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2 - Nunez,C., Pena,C., Kloeckner,W., Hernandez-Eligio,A., Bogachev,A.V., Moreno,S., Guzman,J., Buchs,J., Espin,G. (2013). Alginate synthesis in Azotobacter vinelandii is increased by reducing the intracellular production of ubiquinone. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97 (6), 2503-2512.
3 - Montoya,F., Rivera,M., Escalona,J., Parmananda,P. (2013). Construction of Arnold tongue structures for coupled periodic oscillators. Physics Letters A, 377 (43), 3124-3127. *
Open Access Artículo
5 - Moreno-Eutimio,M.A., Tenorio-Calvo,A., Pastelin-Palacios,R., Perez-Shibayama,C., Gil-Cruz,C., Lopez-Santiago,R., Baeza,I., Fernandez-Mora,M., Bonifaz,L., Isibasi,A., Calva,E., Lopez-Macias,C. (2013). Salmonella Typhi OmpS1 and OmpS2 porins are potent protective immunogens with adjuvant properties. Immunology, 139 (4), 459-471.
6 - Mourao,C.B., Heghinian,M.D., Barbosa,E.A., Mari,F., Bloch,C.,Jr., Restano-Cassulini,R., Possani,L.D., Schwartz,E.F. (2013). Characterization of a novel peptide toxin from Acanthoscurria paulensis spider venom: a distinct cysteine assignment into the HWTX-II family. Biochemistry, 52 (14), 2440-2452.
7 - Munoz-Gutierrez,I., Martinez,A. (2013). Polysaccharide hydrolysis with engineered Escherichia coli for the production of biocommodities. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology, 40 (5), 401-410.
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8 - Neri,E. (2013). Serpientes venenosas en M[exico. Bioma, 31-35.
10 - Noda-Garcia,L., Camacho-Zarco,A.R., Medina-Ruiz,S., Gaytan,P., Carrillo-Tripp,M., Fulop,V., Barona-Gomez,F. (2013). Evolution of substrate specificity in a recipient's enzyme following horizontal gene transfer. Molecular Biology And Evolution, 30 (9), 2024-2034.
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13 - Ortega-Martinez,A.C., Juarez-Lopez,K., Solorza-Feria,O., Ponce-Noyola,M.T., Galindez-Mayer,J., Rinderknecht-Seijas,N., Poggi-Varaldo,H.M. (2013). Analysis of microbial diversity of inocula used in a five-face parallelepiped and standard microbial fuel cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38 (28), 12589-12599.
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14 - Oukkache,N., Chgoury,F., Lalaoui,M., Alagon-Cano,A., Ghalim,N. (2013). Comparison between two methods of scorpion venom milking in Morocco. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases, 19 (1), 5.
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16 - Parra,G.I., Azure,J., Fischer,R., Bok,K., Sandoval-Jaime,C., Sosnovtsev,S.V., Sander,P., Green,K.Y. (2013). Identification of a Broadly Cross-Reactive Epitope in the Inner Shell of the Norovirus Capsid. PLoS ONE, 8 (6), e67592. *
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19 - Perdomo-Morales,R., Montero-Alejo,V., Corzo,G., Besada,V., Vega-Hurtado,Y., Gonzalez-Gonzalez,Y., Perera,E., Porto-Verdecia,M. (2013). The trypsin inhibitor panulirin regulates the prophenoloxidase activating system in the spiny lobster Panulirus argus. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288 (44), 31867-31879.
20 - Perez-Brocal,V., Garcia-Lopez,R., Vazquez-Castellanos,J.F., Nos,P., Beltran,B., Latorre,A., Moya,A. (2013). Study of the Viral and Microbial Communities Associated With Crohn's Disease: A Metagenomic Approach. Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology, 4, e36. *
21 - Pham-Hoang,B.N., Romero-Guido,C., Phan-Thi,H., Wache,Y. (2013). Encapsulation in a natural, preformed, multi-component and complex capsule: yeast cells. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97 (15), 6635-6645. *
22 - Montiel,J., Arthikala,M., Quinto,C. (2013). Phaseolus vulgaris RbohB functions in lateral root development. Plant Signaling and Behavior, 8 (1), 144-146.
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23 - Meza-Sosa,K.F., Valle-Garcia,D., Pedraza-Alva,G., Perez-Martinez,L. (2013). MicroARNs, los pequeños grandes actores del sistema nervioso. Ciencia, Revista de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencia, 64 (1), 79-86.
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24 - Poupel,L., Boissonnas,A., Hermand,P., Dorgham,K., Guyon,E., Auvynet,C., Charles,F.S., Lesnik,P., Deterre,P., Combadiere,C. (2013). Pharmacological inhibition of the chemokine receptor, CX3CR1, reduces atherosclerosis in mice. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 33 (10), 2297-2305. *
26 - Jebamary,S.A., Antony,R., David,S.T., Karuppasamy,K., Thanikaikarasan,S., Mahalingam,T., Eapen,D. (2013). A study on electrochemical, catalytic and biological properties of new nickel coordinated schiff base materials. Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, 16 (2), 109-114.
27 - Karuppasamy,K., Thanikaikarasan,S., Balakumar,S., Thiravetyan,P., Eapen,D., Sebastian,P.J., Shajan,X.S. (2013). Effect of chitin nanofibres on the electrochemical and interfacial properties of composite solid polymer electrolytes. Journal of New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, 16 (2), 121-126.
28 - Klatt,S., Hartl,D., Fauler,B., Gagoski,D., Castro-Obregon,S., Konthur,Z. (2013). Generation and characterization of a Leishmania tarentolae strain for site-directed in-vivo biotinylation of recombinant proteins. Journal of Proteome Research, 12 (12), 5512-5519.
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29 - Leon,P., Gregorio,J., Cordoba,E. (2013). ABI4 and its role in chloroplast retrograde communication. Frontiers in Plant Science, 3, 304.
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32 - Lopez-Lopez,A., Negrete-Yankelevich,S., Rogel,M.A., Ormeno-Orrillo,E., Martinez,J., Martinez-Romero,E. (2013). Native bradyrhizobia from Los Tuxtlas in Mexico are symbionts of Phaseolus lunatus (Lima bean). Systematic and Applied Microbiology, 36 (1), 33-38. *
33 - Lopez-Zavala,A.A., Garcia-Orozco,K.D., Carrasco-Miranda,J.S., Sugich-Miranda,R., Velazquez-Contreras,E.F., Criscitiello,M.F., Brieba,L.G., Rudino-Pinera,E., Sotelo-Mundo,R.R. (2013). Crystal structure of shrimp arginine kinase in binary complex with arginine-a molecular view of the phosphagen precursor binding to the enzyme. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 45 (6), 511-518.
34 - Low,D.H., Sunagar,K., Undheim,E.A., Ali,S.A., Alagon,A.C., Ruder,T., Jackson,T.N., Pineda-Gonzalez,S., King,G.F., Jones,A., Antunes,A., Fry,B.G. (2013). Dracula's children: Molecular evolution of vampire bat venom. Journal of Proteomics, 89C, 95-111.
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38 - Martinez-Navarro,A.C., Galvan-Gordillo,S.V., Xoconostle-Cazares,B., Ruiz-Medrano,R. (2013). Vascular gene expression: a hypothesis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 4, 261. *
Open Access Artículo
40 - Martorana,A., Sorace,L., Boer,H., Vazquez-Duhalt,R., Basosi,R., Baratto,M.C. (2013). A spectroscopic characterization of a phenolic natural mediator in the laccase biocatalytic reaction. Journal Of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic, 97, 203-208.
42 - Mateo,R., Nagamine,C.M., Spagnolo,J., Mendez,E., Rahe,M., Gale,M.,Jr., Yuan,J., Kirkegaard,K. (2013). Inhibition of cellular autophagy deranges dengue virion maturation. Journal of Virology, 87 (3), 1312-1321.
43 - Medina,F., Aguila,S., Baratto,M.C., Martorana,A., Basosi,R., Alderete,J.B., Vazquez-Duhalt,R. (2013). Prediction model based on decision tree analysis for laccase mediators. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 52 (1), 68-76.
46 - Plascencia-Villa,G., Medina,A., Palomares,L.A., Ramirez,O.T., Ascencio,J.A. (2013). Structural Characterization of Rotavirus-Directed Synthesis and Assembly of Metallic Nanoparticle Arrays. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13 (8), 5572-5579.
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47 - Qiu,Y., Nagarajan,H., Embree,M., Shieu,W., Abate,E., Juarez,K., Cho,B.K., Elkins,J.G., Nevin,K.P., Barrett,C.L., Lovley,D.R., Palsson,B.O., Zengler,K. (2013). Characterizing the interplay between multiple levels of organization within bacterial sigma factor regulatory networks. Nature Communications, 4, 1755.
48 - Ivanov,V.B., Dubrovsky,J.G. (2013). Longitudinal zonation pattern in plant roots: conflicts and solutions. Trends in Plant Science, 18 (5), 237-243.
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50 - Silva-Ayala,D., Lopez,T., Gutierrez,M., Perrimon,N., Lopez,S., Arias,C.F. (2013). Genome-wide RNAi screen reveals a role for the ESCRT complex in rotavirus cell entry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110 (25), 10270-10275.
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53 - Tabashnik,B.E., Fabrick,J.A., Unnithan,G.C., Yelich,A.J., Masson,L., Zhang,J., Bravo,A., Soberon,M. (2013). Efficacy of Genetically Modified Bt Toxins Alone and in Combinations Against Pink Bollworm Resistant to Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab. PLoS ONE, 8 (11), e80496.
54 - Tateno,H., Krapf,D., Hino,T., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Darszon,A., Yanagimachi,R., Visconti,P.E. (2013). Ca2+ ionophore A23187 can make mouse spermatozoa capable of fertilizing in vitro without activation of cAMP-dependent phosphorylation pathways. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110 (46), 18543-18548.
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56 - Tsai,I.J., Zarowiecki,M., Holroyd,N., Garciarrubio,A., Sanchez-Flores,A., Brooks,K.L., Tracey,A., Bobes,R.J., Fragoso,G., Sciutto,E., Aslett,M., Beasley,H., Bennett,H.M., Cai,Jianping, Camicia,F., Clark,R., Cucher,M., De Silva,N., Day,T.A., Deplazes,P., Estrada,K., Fernandez,C., Holland,P.W.H., Hou,Junling, Hu,Songnian, Huckvale,Thomas, Hung,S.S., Kamenetzky,L., Keane,J.A., Kiss,F., Koziol,U., Lambert,O., Liu,K., Luo,Xuenong, Luo,Yingfeng, Macchiaroli,N., Nichol,S., Paps,Jordi, Parkinson,J., Pouchkina-Stantcheva,N., Riddiford,N., Rosenzvit,M., Salinas,G., Wasmuth,James D., Zamanian,M., Zheng,Yadong, Cai,Xuepeng, Soberon,X., Olson,P.D., Laclette,J.P., Brehm,Klaus, Berriman,M., Ochoa-Leyva,A. (2013). The genomes of four tapeworm species reveal adaptations to parasitism. Nature, 496 (7443), 57-63.
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60 - Vazquez-Perez,J.A., Isa,P., Kobasa,D., Ormsby,C.E., Ramirez-Gonzalez,J.E., Romero-Rodriguez,D.P., Ranadheera,C., Li,Y., Bastien,N., Embury-Hyatt,C., Gonzalez-Duran,E., Barrera-Badillo,G., Ablanedo-Terrazas,Y., Sevilla-Reyes,E.E., Escalera-Zamudio,M., Cobian-Guemes,A.G., Lopez,I., Ortiz-Alcantara,J., Alpuche-Aranda,C., Perez-Padilla,J.R., Reyes-Teran,G. (2013). A (H1N1) pdm09 HA D222 variants associated with severity and mortality in patients during a second wave in Mexico. Virology Journal, 10 (1), 41.
63 - Weiss,V., Medina-Rivera,A., Huerta,A.M., Santos-Zavaleta,A., Salgado,H., Morett,E., Collado-Vides,J. (2013). Evidence classification of high-throughput protocols and confidence integration in RegulonDB. Database (Oxford), 2013, bas059.
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64 - Wertheimer,E., Krapf,D., Vega-Beltran,J.L., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Navarrete,F., Haddad,D., Escoffier,J., Salicioni,A.M., Levin,L.R., Buck,J., Mager,J., Darszon,A., Visconti,P.E. (2013). Compartmentalization of Distinct cAMP Signaling Pathways in Mammalian Sperm. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288 (49), 35307-35320.
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66 - Xolalpa,W., Perez-Galan,P., Rodriguez,M.S., Roue,G. (2013). Targeting the ubiquitin proteasome system: beyond proteasome inhibition. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 19 (22), 4053-4093. *
67 - Zaina,S., Valencia-Morales,Mdel P., Tristan-Flores,F.E., Lund,G. (2013). Nuclear reprogramming and its role in vascular smooth muscle cells. Current Atherosclerosis Reports, 15 (9), 352. *
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68 - Zarate-Romero,A., Stojanoff,V., Rojas-Trejo,S.P., Hansberg,W., Rudino-Pinera,E. (2013). Conformational stability and crystal packing: polymorphism in Neurospora crassa CAT-3. Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, 69 (7), 753-758.
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70 - Sennlaub,F., Auvynet,C., Calippe,B., Lavalette,S., Poupel,L., Hu,S.J., Dominguez,E., Camelo,S., Levy,O., Guyon,E., Saederup,N., Charo,I.F., Rooijen,N.V., Nandrot,E., Bourges,J., Behar-Cohen,F., Sahel,J.A., Guillonneau,X., Raoul,W., Combadiere,C. (2013). CCR2 + monocytes infiltrate atrophic lesions in age-related macular disease and mediate photoreceptor degeneration in experimental subretinal inflammation in Cx3cr1 deficient mice. EMBO Molecular Medicine, 5 (11), 1775-1793. *
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72 - Rodriguez-Ravelo,R., Coronas,F.I., Zamudio,F.Z., Gonzalez-Morales,L., Lopez,G.E., Urquiola,A.R., Possani,L.D. (2013). The Cuban scorpion Rhopalurus junceus (Scorpiones, Buthidae): component variations in venom samples collected in different geographical areas. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases, 19 (1), 13.
Open Access Artículo
73 - Ramirez,M., Flores-Pacheco,G., Reyes,J.L., Alvarez,A.L., Drevon,J.J., Girard,L., Hernandez,G. (2013). Two Common Bean Genotypes with Contrasting Response to Phosphorus Deficiency Show Variations in the microRNA 399-Mediated PvPHO2 Regulation within the PvPHR1 Signaling Pathway. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14 (4), 8328-8344.
74 - Ramirez,M., Guillen,G., Fuentes,S.I., Iniguez,L.P., Aparicio-Fabre,R., Zamorano-Sanchez,D., Encarnacion-Guevara,S., Panzeri,D., Castiglioni,B., Cremonesi,P., Strozzi,F., Stella,A., Girard,L., Sparvoli,F., Hernandez,G. (2013). Transcript profiling of common bean nodules subjected to oxidative stress. Physiologia Plantarum, 149 (3), 389-407.
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77 - Rocha-Sosa,M. (2013). El sistema ubicuitina/proteasoma en la interacción planta-patógeno. TIP revista especializada en Ciencias Quimico-Biologicas, 16 (2).
78 - Rodero,M.P., Auvynet,C., Poupel,L., Combadiere,B., Combadiere,C. (2013). Control of both myeloid cell infiltration and angiogenesis by ccr1 promotes liver cancer metastasis development in mice. Neoplasia, 15 (6), 641-648. *
Open Access Artículo
79 - Rodriguez Coto,M.M., Teran Zavala,M.C., Bisset Lazcano,J.A., Ricardo Leyva,Y., French Pacheco,L., Fuentes Lopez,I. (2013). Efficacy of pyriproxyfen in reference strains of Aedes aegypti susceptible and resistant to temephos. Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical, 65 (3), 339-349. *
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81 - Rodriguez-Alonso,G., Arredondo-Peter,R. (2013). Variability of non-symbiotic and truncated hemoglobin genes from the genome of cultivated monocots. Communicative and Integrative Biology, 6 (6), e27496. *
Open Access Artículo
83 - Schwartz,E.F., Bartok,A., Schwartz,C.A., Papp,F., Gomez-Lagunas,F., Panyi,G., Possani,L.D. (2013). OcyKTx2, a new K-channel toxin characterized from the venom of the scorpion Opisthacanthus cayaporum. Peptides, 46, 40-46.
84 - Rosales,M.A., Cuellar-Ortiz,S.M., Arrieta-Montiel,M.D., Acosta-Gallegos,J., Covarrubias,A.A. (2013). Physiological traits related to terminal drought resistance in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93 (2), 324-331.
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87 - Salazar-Medina,A.J., Sugich-Miranda,R., Teran-Cabanillas,E., Hernandez,J., Gonzalez-Aguilar,G.A., Rudino-Pinera,E., Sotelo-Mundo,R.R., Velazquez-Contreras,E.F. (2013). Antioxidant Capacity of Two Novel Bioactive Fe(III)-Cyclophane Complexes. Molecules, 18 (2), 1762-1774.
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88 - Salgado,H., Peralta-Gil,M., Gama-Castro,S., Santos-Zavaleta,A., Muniz-Rascado,L., Garcia-Sotelo,J.S., Weiss,V., Solano-Lira,H., Martinez-Flores,I., Medina-Rivera,A., Salgado-Osorio,G., Alquicira-Hernandez,S., Alquicira-Hernandez,K., Lopez-Fuentes,A., Porron-Sotelo,L., Huerta,A.M., Bonavides-Martinez,C., Balderas-Martinez,Y.I., Pannier,L., Olvera,M., Labastida,A., Jimenez-Jacinto,V., Vega-Alvarado,L., Del Moral-Chavez,V., Hernandez-Alvarez,A., Morett,E., Collado-Vides,J. (2013). RegulonDB v8.0: omics data sets, evolutionary conservation, regulatory phrases, cross-validated gold standards and more. Nucleic Acids Research, 41 (D1), D203-D213.
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90 - Sanchez-Vasquez,L., Silva-Sanchez,J., Jimenez-Vargas,J.M., Rodriguez-Romero,A., Munoz-Garay,C., Rodriguez,M.C., Gurrola,G.B., Possani,L.D. (2013). Enhanced antimicrobial activity of novel synthetic peptides derived from vejovine and hadrurin. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects, 1830 (6), 3427-3436.
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91 - Sanchez-Zauco,N.A., Torres,J., Perez-Figueroa,G.E., Alvarez-Arellano,L., Camorlinga-Ponce,M., Gomez,A., Giono-Cerezo,S., Maldonado-Bernal,C. (2013). Impact of cagPAI and T4SS on the Inflammatory Response of Human Neutrophils to Helicobacter pylori Infection. PLoS ONE, 8 (6), e64623.
92 - Santi,C.M., Orta,G., Salkoff,L., Visconti,P.E., Darszon,A., Trevino,C.L. (2013). K(+) and cl(-) channels and transporters in sperm function. Current Topics in Developmental Biology, 102, 385-421.
93 - Jaen,K.E., Lara,A.R., Ramirez,O.T. (2013). Effect of heating rate on pDNA production by E. coli. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 79, 230-238.
94 - Ivanchenko,M.G., den Os,D., Monhausen,G.B., Dubrovsky,J.G., Bednarova,A., Krishnan,N. (2013). Auxin increases the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) concentration in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) root tips while inhibiting root growth. Annals of Botany, 112 (6), 1107-1116.
95 - Abdel-Razek,M.A., Folch-Mallol,J.L., Perezgasga-Ciscomani,L., Sanchez-Salinas,E., Castrejon-Godinez,M.L., Ortiz-Hernandez,M.L. (2013). Optimization of methyl parathion biodegradation and detoxification by cells in suspension or immobilized on tezontle expressing the opd gene. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 48 (6), 449-461.
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97 - Battaglia,M., Covarrubias,A.A. (2013). Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) proteins in legumes. Frontiers in Plant Science, 4, 190.
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99 - Bernaldez,J., Roman-Gonzalez,S.A., Martinez,O., Jimenez,S., Vivas,O., Arenas,I., Corzo,G., Arreguin,R., Garcia,D.E., Possani,L.D., Licea,A. (2013). A Conus regularis Conotoxin with a Novel Eight-Cysteine Framework Inhibits CaV2.2 Channels and Displays an Anti-Nociceptive Activity. Marine Drugs, 11 (4), 1188-1202.
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100 - Bisset,J.A., Marin,R., Rodriguez,M.M., Severson,D.W., Ricardo,Y., French,L., Diaz,M, ., Perez,O. (2013). Insecticide resistance in two aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) strains from Costa Rica. Journal of Medical Entomology, 50 (2), 352-361. *
101 - Boyer,L., Degan,J., Ruha,A.M., Mallie,J., Mangin,E., Alagon,A. (2013). Safety of Intravenous Equine F(ab'): Insights following Clinical Trials involving 1534 Recipients of Scorpion Antivenom. Toxicon, 76, 386-393.
102 - Boyer,L.V., Chase,P.B., Degan,J.A., Figge,G., Buelna-Romero,A., Luchetti,C., Alagon,A. (2013). Subacute coagulopathy in a randomized, comparative trial of Fab and F(ab') antivenoms. Toxicon, 74, 101-108.
103 - Boyer,L.V., Theodorou,A.T., Chase,P.B., Osnaya,N., Berg,M., Mallie,J., Carbajal,Y., de Jesus-Hernandez,T., Olvera,F., Alagon,A. (2013). Effectiveness of Centruroides scorpion antivenom compared to historical controls. Toxicon, 76, 377-385.
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104 - Brambila-Tapia,A.J. (2013). MDR1 (ABCB1) polymorphisms: functional effects and clinical implications. Revista de Investigacion Clinica, 65 (5), 445-454.
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105 - Bravo,A. (2013). Biotecnología agrícola y agroecologia, complementarias u opuestas?. Ciencia, Revista de la Academia Mexicana de Ciencia, 64 (1), 68-77.
106 - Basiuk,E.V., Santamaria-Bonfil,A., Meza-Laguna,V., Gromovoy,T.Y., Alvares-Zauco,E., Contreras-Torres,F.F., Rizo,J., Zavala,G., Basiuk,V.A. (2013). Solvent-free covalent functionalization of nanodiamond with amines. Applied Surface Science, 275, 324-334.
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110 - Campos-Acevedo,A.A., Garcia-Orozco,K.D., Sotelo-Mundo,R.R., Rudino-Pinera,E. (2013). Expression, purification, crystallization and X-ray crystallographic studies of different redox states of the active site of thioredoxin 1 from the whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Acta Crystallographica Section F: Structural Biology and Crystallization Communications, 69 (5), 488-493.
112 - Carmona,G., Rodriguez,A., Juarez,D., Corzo,G., Villegas,E. (2013). Improved Protease Stability of the Antimicrobial Peptide Pin2 Substituted with D-Amino Acids. Protein Journal, 32 (6), 456-466.
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117 - Barraza,A., Sanchez,F. (2013). Trehalase: A neglected carbon metabolism regulator?. Plant Signaling and Behavior, 8 (7), e24778.
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119 - Ardisson-Araujo,D.M., de Silva-Morgado,F., Schwartz,E.F., Corzo,G., Ribeiro,B.M. (2013). A New theraphosid Spider Toxin Causes Early Insect Cell Death by Necrosis When Expressed In Vitro during Recombinant Baculovirus Infection. PLoS ONE, 8 (12), e84404.
120 - Abente,E.J., Sosnovtsev,S.V., Sandoval-Jaime,C., Parra,G.I., Bok,K., Green,K.Y. (2013). The feline calicivirus leader of the capsid protein is associated with cytopathic effect. Journal of Virology, 87 (6), 3003-3017. *
121 - Agrawal,G.K., Sarkar,A., Righetti,P.G., Pedreschi,R., Carpentier,S., Wang,T., Barkla,B.J., Kohli,A., Ndimba,B.K., Bykova,N.V., Rampitsch,C., Zolla,L., Rafudeen,M.S., Cramer,R., Bindschedler,L.V., Tsakirpaloglou,N., Ndimba,R.J., Farrant,J.M., Renaut,J., Job,D., Kikuchi,S., Rakwal,R. (2013). A decade of plant proteomics and mass spectrometry: Translation of technical advancements to food security and safety issues. Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 32 (5), 335-365.
122 - Aguila,S., Vidal-Limon,A.M., Alderete,J.B., Sosa-Torres,M., Vazquez-Duhalt,R. (2013). Unusual activation during peroxidase reaction of a cytochrome c variant. Journal Of Molecular Catalysis B-Enzymatic, 85-86, 187-192.
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123 - Aguilar,M.B., Ortiz,E., Kaas,Q., Lopez-Vera,E., Becerril,B., Possani,L.D., de la Cotera,E.P. (2013). Precursor De13.1 from Conus delessertii defines the novel G gene superfamily. Peptides, 41, 17-20.
Artículo; Actas Paper
125 - Aguilar-Barajas,E., Jacobo-Arreola,S., Verduzco-Rosas,L.A., Jimenez-Mejia,R., Ramirez-Diaz,M., Julian-Sanchez,, Riveros-Rosas,H, Cervantes,C (2013). An Lrp-type transcriptional regulator controls expression of the Bacillus subtilis chromate transporter. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 104 (6), 941-948. *
126 - Almenares-Lopez,D., Martínez-Salazar,M.F., Ortiz-Hernandez,M.L., Vazquez-Duhalt,R., Monroy-Noyola,A. (2013). Fenamiphos is recalcitrant to the hydrolysis by alloforms PON1 Q192R of human serum. Toxicology in Vitro, 27 (2), 681-685.
127 - Angata,T., Ishii,T., Motegi,T., Oka,R., Taylor,R.E., Soto,P.C., Chang,Y.C., Secundino,I., Gao,C.X., Ohtsubo,K., Kitazume,S., Nizet,V., Varki,A., Gemma,A., Kida,K., Taniguchi,N. (2013). Loss of Siglec-14 reduces the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbation. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 70 (17), 3199-3210. *
Open Access Artículo
128 - Aparicio-Fabre,R., Guillen,G., Loredo,M., Arellano,J., Valdes-Lopez,O., Ramirez,M., Iniguez,L.P., Panzeri,D., Castiglioni,B., Cremonesi,P., Strozzi,F., Stella,A., Girard,L., Sparvoli,F., Hernandez,G. (2013). Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) PvTIFY orchestrates global changes in transcript profile response to jasmonate and phosphorus deficiency. BMC Plant Biology, 13 (1), 26.
129 - Ares,M.A., Alcantar-Curiel,M.D., Jimenez-Galicia,C., Rios-Sarabia,N., Pacheco,S., De la Cruz,M.A. (2013). Antibiotic resistance of gram-negative bacilli isolated from pediatric patients with nosocomial bloodstream infections in a Mexican tertiary care hospital. Chemotherapy, 59 (5), 361-368.
