K+ channels isolated from Centruroides noxius scorpion venom. FASEB Journal, 13 (8), 953-962.
820 - Ottolia,M., Babini,E., Gazzotti,P., Possani,L.D., Prestipino,G.. Reconstitution of a voltage and calcium dependent potassium channel from rat cerebellum. Brain Research, 815 (2), 410-413.
822 - Possani,L.D., Selisko,B., Gurrola,G.B.. Structure and function of scorpion toxins affecting K+-channels. Perspectives In Drug Discovery And Design, 16, 15-40.
Open Access Revisión
823 - Possani,L.D., Becerril,B., Delepierre,M., Tytgat,J.. Scorpion toxins specific for Na+-channels. European Journal of Biochemistry, 264 (2), 287-300.
825 - Tytgat,J., Chandy,K.G., Garcia,M.L., Gutman,G.A., Martin-Eauclaire,M.F., van der Walt,J.J., Possani,L.D.. A unified nomenclature for short-chain peptides isolated from scorpion venoms: alpha-KTx molecular subfamilies. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 20 (11), 444-447.
Open Access Artículo
827 - Boisbouvier,J., Prochnicka-Chalufour,A., Nieto,A.R., Torres,J.A., Nanard,N., Rodriguez,M.H., Possani,L.D., Delepierre,M.. Structural information on a cecropin-like synthetic peptide, Shiva-3 toxic to the sporogonic development of Plasmodium berghei. European Journal of Biochemistry, 257 (1), 263-273.
828 - Delepierre,M., Prochnicka-Chalufour,A., Possani,L.D.. 1H NMR structural analysis of novel potassium blocking toxins using a nano-NMR probe. Toxicon, 36 (11), 1599-1608.
Open Access Artículo
829 - Licea,A.F., Gutierrez,M.C., Esparza,J., Estrada-Parra,S., Estrada,G.I., Quesada-Pascual,F., Possani,L.D.. Enhancement of the immunogenicity of Mycobacterium leprae peptides by means of polymerization. Asia-Pacific Journal Of Molecular Biology And Biotechnology, 6 (2), 89-95.
832 - Peter,M.,Jr, Varga,Z., Panyi,G., Bene,L., Damjanovich,S., Pieri,C., Possani,L.D., Gaspar,R.. Pandinus imperator scorpion venom blocks voltage-gated K+ channels in human lymphocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 242 (3), 621-625.
833 - Pisciotta,M., Ottolia,M., Possani,L.D., Prestipino,G.. A novel toxin form the scorpion Androctonus australis blocks Shaker K+ channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 242 (2), 287-291.
835 - Possani,L.D., Zurita,M., Delepierre,M., Hernandez,F.H., Rodriguez,M.H.. From noxiustoxin to Shiva-3, a peptide toxic to the sporogonic development of Plasmodium berghei. Toxicon, 36 (11), 1683-1692.
Open Access Revisión
837 - Tytgat,J., Debont,T., Rostoll,K., Muller,G.J., Verdonck,F., Daenens,P., van der Walt,J.J., Possani,L.D.. Purification and partial characterization of a 'short' insectotoxin-like peptide from the venom of the scorpion Parabuthus schlechteri. FEBS Letters, 441 (3), 387-391.
838 - Valdivia,H.H., Possani,L.D.. Peptide toxins as probes of ryanodine receptor structure and function. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine, 8 (3), 111-118.
840 - Ben Khalifa,R., Stankiewicz,M., Pelhate,M., Serrano-Hernandez,S.E., Possani,L.D., Hinkel,H., Mebs,D.. Action of babycurus-toxin 1 from the east African scorpion Babycurus centrurimorphus on the isolated cockroach giant axon. Toxicon, 35 (7), 1069-1080.
842 - Garcia,C., Becerril,B., Selisko,B., Delepierre,M., Possani,L.D.. Isolation, characterization and comparison of a novel crustacean toxin with a mammalian toxin from the venom of the scorpion Centruroides noxius Hoffmann. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 116 (3), 315-322.
Open Access Artículo
855 - Nobile,M., Noceti,F., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D.. Helothermine, a lizard venom toxin, inhibits calcium current in cerebellar granules. Experimental Brain Research, 110 (1), 15-20.
Open Access Artículo
858 - Vaca,L., Licea,A., Possani,L.D.. Modulation of cell membrane potential in cultured vascular endothelium. American Journal of Physiology - Cell Physiology, 270 (3 Pt 1), C819-C824.
860 - Calderon-Aranda,E.S., Dehesa-Davila,M., Chavez-Haro,A., Possani,L.D.. Scorpion stings and their treatment in Mexico. Envenomings and their treatment. 311-320, Lyon.
864 - Drakopoulou,E., Cotton,J., Virelizier,H., Bernardi,E., Schoofs,A.R., Partiseti,M., Choquet,D., Gurrola,G., Possani,L.D., Vita,C.. Chemical synthesis, structural and functional characterisation of noxiustoxin, a powerful blocker of lymphocyte voltage-dependent K+ channels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 213 (3), 901-907.
865 - Gaspar,R., Bene,L., Damjanovich,S., Munoz-Garay,C., Calderon-Aranda,E.S., Possani,L.D.. Beta-scorpion toxin 2 from Centruroides noxius blocks voltage-gated K+ channels in human lymphocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 213 (2), 419-423.
866 - Gurrola,G.B., Possani,L.D.. Structural and functional features of noxiustoxin: a K+ channel blocker. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, 37 (3), 527-535.
867 - Herion,P., Gurrola-Briones,G., Sanchez,M.D.R., Saavedra,R., Possani,L.D.. Monoclonal antibodies against noxiustoxin. Hybridoma, 14 (3), 247-251.
868 - Morrissette,J., Kratzschmar,J., Haendler,B., Elhayek,R., Mochca-Morales,J., Martin,B.M., Patel,J.R., Moss,R.L., Schleuning,W.D., Coronado,R., Possani,L.D.. Primary Structure and Properties of Helothermine, A Peptide Toxin That Blocks Ryanodine Receptors. Biophysical Journal, 68 (6), 2280-2288.
Open Access Artículo
870 - Noeske-Jungblut,C., Haendler,B., Donner,P., Alagon,A., Possani,L., Schleuning,W.D.. Triabin, a highly potent exosite inhibitor of thrombin. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 270 (48), 28629-28634.
877 - Rodriguez,M.C., Zamudio,F., Torres,J.A., Gonzalez-Ceron,L., Possani,L.D., Rodriguez,M.H.. Effect of a cecropin-like synthetic peptide (Shiva-3) on the sporogonic development of Plasmodium berghei. Experimental Parasitology, 80 (4), 596-604.
878 - Trequattrini,C., Zamudio,F.Z., Petris,A., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D., Franciolini,F.. Tityus bahiensis toxin IV-5b selectively affects Na channel inactivation in chick dorsal root ganglion neurons. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology -- Part A: Physiology, 112 (1), 21-28.
880 - Dehesa-Davila,M., Alagon,A.C., Possani,L.D.. Clinical toxicology of scorpion stings. Handbook of clinical toxicology of animal venoms and poisons. 221-238, New York.
885 - Gutierrez,M.C., ESTRADA,I.C.E., Estrada-Parra,S., Quesada-Pascual,F., Licea,A.F., Possani,L.D.. The imunogenetic activity of synthetic peptides corresponding to M. Leprae protein sequences. Asia-Pacific Journal Of Molecular Biology And Biotechnology, 2, 143-150.
Artículo; Actas Paper
888 - Martin,B.M., Ramirez,A.N., Gurrola,G.B., Nobile,M., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D.. Novel K(+)-channel-blocking toxins from the venom of the scorpion Centruroides limpidus limpidus Karsch. Biochemical Journal, 304 (Pt 1), 51-56.
889 - Nobile,M., Magnelli,V., Lagostena,L., Mochca-Morales,J., Possani,L.D., Prestipino,G.. The toxin helothermine affects potassium currents in newborn rat cerebellar granule cells. Journal of Membrane Biology, 139 (1), 49-55.
Open Access Artículo
890 - Noeske-Jungblut,C., Kratzschmar,J., Haendler,B., Alagon,A., Possani,L., Verhallen,P., Donner,P., Schleuning,W.D.. An inhibitor of collagen-induced platelet aggregation from the saliva of Triatoma pallidipennis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 269 (7), 5050-5053.
892 - Sacile,R., Ruggiero,C., Ballestrero,R., Possani,L.D., Prestipino,G., Rauch,G.. Secondary structure of noxiustoxin and charybdotoxin from hydropathy power spectra. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 201 (1), 186-193.
893 - Valdivia,H.H., Martin,B.M., Ramirez,A.N., Fletcher,P.L., Possani,L.D.. Isolation and pharmacological characterization of four novel Na+ channel-blocking toxins from the scorpion Centruroides noxius Hoffmann. Journal of Biochemistry, 116 (6), 1383-1391.
Open Access Artículo
899 - Estrada,I.C., Gutierrez,M.C., Esparza,J., Quesada-Pascual,F., Estrada-Parra,S., Possani,L.D.. Use of synthetic peptides corresponding to sequences of Mycobacterium leprae proteins to study delayed-type hypersensitivity response in sensitized guinea pigs. International Journal of Leprosy, 60 (1), 18-27.
900 - Fletcher,P.L., Fletcher,M.D., Possani,L.D.. Characteristics of pancreatic exocrine secretion produced by venom from the Brazilian scorpion, Tityus serrulatus. European Journal of Cell Biology, 58 (2), 259-270.
901 - Harvey,A.L., Marshall,D.L., Possani,L.D.. Dendrotoxin-like effects of noxiustoxin. Toxicon, 30 (11), 1497-1500.
Open Access Artículo
902 - Possani,L.D., Fletcher,P.L., Fletcher,M.D., Rode,G.S., Mochca-Morales,J., Lucas,S., Coronas,F.V., Alagon,A.C., Martin,B.M.. Structural and functional characteristics of toxins purified from the venom of the Brazilian scorpion Tityus serrulatus Lutz and Mello. Memorias do Instituto Butantan, 54 (2), 35-52.
903 - Possani,L.D., Mochca-Morales,J., Amezcua,J., Martin,B.M., Prestipino,G., Nobile,M.. Anionic currents of chick sensory neurons are affected by a phospholipase A2 purified from the venom of the taipan snake. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 1134 (3), 210-216.
905 - Valdivia,H.H., Martin,B.M., Escobar,L., Possani,L.D.. Noxiustoxin and leiurutoxin III, two homologous peptide toxins with binding properties to synaptosomal membrane K+ channels. Biochemistry International, 27 (6), 953-962.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
907 - Possani,L.D., Martin,B.M., Fletcher,M.D., Fletcher,P.L.. Discharge effect on pancreatic exocrine secretion produced by toxins purified from Tityus serrulatus scorpion venom. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 266 (5), 3178-3185.
Memoria in extenso
908 - Gutierrez,M.C., Estrada,G.I., Estrada-Parra,S., Gurrola,G.B., Possani,L.D.. Synthetic peptides as skin test reagents in leprosy. Proceedings Leprosy Research in Latin America. 7 p, Caracas.
Memoria in extenso
909 - Possani,L.D., Gurrola,G.B., Portugal,T.O., Zamudio,F.Z., Vaca,L.D., Calderon,S.A., Kirsch,G.E.. Scorpion toxins: a model for peptide synthesis of new drugs. Proceedings First Brazilian Congress on Proteins. 352-367, Brasil.
915 - Kirsch,G.E., Skattebol,A., Possani,L.D., Brown,A.M.. Modification of Na channel gating by an alpha scorpion toxin from Tityus serrulatus. Journal of General Physiology, 93 (1), 67-83.
916 - Prestipino,G., Valdivia,H.H., Lievano,A., Darszon,A., Ramirez,A.N., Possani,L.D.. Purification and reconstitution of potassium channel proteins from squid axon membranes. FEBS Letters, 250 (2), 570-574.
917 - Alagon,A.C., Guzman,H.S., Martin,B.M., Ramirez,A.N., Carbone,E., Possani,L.D.. Isolation and characterization of two toxins from the Mexican scorpion Centruroides limpidus limpidus Karsch. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - B Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 89 (1), 153-161.
920 - Valdivia,H.H., Smith,J.S., Martin,B.M., Coronado,R., Possani,L.D.. Charybdotoxin and noxiustoxin, two homologous peptide inhibitors of the K+ (Ca2+) channel. FEBS Letters, 226 (2), 280-284.
921 - Yatani,A., Kirsch,G.E., Possani,L.D., Brown,A.M.. Effects of New World scorpion toxins on single-channel and whole cell cardiac sodium currents. American Journal of Physiology Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 254 (3 Pt 2), H443-H451.
922 - Brown,A.M., Yatani,A., Lacerda,A.E., Gurrola,G.B., Possani,L.D.. Neurotoxins that act selectively on voltage-dependent cardiac calcium channels. Circulation Research, 61 (4 Pt 2), I6-I9.
923 - Carbone,E., Prestipino,G., Spadavecchia,L., Franciolini,F., Possani,L.D.. Blocking of the squid axon K+ channel by noxiustoxin: a toxin from the venom of the scorpion Centruroides noxius. Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, 408 (5), 423-431.
926 - Rodriguez,A., Tablero,M., Barragan,B., Lara,P., Rangel,M., Arreguin,B., Possani,L., Soriano-Garcia,M.. Crystallization of Hevein - A Protein from Latex of Hevea-Brasiliensis (Rubber Tree). Journal of Crystal Growth, 76 (3), 710-714. *
929 - Possani,L.D., Martin,B.M., Svendsen,I., Rode,G.S., Erickson,B.W.. Scorpion toxins from Centruroides noxius and Tityus serrulatus. Primary structures and sequence comparison by metric analysis. Biochemical Journal, 229 (3), 739-750. *
930 - Carbone,E., Prestipino,G., Franciolini,F., Dent,M.A., Possani,L.D.. Selective modification of the squid axon Na currents by Centruroides noxius toxin II-10. Journal de Physiologie, 79 (4), 179-184. *
931 - Gurrola,G.B., Molina-Rode,R., Zentella,A.D., Possani,L.D.. Sintesis de peptidos y su posible utilizacion como vacuna contra toxinas de alacran. Avances en el mecanismo de accion de farmacos. 35-50.
932 - Possani,L.D.. Structure of scorpion toxins. Handbook of natural toxins. 513-550, New York. *
933 - Domingos Possani,L.. The toxins of scorpion venom: structure and function. Boletin de estudios medicos y biologicos, 32 (7-8 Suppl 1), 285-297.
935 - Carbone,E., Wanke,E., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D., Maelicke,A.. Selective blockage of voltage-dependent K+ channels by a novel scorpion toxin. Nature, 296 (5852), 90-91. *
936 - Carbone,E., Wanke,E., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D., Maelicke,A.. Selective Action of Purified Scorpion Neurotoxins on the Ionic Currents of the Squid Giant-Axon. Hoppe-Seylers Zeitschrift fur Physiologische Chemie, 363 (2), 1299-1300. *
Open Access Artículo
939 - Perez de la Mora,M., Possani,L.D., Tapia,R., Teran,L., Palacios,R., Fuxe,K., Hokfelt,T., Ljungdahl,A.. Demonstration of central gamma-aminobutyrate-containing nerve terminals by means of antibodies against glutamate decarboxylase. Neuroscience, 6 (5), 875-895. *
940 - Possani,L., Steinmetz,W.E., Dent,M.A., Alagon,A.C., Wuthrich,K.. Preliminary spectroscopic characterization of six toxins from Latin American scorpions. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Protein Structure, 669 (2), 183-192. *
Open Access Artículo
941 - Possani,L.D., Dent,M.A.R., Martin,B.M., Maelicke,A., Svendsen,I.. The Amino Terminal Sequence of Several Toxins from the Venom of the Mexican Scorpion Centruroides Noxius Hoffmann. Carlsberg Research Communications, 46 (4), 207-214. *
Open Access Artículo
942 - Possani,L.D., Martin,B.M., Mochcamorales,J., Svendsen,I.. Purification and Chemical Characterization of the Major Toxins from the Venom of the Brazilian Scorpion Tityus Serrulatus Lutz and Mello. Carlsberg Research Communications, 46 (4), 195-205. *
943 - Possani,L.D., Fernandez de Castro,J., Julia,J.Z.. Detoxification with glutaraldehyde of purified scorpion (Centruroides noxius Hoffmann) venom. Toxicon, 19 (2), 323-329. *
Memoria in extenso
944 - Perez de la Mora,M., Fuxe,K., Hokfelt,T., Anderson,K., Possani,L., Tapia,R.. Gabaergic synapses: distribution and interaction with other Neurotransmitter systems in the brain. Regulatory Mechanisms of Synaptic Transmission. 71-101, Boston,MA. *
950 - Sosa,B.P., Alagon,A.C., Possani,L.D., Julia,J.Z.. Comparison of phospholipase activity with direct and indirect lytic effects of animal venoms upon human red cells. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry, 64 (2), 231-234. *
951 - Fuxe,K., Andersson,K., Schwarcz,R., Agnati,L.F., Perez de la Mora,M., Hokfelt,T., Goldstein,M., Ferland,L., Possani,L., Tapia,L.. Studies on different types of dopamine nerve terminals in the forebrain adn their possible interactions with neurons. Advances in neurology. Advances in neurology, 199-216, New York. *
Memoria in extenso
952 - Perez de la Mora,M., Fuxe,K., Andersson,K., Hokfelt,T., Ljungdahl,A., Possani,L., Tapia,R.. STUDIES ON GABA-MONOAMINE AND GABA-ENDORPHIN INTERACTIONS. Catecholamines: Basic and Clinical Frontiers Proceedings of the Fourth International Catecholamine Symposium, Pacific Grove, California, September 17-22, 1978. 1032-1034. *
953 - Bayon,A., Possani,L.D., Rode,G., Tapia,R.. Kinetics of brain glutamate decarboxylase. Dead-end and product inhibition studies. Journal of Neurochemistry, 30 (6), 1629-1631. *
954 - Hokfelt,T., Elde,R., Fuxe,K., Johansson,O., Ljungdahl,A., Goldstein,M., Luft,R., Efendic,S., Nilsson,G., Terenius,L., Ganten,D., Jeffcoate,S.L., Rehfeld,J., Said,S., Perez de la Mora,M., Possani,L., Tapia,R., Teran,L., Palacios,R.. Aminergic and peptidergic pathways in the nervous system with special reference to the hypothalamus. Research publications - Association for Research in Nervous and Mental Disease, 56, 69-135. *
955 - Possani,L.D., Ramirez,G.A., Fletcher,P.L., Gurrola,M.A.. Isolation of two mammalian toxins from the venom of the Mexican scorpion Centruroides elegans (Thorell). FEBS Letters, 91 (2), 261-264. *
956 - Alagon,A.C., Possani,L.D., Erickson,B.W.. ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SEVERAL PROTEINS FROM TITYUS SERRULATUS SCORPION VENOM. Toxins Animal, Plant and Microbial. 609-618. *
957 - Fuxe,K., Hokfelt,T., Agnati,L.F., Johansson,O., Goldstein,M., Perez de la Mora,M., Possani,L., Tapia,R., Teran,L., Palacios,R.. Mapping out central catecholamine synthesizing neurons: immunohistochemical studies on catecholamine-synthesizing enzymes. Psychopharmacology: a Generation of Progress. 67-94, New York. *
959 - Bayon,A., Possani,L.D., Tapia,R.. Kinetics of brain glutamate decarboxylase. Inhibition studies with N-(5'-phosphopyridoxyl) amino acids. Journal of Neurochemistry, 29 (3), 513-517. *
961 - Possani,L.D., Alagon,A.C., Fletcher,P.L., Erickson,B.W.. Purification and properties of mammalian toxins from the venom of Brazilian Scorpion Tityus serrulatus Lutz and Mello. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 180 (2), 394-403. *
Open Access Artículo
962 - Klett,R.P., Fulpius,B.W., Cooper,D., Smith,M., Reich,E., Possani,L.D.. The acetylcholine receptor. I. Purification and characterization of a macromolecule isolated from Electrophorus electricus. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 248 (19), 6841-6853. *
963 - Possani,L.D.. GABA effects and GABA receptors in neuromuscular junctions of crustaceans: analysis of some stereochemical models. Revista brasileira de pesquisas medicas e biologicas, 6 (1), 31-42. *
964 - Tondo,C.V., Possani,L.D.. Study of the bimodal frequency distribution of the relative concentration of hemoglobin S in heterozygous carriers. Revista brasileira de pesquisas medicas e biologicas, 5 (1-2), 47-56. *
965 - Possani,L.D., Banerjee,R., Balny,C., Douzou,P.. Oxidation of haemoglobin by oxygen in light: possible role of singlet oxygen. Nature, 226 (248), 861-862. *

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