Biosensores fluorescentes
Desarrollo de métodos avanzados en microscopía óptica y análisis de imágenes
Fisiología molecular del espermatozoide
Número de registros: 38
  • Activos
  • Vencidos
  • ¿qué permeabilidades iónicas del espermatozoide de ratón que llevó a cabo la reacción acrosomal gobiernan su comportamiento para poder fecundar al óvulo? , DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2025 - 2027
  • Nuevas herramientas de microscopía de fluorescencia para resolver la actividad individual y organización nanoscópica de canales de ca2+ intracelulares y entender su participación crucial en la fisiología del espermatozoide y en la fecundación., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2023 - 2025
  • Canales iónicos modulados por el ayuno del espermatozoide de ratón que potencian la reacción acrosomal inducida por progesterona, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2022 - 2024
  • Sperm ca2+ signaling and energy pathways in basic science and art, 2021 - 2025
  • Laboratorio nacional de canalopatías, lanca, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 1900
  • Papel del ph acrosomal en la reacción acrosomal del espermatozoide de mamífero, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2019 - 2021
  • Laboratorio nacional de canalopatías, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2017 - 2018
  • Ampliación de la infraestructura para microscopía de reflexión interna total y de súper-resolución, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2017 - 2018
  • Laboratorio nacional de canalopatías (consolidación), CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2016 - 2017
  • Nuevas herramientas de fluorescencia para identificar en nanodominios la actividad de canales de ca2+ individuales y cambios en el ph local y potencial eléctrico importantes en la fisiología del espermatozoide, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2016 - 2018
  • Papel del ph acrosomal en la reacción acrosomal del espermatozoide de mamífero, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2016 - 2019
  • Crosstalk of calcium and other pathways in capacitation, UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, 2014 - 2017
  • Participación de los canales iónicos en la fisiología del espermatozoide, PRESUPUESTO UNAM, 2014 - 2020
  • Nuevas sondas para estudiar la fosfatidilserina y el ph intracelular en espermatozoides individuales, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2012 - 2013
  • Canales de ca2+, k+ y de cl- que participan en la capacitación del espermatozoide de ratón y humano, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2012 - 2014
  • Canales de ca2+ y cl-, e intercambiadores cl-/hco3- involucrados en la movilidad, maduración y reacción acrosomal del espermatozoide, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2011 - 2015
  • Centro de microscopía avanzada y análisis de imágenes de células vivas, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2010 - 2011
  • Visualización de la quimiotaxis en el espermatozoide, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2010 - 2012
  • Relación entre la oscilaciones del ca2+ intracellular y la movilidad quimiotáctica del espermatozoide del erizo de mar, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2009 - 2011
  • Salud reproductiva - efecto del plomo y metales pesados a nivel básico molecular en espermatozoides intoxicados en forma aguda con dichos metales, DEPARTAMENTO DE INTERCAMBIO ACADÉMICO/COORDINACIÓN DE LA INVESTIGACIÓN CIENTÍFICA-UNAM, 2008 - 2009
  • Membrane potential and camp crosstalk in sperm capacitation, UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, 2007 - 2012
  • Participación de los canales de ca y k en la reacción acrosomal del espermatozoide de mamífero., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2007 - 2010
  • Visita de intercambio académico dr. yoshiro tatsu, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2006
  • ¿cómo un péptido de la capa externa del óvulo regula los cambios espacio-temporales en el ca2+ intracelular y la navegación del espermatozoide del erizo del mar?, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2006 - 2008
  • Diferencia de las vias de transducción de señales que regulan la capacitación y la hipermotilidad espermática., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2006 - 2007
  • Caracterización funcional y papel fisiológico de dos nuevos canales iónicos del espermatozoide del erizo de mar., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2005 - 2006
  • Participación de canales de k y ca en la fisiología del espermatozoide de mamífero, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2004 - 2005
  • Na+ role in capacitation-associated hyperpolarization., NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH, 2003 - 2006
  • Participación de los canales de ca2+ y de k+ en la capacitación, motilidad y reacción acrosomal en el espermatozoide de mamífero, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2003 - 2006
  • Participación de canales de ca2+ y de k+ en la capacitación y reacción acrosomal del espermatozoide de mamífero, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2003 - 2005
  • Regulación de la motilidad del espermatozoide del erizo de mar., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2002 - 2003
  • Involvement of na+/ca2+ eschangers in egg-ligand induced sperm responses and ion channel regulation by rej proteins in sea urchin sperm., UNIVERSIDAD DE CALIFORNIA-MÉXICO, 2002 - 2003
  • Identificación de los canales de calcio que se expresan durante la espermatogénesis en drosophila melanogaster y su posible papel en la fertilización., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2001 - 2002
  • Participación de los canales de calcio en la fisiología del espermatozoide, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 1999 - 2002
  • Fisiología molecular del espermatozoide, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 1998 - 2001
  • Papel de los canales iónicos en la respuesta del espermatozoide a las capas externas del óvulo, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 1997 - 1999
  • The role of ion channels in the sperm acrosome reaction, INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR GENETIC ENGINEERING AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 1997 - 1999
  • Participación de los canales iónicos en la fisiología del espermatozoide, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 1996 - 1999

Nivel D del PRIDE
Nivel Investigador Emérito del SNII
  • Doctorado, en Ciencias, CINVESTAV-IPN, Dpto. de Bioquímica

  • Licenciatura, Química, Universidad Iberoamericana, Fac. de Química (1972)

  • Premio Scopus México 2008, Editorial Elsevier, 2008

  • Premio Imaging Solutions of the Year, en el área de Microscopía, Revista Industrial Advanced Imaging, 2008

  • Wellcome Trust Collaborative Research Initiative Grant 2004-2007, 2004

  • Fogarty International Research Collaboration Award (2003-2005), NIH, 2003

  • Premio Universidad Nacional en el área de investigación en Ciencias Naturales, UNAM, 2000

  • Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Research Scholar 1991-1996, 1991

  • Premio Miguel Alemán en el Area Salud, 1989

  • Doctorado
  • Maestría
  • Licenciatura
  • Estancia Temporal
1 - Oliver Santiago, Enrique Ismael (2023). Bases moleculares de los flujos de Ca2+ en el acrosoma del espermatozoide de ratón. Instituto de Investigacion en Ciencias Basicas y Aplicadas, Doctorado en Ciencias, UAEM. *
3 - Carrasquel Martinez, Gabriela (2022). Regulacion del pH del acrosoma durante la capacitacion de espermatozoides humanos . Centro de Ciencias Genómicas, Doctora en Ciencias Biomedicas, UNAM.
5 - Ocelotl Oviedo, Jose Pablo (2018). Estudio de la actividad unitaria del receptor P2X4 humano por fluorescencia . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
10 - Torres Flores, Victor Manuel (2011). El aumento del sodio intracelular inducido por la eliminacion de calcio externo regula la movilidad del espermatozoide humano. Facultad de Ciencias, Doctor en Ciencias Biologicas, UNAM. *
13 - Gasque Martinez, Gabriel Alberto (2005). Corrientes ionicas en neuronas vinculadas al aprendizaje y la memoria en Drosophila. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
15 - Munoz Garay, Roberto Carlos (2002). Caracterizacion de canales de K+ en celulas espermatogenicas de raton . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
20 - Espinosa Becerra, Felipe de Jesus (1999). Caracterizacion de canales ionicos y su participacion en la fisiologia del expermatozoide de raton . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM.
21 - Santi Grau Perez, Celia Maria (1998). Estudio de las vias de movilizacion de calcio intracelular en celulas espermatogenicas aisladas del testiculo del raton . Instituto de Fisiologia Celular, Doctorado en Ciencias Biomedicas, UNAM. *
Asesor: Darszon Israel, Alberto, Hernandez-Cruz, Arturo

25 - Gomez Lagunas, Froylan Miguel (1990). Canales ionicos de levaduras incorporados en bicapas lipidicas planas . Doctorado en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM. *
Asesor: Darszon Israel, Alberto, Pena Diaz, Antonio

Total de publicaciones: 296
  • Tipo
  • Fecha
Open Access Revisión
27 - Chavez,J.C., Carrasquel-Martinez,G., Hernandez-Garduno,S., Matamoros-Volante,A., Trevino,C.L., Nishigaki,T., Darszon,A. (2024). Cytosolic and Acrosomal pH Regulation in Mammalian Sperm. Cells, 13 (10), 865.
Open Access Artículo
28 - Hernandez,H.O., Montoya,F., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Diaz-Guerrero,D.S., Olveres,J., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H., Darszon,A., Escalante-Ramirez,B., Corkidi,G. (2024). Feature-Based 3D+t Descriptors of Hyperactivated Human Sperm Beat Patterns. Heliyon, 10 (5), e26645.
Open Access Artículo
29 - Jablonski,M., Luque,G.M., Gomez-Elias,M., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Xu,X., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Corkidi,G., Linares,A., Abonza,V., Krapf,D., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Buffone,M.G. (2024). Reorganization of the flagellum scaffolding induces a sperm standstill during fertilization. Elife, 13, RP93792.
30 - Lopez-Gonzalez,I., Oseguera-Lopez,I., Castillo,R., Darszon,A. (2024). Influence of extracellular ATP on mammalian sperm physiology. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 36 (10), RD23227.
31 - Mohanty,G., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Paudel,B., Tourzani,D.A., Salicioni,A.M., Santi,C.M., Gervasi,M.G., Pilsner,J.R., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E. (2024). Differential role of bovine serum albumin and HCO3- in the regulation of GSK3 alpha during mouse sperm capacitation. Molecular Human Reproduction, 30 (3), gaae007.
Open Access Artículo
32 - Novero,A.G., Torres-Rodriguez,P., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Schiavi-Ehrenhaus,L.J., Luque,G.M., Carruba,M., Stival,C., Gentile,I., Ritagliati,C., Santi,C.M., Nishigaki,T., Krapf,D., Buffone,M.G., Darszon,A., Trevino,C.L., Krapf,D. (2024). The sodium-proton exchangers sNHE and NHE1 control plasma membrane hyperpolarization in mouse sperm. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 300 (12), 107932.
Open Access Revisión
33 - Priego-Espinosa,D., Espinal-Enriquez,J., Aldana,A., Aldana,M., Martinez-Mekler,G., Carneiro,J., Darszon,A. (2024). Reviewing mathematical models of sperm signaling networks. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 91 (8), e23766.
Open Access Artículo
35 - Corkidi,G., Montoya,F., Gonzalez-Cota,A.L., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Bruce,N.C., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H., Darszon,A. (2023). Human sperm rotate with a conserved direction during free swimming in four dimensions . Journal of Cell Science, 136 (22), jcs.261306.
Open Access Artículo
38 - Luque,G.M., Schiavi-Ehrenhaus,L.J., Jablonski,M., Balestrini,P.A., Novero,A.G., Torres,N.I., Osycka-Salut,C.E., Darszon,A., Krapf,D., Buffone,M.G. (2023). High-throughput screening method for discovering CatSper inhibitors using membrane depolarization caused by external calcium chelation and fluorescent cell barcoding. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 11, 1010306.
Open Access Artículo
40 - Carrasquel-Martinez G., Aldana,A., Carneiro,J., Trevino,C.L., Darszon,A. (2022). Acrosomal alkalinization occurs during human sperm capacitation. Molecular Human Reproduction, 28 (3), gaac005.
Open Access Artículo
42 - Torres-Garcia,E., Pinto-Camara,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Valdes-Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl-Oviedo,J.P., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., D'Antuono,R., Boskovic,A., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G., Rodriguez-Morales,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C.D., Hernandez-Garcia,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A. (2022). Extending resolution within a single imaging frame. Nature Communications, 13 (1), 7452.
43 - Yang,F., Gervasi,M.G., Leu,N.A., Orta,G., Tourzani,D.A., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Ruthel,G., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E., Wang,P.J. (2022). C2CD6 regulates targeting and organization of the CatSper calcium channel complex in sperm flagella. Development, 149 (2), dev.199988.
Open Access Artículo
44 - Aguado-Garcia,A., Priego-Espinosa,D.A., Aldana,A., Darszon,A., Martinez-Mekler,G. (2021). Mathematical model reveals that heterogeneity in the number of ion transporters regulates the fraction of mouse sperm capacitation. PLoS ONE, 16 (11), e0245816.
Open Access Artículo
46 - Balestrini,P.A., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Luque,G.M., Baro-Graf C., Sierra,J.M., Hernandez-Cruz,A., Visconti,P.E., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G. (2021). Membrane hyperpolarization abolishes calcium oscillations that prevent induced acrosomal exocytosis in human sperm. FASEB Journal, 35 (6), e21478.
49 - Luque,G.M., Xu,X., Romarowski,A., Gervasi,M.G., Orta,G., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Stival,C., Gilio,N., Dalotto-Moreno,T., Krapf,D., Visconti,P.E., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G. (2021). Cdc42 localized in the CatSper signaling complex regulates cAMP-dependent pathways in mouse sperm. FASEB Journal, 35 (8), e21723.
50 - Mata-Martinez,E., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Chavez,J.C., Guerrero,A., Trevino,C.L., Corkidi,G., Montoya,F., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Buffone,M.G., Balestrini,P.A., Darszon,A. (2021). Role of calcium oscillations in sperm physiology. Biosystems, 209, 104524 [correction 104546].
51 - Mata-Martinez,E., Sanchez-Tusie,A.A., Darszon,A., Mayorga,L.S., Trevino,C.L., de Blas,G.A. (2021). Epac activation induces an extracellular Ca(2+) -independent Ca(2+) wave that triggers acrosome reaction in human sperm. Andrology, 9 (4), 1227-1241.
Open Access Artículo
53 - Zhao,R., Dai,H., Arias,R.J., de Blas,G.A., Orta,G., Pavarotti,M.A., Shen,R., Perozo,E., Mayorga,L.S., Darszon,A., Goldstein,S.A.N. (2021). Direct activation of the proton channel by albumin leads to human sperm capacitation and sustained release of inflammatory mediators by neutrophils. Nature Communications, 12 (1), 3855.
54 - Balestrini,P.A., Jablonski,M., Schiavi-Ehrenhaus,L.J., Marin-Briggiler,C.I., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Darszon,A., Krapf,D., Buffone,M.G. (2020). Seeing is believing: Current methods to observe sperm acrosomal exocytosis in real time. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 87 (12), 1188-1198.
Open Access Artículo
61 - Bastian-Eugenio,C.E., Bohorquez-Hernandez,A., Pacheco,J., Sampieri,A., Asanov,A., Ocelotl-Oviedo,J.P., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A., Vaca,L. (2019). Heterologous calcium-dependent inactivation of Orai1 by neighboring TRPV1 channels modulates cell migration and wound healing. Communications Biology, 2, 88.
