Dr. Adan Oswaldo Guerrero Cardenas
Investigador Titular A Tiempo Completo

Desarrollo de métodos avanzados en microscopía óptica y análisis de imágenes
Número de registros: 7
  • Activos
  • Vencidos
  • Estudio nanométrico del estrechamiento de la pieza media del espermatozoide de ratón mediante citometría de flujo basada en imágenes y microscopía de superresolución., CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2024 - 2026
  • Expanding global access to bioimaging project page - copy doc fluorescence nanoscopy in bioimaging, Fundación Indtituto de Biología y Medicina Experimental, 2022 - 2025
  • Extending the resolution of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy and 3d imaging by means of the mean shift theory, Institute of Photonic Sciences, 2023
  • Superres, a napari plugin for superresolution microscopy (npd-2), Sillicon Valley Community Foundation, 2022 - 2023
  • Mssrd - microscopía de alta resolución espacio-temporal, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2021 - 2023
  • análisis cuantitativo de los niveles endógenos de la cinasa plk4, implicaciones en la regulación de la génesis de los centriolos, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2017 - 2019
  • Determinación de los mecanismos moleculares del ensamblaje de los centriolos, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2016 - 2020

Nivel D del PRIDE
Nivel II del SNII
  • Ben Barres Spothlight 2020., Revista científica eLife ()cuyo objetivo es apoyar a científicos pertenecientes a grupos subrepresentados en la ciencia, esto con la finalidad de impulsar sus objetivos de investigación, fomentar la colaboración y dar visibilidad internacional a su trabajo., 2020

  • Premio Imaging Solutions of the Year, en el área de Microscopía, Revista Industrial Advanced Imaging, 2008

Total de publicaciones: 64
  • Tipo
  • Fecha
Open Access Artículo
5 - de Niz,M., Escobedo-Garcia R, Teran-Ramirez,C., Pakowski,Y, Abonza,Y, Bialy,N, Orr,V.L, Olivera,A, Abonza,V, Alleva,K, Allodi,S, Almeida,M.F, Becerril Cuevas,A.R, Bonnet,F, Burgos-Solorio,A., Chew,T.L, Chiabrando,G, Cimini,B, Cleret-Buhot,A, Contreras-Jimenez,G., Daza,L, De Sa,V., De Val,N., Delgado-Alvarez,D.L., Eliceiri,K, Fiolka,R, Grecco,H, Hanein,D, Hernandez-Herrera,P., Hockberger,P, Hernandez,H.O., Hernandez-Guadarrama,Y., Itano,M, Jacobs,C.A, Jimenez-Garcia,L.F., Jimenez,S., Kamaid,A, Keppler,A, Kumar,A, Lacoste,J, Lovy,A, Luby-Phelps,K, Mahadevan-Jansen,A, Malacrida,L, Mehta,S.B, Miller,C, Miranda,K, Moore,J.A, North,A, O'Toole,P, Olivares-Urbano,M., Pietrasanta,L.I, Portugal,R.V, Rossi,A.H, Sanchez-Contreras,J., Strambio-De-Castilla,C, Soldevila,G, Vale,B, Vazquez,D, Wood,C, Brown,C.M, Guerrero,A (2024). Building momentum through networks: Bioimaging across the Americas. Journal of Microscopy, 294 (3).
Open Access Artículo
7 - Jablonski,M., Luque,G.M., Gomez-Elias,M., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Xu,X., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Corkidi,G., Linares,A., Abonza,V., Krapf,D., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Buffone,M.G. (2024). Reorganization of the flagellum scaffolding induces a sperm standstill during fertilization. Elife, 13, RP93792.
Open Access Artículo
9 - Wright,G.D., Thompson,K.A., Reis,Y., Bischof,J., Hockberger,P.E., Itano,M.S., Yen,L., