Ana Gutierrez Preciado
Ex-colaborador y/o ex-alumno

Total de publicaciones: 8
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Open Access Artículo
1 - Gutierrez-Preciado,A., Torres,A.G., Merino,E., Bonomi,H.R., Goldbaum,F.A., Garcia-Angulo,V.A. (2015). Extensive Identification of Bacterial Riboflavin Transporters and Their Distribution across Bacterial Species. PLoS ONE, 10 (5), e0126124.
3 - Gutierrez-Preciado,A., Henkin,T.M., Grundy,F.J., Yanofsky,C., Merino,E. (2009). Biochemical Features and Functional Implications of the RNA-Based T-Box Regulatory Mechanism. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 73 (1), 36-61.
6 - Gutierrez-Preciado,A., Olmedo-Alvarez,Gabriela, Souza-Saldivar,V. (2014). Lo pequeño es lo grande, o como las bacterias conquistaron el mundo y lo hicieron habitable para nosotros. Un Mundo de Bacterias . 21-26.
7 - Gutierrez-Preciado,A., Peimbert,M., Merino,E. (2009). Genome Sequence Databases: Types of Data and Bioinformatic Tools. Encyclopedia of Microbiology. 211-236, 3a, Oxford.
Open Access Artículo
9 - Gutierrez-Preciado,A., Torres,A.G., Merino,E., Bonomi,H.R., Goldbaum,F.A., Garcia-Angulo,V.A.. Extensive Identification of Bacterial Riboflavin Transporters and Their Distribution across Bacterial Species. PLoS ONE, 10 (5), e0126124.
10 - Gutierrez-Preciado,A., Olmedo-Alvarez,Gabriela, Souza-Saldivar,V.. Lo pequeño es lo grande, o como las bacterias conquistaron el mundo y lo hicieron habitable para nosotros. Un Mundo de Bacterias . 21-26.
13 - Gutierrez-Preciado,A., Henkin,T.M., Grundy,F.J., Yanofsky,C., Merino,E.. Biochemical Features and Functional Implications of the RNA-Based T-Box Regulatory Mechanism. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 73 (1), 36-61.