Open Access Artículo
131 - Armenta-Medina,A., Huanca-Mamani,W., Sanchez-Leon,N., Rodriguez-Arevalo,I., Vielle-Calzada,J.P. (2013). Functional Analysis of Sporophytic Transcripts Repressed by the Female Gametophyte in the Ovule of Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS ONE, 8 (10), e76977. *
Open Access Artículo
132 - Arriaga-Arellano,E., Linares-Salgado,J.E. (2013). La evaluación del riesgo de las plantas transgénicas: de la regulación a la bioética. Revista de Bioética y Derecho, 27, 38-57.
Open Access Artículo
135 - Balde,M.C., Chippaux,J.P., Boiro,M.Y., Stock,R.P., Massougbodji,A. (2013). Use of antivenoms for the treatment of envenomation by Elapidae snakes in Guinea, Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of Venomous Animals and Toxins Including Tropical Diseases, 19 (1), 6.
Open Access Artículo
137 - Balderas-Martinez,Y.I., Savageau,M., Salgado,H., Perez-Rueda,E., Morett,E., Collado-Vides,J. (2013). Transcription Factors in Escherichia coli Prefer the Holo Conformation. PLoS ONE, 8 (6), e65723.
138 - Barkla,B.J., Castellanos-Cervantes,T., Diaz de Leon,J.L., Matros,A., Mock,H.P., Perez-Alfocea,F., Salekdeh,G.H., Witzel,K., Zorb,C. (2013). Elucidation of salt stress defense and tolerance mechanisms of crop plants using proteomics - Current achievements and perspectives. Proteomics, 13 (12-13), 1885-1900.
140 - Caspeta,L., Nielsen,J. (2013). Economic and environmental impacts of microbial biodiesel. Nature Biotechnology, 31 (9), 789-793. *
141 - Cassab,G.I., Eapen,D., Campos,M.E. (2013). Root hydrotropism: un update. American Journal Of Botany, 100 (1), 14-24.
Open Access Artículo
142 - Ibarra,J.A., Perez-Rueda,E., Carroll,R.K., Shaw,L.N. (2013). Global analysis of transcriptional regulators in Staphylococcus aureus. BMC Genomics, 14 (1), 126.
143 - Gomez,H., Chappe,M., Valiente,P.A., Pons,T., Chavez,M.D.A., Charli,J.L., Pascual,I. (2013). Effect of zinc and calcium ions on the rat kidney membrane-bound form of dipeptidyl peptidase IV. Journal of Biosciences, 38 (3), 461-469.
144 - Garay-Arroyo,A., Ortiz-Moreno,E., de la Paz Sanchez M., Murphy,A.S., Garcia-Ponce,B., Marsch-Martinez,N., de Folter S., Corvera-Poire,A., Jaimes-Miranda,F., Pacheco-Escobedo,M.A., Dubrovsky,J.G., Pelaz,S., Alvarez-Buylla,E.R. (2013). The MADS transcription factor XAL2/AGL14 modulates auxin transport during Arabidopsis root development by regulating PIN expression. Embo Journal, 32, 2884-2895.
145 - Garcia,F., Villegas,E., Espino-Solis,G.P., Rodriguez,A., Paniagua-Solis,J.F., Sandoval-Lopez,G., Possani,L.D., Corzo,G. (2013). Antimicrobial peptides from arachnid venoms and their microbicidal activity in the presence of commercial antibiotics. Journal of Antibiotics, 66 (1), 3-10.
Open Access Artículo
148 - Gaspar-Maia,A., Qadeer,Z.A., Hasson,D., Ratnakumar,K., Leu,N.A., Leroy,G., Liu,S., Costanzi,C., Valle-Garcia,D., Schaniel,C., Lemischka,I., Garcia,B., Pehrson,J.R., Bernstein,E. (2013). MacroH2A histone variants act as a barrier upon reprogramming towards pluripotency. Nature Communications, 4, 1565. *
151 - Gijsbers,A., Garcia-Marquez,A., Luviano,A., Sanchez-Puig,N. (2013). Guanine nucleotide exchange in the ribosomal GTPase EFL1 is modulated by the protein mutated in the Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 437 (3), 349-354. *
153 - Gonzalez-Andrade,M., Becerril-Lujan,B., Sanchez-Lopez,R., Cecena-Alvarez,H., Perez-Carreon,J.I., Ortiz-Suri,E., Fernandez-Velasco,D.A., Del Pozo-Yauner,L. (2013). Mutational and genetic determinants of lambda6 light chain amyloidogenesis. Febs Journal, 280 (23), 6173-6183.
Open Access Artículo
155 - Guerrero,A., Espinal,J., Wood,C.D., Rendon,J.M., Carneiro,J., Martinez-Mekler,G., Darszon,A. (2013). Niflumic acid disrupts marine spermatozoan chemotaxis without impairing the spatiotemporal detection of chemoattractant gradients. Journal of Cell Science, 126 (6), 1477-1487.
Open Access Artículo
156 - Guerrero-Jimenez,G., Zavala-Padilla,G., Silva-Briano,M., Rico-Martinez,R. (2013). Morphology and ultrastructure of the freshwater rotifer Brachionus bidentatus (Monogononta: Brachionidae) using scanning and transmission electron microscopy . Revista de Biologia Tropical, 61 (4), 1737-1745.
Open Access Artículo
158 - Gutierrez-Magdaleno,G., Bello,M., Portillo-Tellez,M.C., Rodriguez-Romero,A., Garcia-Hernandez,E. (2013). Ligand binding and self-association cooperativity of beta-lactoglobulin. Journal of Molecular Recognition, 26 (2), 67-75.
Open Access Artículo nacional
159 - Hernandez-Lopez,V.M., Vargas-Vazquez,M.L.P., Muruaga-Martinez,J.S., Hernandez-Delgado,S., Mayek-Perez,Y.N. (2013). Origin, domestication and diversification of common beans. advances and perspectives [Origen, domesticaci¢n y diversificaci¢n del frijol com£n. avances y perspectivas]. Revista Fitotecnia Mexicana, 36 (2), 95-104. *
160 - Hernandez-Monge,J., Garay,E., Raya-Sandino,A., Vargas-Sierra,O., Diaz-Chavez,J., Popoca-Cuaya,M., Lambert,P.F., Gonzalez-Mariscal,L., Gariglio,P. (2013). Papillomavirus E6 oncoprotein up-regulates occludin and ZO-2 expression in ovariectomized mice epidermis. Experimental Cell Research, 319 (17), 2588-2603. *
Open Access Artículo
161 - Hernandez-Tamayo,R., Sohlenkamp,C., Puente,J.L., BROM,S., Romero,D. (2013). Characterization of IntA, a bidirectional site-specific recombinase required for conjugative transfer of the symbiotic plasmid of Rhizobium etli CFN42. Journal of Bacteriology, 195 (20), 4668-4677.
Open Access Artículo
162 - Huerta-Saquero,A., Evangelista-Martinez,Z., Moreno-Enriquez,A., Perez-Rueda,E. (2013). Rhizobium etli asparaginase II: An alternative for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) treatment. Bioengineered, 4 (1), 30-36.
Open Access Artículo
163 - Ibarra,J.A., Garcia-Zacarias,C.M., Lara-Ochoa,C., Carabarin-Lima,A., Tecpanecatl-Xihuitl,J.S., Perez-Rueda,E., Martinez-Laguna,Y., Puente,J.L. (2013). Further Characterization of Functional Domains of PerA, Role of Amino and Carboxy Terminal Domains in DNA Binding. PLoS ONE, 8 (2), e56977.
Open Access Artículo
164 - Galindo,E., Serrano-Carreon,L., Gutierrez,C.R., Allende,R., Balderas,K., Patino,M., Trejo,M., Wong,M.A., Rayo,E., Isauro,D., Jurado,C. (2013). The challenges of introducing a new biofungicide to the market: A case study. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 16 (3).
Open Access Artículo
169 - Castillo-Medina,R.E., Islas-Flores,T., Thome,P.E., Iglesias-Prieto,R., Lin,S.J., Zhang,H., Villanueva,M.A. (2013). The PsbO homolog from Symbiodinium kawagutii (Dinophyceae) characterized using biochemical and molecular methods. Photosynthesis Research, 115 (2-3), 167-178. *
Open Access Artículo
172 - Chavez,J., Vargas,M.H., Rebollar-Ayala,D.C., Diaz-Hernandez,V., Cruz-Valderrama,J.E., Flores-Soto,E., Flores-Garcia,M., Jimenez-Vargas,N.N., Barajas-Lopez,C., Montano,L.M. (2013). Inhibition of extracellular nucleotides hydrolysis intensifies the allergic bronchospasm. A novel protective role of ectonucleotidases. Allergy, 68 (4), 462-471. *
Open Access Artículo
173 - Chavez,J.C., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Escoffier,J., Visconti,P.E., Trevino,C.L., Darszon,A., Salkoff,L., Santi,C.M. (2013). Ion Permeabilities in Mouse Sperm Reveal an External Trigger for SLO3-Dependent Hyperpolarization. PLoS ONE, 8 (4), e60578.
Open Access Artículo
174 - Chavez-Bejar,M.I., Balderas-Hernandez,V.E., Gutierrez-Alejandre,A., Martinez,A., Bolivar,F., Gosset,G. (2013). Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli to optimize melanin synthesis from glucose. Microbial Cell Factories, 12 (1), 108.
Open Access Carta
175 - Chippaux,J.P., Diouf,A., Lam-Faye,A., Stock,R.P., Massougbodji,A. (2013). [Creation of the African Society of Toxinology.]. Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exotique, 106 (1), 81-82.
176 - Corrales-Garcia,L., Ortiz,E., Castaneda-Delgado,J., Rivas-Santiago,B., Corzo,G. (2013). Bacterial expression and antibiotic activities of recombinant variants of human beta-defensins on pathogenic bacteria and M. tuberculosis. Protein Expression and Purification, 89 (1), 33-43.
177 - Cubillas,C., Vinuesa,P., Tabche,M.L., Garcia-de-los-Santos,A. (2013). Phylogenomic analysis of Cation Diffusion Facilitator proteins uncovers Ni/Co transporters. Metallomics, 5 (12), 1634-1643.
Open Access Artículo
178 - French Pacheco,L., Rodriguez Coto,C.M.M., Bisset Lazcano,C.J.A., Ricardo Leyva,Y., Gutierez Bugallo,G., Fuentes Lopez,I. (2013). Increased activity of cytochrome P450 monooxygenase enzymes in reference insecticide-resistant Aedes aegypti strains from Cuba. Revista Cubana de Medicina Tropical, 65 (3), 328-338. *
Open Access Artículo
179 - Da Silva-Ferrada,E., Xolalpa,W., Lang,V., Aillet,F., Martin-Ruiz,I., de la Cruz-Herrera CF, Lopitz-Otsoa,F., Carracedo,A., Goldenberg,S.J., Rivas,C., England,P., Rodriguez,M.S. (2013). Analysis of SUMOylated proteins using SUMO-traps. Scientific Reports, 3, 1690. *
180 - Deuis,J.R., Zimmermann,K., Romanovsky,A.A., Possani,L.D., Cabot,P.J., Lewis,R.J., Vetter,I. (2013). An animal model of oxaliplatin-induced cold allodynia reveals a crucial role for Na1.6 in peripheral pain pathways. Pain, 154 (9), 1749-1757.
181 - Diaz-Masmela,Y., Fragoso,G., Ambrosio,J.R., Mendoza-Hernandez,G., Rosas,G., Estrada,K., Carrero,J.C., Sciutto,E., Laclette,J.P., Bobes,R.J. (2013). Immunodiagnosis of porcine cysticercosis: Identification of candidate antigens through immunoproteomics. Veterinary Journal, 198 (3), 656-660.
183 - Ducolomb,Y., Gonzalez-Marquez,H., Fierro,R., Jimenez,I., Casas,E., Flores,D., Bonilla,E., Salazar,Z., Betancourt,M. (2013). Effect of porcine follicular fluid proteins and peptides on oocyte maturation and their subsequent effect on in vitro fertilization. Theriogenology, 79 (6), 896-904. *
184 - Durand,D., Ochoa,T.J., Bellomo,S.M., Contreras,C.A., Bustamante,V.H., Ruiz,J., Cleary,T.G. (2013). Detection of Secretory Immunoglobulin A in Human Colostrum as Mucosal Immune Response against Proteins of the Type Three Secretion System of Salmonella, Shigella and Enteropathogenic Escherichia Coli. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 32 (10), 1122-1126.
185 - Figueiras-Fierro,D., Acevedo,J.J., Martinez-Lopez,P., Escoffier,J., Sepulveda,F.V., Balderas,E., Orta,G., Visconti,P., Darszon,A. (2013). Electrophysiological evidence for the presence of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in mouse sperm. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 228 (3), 590-601.
Artículo; Actas Paper
Publicaciones institucionales: 156


1 - Galindo,E. (2013). La Ciencia, desde Morelos para el Mundo. Química, Física y Matematicas. III, Cuernavaca: ACMor-La Unión de Morelos.
2 - Galindo-Fentanes,E. (2013). El quehacer de la ciencia experimental: Una guia practica para investigar y reportar resultados en las ciencias naturales. 1-202, Mexico.
3 - Lopez-Munguia,A. (2013). Una cita para comer: La Nutrición. .
4 - Perez-Martinez,L., Pedraza-Alva,G., Ferat-Osorio,E. (2013). Molecular aspects of inflammation. 1-231, Kerala: Research Signpost.
5 - Xoconostle-Cazares,B., Ruiz-Medrano,R., Gutierrez-Galeno,D.F., Ramirez-Ortega,F., Calderon-Perez,B., Cabrera-Ponce,J.L., Agreda-Laguna,K.A., Martinez-Navarro,A.C. (2013). Tolerancia a sequía en plantas de interés agrícolas. . *
Publicaciones institucionales: 4


Open Access Nacional
1 - Aguilera-Reyes,U., Monroy-Vilchis,O., Palacios-Martinez,D.J., Salame-Mendez,A., Garcia-Lopez,G. (2013). Cuantificación de hormonas esteroides sexuales y su relación con el ciclo estral de Puma concolor en cautiverio. Soria-Diaz,Leroy Ecología de Puma concolor en la Sierra Nanchititla, México. . *
2 - Mendez,E., Murillo,A., Velazquez,R., Burnham,Andrew, Arias,C.F. (2013). Replication Cycle of Astroviruses. Schultz-Cherry,S. Astrovirus Research. 19-45.
3 - Sosa-Valencia,G., Covarrubias,A.A., Reyes,J.L. (2013). Signaling by MicroRNAs in Response to Abiotic Stress. Abdin,MZ. Stress Signalling in Plants: Genomics and Proteomics Perspectives. 51-67, 1, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
4 - Sanchez,E., Charli,J.L., Lechan,R.M. (2013). Pyroglutamyl-peptidase II. Rawlings,N.D. Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes. 414-419, 3rd.
5 - Rodriguez-de-la-Vega,R., Vidal,N., Possani,L.D. (2013). Scorpion Peptides. Kastin,A.J. Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides, second edition . 423-429.
6 - Quirasco,M., Lopez-Munguia,A. (2013). Enzimas. Badui-Dergal,S. Quimica de alimentos 5a ed. 275-337, Mexico.
7 - Petricevich,V.L., Barbosa-Navarro,L., Possani,L.D. (2013). Therapeutic use of scorpion venom. Ferat-Osorio,E. Molecular aspects of inflammation. 209-231, Kerala: Research Signpost.
Open Access Nacional
8 - Perezgazga,L., Torres-Duarte,C., Vazquez-Duhalt,R. (2013). Transformación enzimática de plaguicidas. Hernandez,V. La Situación de los Plaguicidas en México: Impactos y Perspectivas . Aceptado, Cuernavaca: UAEM.
9 - Montero L., Valdez-Hernandez,A.L., Perez-Lemus,C., Pedraza-Alva,G. (2013). Inflammasomes: Homeostasis guardians. Ferat-Osorio,E. Molecular aspects of inflammation. 43-69, Kerala: Research Signpost.
10 - Merino,E., Jensen,R.A., Yanofsky,C. (2013). trp Operon Organization and Regulation in Different Bacterial Species. Hughes,Kelly Brenner's Encyclopedia of Genetics (Second Edition). 208-212, San Diego.
11 - Mendez,E., Arias,C.F. (2013). Astroviruses. Griffin,Diane E. Field's Virology 6 ed. Philadelphia.
12 - Alvarez-Arellano,L., Diaz de Leon-Guerrero,S., Meza-Sosa,K.F., Jimenez-Ferrer C.,I., Perez-Martinez,L. (2013). Neurodegenerative disorders and inflammation. Ferat-Osorio,E. Molecular aspects of inflammation. 173-207, Kerala: Research Signpost.
13 - Leon,P., Cordoba,E. (2013). Understanding the Mechanisms that Modulate the MEP Pathway in Higher Plants. Rohmer,M. Isoprenoid Synthesis in Plants and Microorganisms. 457-464.
15 - Hernandez-Herrera,P., Jimenez,D., Kakadiaris,I.A., Koutsogiannis,A., Labate,D., Laezza,F., Papadakis,M. (2013). A Harmonic Analysis View on Neuroscience Imaging. Okoudjou,K.A. Excursions in Harmonic Analysis, Volume 2. Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis, 423-450. *
16 - Hernandez-Barrera,A., Quinto,C., Johnson,E.A., Wu,H.M., Cheung,A.Y., Cardenas,L. (2013). Using hyper as a molecular probe to visualize hydrogen peroxide in living plant cells: a method with virtually unlimited potential in plant biology. Packer,L. Methods in Enzymology. 275-290, 527, New York: Academic Press.
17 - Dubrovsky, J. G., Shishkova, S. (2013). Developmental Adaptations in Roots of Desert Plants with Special Emphasis on Cacti. Beekman, T. Plant Roots: The Hidden half. 28-1-28-17, 4a ed.
19 - Damian-Almazo,J.Y., Saab-Rincon,G. (2013). Site directed-combinatorial mutagenesis for biocatalysis. Figurski,D. Genetic Manipulation of DNA and Protein - Examples from Current Research. 303-330.
20 - Contreras-Cubas,C., Covarrubias,A.A., Reyes,J.L. (2013). Determining Abundance of MicroRNAs and Other Small RNAs in Legumes. Rose,R.J. Legume Genomics. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 81-92, 1069.
21 - Torres,E., Ayala,M. (2013). Biocatalysis by Metalloenzymes. Poeppelmeier,K.R. Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II (Second Edition) Vol 6 Homogeneous Catalytic Applications. 685-735, Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Publicaciones institucionales: 18


1 - Zarate Romero, Andres (2013). Reduccion inducida por rayos X en el sitio activo de la catalasa 3 de neurospora crassa . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
3 - Cruz Correa, Omar Fernando (2013). Desarrollo de pruebas genomicas prioritarias para la salud publica de Mexico . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
10 - Cobian Guemes, Ana Georgina (2013). Metagenomica viral y bacteriana de enfermedades respiratorias graves . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
12 - Hidalgo Ocampo, Paloma Rossana (2013). Composicion y actividad de los Centros de Replicacion de Adenovirus . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
13 - Jaen Chavez, Karim Enrique (2013). Efecto de la tasa de calentamiento en el proceso de produccion por termo-induccion de ADN plasmidico en escherichia coli. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ingenieria, UNAM.
Asesor: Ramirez, Octavio T., Lara Rodriguez, Alvaro Raul

14 - Jimenez Ferrer Carrillo, Itzia (2013). Efecto farmacologico de la administracion de un extracto de malva parviflora sobre la neurodegeneracion en un modelo murino de la enfermedad de Alzheimer. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
16 - Juarez Arroyo, Elsi Ideli (2013). Estudio de la diversidad bacteriana no cultivable presente en el suelo de cultivo de cana durante las primeras etapas del ciclo de produccion. Facultad de Quimica, Licenciado en Quimica de Alimentos, UNAM. *
Asesor: Escalante Lozada, Jose Adelfo, Giles Gomez, Martha

17 - Corrales Garcia, Ligia Luz (2013). Beta defensinas humanas : expresion heterologa y actividad biologica . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
19 - Llamas Pamanes, Ernesto (2013). La funcion de ZDS en la regulacion del desarrollo de la hoja en Arabidopsis thaliana . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
20 - Barragan Trinidad, Martin (2013). Diseno molecular de una celda de combustible enzimatica. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
21 - Reyna Rojas, Mario Alberto (2013). Conocimiento etnoherpetólogico en las comunidades de barranca Honda y Ticuman, en la reserva estatal sierra de Montenegro, Morelos, México. Biólogo, UAEM. *
22 - Valdes Arellantes, Mariel Teodora (2013). Alteraciones fisiológicas causadas por el envenenamiento experimental por la serpiente de cascabel Neotropical Crotalus simus en modelo murino. Biólogo, UAEM. *
23 - Quevedo Zamora,Jéssica Sarahí (2013). Establecimiento y caracterización de una línea celular que exprese de manera estable y constitutiva el canal de sodio hNav1.7. Ingeniero en Biotecnología, Universidad Politécnica del Estado de Morelos. *
25 - Banda Vazquez, Jesus Agustin (2013). Analisis y diseno de dominios Rossmann de Union A Dinucleotidos . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
27 - Barraza Celis, Aaron (2013). Modificacion del metabolismo de trehalosa en nodulos de frijol (phaseolus vulgaris l.) . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
30 - Canales Herrerias, Pablo (2013). Sistema phbf-phbp en azotobacter vinelandii. Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biologia, UNAM. *
31 - Cantu Alessio Robles, Vito Adrian (2013). Analisis de una libreria binaria de mutantes de NPR . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias, UNAM.
32 - Cardenas Lara, Fabian Josue (2013). Regulacion transcripcional del gen de klf10 en el hipotalamo embrionario . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
39 - Rivera Gomez, Nancy (2013). Identificacion y analisis de los dominios de interaccion a ligando en factores de transcripcion . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM. *
45 - Rubio Robles, Rosa Maria (2013). Regulacion de la traduccion en celulas infectadas por rotavirus. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
46 - Reverte Vera, Arun Bohindra (2013). Adsorcion de zearalenona por aluminosilicatos modificados mediante sales cuaternarias de amonio de diferente polaridad. FES Iztacala, Licenciatura en Biologia, UNAM. *
Asesor: Flores Ortiz, Cesar Mateo

47 - Salcedo Vite, Karina Jasmin (2013). Diseno racional de una estrategia para la inmovilizacion de la cpo. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
50 - Valdez Hernandez, Ana Laura (2013). El papel de nalp1b1 en la inflamacion inducida por obesidad. Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biologia, UNAM. *
51 - Vera Lopez Portillo, Francisco (2013). Caracterizacion molecular y bioquimica de la fructosiltransferasa de burkholderia phymatum. Facultad de Quimica, Licenciado en Quimica Farmaceutico Biologica, UNAM. *
53 - Rios Castro, Emmanuel (2013). Expresion diferencial de proteinas en celulas huvec mediada por brps de anfibios. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
54 - Ramirez Gomez, Hector Vicente (2013). Generacion de una linea celular que inhibe la expresion de una proteina de rotavirus . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
55 - Lopez Fuentes, Eunice (2013). Papel de genes que codifican para proteínas hipotéticas, en base a su localización en regiones involucradas en transferencia conjugativa . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestría en Ciencias Bioquímicas, UNAM.
Asesor: Brom Klanner, Susana

57 - Lopez Sevilla, Yaxem (2013). Regulacion de la expresion de Merlin por los microRNAs 7 y 146a / . Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biologia, UNAM. *
59 - Martinez Galicia, Anuar Said (2013). Sintesis enzimatica de neotrehalosa . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
62 - Monribot Villanueva, Juan Luis (2013). TNAA, una proteina del trxg, interacciona con osa y con la via de sumoilacion . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
63 - Padilla Lopez, Wendy (2013). Analisis molecular de la familia de genes tipo LEA18 de Arabidopsis thaliana . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
70 - Raga Carbajal, Enrique (2013). Estudios del mecanismo de elongacion de levadas de SacB de Bacillus Subtilis. Instituto de Biotecnologia, Maestria en Ciencias Bioquimicas, UNAM.
71 - Zavaleta Bahena, Azucena (2013). Señales que regulan la expresión del factor de transcripción KLF4 durante la diferenciación neuronal. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana. *
Publicaciones institucionales: 53

Otras Publicaciones

Editorial Material
1 - Agrawal,G.K., Job,D., Kieselbach,T., Barkla,B.J., Chen,S.X., Deswal,R., Luthje,S., Amalraj,R.S., Tanou,G., Ndimba,B.K., Cramer,R., Weckwerth,W., Wienkoop,S., Dunn,M.J., Kim,S.T., Fukao,Y., Yonekura,M., Zolla,L., Rohila,J.S., Waditee-Sirisattha,R., Masi,A., Wang,T., Sarkar,A., Agrawal,R., Renaut,J., Rakwal,R. (2013). INPPO Actions and Recognition as a Driving Force for Progress in Plant Proteomics: Change of Guard, INPPO Update, and Upcoming Activities. Proteomics, 13 (21), 3093-3100.
Editorial Material
2 - Arias,C.F. (2013). Virus diversity and evolution. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 16 (4), 465-467.
Open Access Divulgación
3 - Borja,G.M., Ramirez,O.T., Lara,A.R. (2013). Vacunas de ADN Plasmídico: Una Herramienta Terapéutica Emergente. BioTecnologia. Sociedad Mexicana de Biotecnologia y Bioingenieria, 17 (3), 87-109.
Divulgacion nacional
4 - Burlak,G., Martinez-Guerrero, C.E., Merino-Perez, E. (2013). Mini-BLAST: computer systems to search for the pattern sequences in the bioinformatics databases. Programacion Matematica y Software, 5 (2), 1-5.
Open Access Divulgación
5 - Carmona,S., Bolivar,F., Escalante,A. (2013). Efecto de la Clonación del Gen zwf sobre la Producción de Shikimato en la Cepa de Escherichia coli PB12.SA22. BioTecnologia. Sociedad Mexicana de Biotecnologia y Bioingenieria, 17 (3), 66-86.
Editorial Material
6 - Caspeta,L., Buijs,N.A.A., Nielsen,J. (2013). The role of biofuels in the future energy supply. Energy & Environmental Science, 6 (4), 1077-1082. *
Open Access Divulgación
7 - Lopez-Munguia A., de Regules,S. (2013). ¿Un kilogramo más democrático?. Como ves, 171, 22.
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divulgacion nacional
Open Access Divulgación
Open Access Editorial Material
12 - Torres-Quintero,M.C., Arenas-Sosa,I., Pena-Chora,G., Hernandez-Velazquez,V.M. (2013). Feeding chamber for myzus persicae Culture (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Florida Entomologist, 96 (4), 1600-1602. *
Publicaciones institucionales: 10