63 - Brukman, N. G., Nunez, S. Y., Puga Molina, L. D. C., Buffone, M. G., Darszon, A., Cuasnicu, P. S., Da Ros, V. G. (2019). Tyrosine phosphorylation signaling regulates Ca(2+) entry by affecting intracellular pH during human sperm capacitation. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 234 (4), 5276-5288.
Open Access Artículo
64 - Navarrete,F.A., Aguila,L., Martin-Hidalgo,D., Tourzani,D.A., Luque,G.M., Ardestani,G., Garcia-Vazquez,F.A., Levin,L.R., Buck,J., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G., Mager,J., Fissore,R.A., Salicioni,A.M., Gervasi,M.G., Visconti,P.E. (2019). Transient Sperm Starvation Improves the Outcome of Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 7, 262.
66 - Hernandez-Herrera, P., Montoya, F., Rendon-Mancha, J.M., Darszon, A., Corkidi, G. (2018). 3D+t Human Sperm Flagellum Tracing in low SNR Fluorescence Images. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 37 (10), 2236-2247.
67 - Mata-Martinez, E., Darszon, A., Trevino, C.L. (2018). pH-dependent Ca(+2) oscillations prevent untimely acrosome reaction in human sperm. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 497 (1), 146-152.
Open Access Artículo
68 - Orta, G., Vega-Beltran, J. L., Hidalgo, D., Santi, C. M., Visconti, P., Darszon, A. (2018). CatSper channels are regulated by protein kinase A. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 293 (43), 16830.
Open Access Artículo
69 - Puga Molina, L.C., Pinto, N.A., Torres, N.I., Gonzalez-Cota, A.L., Luque, G.M., Balestrini, P.A., Romarowski, A., Krapf, D., Santi, C.M., Trevino, C.L., Darszon, A., Buffone, M.G. (2018). CFTR/ENaC dependent regulation of membrane potential during human sperm capacitation is initiated by bicarbonate uptake through NBC. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 293 (25), 9924-9936.
70 - Romarowski,A., Velasco Felix,A.G., Torres-Rodriguez P., Gervasi,M.G., Xu,X., Luque,G.M., Contreras-Jimenez,G., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Ramirez-Gomez,H.V., Krapf,D., Visconti,P.E., Krapf,D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G. (2018). Super-resolution imaging of live sperm reveals dynamic changes of the actin cytoskeleton during acrosomal exocytosis. Journal of Cell Science, 131 (21), jcs218958.
71 - Sanchez-Cardenas, C., Montoya, F., Navarrete, F.A., Hernandez-Cruz, A., Corkidi, G., Visconti, P.E., Darszon, A. (2018). Intracellular Ca2+ threshold reversibly switches flagellar beat off and on. Biology of Reproduction, 99 (5), 1010-1021.
Open Access Artículo
72 - Stival, C., Ritagliati, C., Xu, X., Gervasi, M.G., Luque, G.M., Baro, Graf C., Vega-Beltran, J.L., Torres, N.I., Darszon, A., Krapf, D., Buffone, M.G., Visconti, P., Krapf, D. (2018). Disruption of protein kinase A localization induces acrosomal exocytosis in capacitated mouse sperm. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 293 (24), 9435-9447.
73 - Zhao,R., Kennedy,K., de Blas,G.A., Orta,G., Pavarotti,M.A., Arias,R.J., De la Vega-Beltran JL, Li,Q., Dai,H., Perozo,E., Mayorga,L.S., Darszon,A., Goldstein,S.A.N. (2018). Role of human Hv1 channels in sperm capacitation and white blood cell respiratory burst established by a designed peptide inhibitor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (50), E11847-E11856.
74 - Corkidi, G., Montoya, F., Hernandez-Herrera, P., Rios-Herrera, W.A., Muller, M.F., Trevino, C.L., Darszon, A. (2017). Are there intracellular Ca2+ oscillations correlated with flagellar beating in human sperm? A three vs. two-dimensional analysis. Molecular Human Reproduction, 23 (9), 583-593.
Open Access Artículo
75 - Espinal-Enriquez, J., Priego-Espinosa, D.A., Darszon, A., Beltran, C., Martinez-Mekler, G. (2017). Network model predicts that CatSper is the main Ca2+ channel in the regulation of sea urchin sperm motility. Scientific Reports, 7 (1), 4236.
76 - Puga Molina, L.C., Pinto, N.A., Torres-Rodriguez P., Romarowski, A., Vicens-Sanchez A., Visconti, P.E., Darszon, A., Trevino, C.L., Buffone, M.G. (2017). Essential Role of CFTR in PKA-Dependent Phosphorylation, Alkalinization and Hyperpolarization During Human Sperm Capacitation. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 232 (6), 1404-1414.
77 - Alvau,A., Battistone,M.A., Gervasi,M.G., Navarrete,F.A., Xu,X., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Da- Ros,V, Greer,P., Darszon,A., Krapf,D., Salicioni,A.M., Cuasnicu,P., Visconti,P.E. (2016). The tyrosine kinase FER is responsible for the capacitation-associated increase in tyrosine phosphorylation in murine sperm. Development, 143 (13), 2325-2333.
Open Access Artículo
80 - Navarrete,F.A., Alvau,A., Lee,H.C., Levin,L.R., Buck,J., Leon,P.M., Santi,C.M., Krapf,D., Mager,J., Fissore,R.A., Salicioni,A.M., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E. (2016). Transient exposure to calcium ionophore enables in vitro fertilization in sterile mouse models. Scientific Reports, 6, 33589.
81 - Romarowski,A., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Ramirez-Gomez,H.V., Puga Molina,L.D., Trevino,C.L., Hernandez,Cruz A., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G. (2016). A Specific Transitory Increase in Intracellular Calcium Induced by Progesterone Promotes Acrosomal Exocytosis in Mouse Sperm. Biology of Reproduction, 94 (3), 63.
82 - Ernesto,J.I., Weigel-Munoz M., Battistone,M.A., Vasen,G., Martinez-Lopez,P., Orta,G., Figueiras-Fierro,D., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Moreno,I.A., Guidobaldi,H.A., Giojalas,L., Darszon,A., Cohen,D.J., Cuasnicu,P.S. (2015). CRISP1 as a novel CatSper regulator that modulates sperm motility and orientation during fertilization. Journal of Cell Biology, 210 (7), 1213-1224.
83 - Escoffier,J., Navarrete,F., Haddad,D., Santi,C.M., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E. (2015). Flow Cytometry Analysis Reveals That Only a Subpopulation of Mouse Sperm Undergoes Hyperpolarization During Capacitation. Biology of Reproduction, 92 (5), 121.
85 - Navarrete,F.A., Garcia-Vazquez,F.A., Alvau,A., Escoffier,J., Krapf,D., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Salicioni,A.M., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E. (2015). Biphasic Role of Calcium in Mouse Sperm Capacitation Signaling Pathways. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 230 (8), 1758-1769.
87 - Beltran,C., Rodriguez-Miranda,E., Granados-Gonzalez,G., de De la Torre LG, Nishigaki,T., Darszon,A. (2014). Zn induces hyperpolarization by activation of a K channel and increases intracellular Ca and pH in sea urchin spermatozoa. Developmental Biology, 394 (1), 15-23.
Open Access Artículo
88 - Chavez,J.C., Ferreira,G.J., Butler,A., Trevino,C.L., Darszon,A., Salkoff,L., Santi,C.M. (2014). SLO3 K+ Channels Control Calcium Entry through CATSPER Channels in Sperm. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289 (46), 32266-32275.
89 - Darszon,A., Hernandez-Cruz,A. (2014). T-type Ca channels in spermatogenic cells and sperm. Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, 466 (4), 819-831.
92 - Nishigaki,T., Jose,O., Gonzalez-Cota,A.L., Romero,F., Trevino,C.L., Darszon,A. (2014). Intracellular pH in Sperm Physiology. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 450 (3), 1149-1158.
Open Access Artículo
94 - Vacquier,V.D., Loza-Huerta,A., Garcia-Rincon,J., Darszon,A., Beltran,C. (2014). Soluble adenylyl cyclase of sea urchin spermatozoa. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1842 (12B), 2621-2628.
Open Access Artículo
97 - Figueiras-Fierro,D., Acevedo,J.J., Martinez-Lopez,P., Escoffier,J., Sepulveda,F.V., Balderas,E., Orta,G., Visconti,P., Darszon,A. (2013). Electrophysiological evidence for the presence of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in mouse sperm. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 228 (3), 590-601.
98 - Guerrero,A., Espinal,J., Wood,C.D., Rendon,J.M., Carneiro,J., Martinez-Mekler,G., Darszon,A. (2013). Niflumic acid disrupts marine spermatozoan chemotaxis without impairing the spatiotemporal detection of chemoattractant gradients. Journal of Cell Science, 126 (6), 1477-1487.
100 - Santi,C.M., Orta,G., Salkoff,L., Visconti,P.E., Darszon,A., Trevino,C.L. (2013). K(+) and cl(-) channels and transporters in sperm function. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, 102, 385-421.
101 - Tateno,H., Krapf,D., Hino,T., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Darszon,A., Yanagimachi,R., Visconti,P.E. (2013). Ca2+ ionophore A23187 can make mouse spermatozoa capable of fertilizing in vitro without activation of cAMP-dependent phosphorylation pathways. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110 (46), 18543-18548.
Open Access Artículo
102 - Wertheimer,E., Krapf,D., Vega-Beltran,J.L., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Navarrete,F., Haddad,D., Escoffier,J., Salicioni,A.M., Levin,L.R., Buck,J., Mager,J., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E. (2013). Compartmentalization of Distinct cAMP Signaling Pathways in Mammalian Sperm. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288 (49), 35307-35320.
103 - Balderas,E., Arteaga-Tlecuitl,R., Rivera,M., Gomora,J., Darszon,A. (2012). Niflumic acid blocks native and recombinant T-type channels. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 227 (6), 2542-255n.
Open Access Artículo
106 - de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Krapf,D., Hernandez-Gonzalez,E.O., Wertheimer,E., Trevino,C.L., Visconti,P.E., Darszon,A. (2012). Mouse sperm membrane potential hyperpolarization is necessary and sufficient to prepare sperm for the acrosome reaction. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287 (53), 44384-44393.
107 - Escoffier,J., Krapf,D., Navarrete,F., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E. (2012). Flow cytometry analysis reveals a decrease in intracellular sodium during sperm capacitation. Journal of Cell Science, 125 (2), 473-485.
Open Access Artículo
114 - Espinal,J., Aldana,M., Guerrero,A., Wood,C., Darszon,A., Martinez-Mekler,G. (2011). Discrete dynamics model for the speract-activated ca signaling network relevant to sperm motility. PLoS ONE, 6 (8), e22619.
115 - Galindo,B.E., Darszon,A. (2011). Calmodulin antagonists inhibit sea urchin sperm hyperpolarization necessary for directed movement toward the egg. Proceedings of the Western Pharmacology Society, 54, 80-82.
116 - Gibbs,G.M., Orta,G., Reddy,T., Koppers,A.J., Martinez-Lopez,P., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Lo,J.C., Veldhuis,N., Jamsai,D., McIntyre,P., Darszon,A., O'Bryan,M.K. (2011). Cysteine-rich secretory protein 4 is an inhibitor of transient receptor potential M8 with a role in establishing sperm function. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108 (17), 7034-7039.
119 - Torres-Flores,V., Picazo-Juarez,G., Hernandez-Rueda,Y., Darszon,A., Gonzalez-Martinez,M.T. (2011). Sodium influx induced by external calcium chelation decreases human sperm motility. Human Reproduction, 26 (10), 2626-2635.
Open Access Revisión
120 - Visconti,P.E., Krapf,D., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Acevedo,J.J., Darszon,A. (2011). Ion channels, phosphorylation and mammalian sperm capacitation. Asian Journal of Andrology, 13 (3), 395-405.
121 - Guerrero,A., Wood,C.D., Nishigaki,T., Carneiro,J., Darszon,A. (2010). Tuning sperm chemotaxis. Biochemical Society Transactions, 38 (5), 1270-1274.
122 - Guerrero,A., Nishigaki,T., Carneiro,J., Tatsu,Y., Wood,C.D., Darszon,A. (2010). Tuning sperm chemotaxis by calcium burst timing. Developmental Biology, 344 (1), 52-65.
123 - Jose,O., Hernandez-Hernandez,O., Chirinos,M., Gonzalez-Gonzalez,M.E., Larrea,F., Almanza,A., Felix,R., Darszon,A., Trevino,C.L. (2010). Recombinant human ZP3-induced sperm acrosome reaction: Evidence for the involvement of T- and L-type voltage-gated calcium channels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 395 (4), 530-534.
125 - Santi,C.M., Martinez-Lopez,P., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Butler,A., Alisio,A., Darszon,A., Salkoff,L. (2010). The SLO3 sperm-specific potassium channel plays a vital role in male fertility. FEBS Letters, 584 (5), 1041-1046.
Open Access Artículo
126 - Suhaiman,L., de Blas,G.A., Obeid,L.M., Darszon,A., Mayorga,L.S., Belmonte,S.A. (2010). Sphingosine 1-phosphate and sphingosine kinase are involved in a novel signaling pathway leading to acrosomal exocytosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285 (21), 16302-16314.
127 - Ardon,F., Rodriguez-Miranda,E., Beltran,C., Hernandez-Cruz,A., Darszon,A. (2009). Mitochondrial inhibitors activate influx of external Ca(2+) in sea urchin sperm. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 1787 (1), 15-24.
Open Access Revisión
128 - Branham,M.T., Bustos,M.A., de Blas,G.A., Rehmann,H., Zarelli,V.E., Trevino,C.L., Darszon,A., Mayorga,L.S., Tomes,C.N. (2009). Epac activates the small G proteins Rap1 and Rab3A to achieve exocytosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284 (37), 24825-24839.
Open Access Artículo
129 - de Blas,G.A., Darszon,A., Ocampo,A.Y., Serrano,C.J., Castellano,L.E., Hernandez-Gonzalez,E.O., Chirinos,M., Larrea,F., Beltran,C., Trevino,C.L. (2009). TRPM8, a versatile channel in human sperm. PLoS ONE, 4 (6), e6095.
130 - Martinez-Lopez,P., Santi,C.M., Trevino,C.L., Ocampo-Gutierrez,A.Y., Acevedo,J.J., Alisio,A., Salkoff,L.B., Darszon,A. (2009). Mouse sperm K+ currents stimulated by pH and cAMP possibly coded by Slo3 channels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 381 (2), 204-209.
131 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A. (2008). Tracking sperm in three-dimensions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 373 (1), 125-129.
Open Access Artículo
132 - Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Galindo,B.E., Nishigaki,T., Wood,C.D. (2008). Sperm-activating peptides in the regulation of ion fluxes, signal transduction and motility. International Journal of Developmental Biology, 52 (5-6), 595-606.
Open Access Artículo
133 - Wertheimer,E.V., Salicioni,A.M., Liu,W., Trevino,C.L., Chavez,J., Hernandez-Gonzalez,E.O., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E. (2008). Chloride is essential for capacitation and for the capacitation-associated increase in tyrosine phosphorylation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283 (51), 35539-35550.
134 - Beltran,C., Vacquier,V.D., Moy,G., Chen,Y., Buck,J., Levin,L.R., Darszon,A. (2007). Particulate and soluble adenylyl cyclases participate in the sperm acrosome reaction. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 358 (4), 1128-1135.
136 - de la Sancha,C.U., Martinez-Cadena,G., Lopez-Godinez,J., Castellano,L.E., Nishigaki,T., Darszon,A., Garcia-Soto,J. (2007). Rho-kinase (ROCK) in sea urchin sperm: Its role in regulating the intracellular pH during the acrosome reaction. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 364 (3), 470-475 [Corrigendum en Volume 366, Issue 2, 2008, Page 604].
137 - Galindo,B.E., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Labarca,P., Vacquier,V.D., Darszon,A. (2007). Sp-tetraKCNG: A novel cyclic nucleotide gated K(+) channel. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 354 (3), 668-675.
139 - Rangel-Mata,F., Mendez-Marquez,R., Martinez-Cadena,G., Lopez-Godinez,J., Nishigaki,T., Darszon,A., Garcia-Soto,J. (2007). Rho, Rho-kinase, and the actin cytoskeleton regulate the Na(+)-H(+) exchanger in sea urchin eggs. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 352 (1), 264-269.
142 - Darszon,A., Lopez-Martinez,P., Acevedo,J.J., Hernandez-Cruz,A., Trevino,C.L. (2006). T-type Ca(2+) channels in sperm function. Cell Calcium, 40 (2), 241-252.
Open Access Artículo
145 - Hernandez-Gonzalez,E.O., Sosnik,J., Edwards,J., Acevedo,J.J., Mendoza-Lujambio,I., Lopez-Gonzalez,I., Demarco,I., Wertheimer,E., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E. (2006). Sodium and epithelial sodium channels participate in the regulation of the capacitation-associated hyperpolarization in mouse sperm. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281 (9), 5623-5633.
146 - Munoz-Garay,C., Sanchez,J., Darszon,A., de Maagd,R.A., Bakker,P., Soberon,M., Bravo,A. (2006). Permeability Changes of Manduca sexta Midgut Brush Border Membranes Induced by Oligomeric Structures of Different Cry Toxins. Journal of Membrane Biology, 212 (1), 61-68 [Erratum: 245 (12) 859].
149 - Darszon,A., Nishigaki,T., Wood,C., Trevino,C.L., Felix,R., Beltran,C. (2005). Calcium channels and ca(2+) fluctuations in sperm physiology. International Review of Cytology, 243, 79-172.
150 - Gasque,G., Labarca,P., Darszon,A. (2005). Cholesterol-depleting compounds modulate K(+)-currents in Drosophila Kenyon cells. FEBS Letters, 579 (23), 5129-5134.
153 - Nomura,M., Beltran,C., Darszon,A., Vacquier,V.D. (2005). A soluble adenylyl cyclase from sea urchin spermatozoa. Gene, 353 (2), 231-238.
154 - Shiba,K., Ohmuro,J., Mogami,Y., Nishigaki,T., Wood,C.D., Darszon,A., Tatsu,Y., Yumoto,N., Baba,S.A. (2005). Sperm-activating Peptide induces asymmetric flagellar bending in sea urchin sperm. Zoological Science, 22 (3), 293-299.
155 - Wood,C.D., Nisihigaki,T., Furuta,T., Baba,S.A., Darszon,A. (2005). Real-time analysis of the role of Ca2+ in flagellar movement and motility in single sea urchin sperm. Journal of Cell Biology, 169 (5), 725-731 .
156 - Darszon,A., Wood,C.D., Beltran,C., Sanchez,D., Rodriguez,E., Gorelik,J., Korchev,Y.E., Nishigaki,T. (2004). Measuring ion fluxes in sperm. Methods in Cell Biology, 74, 545-576.
157 - Nishigaki,T., Wood,C.D., Tatsu,Y., Yumoto,N., Furuta,T., Elias,D., Shiba,K., Baba,S.A., Darszon,A. (2004). A sea urchin egg jelly peptide induces a cGMP-mediated decrease in sperm intracellular Ca(2+) before its increase. Developmental Biology, 272 (2), 376-388.
158 - Schulz,J.R., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Beltran,C., Vacquier,V.D., Darszon,A. (2004). Ion channel activity of membrane vesicles released from sea urchin sperm during the acrosome reaction. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 321 (1), 88-93.
159 - Trevino,C.L., Felix,R., Castellano,L.E., Gutierrez,C., Rodriguez,D., Pacheco,J., Lopez-Gonzalez,I., Gomora,J.C., Tsutsumi,V., Hernandez-Cruz,A., Fiordelisio,T., Scaling,A.L., Darszon,A. (2004). Expression and differential cell distribution of low-threshold Ca(2+) channels in mammalian male germ cells and sperm. FEBS Letters, 563 (1-3), 87-92.
Open Access Artículo
161 - Demarco,I.A., Espinosa,F., Edwards,J., Sosnik,J., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Hockensmith,J.W., Kopf,G.S., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E. (2003). Involvement of a Na+/HCO3-cotransporter in mouse sperm capacitation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278 (9), 7001-7009.
162 - Felix,R., Sandoval,A., Sanchez,D., Gomora,J.C., Vega-Beltran,J.L., Trevino,C.L., Darszon,A. (2003). ZD7288 inhibits low-threshold Ca(2+) channel activity and regulates sperm function. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 311 (1), 187-192.
165 - Wood,C.D., Darszon,A., Whitaker,M. (2003). Speract induces calcium oscillations in the sperm tail. Journal of Cell Biology, 161 (1), 89-101.
Open Access Artículo
166 - de Blas,G., Michaut,M., Trevino,C.L., Tomes,C.N., Yunes,R., Darszon,A., Mayorga,L.S. (2002). The intraacrosomal calcium pool plays a direct role in acrosomal exocytosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277 (51), 49326-49331.
167 - Felix,R., Serrano,C.J., Trevino,C.L., Munoz-Garay,C., Bravo,A., Navarro,A., Pacheco,J., Tsutsumi,V., Darszon,A. (2002). Identification of distinct K+ channels in mouse spermatogenic cells and sperm. Zygote, 10 (2), 183-188.
168 - Gorelik,J., Gu,Y., Spohr,H.A., Shevchuk,A.I., Lab,M.J., Harding,S.E., Edwards,C.R., Whitaker,M., Moss,G.W., Benton,D.C., Sanchez,D., Darszon,A., Vodyanoy,I., Klenerman,D., Korchev,Y.E. (2002). Ion channels in small cells and subcellular structures can be studied with a smart patch-clamp system. Biophysical Journal, 83 (6), 3296-3303.
169 - Olamendi-Portugal,T., Garcia,B.I., Lopez-Gonzalez,I., van der Walt,J., Dyason,K., Ulens,C., Tytgat,J., Felix,R., Darszon,A., Possani,L.D. (2002). Two new scorpion toxins that target voltage-gated Ca(2+) and Na(+) channels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 299 (4), 562-568.
171 - Darszon,A., Beltran,C., Felix,R., Nishigaki,T., Trevino,C.L. (2001). Ion Transport in Sperm Signaling. Developmental Biology, 240 (1), 1-14.
172 - Gonzalez-Martinez,M.T., Galindo,B.E., de la Torre,L., Zapata,O., Rodriguez,E., Florman,H.M., Darszon,A. (2001). A sustained increase in intracellular ca(2+) is required for the acrosome reaction in sea urchin sperm. Developmental Biology, 236 (1), 220-229.
175 - Nishigaki,T., Zamudio,F.Z., Possani,L.D., Darszon,A. (2001). Time-Resolved Sperm Responses to an Egg Peptide Measured by Stopped-Flow Fluorometry. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 284 (2), 531-535.
176 - Sanchez,D., Labarca,P., Darszon,A. (2001). Sea urchin sperm cation-selective channels directly modulated by cAMP. FEBS Letters, 503 (1), 111-115.
182 - O'Toole,C.M., Arnoult,C., Darszon,A., Steinhardt,R.A., Florman,H.M. (2000). Ca(2+) entry through store-operated channels in mouse sperm is initiated by egg ZP3 and drives the acrosome reaction. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 11 (5), 1571-1584.
183 - Srivastava,A., Darszon,A., Strasser,R.J. (2000). Influence of water on the primary photosynthetic activity of Rhodospirillum rubrum in reverse micelles. Photosynthetica, 38 (3), 333-341.
184 - Darszon,A., Labarca,P., Nishigaki,T., Espinosa,F. (1999). Ion channels in sperm physiology. Physiological Reviews, 79 (2), 481-510.
Open Access Artículo
187 - Srivastava,A., Darszon,A., Strasser,R.J. (1999). The influence of water on the stability and activity of photosynthetic complexes, membranes and cells in apolar systems. Archives Des Sciences, 52 (2), 73-99.
Open Access Artículo
188 - Srivastava,A., Rivara-Minten,E., Obregon,C., Darszon,A., Strasser,R.J. (1999). The role of water on photochemical activities of membrane protein complexes of bacteria. Archives Des Sciences, 52 (1), 17-27.
189 - Darszon,A., Espinoza,F., Santi,C., Lievano,A., Lopez,I., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Delgado,R., Labarca,P., Hernandez,A. (1998). Ca 2+ and Cl - channels in sperm physiology. Zygote, 6 (1 SUPPL.), S22-S23.
191 - Guerrero,A., Garcia,L., Zapata,O., Rodriguez,E., Darszon,A. (1998). Acrosome reaction inactivation in sea urchin sperm. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 1401 (3), 329-338.
192 - Lokuta,A.J., Darszon,A., Beltran,C., Valdivia,H.H. (1998). Detection and functional characterization of ryanodine receptors from sea urchin eggs. Journal of Physiology, 510 (Pt 1), 155-164.
194 - Santi,C.M., Santos,T., Hernandez-Cruz,A., Darszon,A. (1998). Properties of a novel pH-dependent Ca2+ permeation pathway present in male germ cells with possible roles in spermatogenesis and mature sperm function. Journal of General Physiology, 112 (1), 33-53.
196 - Kernen,P., Agosti,R.D., Strasser,R.J., Darszon,A. (1997). ATPase activity of thylakoid membranes in CTAB-hexanol-octane low water system. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 1321 (1), 71-78.
198 - Zapata,O., Ralston,J., Beltran,C., Parys,J.B., Chen,J.L., Longo,F.J., Darszon,A. (1997). Inositol triphosphate receptors in sea urchin sperm. Zygote, 5 (4), 355-364.
199 - Beltran,C., Zapata,O., Darszon,A. (1996). Membrane potential regulates sea urchin sperm adenylylcyclase. Biochemistry, 35 (23), 7591-7598.
200 - Darszon,A., Lievano,A., Beltran,C. (1996). Ion channels: key elements in gamete signaling. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, 34, 117-167.
202 - Labarca,P., Santi,C., Zapata,O., Morales,E., Beltran,C., Lievano,A., Darszon,A. (1996). A cAMP regulated K+-selective channel from the sea urchin sperm plasma membrane. Developmental Biology, 174 (2), 271-280.
204 - Santi,C.M., Darszon,A., Hernandez-Cruz,A. (1996). A dihydropyridine-sensitive T-type Ca2+ current is the main Ca2+ current carrier in mouse primary spermatocytes. American Journal of Physiology Cell Physiology, 271 (5 Pt 1), C1583-C1593.
205 - Sepulveda-Becerra,M.A., Ferreira,S.T., Strasser,R.J., Garzon-Rodriguez,W., Beltran,C., Gomez-Puyou,A., Darszon,A. (1996). Refolding of triosephosphate isomerase in low-water media investigated by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Biochemistry, 35 (49), 15915-15922.
206 - Castellano,L.E., Lopez-Godinez,J., Aldana,G., Barrios-Rodiles,M., Obregon,A., Garcia de la Torre,L., Darszon,A., Garcia-Soto,J. (1995). The acrosome reaction in digitonin-permeabilized sea urchin sperm in the absence of the natural inducer. European Journal of Cell Biology, 67 (1), 23-31.
207 - Cuellar-Mata,P., Martinez-Cadena,G., Castellano,L.E., Aldana-Veloz,G., Novoa-Martinez,G, Vargas,I., Darszon,A., Garcia-Soto,J. (1995). Multiple GTP-binding proteins in sea urchin sperm: Evidence for Gs and small G-proteins. Development Growth & Differentiation, 37 (2), 173-181.
208 - Espinosa,F., Darszon,A. (1995). Mouse sperm membrane potential: changes induced by Ca2+. FEBS Letters, 372 (1), 119-125.
210 - Labarca,P., Zapata,O., Beltran,C., Darszon,A. (1995). Ion channels from the mouse sperm plasma membrane in planar lipid bilayers. Zygote, 3 (3), 199-206.
Artículo; Actas Paper
212 - Sepulveda-Becerra,M.A., Ferreira,S.T., Strasser,R., Garzon-Rodriguez,W., Beltran,C., Gomez-Puyou,A., Darszon,A. (1995). REASSOCIATION OF TRIOSEPHOSPHATE ISOMERASE IN REVERSE MICELLES MEASURED BY ENERGY-TRANSFER. Protein Engineering, 8 (Sup), 22-22.
214 - Darszon,A., Labarca,P., Beltran,C., Garcia-Soto,J., Lievano,A. (1994). Sea urchin sperm: an ion channel reconstitution study case. Methods, 6, 37-50.
Open Access Artículo
215 - Shoshani,L., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Gomez-Puyou,A. (1994). Activity and fluorescence changes of lactate dehydrogenase induced by guanidine hydrochloride in reverse micelles. European Journal of Biochemistry, 221 (3), 1027-1032.
216 - Morales,E., de la Torre,L., Moy,G.W., Vacquier,V.D., Darszon,A. (1993). Anion channels in the sea urchin sperm plasma membrane. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 36 (2), 174-182.
Open Access Artículo
218 - Babcock,D.F., Bosma,M.M., Battaglia,D.E., Darszon,A. (1992). Early persistent activation of sperm K+ channels by the egg peptide speract. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 89 (13), 6001-6005.
Open Access Artículo
219 - Fernandez-Velasco,D.A., Garza-Ramos,G., Ramirez,L., Shoshani,L., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Gomez-Puyou,A. (1992). Activity of heart and muscle lactate dehydrogenases in all-aqueous systems and in organic solvents with low amounts of water. Effect of guanidine chloride. European Journal of Biochemistry, 205 (2), 501-508.
Open Access Artículo
220 - Garza-Ramos,G., Fernandez-Velasco,D.A., Ramirez,L., Shoshani,L., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Gomez-Puyou,A. (1992). Enzyme activation by denaturants in organic solvent systems with a low water content. European Journal of Biochemistry, 205 (2), 509-517.
221 - Gonzalez-Martinez,M.T., Guerrero,A., Morales,E., de la Torre,L., Darszon,A. (1992). A depolarization can trigger Ca2+ uptake and the acrosome reaction when preceded by a hyperpolarization in L. pictus sea urchin sperm. Developmental Biology, 150 (1), 193-202.
Open Access Artículo
222 - Kernen,P., Darszon,A., Strasser,R.J. (1992). MACROCOMPLEXES OF PHOTOACTIVE MEMBRANES IN APOLAR MEDIA - THE CHLOROPLAST ATPASE. Archives Des Sciences, 45 (1), 85-97.
223 - Strasser,R.J., Millan,L., Darszon,A. (1992). Inner mitochondrial membranes bound to concanavalin A-sepharose display succinate dehydrogenase, ATPase, and cytochrome oxidase activity. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 39 (11), 1080-1085.
224 - Garcia-Soto,J., Araiza,L.M., Barrios,M., Darszon,A., Luna-Arias,J.P. (1991). Endogenous activity of cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase in plasma membranes isolated from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sea urchin sperm. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 180 (3), 1436-1445.
225 - Garza-Ramos,G., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Gomez-Puyou,A. (1990). High concentrations of guanidine chloride activate lactate dehydrogenase in low water media. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 172 (2), 830-834. *
226 - Garza-Ramos,G., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Gomez-Puyou,A. (1990). Enzyme catalysis in organic solvents with low water content at high temperatures. The adenosinetriphosphatase of submitochondrial particles. Biochemistry, 29 (3), 751-757. *
227 - Lievano,A., Vega-Saenz-de-Miera,E.C., Darszon,A. (1990). Ca2+ channels from the sea urchin sperm plasma membrane. Journal of General Physiology, 95 (2), 273-296. *
228 - Escamilla,E., Ayala,G., de Gomez-Puyou,M.T., Gomez-Puyou,A., Millan,L., Darszon,A. (1989). Catalytic activity of cytochrome oxidase and cytochrome c in apolar solvents containing phospholipids and low amounts of water. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 272 (2), 332-343. *
229 - Garza-Ramos,G., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Gomez-Puyou,A. (1989). Catalysis and thermostability of mitochondrial F1-ATPase in toluene-phospholipid-low-water systems. Biochemistry, 28 (8), 3177-3182. *
231 - Guerrero,A., Darszon,A. (1989). Egg jelly triggers a calcium influx which inactivates and is inhibited by calmodulin antagonists in the sea urchin sperm. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 980 (1), 109-116. *
Open Access Artículo
233 - Prestipino,G., Valdivia,H.H., Lievano,A., Darszon,A., Ramirez,A.N., Possani,L.D. (1989). Purification and reconstitution of potassium channel proteins from squid axon membranes. FEBS Letters, 250 (2), 570-574.
234 - Darszon,A., Escamilla,E., Gomez-Puyou,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M. (1988). Transfer of spores, bacteria and yeast into toluene containing phospholipids and low amounts of water: preservation of the bacterial respiratory chain. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 151 (3), 1074-1080. *
235 - Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Lievano,A., Gonzalez-Martinez,M., Morales,E. (1988). IONIC CHANNELS IN SEA-URCHIN SPERM PHYSIOLOGY. News In Physiological Sciences, 3, 181-185. *
236 - Garcia-Soto,J., Mourelle,M., Vargas,I., de la Torre,L., Ramirez,E., Lopez-Colome,A.M., Darszon,A. (1988). Sea urchin sperm head plasma membranes: characteristics and egg jelly induced Ca2+ and Na+ uptake. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 944 (1), 1-12. *
237 - Garcia-Soto,J., Gonzalez-Martinez,M., de la Torre,L., Darszon,A. (1987). Internal pH can regulate Ca2+ uptake and the acrosome reaction in sea urchin sperm. Developmental Biology, 120 (1), 112-120. *
239 - Guerrero,A., Sanchez,J.A., Darszon,A. (1987). Single-channel activity in sea urchin sperm revealed by the patch-clamp technique. FEBS Letters, 220 (2), 295-298. *
240 - Ayala,G., de Gomez-Puyou,M.T., Gomez-Puyou,A., Darszon,A. (1986). Thermostability of membrane enzymes in organic solvents. FEBS Letters, 203 (1), 41-43. *
Open Access Artículo
241 - Beltran,C., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Darszon,A., Gomez-Puyou,A. (1986). Simultaneous synthesis and hydrolysis of ATP regulated by the inhibitor protein in submitochondrial particles. European Journal of Biochemistry, 160 (1), 163-168. *
242 - Darszon,A., Garciasoto,J., Gonzalez,M., Guerrero,A., Sanchez,J.A., Lievano,A. (1986). Ion-Transport Mechanisms in Sea-Urchin Sperm. Development Growth & Differentiation, 28, 17-18. *
243 - Ayala,G., Nascimento,A., Gomez-Puyou,A., Darszon,A. (1985). Extraction of mitochondrial membrane proteins into organic solvents in a functional state. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 810 (2), 115-122. *
244 - Garcia-Soto,J., Darszon,A. (1985). High pH-induced acrosome reaction and Ca2+ uptake in sea urchin sperm suspended in Na+-free seawater. Developmental Biology, 110 (2), 338-345. *
Open Access Artículo
247 - Beltran,C., de Gomez-Puyou,M.T., Gomez-Puyou,A., Darszon,A. (1984). Release of the inhibitory action of the natural ATPase inhibitor protein on the mitochondrial ATPase. European Journal of Biochemistry, 144 (1), 151-157. *
Open Access Artículo
248 - Darszon,A., Gould,M., de la Torre,L., Vargas,I. (1984). Response of isolated sperm plasma membranes from sea urchin to egg jelly. European Journal of Biochemistry, 144 (3), 515-522. *
249 - Mourelle,M., Vargas,I., Darszon,A. (1984). Adenylate cyclase activity of membrane fractions isolated from sea urchin sperm. Gamete Research, 9 (1), 87-97. *
Open Access Artículo
250 - Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Ayala,G., Darszon,A., Gomez-Puyou,A. (1984). Oxidative phosphorylation and the Pi-ATP exchange reaction of submitochondrial particles under the influence of organic solvents. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 259 (15), 9472-9478. *
251 - Darszon,A. (1983). Strategies in the reassembly of membrane proteins into lipid bilayer systems and their functional assay. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 15 (6), 321-334. *
Open Access Artículo
252 - Ramakrishnan,V.R., Darszon,A., Montal,M. (1983). A small angle x-ray scattering study of a rhodopsin-lipid complex in hexane. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 258 (8), 4857-4860. *
255 - Gomez-Puyou,A., Sanchez-Bustamante,V.J., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M. (1982). Interaction of mitochondrial ATPase with its inhibitor protein. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 402, 164-166. *
Open Access Artículo
256 - Sanchez-Bustamante,V.J., Darszon,A., Gomez-Puyou,A. (1982). On the function of the natural ATPase inhibitor protein in intact mitochondria. European Journal of Biochemistry, 126 (3), 611-616. *
258 - Montal,M., Darszon,A., Schindler,H. (1981). Functional reassembly of membrane proteins in planar lipid bilayers. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics, 14 (1), 1-79. *
Open Access Artículo
259 - Darszon,A., Vandenberg,C.A., Schonfeld,M., Ellisman,M.H., Spitzer,N.C., Montal,M. (1980). Reassembly of protein-lipid complexes into large bilayer vesicles: perspectives for membrane reconstitution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 77 (1), 239-243. *
260 - Darszon,A. (1980). Channel activity in bilayers made from a purified rhodopsin-phosphatidylcholine complex. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 358, 337. *
261 - Ramakrishnan,V., Darszon,A., Philipp,M., Montal,M. (1980). Rhodopsin in model membranes: the kinetics of channel opening and closing in rhodopsin-containing planar lipid bilayers. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 358, 36-42. *
262 - Darszon,A., Strasser,R.J., Montal,M. (1979). Rhodopsin--phospholipid complexes in apolar environments: photochemical characterization. Biochemistry, 18 (23), 5205-5213. *
263 - Darszon,A., Blair,L., Montal,M. (1979). Purified rhodopsin-phosphatidylcholine complex in hexane: formation and characterization. FEBS Letters, 107 (1), 213-216. *
264 - Darszon,A., Vandenberg,C.A., Ellisman,M.H., Montal,M. (1979). Incorporation of membrane proteins into large single bilayer vesicles. Application to rhodopsin. Journal of Cell Biology, 81 (2), 446-452. *
265 - Darszon,A., Philipp,M., Zarco,J., Montal,M. (1978). Rhodopsin-phospholipid complexes in apolar solvents: Formation and properties. Journal of Membrane Biology, 43 (1), 71-90. *
266 - Darszon,A., Montal,M., Philipp,M. (1977). Formation of detergent-free proteolipids from biological membranes: application to rhodopsin. FEBS Letters, 74 (1), 135-138. *
267 - Darszon,A., Montal,M., Zarco,J. (1977). Light increases the ion and non-electrolyte permeability of rhodopsin-phospholipid vesicles. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 76 (3), 820-827. *
268 - Montal,M., Darszon,A., Trissl,H.W. (1977). Transmembrane channel formation in rhodopsin-containing bilayer membranes. Nature, 267 (5608), 221-225. *
Open Access Artículo
269 - Trissl,H.W., Darszon,A., Montal,M. (1977). Rhodopsin in model membranes: charge displacements in interfacial layers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 74 (1), 207-210. *
270 - Klip,A., Darszon,A., Montal,M. (1976). Labelling of rhodopsin moieties confined to the membrane lipid bilayer. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 72 (4), 1350-1358. *
Capitulo internacional
271 - Diaz-Guerrero,D.S., Montoya,F., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G. (2025). Human sperm flagellar 3D fractal dimension as hyperactivation indicator. CNIB 2024. IFMBE Proceedings 117 vol 1. Cham: Springer.
Capítulo internacional in press
272 - Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Hernandez-Cruz,A., Visconti,P.E., Darszon,A. (2025). Real-time acrosome reaction and intracellular calcium recordings in mice sperm. Spermatology: Methods and Protocols Book. Dordrecht: Springer Nature.
in press
273 - Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Oliver,E.I., Chavez,J.C., Luque,G.M., Hernandez-Cruz,A., Buffone,M.G., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E., Romarowski,A. (2025). Ion channels and transporters involved in calcium flux regulation in mammalian sperm. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. .
Memoria in extenso
274 - Diaz-Guerrero,D.S., Montoya,F., Hernandez,H.O., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G. (2024). Computation of Human-Sperm Local Flagellar Instantaneous Velocity. XLVI Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering. IFMBE Proceedings vol 96. 59-66, Cham: Springer.
Memoria in extenso
275 - Bribiesca-Sanchez,A., Montoya,F., Gonzalez-Cota,A.L., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G. (2023). Artifacts Generated by the 3D Rotation of a Freely-Swimming Human Sperm in the Measurement of Intracellular Ca2+. XLV Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering. CNIB 2022. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 86. 355-362, Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Capítulo internacional
278 - Ramirez-Gomez,H.V., Tuval,I., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A. (2019). Analysis of sperm chemotaxis. Echinoderms, Part B. Methods in Cell Biology, 473-486, 151.
Open Access memoria in extenso
279 - Rodriguez-Miranda,E., Acevedo-Fernandez,J.J., Negrete-Leon,E., Darszon,A., Beltran,C. (2019). Efecto de la aloxana en la reacción acrosomal del espermatozoide de rata. Investigacion en la Educacion Superior,: Morelia 2019. Memorias del Congreso Internacional de Investigación Academia Journals Morelia 2019, Morelia, Michoacán, México 15 al 17 de mayo de 2019. 2517-2521, 15.
Memoria in extenso
280 - Ehrlich, H., Montoya, F., Hernandez, P., Darszon, A., Corkidi, G. (2017). Análisis de Métricas Sobre el Flagelo de Espermatozoides de Humano en 3D para su Clasificación entre Activados e Hiperactivados. Memorias del XL Congreso Nacional de Ingenieria Biomedica CNIB 2017. 182-185, Nuevo Leon: Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Biomédica.
Memoria in extenso
281 - Hernandez-Herrera, P., Montoya, F., Rendon, J. M., Darszon, A., Corkidi, G. (2017). Sperm Flagellum Center-Line Tracing in Fluorescence 3D+t Low SNR Stacks Using an Iterative Minimal Path Method. Image Analysis and Recognition: 14th International Conference, ICIAR 2017, Montreal, QC, Canada, July 5-7, 2017, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series , 437-445, Cham.
Open Access memoria in extenso
282 - Priego-Espinosa,D.A., Aguado,A., Espinal-Enriquez,J., Darszon,A., Martinez-Mekler,G. (2017). Criticalidad en la dinámica de redes de señalización relevantes a la fecundación. Escuela de Verano en F¡sica en la UNAM junio 13-24 2016. 143-157.
283 - Beltran, C., Trevino, C. L., Mata-Martinez, E., Chavez, J. C., Sanchez-Cardenas, C., Baker, M., Darszon, A. (2016). Role of Ion Channels in the Sperm Acrosome Reaction. Sperm Acrosome Biogenesis and Function During Fertilization. Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology, 35-69, Switzerland: Springer .
284 - Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Priego-Espinosa,D.A., Martinez-Mekler,G., Carneiro,J., Darszon,A. (2015). Sea Urchin Sperm Chemotaxis. Flagellar Mechanics and Sperm Guidance. 135-182.
Memoria in extenso
285 - Silva-Villalobos,F., Pimentel,J.A., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G. (2014). Imaging of the 3D dynamics of flagellar beating in human sperm. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 190-193, 2014.
Memoria in extenso
286 - Trevino,C.L., Orta,G., Figueiras-Fierro,D., De la Vega-Beltran JL, Ferreira,G., Balderas,E., Jose,O., Darszon,A. (2014). Cl- channels and transporters in sperm physiology. Sexual Reproduction in Animals and Plants . 59-84, Tokyo.
Memoria in extenso
287 - Santi,C., Darszon,A. (2012). Slo3 channels unique to spermatozoa and essential. Sperm Cell Research in the 21st Century: Historical Discoveries to New Horizons,11th International Symposium on Spermatology. 23-28, Tokyo.
Memoria in extenso
288 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A. (2008). Three-dimensional image acquisition system for multi-sperm tracking. Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on. 145-148.
289 - Darszon,A. (2008). Canales, iones y cómo el espermatozoide interpreta los mensajes del óvulo. Una ventana al quehacer científico. Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM 25 aniversario, cap 3. 29-42, Mexico, D.F..
290 - Trevino,C.L., Escobar,L., Vaca,L., Morales-Tlalpan,V., Ocampo,A.Y., Darszon,A. (2008). Maitotoxin: a Unique Pharmacological Tool for Elucidating Ca2+-Dependent Mechanisms. Seafood and Freshwater Toxins: Pharmacology, Physiology, and Detection. Food Science and Technology, 503-516, 2, Boca Raton.
292 - Felix,R., Lopez-Gonzalez,I., Munoz-Garay,C., Darszon,A. (2004). Ion channels and sperm function. Molecular Insights into Ion Channel Biology in Health and Disease. Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology, 32, 407-431.
293 - Darszon,A., Lopez,I, Trevino,C.L. (2003). Diálogo entre el espermatozoide y el óvulo. Fronteras de la Biología en los Inicios del Siglo XXI, Biología Celular, Genética Molecular y Biotecnología, Módulo II. 33-55, Mexico,D.F..
294 - Darszon,A., Espinosa,F., Galindo,B., Sanchez,D., Beltran,C. (2002). Regulation of sperm ion currents. Fertilization . 225-264, Nueva York, Londres, Tokio: Elsevier.
295 - Lievano,A., Darszon,A. (2001). Ion Channels in Sperm. Cell Physiology Sourcebook: A Molecular Approach . 509-522, San Diego, 3.
Memoria in extenso
296 - Darszon,A., Santi,C.M., Serrano,C.J., Trevino,C.L., HernandezCruz,A., Lievano,A. (1997). T-type Ca2+ channels expressed during mouse spermatogenesis may mediate sperm acrosome reaction. VIth International Congress of Andrology. Current Advances in Andrology, 165-170, Bologna, Italia.
Memoria in extenso
297 - Labarca,P, Santi,C., Zapata,O., Beltran,C., Lievano,A., Sandoval,Y, Darszon,A. (1997). Possible Participation of a cAMP Regulated K+ Channel from the Sea Urchin Sperm in the Speract Response. From ion channels to cell-to-cell conversations. 147-168, New York.
298 - Lievano,A., Darszon,A. (1995). Ion Channels in Sperm. Cell physiology source book. 330-339.
299 - Darszon,A. (1986). [36] Planar bilayers: a powerful tool to study membrane proteins involved in ion transport. Methods in Enzymology. 486-502, 127, New York: Academic Press. *
300 - Gomez-Puyou,A, Beltran,C., Darszon,A., de Gomez-Puyou,M.T. (1984). Modulation of the catalytic properties of the mitochondrial ATpase by its inhibitor protein. H+-ATPase (ATP synthase)--structure, function, biogenesis : the F0F1 complex of coupling membranes. 397-409, Bari. *
Memoria in extenso
301 - Montal,M., Darszon,A., Strasser,R. (1978). RHODOPSIN AND BACTERIORHODOPSIN IN MODEL MEMBRANES. Frontiers of Biological Energetics Electrons to Tissues. 1109-1117, New York: Academic Press. *
302 - Novero,A.G., Torres-Rodriguez,P., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Schiavi-Ehrenhaus,L.J., Luque,G.M., Carruba,M., Stival,C., Gentile,I., Ritagliati,C., Santi,C.M., Nishigaki,T., Krapf,D., Buffone,M.G., Darszon,A., Trevino,C.L., Krapf,D. (2024). The sodium-proton exchangers sNHE and NHE1 control plasma membrane hyperpolarization in mouse sperm. bioRxiv, Preprint posted March 6.
303 - Ren,X.M., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Montoya,F., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H. (2024). Fluid flow reconstruction around a free-swimming sperm in 3D. bioRxiv, Preprint posted June 01, 2024.
306 - Jablonski,M., Luque,G.M., Gomez-Elias,M., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Xu,X., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Corkidi,G., Linares,A., Abonza,V., Krapf,D., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Buffone,M.G. (2023). Reorganization of the Flagellum Scaffolding Induces a Sperm Standstill Required for Fertilization. bioRxiv, Preprint posted Oct 18.
307 - Corkidi,G., Montoya,F., Gonzalez-Cota,A.L., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Bruce,N.C., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H., Darszon,A. (2022). The human sperm head spins with a conserved direction during swimming in 3D. bioRxiv, Preprint posted November 29, 2022.
memoria in extenso
308 - Hernandez,H.O., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Montoya,F., Olveres,J., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H., Darszon,A., Escalante-Ramirez,B., Corkidi,G. (2022). 3D+t feature-based descriptor for unsupervised flagellar human sperm beat classification. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2022, 488-492.
Open Access Preprint
309 - Torres,E., Pinto,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V.A., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl,J., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M., Rodriguez,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C., Hernandez,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A. (2022). Nanoscopic resolution within a single imaging frame. bioRxiv, Preprint posted June 03.
Open Access Preprint
310 - Aguado-Garcia,A., Priego-Espinosa,D.A., Aldana,A., Darszon,A., Martinez-Mekler,G. (2021). Mathematical model reveals that heterogeneity in the number of ion transporters regulates the fraction of mouse sperm capacitation. bioRxiv, Preprint posted February 05.
Open Access Preprint
Open Access Preprint
312 - Torres,E., Pinto,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V.A., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl,J., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M., Rodriguez,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C., Hernandez,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A. (2021). Nanoscopic resolution within a single imaging frame. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 18.
Open Access Preprint
314 - Luque,G.M., Romarowski,A., Gervasi,M.G., Orta,G., de la Vega-Beltran,J., Stival,C., Gilio,N., Dalotto-Moreno,T., Krapf,D., Visconti,P.E., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G. (2020). Cdc42 activity is essential for the interplay between cAMP/PKA pathway and CatSper function. bioRxiv, Preprint posted August 25, 2020.
Open Access nacional divulgación
315 - Priego-Espinosa,D.A., Aguado,A.A., Espinal-Enriquez,J., Darszon,A., Martinez-Mekler,G. (2020). Rasgos de criticalidad y complejidad en la fecundación. Interdisciplina, 8 (20).
Open Access Divulgación
317 - Corkidi-Blanco,G, Darszon-Israel,A. (2019). El flagelo del espermatozoide humano en tres dimensiones. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 16, 3-5.
Open Access Preprint
318 - Gadelha,H., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Montoya,F., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G. (2019). The human sperm beats anisotropically and asymmetrically in 3D. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 05, 2019, 795245.
Open Access Preprint
Open Access Preprint
321 - Ramirez-Gomez, H.V., Jimenez-Sabinina, V., Tuval, I., Velazquez-Perez, M., Beltran, C., Carneiro, J., Wood, C., Darzson, A., Guerrero, A. (2017). Sperm chemotaxis is driven by the slope of the chemoattractant concentration field. bioRxiv, preprint Posted June 10, 2017.
Capitulo internacional
Capítulo internacional in press
323 - Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Hernandez-Cruz,A., Visconti,P.E., Darszon,A.. Real-time acrosome reaction and intracellular calcium recordings in mice sperm. Spermatology: Methods and Protocols Book. Dordrecht: Springer Nature.
in press
324 - Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Oliver,E.I., Chavez,J.C., Luque,G.M., Hernandez-Cruz,A., Buffone,M.G., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E., Romarowski,A.. Ion channels and transporters involved in calcium flux regulation in mammalian sperm. Current Topics in Developmental Biology. .
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Revisión
326 - Chavez,J.C., Carrasquel-Martinez,G., Hernandez-Garduno,S., Matamoros-Volante,A., Trevino,C.L., Nishigaki,T., Darszon,A.. Cytosolic and Acrosomal pH Regulation in Mammalian Sperm. Cells, 13 (10), 865.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
328 - Jablonski,M., Luque,G.M., Gomez-Elias,M., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Xu,X., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Corkidi,G., Linares,A., Abonza,V., Krapf,D., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Buffone,M.G.. Reorganization of the flagellum scaffolding induces a sperm standstill during fertilization. Elife, 13, RP93792.
330 - Mohanty,G., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Paudel,B., Tourzani,D.A., Salicioni,A.M., Santi,C.M., Gervasi,M.G., Pilsner,J.R., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E.. Differential role of bovine serum albumin and HCO3- in the regulation of GSK3 alpha during mouse sperm capacitation. Molecular Human Reproduction, 30 (3), gaae007.
Open Access Artículo
331 - Novero,A.G., Torres-Rodriguez,P., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Schiavi-Ehrenhaus,L.J., Luque,G.M., Carruba,M., Stival,C., Gentile,I., Ritagliati,C., Santi,C.M., Nishigaki,T., Krapf,D., Buffone,M.G., Darszon,A., Trevino,C.L., Krapf,D.. The sodium-proton exchangers sNHE and NHE1 control plasma membrane hyperpolarization in mouse sperm. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 300 (12), 107932.
Open Access Revisión
332 - Priego-Espinosa,D., Espinal-Enriquez,J., Aldana,A., Aldana,M., Martinez-Mekler,G., Carneiro,J., Darszon,A.. Reviewing mathematical models of sperm signaling networks. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 91 (8), e23766.
Memoria in extenso
334 - Diaz-Guerrero,D.S., Montoya,F., Hernandez,H.O., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G.. Computation of Human-Sperm Local Flagellar Instantaneous Velocity. XLVI Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering. IFMBE Proceedings vol 96. 59-66, Cham: Springer.
335 - Novero,A.G., Torres-Rodriguez,P., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Schiavi-Ehrenhaus,L.J., Luque,G.M., Carruba,M., Stival,C., Gentile,I., Ritagliati,C., Santi,C.M., Nishigaki,T., Krapf,D., Buffone,M.G., Darszon,A., Trevino,C.L., Krapf,D.. The sodium-proton exchangers sNHE and NHE1 control plasma membrane hyperpolarization in mouse sperm. bioRxiv, Preprint posted March 6.
336 - Ren,X.M., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Montoya,F., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H.. Fluid flow reconstruction around a free-swimming sperm in 3D. bioRxiv, Preprint posted June 01, 2024.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
340 - Luque,G.M., Schiavi-Ehrenhaus,L.J., Jablonski,M., Balestrini,P.A., Novero,A.G., Torres,N.I., Osycka-Salut,C.E., Darszon,A., Krapf,D., Buffone,M.G.. High-throughput screening method for discovering CatSper inhibitors using membrane depolarization caused by external calcium chelation and fluorescent cell barcoding. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 11, 1010306.
Open Access Artículo
Memoria in extenso
342 - Bribiesca-Sanchez,A., Montoya,F., Gonzalez-Cota,A.L., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G.. Artifacts Generated by the 3D Rotation of a Freely-Swimming Human Sperm in the Measurement of Intracellular Ca2+. XLV Mexican Conference on Biomedical Engineering. CNIB 2022. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 86. 355-362, Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Memoria in extenso
346 - Jablonski,M., Luque,G.M., Gomez-Elias,M., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Xu,X., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Corkidi,G., Linares,A., Abonza,V., Krapf,D., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Buffone,M.G.. Reorganization of the Flagellum Scaffolding Induces a Sperm Standstill Required for Fertilization. bioRxiv, Preprint posted Oct 18.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
349 - Torres-Garcia,E., Pinto-Camara,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Valdes-Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl-Oviedo,J.P., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., D'Antuono,R., Boskovic,A., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G., Rodriguez-Morales,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C.D., Hernandez-Garcia,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A.. Extending resolution within a single imaging frame. Nature Communications, 13 (1), 7452.
350 - Yang,F., Gervasi,M.G., Leu,N.A., Orta,G., Tourzani,D.A., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Ruthel,G., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E., Wang,P.J.. C2CD6 regulates targeting and organization of the CatSper calcium channel complex in sperm flagella. Development, 149 (2), dev.199988.
Capítulo internacional
352 - Corkidi,G., Montoya,F., Gonzalez-Cota,A.L., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Bruce,N.C., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H., Darszon,A.. The human sperm head spins with a conserved direction during swimming in 3D. bioRxiv, Preprint posted November 29, 2022.
memoria in extenso
353 - Hernandez,H.O., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Montoya,F., Olveres,J., Bloomfield-Gadelha,H., Darszon,A., Escalante-Ramirez,B., Corkidi,G.. 3D+t feature-based descriptor for unsupervised flagellar human sperm beat classification. Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2022, 488-492.
Open Access Preprint
354 - Torres,E., Pinto,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V.A., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl,J., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M., Rodriguez,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C., Hernandez,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A.. Nanoscopic resolution within a single imaging frame. bioRxiv, Preprint posted June 03.
Open Access Artículo
355 - Aguado-Garcia,A., Priego-Espinosa,D.A., Aldana,A., Darszon,A., Martinez-Mekler,G.. Mathematical model reveals that heterogeneity in the number of ion transporters regulates the fraction of mouse sperm capacitation. PLoS ONE, 16 (11), e0245816.
Open Access Artículo
357 - Balestrini,P.A., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Luque,G.M., Baro-Graf C., Sierra,J.M., Hernandez-Cruz,A., Visconti,P.E., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G.. Membrane hyperpolarization abolishes calcium oscillations that prevent induced acrosomal exocytosis in human sperm. FASEB Journal, 35 (6), e21478.
360 - Luque,G.M., Xu,X., Romarowski,A., Gervasi,M.G., Orta,G., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Stival,C., Gilio,N., Dalotto-Moreno,T., Krapf,D., Visconti,P.E., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G.. Cdc42 localized in the CatSper signaling complex regulates cAMP-dependent pathways in mouse sperm. FASEB Journal, 35 (8), e21723.
361 - Mata-Martinez,E., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Chavez,J.C., Guerrero,A., Trevino,C.L., Corkidi,G., Montoya,F., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Buffone,M.G., Balestrini,P.A., Darszon,A.. Role of calcium oscillations in sperm physiology. Biosystems, 209, 104524 [correction 104546].
362 - Mata-Martinez,E., Sanchez-Tusie,A.A., Darszon,A., Mayorga,L.S., Trevino,C.L., de Blas,G.A.. Epac activation induces an extracellular Ca(2+) -independent Ca(2+) wave that triggers acrosome reaction in human sperm. Andrology, 9 (4), 1227-1241.
Open Access Artículo
364 - Zhao,R., Dai,H., Arias,R.J., de Blas,G.A., Orta,G., Pavarotti,M.A., Shen,R., Perozo,E., Mayorga,L.S., Darszon,A., Goldstein,S.A.N.. Direct activation of the proton channel by albumin leads to human sperm capacitation and sustained release of inflammatory mediators by neutrophils. Nature Communications, 12 (1), 3855.
Open Access Preprint
365 - Aguado-Garcia,A., Priego-Espinosa,D.A., Aldana,A., Darszon,A., Martinez-Mekler,G.. Mathematical model reveals that heterogeneity in the number of ion transporters regulates the fraction of mouse sperm capacitation. bioRxiv, Preprint posted February 05.
Open Access Preprint
Open Access Preprint
367 - Torres,E., Pinto,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V.A., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl,J., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M., Rodriguez,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C., Hernandez,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A.. Nanoscopic resolution within a single imaging frame. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 18.
368 - Balestrini,P.A., Jablonski,M., Schiavi-Ehrenhaus,L.J., Marin-Briggiler,C.I., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Darszon,A., Krapf,D., Buffone,M.G.. Seeing is believing: Current methods to observe sperm acrosomal exocytosis in real time. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 87 (12), 1188-1198.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Preprint
Open Access Preprint
376 - Luque,G.M., Romarowski,A., Gervasi,M.G., Orta,G., de la Vega-Beltran,J., Stival,C., Gilio,N., Dalotto-Moreno,T., Krapf,D., Visconti,P.E., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G.. Cdc42 activity is essential for the interplay between cAMP/PKA pathway and CatSper function. bioRxiv, Preprint posted August 25, 2020.
Open Access nacional divulgación
377 - Priego-Espinosa,D.A., Aguado,A.A., Espinal-Enriquez,J., Darszon,A., Martinez-Mekler,G.. Rasgos de criticalidad y complejidad en la fecundación. Interdisciplina, 8 (20).
Open Access Artículo
378 - Bastian-Eugenio,C.E., Bohorquez-Hernandez,A., Pacheco,J., Sampieri,A., Asanov,A., Ocelotl-Oviedo,J.P., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A., Vaca,L.. Heterologous calcium-dependent inactivation of Orai1 by neighboring TRPV1 channels modulates cell migration and wound healing. Communications Biology, 2, 88.
380 - Brukman, N. G., Nunez, S. Y., Puga Molina, L. D. C., Buffone, M. G., Darszon, A., Cuasnicu, P. S., Da Ros, V. G.. Tyrosine phosphorylation signaling regulates Ca(2+) entry by affecting intracellular pH during human sperm capacitation. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 234 (4), 5276-5288.
Open Access Artículo
381 - Navarrete,F.A., Aguila,L., Martin-Hidalgo,D., Tourzani,D.A., Luque,G.M., Ardestani,G., Garcia-Vazquez,F.A., Levin,L.R., Buck,J., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G., Mager,J., Fissore,R.A., Salicioni,A.M., Gervasi,M.G., Visconti,P.E.. Transient Sperm Starvation Improves the Outcome of Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 7, 262.
382 - Ramirez-Gomez,H.V., Tuval,I., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A.. Analysis of sperm chemotaxis. Echinoderms, Part B. Methods in Cell Biology, 473-486, 151.
Open Access memoria in extenso
383 - Rodriguez-Miranda,E., Acevedo-Fernandez,J.J., Negrete-Leon,E., Darszon,A., Beltran,C.. Efecto de la aloxana en la reacción acrosomal del espermatozoide de rata. Investigacion en la Educacion Superior,: Morelia 2019. Memorias del Congreso Internacional de Investigación Academia Journals Morelia 2019, Morelia, Michoacán, México 15 al 17 de mayo de 2019. 2517-2521, 15.
Open Access Preprint
Open Access Divulgación
385 - Corkidi-Blanco,G, Darszon-Israel,A.. El flagelo del espermatozoide humano en tres dimensiones. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 16, 3-5.
Open Access Preprint
386 - Gadelha,H., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Montoya,F., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G.. The human sperm beats anisotropically and asymmetrically in 3D. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 05, 2019, 795245.
Open Access Preprint
389 - Hernandez-Herrera, P., Montoya, F., Rendon-Mancha, J.M., Darszon, A., Corkidi, G.. 3D+t Human Sperm Flagellum Tracing in low SNR Fluorescence Images. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 37 (10), 2236-2247.
390 - Mata-Martinez, E., Darszon, A., Trevino, C.L.. pH-dependent Ca(+2) oscillations prevent untimely acrosome reaction in human sperm. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 497 (1), 146-152.
Open Access Artículo
391 - Orta, G., Vega-Beltran, J. L., Hidalgo, D., Santi, C. M., Visconti, P., Darszon, A.. CatSper channels are regulated by protein kinase A. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 293 (43), 16830.
Open Access Artículo
392 - Puga Molina, L.C., Pinto, N.A., Torres, N.I., Gonzalez-Cota, A.L., Luque, G.M., Balestrini, P.A., Romarowski, A., Krapf, D., Santi, C.M., Trevino, C.L., Darszon, A., Buffone, M.G.. CFTR/ENaC dependent regulation of membrane potential during human sperm capacitation is initiated by bicarbonate uptake through NBC. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 293 (25), 9924-9936.
393 - Romarowski,A., Velasco Felix,A.G., Torres-Rodriguez P., Gervasi,M.G., Xu,X., Luque,G.M., Contreras-Jimenez,G., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Ramirez-Gomez,H.V., Krapf,D., Visconti,P.E., Krapf,D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G.. Super-resolution imaging of live sperm reveals dynamic changes of the actin cytoskeleton during acrosomal exocytosis. Journal of Cell Science, 131 (21), jcs218958.
394 - Sanchez-Cardenas, C., Montoya, F., Navarrete, F.A., Hernandez-Cruz, A., Corkidi, G., Visconti, P.E., Darszon, A.. Intracellular Ca2+ threshold reversibly switches flagellar beat off and on. Biology of Reproduction, 99 (5), 1010-1021.
Open Access Artículo
395 - Stival, C., Ritagliati, C., Xu, X., Gervasi, M.G., Luque, G.M., Baro, Graf C., Vega-Beltran, J.L., Torres, N.I., Darszon, A., Krapf, D., Buffone, M.G., Visconti, P., Krapf, D.. Disruption of protein kinase A localization induces acrosomal exocytosis in capacitated mouse sperm. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 293 (24), 9435-9447.
396 - Zhao,R., Kennedy,K., de Blas,G.A., Orta,G., Pavarotti,M.A., Arias,R.J., De la Vega-Beltran JL, Li,Q., Dai,H., Perozo,E., Mayorga,L.S., Darszon,A., Goldstein,S.A.N.. Role of human Hv1 channels in sperm capacitation and white blood cell respiratory burst established by a designed peptide inhibitor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (50), E11847-E11856.
Open Access Preprint
398 - Corkidi, G., Montoya, F., Hernandez-Herrera, P., Rios-Herrera, W.A., Muller, M.F., Trevino, C.L., Darszon, A.. Are there intracellular Ca2+ oscillations correlated with flagellar beating in human sperm? A three vs. two-dimensional analysis. Molecular Human Reproduction, 23 (9), 583-593.
Open Access Artículo
399 - Espinal-Enriquez, J., Priego-Espinosa, D.A., Darszon, A., Beltran, C., Martinez-Mekler, G.. Network model predicts that CatSper is the main Ca2+ channel in the regulation of sea urchin sperm motility. Scientific Reports, 7 (1), 4236.
400 - Puga Molina, L.C., Pinto, N.A., Torres-Rodriguez P., Romarowski, A., Vicens-Sanchez A., Visconti, P.E., Darszon, A., Trevino, C.L., Buffone, M.G.. Essential Role of CFTR in PKA-Dependent Phosphorylation, Alkalinization and Hyperpolarization During Human Sperm Capacitation. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 232 (6), 1404-1414.
Memoria in extenso
401 - Ehrlich, H., Montoya, F., Hernandez, P., Darszon, A., Corkidi, G.. Análisis de Métricas Sobre el Flagelo de Espermatozoides de Humano en 3D para su Clasificación entre Activados e Hiperactivados. Memorias del XL Congreso Nacional de Ingenieria Biomedica CNIB 2017. 182-185, Nuevo Leon: Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Biomédica.
Memoria in extenso
402 - Hernandez-Herrera, P., Montoya, F., Rendon, J. M., Darszon, A., Corkidi, G.. Sperm Flagellum Center-Line Tracing in Fluorescence 3D+t Low SNR Stacks Using an Iterative Minimal Path Method. Image Analysis and Recognition: 14th International Conference, ICIAR 2017, Montreal, QC, Canada, July 5-7, 2017, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series , 437-445, Cham.
Open Access memoria in extenso
403 - Priego-Espinosa,D.A., Aguado,A., Espinal-Enriquez,J., Darszon,A., Martinez-Mekler,G.. Criticalidad en la dinámica de redes de señalización relevantes a la fecundación. Escuela de Verano en F¡sica en la UNAM junio 13-24 2016. 143-157.
Open Access Preprint
404 - Ramirez-Gomez, H.V., Jimenez-Sabinina, V., Tuval, I., Velazquez-Perez, M., Beltran, C., Carneiro, J., Wood, C., Darzson, A., Guerrero, A.. Sperm chemotaxis is driven by the slope of the chemoattractant concentration field. bioRxiv, preprint Posted June 10, 2017.
405 - Alvau,A., Battistone,M.A., Gervasi,M.G., Navarrete,F.A., Xu,X., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Da- Ros,V, Greer,P., Darszon,A., Krapf,D., Salicioni,A.M., Cuasnicu,P., Visconti,P.E.. The tyrosine kinase FER is responsible for the capacitation-associated increase in tyrosine phosphorylation in murine sperm. Development, 143 (13), 2325-2333.
Open Access Artículo
408 - Navarrete,F.A., Alvau,A., Lee,H.C., Levin,L.R., Buck,J., Leon,P.M., Santi,C.M., Krapf,D., Mager,J., Fissore,R.A., Salicioni,A.M., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E.. Transient exposure to calcium ionophore enables in vitro fertilization in sterile mouse models. Scientific Reports, 6, 33589.
410 - Beltran, C., Trevino, C. L., Mata-Martinez, E., Chavez, J. C., Sanchez-Cardenas, C., Baker, M., Darszon, A.. Role of Ion Channels in the Sperm Acrosome Reaction. Sperm Acrosome Biogenesis and Function During Fertilization. Advances in Anatomy, Embryology and Cell Biology, 35-69, Switzerland: Springer .
411 - Ernesto,J.I., Weigel-Munoz M., Battistone,M.A., Vasen,G., Martinez-Lopez,P., Orta,G., Figueiras-Fierro,D., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Moreno,I.A., Guidobaldi,H.A., Giojalas,L., Darszon,A., Cohen,D.J., Cuasnicu,P.S.. CRISP1 as a novel CatSper regulator that modulates sperm motility and orientation during fertilization. Journal of Cell Biology, 210 (7), 1213-1224.
412 - Escoffier,J., Navarrete,F., Haddad,D., Santi,C.M., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E.. Flow Cytometry Analysis Reveals That Only a Subpopulation of Mouse Sperm Undergoes Hyperpolarization During Capacitation. Biology of Reproduction, 92 (5), 121.
414 - Navarrete,F.A., Garcia-Vazquez,F.A., Alvau,A., Escoffier,J., Krapf,D., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Salicioni,A.M., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E.. Biphasic Role of Calcium in Mouse Sperm Capacitation Signaling Pathways. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 230 (8), 1758-1769.
416 - Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Priego-Espinosa,D.A., Martinez-Mekler,G., Carneiro,J., Darszon,A.. Sea Urchin Sperm Chemotaxis. Flagellar Mechanics and Sperm Guidance. 135-182.
417 - Beltran,C., Rodriguez-Miranda,E., Granados-Gonzalez,G., de De la Torre LG, Nishigaki,T., Darszon,A.. Zn induces hyperpolarization by activation of a K channel and increases intracellular Ca and pH in sea urchin spermatozoa. Developmental Biology, 394 (1), 15-23.
Open Access Artículo
418 - Chavez,J.C., Ferreira,G.J., Butler,A., Trevino,C.L., Darszon,A., Salkoff,L., Santi,C.M.. SLO3 K+ Channels Control Calcium Entry through CATSPER Channels in Sperm. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 289 (46), 32266-32275.
419 - Darszon,A., Hernandez-Cruz,A.. T-type Ca channels in spermatogenic cells and sperm. Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology, 466 (4), 819-831.
Open Access Artículo
422 - Nishigaki,T., Jose,O., Gonzalez-Cota,A.L., Romero,F., Trevino,C.L., Darszon,A.. Intracellular pH in Sperm Physiology. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 450 (3), 1149-1158.
Open Access Artículo
424 - Vacquier,V.D., Loza-Huerta,A., Garcia-Rincon,J., Darszon,A., Beltran,C.. Soluble adenylyl cyclase of sea urchin spermatozoa. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Basis of Disease, 1842 (12B), 2621-2628.
Memoria in extenso
425 - Silva-Villalobos,F., Pimentel,J.A., Darszon,A., Corkidi,G.. Imaging of the 3D dynamics of flagellar beating in human sperm. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, 190-193, 2014.
Memoria in extenso
426 - Trevino,C.L., Orta,G., Figueiras-Fierro,D., De la Vega-Beltran JL, Ferreira,G., Balderas,E., Jose,O., Darszon,A.. Cl- channels and transporters in sperm physiology. Sexual Reproduction in Animals and Plants . 59-84, Tokyo.
Open Access Artículo
429 - Figueiras-Fierro,D., Acevedo,J.J., Martinez-Lopez,P., Escoffier,J., Sepulveda,F.V., Balderas,E., Orta,G., Visconti,P., Darszon,A.. Electrophysiological evidence for the presence of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in mouse sperm. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 228 (3), 590-601.
430 - Guerrero,A., Espinal,J., Wood,C.D., Rendon,J.M., Carneiro,J., Martinez-Mekler,G., Darszon,A.. Niflumic acid disrupts marine spermatozoan chemotaxis without impairing the spatiotemporal detection of chemoattractant gradients. Journal of Cell Science, 126 (6), 1477-1487.
432 - Santi,C.M., Orta,G., Salkoff,L., Visconti,P.E., Darszon,A., Trevino,C.L.. K(+) and cl(-) channels and transporters in sperm function. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, 102, 385-421.
433 - Tateno,H., Krapf,D., Hino,T., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Darszon,A., Yanagimachi,R., Visconti,P.E.. Ca2+ ionophore A23187 can make mouse spermatozoa capable of fertilizing in vitro without activation of cAMP-dependent phosphorylation pathways. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110 (46), 18543-18548.
Open Access Artículo
434 - Wertheimer,E., Krapf,D., Vega-Beltran,J.L., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Navarrete,F., Haddad,D., Escoffier,J., Salicioni,A.M., Levin,L.R., Buck,J., Mager,J., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E.. Compartmentalization of Distinct cAMP Signaling Pathways in Mammalian Sperm. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288 (49), 35307-35320.
435 - Balderas,E., Arteaga-Tlecuitl,R., Rivera,M., Gomora,J., Darszon,A.. Niflumic acid blocks native and recombinant T-type channels. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 227 (6), 2542-255n.
Open Access Artículo
438 - de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Krapf,D., Hernandez-Gonzalez,E.O., Wertheimer,E., Trevino,C.L., Visconti,P.E., Darszon,A.. Mouse sperm membrane potential hyperpolarization is necessary and sufficient to prepare sperm for the acrosome reaction. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 287 (53), 44384-44393.
439 - Escoffier,J., Krapf,D., Navarrete,F., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E.. Flow cytometry analysis reveals a decrease in intracellular sodium during sperm capacitation. Journal of Cell Science, 125 (2), 473-485.
Memoria in extenso
444 - Santi,C., Darszon,A.. Slo3 channels unique to spermatozoa and essential. Sperm Cell Research in the 21st Century: Historical Discoveries to New Horizons,11th International Symposium on Spermatology. 23-28, Tokyo.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
448 - Galindo,B.E., Darszon,A.. Calmodulin antagonists inhibit sea urchin sperm hyperpolarization necessary for directed movement toward the egg. Proceedings of the Western Pharmacology Society, 54, 80-82.
449 - Gibbs,G.M., Orta,G., Reddy,T., Koppers,A.J., Martinez-Lopez,P., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Lo,J.C., Veldhuis,N., Jamsai,D., McIntyre,P., Darszon,A., O'Bryan,M.K.. Cysteine-rich secretory protein 4 is an inhibitor of transient receptor potential M8 with a role in establishing sperm function. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108 (17), 7034-7039.
452 - Torres-Flores,V., Picazo-Juarez,G., Hernandez-Rueda,Y., Darszon,A., Gonzalez-Martinez,M.T.. Sodium influx induced by external calcium chelation decreases human sperm motility. Human Reproduction, 26 (10), 2626-2635.
Open Access Revisión
453 - Visconti,P.E., Krapf,D., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Acevedo,J.J., Darszon,A.. Ion channels, phosphorylation and mammalian sperm capacitation. Asian Journal of Andrology, 13 (3), 395-405.
454 - Guerrero,A., Wood,C.D., Nishigaki,T., Carneiro,J., Darszon,A.. Tuning sperm chemotaxis. Biochemical Society Transactions, 38 (5), 1270-1274.
455 - Guerrero,A., Nishigaki,T., Carneiro,J., Tatsu,Y., Wood,C.D., Darszon,A.. Tuning sperm chemotaxis by calcium burst timing. Developmental Biology, 344 (1), 52-65.
456 - Jose,O., Hernandez-Hernandez,O., Chirinos,M., Gonzalez-Gonzalez,M.E., Larrea,F., Almanza,A., Felix,R., Darszon,A., Trevino,C.L.. Recombinant human ZP3-induced sperm acrosome reaction: Evidence for the involvement of T- and L-type voltage-gated calcium channels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 395 (4), 530-534.
458 - Santi,C.M., Martinez-Lopez,P., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Butler,A., Alisio,A., Darszon,A., Salkoff,L.. The SLO3 sperm-specific potassium channel plays a vital role in male fertility. FEBS Letters, 584 (5), 1041-1046.
Open Access Artículo
459 - Suhaiman,L., de Blas,G.A., Obeid,L.M., Darszon,A., Mayorga,L.S., Belmonte,S.A.. Sphingosine 1-phosphate and sphingosine kinase are involved in a novel signaling pathway leading to acrosomal exocytosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285 (21), 16302-16314.
460 - Ardon,F., Rodriguez-Miranda,E., Beltran,C., Hernandez-Cruz,A., Darszon,A.. Mitochondrial inhibitors activate influx of external Ca(2+) in sea urchin sperm. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 1787 (1), 15-24.
Open Access Revisión
461 - Branham,M.T., Bustos,M.A., de Blas,G.A., Rehmann,H., Zarelli,V.E., Trevino,C.L., Darszon,A., Mayorga,L.S., Tomes,C.N.. Epac activates the small G proteins Rap1 and Rab3A to achieve exocytosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284 (37), 24825-24839.
Open Access Artículo
462 - de Blas,G.A., Darszon,A., Ocampo,A.Y., Serrano,C.J., Castellano,L.E., Hernandez-Gonzalez,E.O., Chirinos,M., Larrea,F., Beltran,C., Trevino,C.L.. TRPM8, a versatile channel in human sperm. PLoS ONE, 4 (6), e6095.
463 - Martinez-Lopez,P., Santi,C.M., Trevino,C.L., Ocampo-Gutierrez,A.Y., Acevedo,J.J., Alisio,A., Salkoff,L.B., Darszon,A.. Mouse sperm K+ currents stimulated by pH and cAMP possibly coded by Slo3 channels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 381 (2), 204-209.
464 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A.. Tracking sperm in three-dimensions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 373 (1), 125-129.
Open Access Artículo
465 - Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Galindo,B.E., Nishigaki,T., Wood,C.D.. Sperm-activating peptides in the regulation of ion fluxes, signal transduction and motility. International Journal of Developmental Biology, 52 (5-6), 595-606.
Open Access Artículo
466 - Wertheimer,E.V., Salicioni,A.M., Liu,W., Trevino,C.L., Chavez,J., Hernandez-Gonzalez,E.O., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E.. Chloride is essential for capacitation and for the capacitation-associated increase in tyrosine phosphorylation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283 (51), 35539-35550.
Memoria in extenso
467 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A.. Three-dimensional image acquisition system for multi-sperm tracking. Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on. 145-148.
468 - Darszon,A.. Canales, iones y cómo el espermatozoide interpreta los mensajes del óvulo. Una ventana al quehacer científico. Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM 25 aniversario, cap 3. 29-42, Mexico, D.F..
469 - Trevino,C.L., Escobar,L., Vaca,L., Morales-Tlalpan,V., Ocampo,A.Y., Darszon,A.. Maitotoxin: a Unique Pharmacological Tool for Elucidating Ca2+-Dependent Mechanisms. Seafood and Freshwater Toxins: Pharmacology, Physiology, and Detection. Food Science and Technology, 503-516, 2, Boca Raton.
470 - Beltran,C., Vacquier,V.D., Moy,G., Chen,Y., Buck,J., Levin,L.R., Darszon,A.. Particulate and soluble adenylyl cyclases participate in the sperm acrosome reaction. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 358 (4), 1128-1135.
472 - de la Sancha,C.U., Martinez-Cadena,G., Lopez-Godinez,J., Castellano,L.E., Nishigaki,T., Darszon,A., Garcia-Soto,J.. Rho-kinase (ROCK) in sea urchin sperm: Its role in regulating the intracellular pH during the acrosome reaction. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 364 (3), 470-475 [Corrigendum en Volume 366, Issue 2, 2008, Page 604].
473 - Galindo,B.E., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Labarca,P., Vacquier,V.D., Darszon,A.. Sp-tetraKCNG: A novel cyclic nucleotide gated K(+) channel. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 354 (3), 668-675.
Open Access Artículo
475 - Rangel-Mata,F., Mendez-Marquez,R., Martinez-Cadena,G., Lopez-Godinez,J., Nishigaki,T., Darszon,A., Garcia-Soto,J.. Rho, Rho-kinase, and the actin cytoskeleton regulate the Na(+)-H(+) exchanger in sea urchin eggs. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 352 (1), 264-269.
479 - Darszon,A., Lopez-Martinez,P., Acevedo,J.J., Hernandez-Cruz,A., Trevino,C.L.. T-type Ca(2+) channels in sperm function. Cell Calcium, 40 (2), 241-252.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
486 - Darszon,A., Nishigaki,T., Wood,C., Trevino,C.L., Felix,R., Beltran,C.. Calcium channels and ca(2+) fluctuations in sperm physiology. International Review of Cytology, 243, 79-172.
490 - Nomura,M., Beltran,C., Darszon,A., Vacquier,V.D.. A soluble adenylyl cyclase from sea urchin spermatozoa. Gene, 353 (2), 231-238.
491 - Shiba,K., Ohmuro,J., Mogami,Y., Nishigaki,T., Wood,C.D., Darszon,A., Tatsu,Y., Yumoto,N., Baba,S.A.. Sperm-activating Peptide induces asymmetric flagellar bending in sea urchin sperm. Zoological Science, 22 (3), 293-299.
493 - Darszon,A., Wood,C.D., Beltran,C., Sanchez,D., Rodriguez,E., Gorelik,J., Korchev,Y.E., Nishigaki,T.. Measuring ion fluxes in sperm. Methods in Cell Biology, 74, 545-576.
494 - Nishigaki,T., Wood,C.D., Tatsu,Y., Yumoto,N., Furuta,T., Elias,D., Shiba,K., Baba,S.A., Darszon,A.. A sea urchin egg jelly peptide induces a cGMP-mediated decrease in sperm intracellular Ca(2+) before its increase. Developmental Biology, 272 (2), 376-388.
495 - Schulz,J.R., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Beltran,C., Vacquier,V.D., Darszon,A.. Ion channel activity of membrane vesicles released from sea urchin sperm during the acrosome reaction. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 321 (1), 88-93.
496 - Trevino,C.L., Felix,R., Castellano,L.E., Gutierrez,C., Rodriguez,D., Pacheco,J., Lopez-Gonzalez,I., Gomora,J.C., Tsutsumi,V., Hernandez-Cruz,A., Fiordelisio,T., Scaling,A.L., Darszon,A.. Expression and differential cell distribution of low-threshold Ca(2+) channels in mammalian male germ cells and sperm. FEBS Letters, 563 (1-3), 87-92.
497 - Felix,R., Lopez-Gonzalez,I., Munoz-Garay,C., Darszon,A.. Ion channels and sperm function. Molecular Insights into Ion Channel Biology in Health and Disease. Advances in Molecular and Cell Biology, 32, 407-431.
Open Access Artículo
499 - Demarco,I.A., Espinosa,F., Edwards,J., Sosnik,J., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Hockensmith,J.W., Kopf,G.S., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E.. Involvement of a Na+/HCO3-cotransporter in mouse sperm capacitation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278 (9), 7001-7009.
500 - Felix,R., Sandoval,A., Sanchez,D., Gomora,J.C., Vega-Beltran,J.L., Trevino,C.L., Darszon,A.. ZD7288 inhibits low-threshold Ca(2+) channel activity and regulates sperm function. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 311 (1), 187-192.
503 - Wood,C.D., Darszon,A., Whitaker,M.. Speract induces calcium oscillations in the sperm tail. Journal of Cell Biology, 161 (1), 89-101.
504 - Darszon,A., Lopez,I, Trevino,C.L.. Diálogo entre el espermatozoide y el óvulo. Fronteras de la Biología en los Inicios del Siglo XXI, Biología Celular, Genética Molecular y Biotecnología, Módulo II. 33-55, Mexico,D.F..
Open Access Artículo
505 - de Blas,G., Michaut,M., Trevino,C.L., Tomes,C.N., Yunes,R., Darszon,A., Mayorga,L.S.. The intraacrosomal calcium pool plays a direct role in acrosomal exocytosis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277 (51), 49326-49331.
506 - Felix,R., Serrano,C.J., Trevino,C.L., Munoz-Garay,C., Bravo,A., Navarro,A., Pacheco,J., Tsutsumi,V., Darszon,A.. Identification of distinct K+ channels in mouse spermatogenic cells and sperm. Zygote, 10 (2), 183-188.
507 - Gorelik,J., Gu,Y., Spohr,H.A., Shevchuk,A.I., Lab,M.J., Harding,S.E., Edwards,C.R., Whitaker,M., Moss,G.W., Benton,D.C., Sanchez,D., Darszon,A., Vodyanoy,I., Klenerman,D., Korchev,Y.E.. Ion channels in small cells and subcellular structures can be studied with a smart patch-clamp system. Biophysical Journal, 83 (6), 3296-3303.
508 - Olamendi-Portugal,T., Garcia,B.I., Lopez-Gonzalez,I., van der Walt,J., Dyason,K., Ulens,C., Tytgat,J., Felix,R., Darszon,A., Possani,L.D.. Two new scorpion toxins that target voltage-gated Ca(2+) and Na(+) channels. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 299 (4), 562-568.
510 - Darszon,A., Espinosa,F., Galindo,B., Sanchez,D., Beltran,C.. Regulation of sperm ion currents. Fertilization . 225-264, Nueva York, Londres, Tokio: Elsevier.
511 - Darszon,A., Beltran,C., Felix,R., Nishigaki,T., Trevino,C.L.. Ion Transport in Sperm Signaling. Developmental Biology, 240 (1), 1-14.
512 - Gonzalez-Martinez,M.T., Galindo,B.E., de la Torre,L., Zapata,O., Rodriguez,E., Florman,H.M., Darszon,A.. A sustained increase in intracellular ca(2+) is required for the acrosome reaction in sea urchin sperm. Developmental Biology, 236 (1), 220-229.
515 - Nishigaki,T., Zamudio,F.Z., Possani,L.D., Darszon,A.. Time-Resolved Sperm Responses to an Egg Peptide Measured by Stopped-Flow Fluorometry. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 284 (2), 531-535.
518 - Lievano,A., Darszon,A.. Ion Channels in Sperm. Cell Physiology Sourcebook: A Molecular Approach . 509-522, San Diego, 3.
530 - Darszon,A., Espinoza,F., Santi,C., Lievano,A., Lopez,I., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Delgado,R., Labarca,P., Hernandez,A.. Ca 2+ and Cl - channels in sperm physiology. Zygote, 6 (1 SUPPL.), S22-S23.
532 - Guerrero,A., Garcia,L., Zapata,O., Rodriguez,E., Darszon,A.. Acrosome reaction inactivation in sea urchin sperm. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research, 1401 (3), 329-338.
537 - Kernen,P., Agosti,R.D., Strasser,R.J., Darszon,A.. ATPase activity of thylakoid membranes in CTAB-hexanol-octane low water system. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 1321 (1), 71-78.
539 - Zapata,O., Ralston,J., Beltran,C., Parys,J.B., Chen,J.L., Longo,F.J., Darszon,A.. Inositol triphosphate receptors in sea urchin sperm. Zygote, 5 (4), 355-364.
Memoria in extenso
540 - Darszon,A., Santi,C.M., Serrano,C.J., Trevino,C.L., HernandezCruz,A., Lievano,A.. T-type Ca2+ channels expressed during mouse spermatogenesis may mediate sperm acrosome reaction. VIth International Congress of Andrology. Current Advances in Andrology, 165-170, Bologna, Italia.
Memoria in extenso
541 - Labarca,P, Santi,C., Zapata,O., Beltran,C., Lievano,A., Sandoval,Y, Darszon,A.. Possible Participation of a cAMP Regulated K+ Channel from the Sea Urchin Sperm in the Speract Response. From ion channels to cell-to-cell conversations. 147-168, New York.
542 - Beltran,C., Zapata,O., Darszon,A.. Membrane potential regulates sea urchin sperm adenylylcyclase. Biochemistry, 35 (23), 7591-7598.
543 - Darszon,A., Lievano,A., Beltran,C.. Ion channels: key elements in gamete signaling. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, 34, 117-167.
545 - Labarca,P., Santi,C., Zapata,O., Morales,E., Beltran,C., Lievano,A., Darszon,A.. A cAMP regulated K+-selective channel from the sea urchin sperm plasma membrane. Developmental Biology, 174 (2), 271-280.
547 - Santi,C.M., Darszon,A., Hernandez-Cruz,A.. A dihydropyridine-sensitive T-type Ca2+ current is the main Ca2+ current carrier in mouse primary spermatocytes. American Journal of Physiology Cell Physiology, 271 (5 Pt 1), C1583-C1593.
548 - Sepulveda-Becerra,M.A., Ferreira,S.T., Strasser,R.J., Garzon-Rodriguez,W., Beltran,C., Gomez-Puyou,A., Darszon,A.. Refolding of triosephosphate isomerase in low-water media investigated by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Biochemistry, 35 (49), 15915-15922.
549 - Castellano,L.E., Lopez-Godinez,J., Aldana,G., Barrios-Rodiles,M., Obregon,A., Garcia de la Torre,L., Darszon,A., Garcia-Soto,J.. The acrosome reaction in digitonin-permeabilized sea urchin sperm in the absence of the natural inducer. European Journal of Cell Biology, 67 (1), 23-31.
550 - Cuellar-Mata,P., Martinez-Cadena,G., Castellano,L.E., Aldana-Veloz,G., Novoa-Martinez,G, Vargas,I., Darszon,A., Garcia-Soto,J.. Multiple GTP-binding proteins in sea urchin sperm: Evidence for Gs and small G-proteins. Development Growth & Differentiation, 37 (2), 173-181.
Artículo; Actas Paper
555 - Sepulveda-Becerra,M.A., Ferreira,S.T., Strasser,R., Garzon-Rodriguez,W., Beltran,C., Gomez-Puyou,A., Darszon,A.. REASSOCIATION OF TRIOSEPHOSPHATE ISOMERASE IN REVERSE MICELLES MEASURED BY ENERGY-TRANSFER. Protein Engineering, 8 (Sup), 22-22.
556 - Lievano,A., Darszon,A.. Ion Channels in Sperm. Cell physiology source book. 330-339.
558 - Darszon,A., Labarca,P., Beltran,C., Garcia-Soto,J., Lievano,A.. Sea urchin sperm: an ion channel reconstitution study case. Methods, 6, 37-50.
Open Access Artículo
559 - Shoshani,L., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Gomez-Puyou,A.. Activity and fluorescence changes of lactate dehydrogenase induced by guanidine hydrochloride in reverse micelles. European Journal of Biochemistry, 221 (3), 1027-1032.
560 - Morales,E., de la Torre,L., Moy,G.W., Vacquier,V.D., Darszon,A.. Anion channels in the sea urchin sperm plasma membrane. Molecular Reproduction and Development, 36 (2), 174-182.
Open Access Artículo
562 - Babcock,D.F., Bosma,M.M., Battaglia,D.E., Darszon,A.. Early persistent activation of sperm K+ channels by the egg peptide speract. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 89 (13), 6001-6005.
Open Access Artículo
563 - Fernandez-Velasco,D.A., Garza-Ramos,G., Ramirez,L., Shoshani,L., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Gomez-Puyou,A.. Activity of heart and muscle lactate dehydrogenases in all-aqueous systems and in organic solvents with low amounts of water. Effect of guanidine chloride. European Journal of Biochemistry, 205 (2), 501-508.
Open Access Artículo
564 - Garza-Ramos,G., Fernandez-Velasco,D.A., Ramirez,L., Shoshani,L., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Gomez-Puyou,A.. Enzyme activation by denaturants in organic solvent systems with a low water content. European Journal of Biochemistry, 205 (2), 509-517.
565 - Gonzalez-Martinez,M.T., Guerrero,A., Morales,E., de la Torre,L., Darszon,A.. A depolarization can trigger Ca2+ uptake and the acrosome reaction when preceded by a hyperpolarization in L. pictus sea urchin sperm. Developmental Biology, 150 (1), 193-202.
Open Access Artículo
566 - Kernen,P., Darszon,A., Strasser,R.J.. MACROCOMPLEXES OF PHOTOACTIVE MEMBRANES IN APOLAR MEDIA - THE CHLOROPLAST ATPASE. Archives Des Sciences, 45 (1), 85-97.
568 - Garcia-Soto,J., Araiza,L.M., Barrios,M., Darszon,A., Luna-Arias,J.P.. Endogenous activity of cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinase in plasma membranes isolated from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus sea urchin sperm. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 180 (3), 1436-1445.
569 - Garza-Ramos,G., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Gomez-Puyou,A.. High concentrations of guanidine chloride activate lactate dehydrogenase in low water media. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 172 (2), 830-834. *
570 - Garza-Ramos,G., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Gomez-Puyou,A.. Enzyme catalysis in organic solvents with low water content at high temperatures. The adenosinetriphosphatase of submitochondrial particles. Biochemistry, 29 (3), 751-757. *
571 - Lievano,A., Vega-Saenz-de-Miera,E.C., Darszon,A.. Ca2+ channels from the sea urchin sperm plasma membrane. Journal of General Physiology, 95 (2), 273-296. *
572 - Escamilla,E., Ayala,G., de Gomez-Puyou,M.T., Gomez-Puyou,A., Millan,L., Darszon,A.. Catalytic activity of cytochrome oxidase and cytochrome c in apolar solvents containing phospholipids and low amounts of water. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 272 (2), 332-343. *
573 - Garza-Ramos,G., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Gomez-Puyou,A.. Catalysis and thermostability of mitochondrial F1-ATPase in toluene-phospholipid-low-water systems. Biochemistry, 28 (8), 3177-3182. *
575 - Guerrero,A., Darszon,A.. Egg jelly triggers a calcium influx which inactivates and is inhibited by calmodulin antagonists in the sea urchin sperm. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 980 (1), 109-116. *
Open Access Artículo
577 - Prestipino,G., Valdivia,H.H., Lievano,A., Darszon,A., Ramirez,A.N., Possani,L.D.. Purification and reconstitution of potassium channel proteins from squid axon membranes. FEBS Letters, 250 (2), 570-574.
578 - Darszon,A., Escamilla,E., Gomez-Puyou,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M.. Transfer of spores, bacteria and yeast into toluene containing phospholipids and low amounts of water: preservation of the bacterial respiratory chain. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 151 (3), 1074-1080. *
579 - Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Lievano,A., Gonzalez-Martinez,M., Morales,E.. IONIC CHANNELS IN SEA-URCHIN SPERM PHYSIOLOGY. News In Physiological Sciences, 3, 181-185. *
580 - Garcia-Soto,J., Mourelle,M., Vargas,I., de la Torre,L., Ramirez,E., Lopez-Colome,A.M., Darszon,A.. Sea urchin sperm head plasma membranes: characteristics and egg jelly induced Ca2+ and Na+ uptake. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 944 (1), 1-12. *
581 - Garcia-Soto,J., Gonzalez-Martinez,M., de la Torre,L., Darszon,A.. Internal pH can regulate Ca2+ uptake and the acrosome reaction in sea urchin sperm. Developmental Biology, 120 (1), 112-120. *
583 - Guerrero,A., Sanchez,J.A., Darszon,A.. Single-channel activity in sea urchin sperm revealed by the patch-clamp technique. FEBS Letters, 220 (2), 295-298. *
584 - Ayala,G., de Gomez-Puyou,M.T., Gomez-Puyou,A., Darszon,A.. Thermostability of membrane enzymes in organic solvents. FEBS Letters, 203 (1), 41-43. *
Open Access Artículo
585 - Beltran,C., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Darszon,A., Gomez-Puyou,A.. Simultaneous synthesis and hydrolysis of ATP regulated by the inhibitor protein in submitochondrial particles. European Journal of Biochemistry, 160 (1), 163-168. *
586 - Darszon,A., Garciasoto,J., Gonzalez,M., Guerrero,A., Sanchez,J.A., Lievano,A.. Ion-Transport Mechanisms in Sea-Urchin Sperm. Development Growth & Differentiation, 28, 17-18. *
587 - Darszon,A.. [36] Planar bilayers: a powerful tool to study membrane proteins involved in ion transport. Methods in Enzymology. 486-502, 127, New York: Academic Press. *
588 - Ayala,G., Nascimento,A., Gomez-Puyou,A., Darszon,A.. Extraction of mitochondrial membrane proteins into organic solvents in a functional state. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Bioenergetics, 810 (2), 115-122. *
Open Access Artículo
592 - Beltran,C., de Gomez-Puyou,M.T., Gomez-Puyou,A., Darszon,A.. Release of the inhibitory action of the natural ATPase inhibitor protein on the mitochondrial ATPase. European Journal of Biochemistry, 144 (1), 151-157. *
Open Access Artículo
593 - Darszon,A., Gould,M., de la Torre,L., Vargas,I.. Response of isolated sperm plasma membranes from sea urchin to egg jelly. European Journal of Biochemistry, 144 (3), 515-522. *
594 - Mourelle,M., Vargas,I., Darszon,A.. Adenylate cyclase activity of membrane fractions isolated from sea urchin sperm. Gamete Research, 9 (1), 87-97. *
Open Access Artículo
595 - Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Ayala,G., Darszon,A., Gomez-Puyou,A.. Oxidative phosphorylation and the Pi-ATP exchange reaction of submitochondrial particles under the influence of organic solvents. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 259 (15), 9472-9478. *
596 - Gomez-Puyou,A, Beltran,C., Darszon,A., de Gomez-Puyou,M.T.. Modulation of the catalytic properties of the mitochondrial ATpase by its inhibitor protein. H+-ATPase (ATP synthase)--structure, function, biogenesis : the F0F1 complex of coupling membranes. 397-409, Bari. *
Open Access Artículo
598 - Ramakrishnan,V.R., Darszon,A., Montal,M.. A small angle x-ray scattering study of a rhodopsin-lipid complex in hexane. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 258 (8), 4857-4860. *
Open Access Artículo
601 - Gomez-Puyou,A., Sanchez-Bustamante,V.J., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M.. Interaction of mitochondrial ATPase with its inhibitor protein. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 402, 164-166. *
Open Access Artículo
602 - Sanchez-Bustamante,V.J., Darszon,A., Gomez-Puyou,A.. On the function of the natural ATPase inhibitor protein in intact mitochondria. European Journal of Biochemistry, 126 (3), 611-616. *
604 - Montal,M., Darszon,A., Schindler,H.. Functional reassembly of membrane proteins in planar lipid bilayers. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics, 14 (1), 1-79. *
Open Access Artículo
605 - Darszon,A., Vandenberg,C.A., Schonfeld,M., Ellisman,M.H., Spitzer,N.C., Montal,M.. Reassembly of protein-lipid complexes into large bilayer vesicles: perspectives for membrane reconstitution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 77 (1), 239-243. *
606 - Darszon,A.. Channel activity in bilayers made from a purified rhodopsin-phosphatidylcholine complex. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 358, 337. *
607 - Ramakrishnan,V., Darszon,A., Philipp,M., Montal,M.. Rhodopsin in model membranes: the kinetics of channel opening and closing in rhodopsin-containing planar lipid bilayers. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 358, 36-42. *
608 - Darszon,A., Strasser,R.J., Montal,M.. Rhodopsin--phospholipid complexes in apolar environments: photochemical characterization. Biochemistry, 18 (23), 5205-5213. *
609 - Darszon,A., Blair,L., Montal,M.. Purified rhodopsin-phosphatidylcholine complex in hexane: formation and characterization. FEBS Letters, 107 (1), 213-216. *
610 - Darszon,A., Vandenberg,C.A., Ellisman,M.H., Montal,M.. Incorporation of membrane proteins into large single bilayer vesicles. Application to rhodopsin. Journal of Cell Biology, 81 (2), 446-452. *
611 - Darszon,A., Philipp,M., Zarco,J., Montal,M.. Rhodopsin-phospholipid complexes in apolar solvents: Formation and properties. Journal of Membrane Biology, 43 (1), 71-90. *
Memoria in extenso
612 - Montal,M., Darszon,A., Strasser,R.. RHODOPSIN AND BACTERIORHODOPSIN IN MODEL MEMBRANES. Frontiers of Biological Energetics Electrons to Tissues. 1109-1117, New York: Academic Press. *
614 - Darszon,A., Montal,M., Zarco,J.. Light increases the ion and non-electrolyte permeability of rhodopsin-phospholipid vesicles. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 76 (3), 820-827. *
615 - Montal,M., Darszon,A., Trissl,H.W.. Transmembrane channel formation in rhodopsin-containing bilayer membranes. Nature, 267 (5608), 221-225. *
Open Access Artículo
616 - Trissl,H.W., Darszon,A., Montal,M.. Rhodopsin in model membranes: charge displacements in interfacial layers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 74 (1), 207-210. *
617 - Klip,A., Darszon,A., Montal,M.. Labelling of rhodopsin moieties confined to the membrane lipid bilayer. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 72 (4), 1350-1358. *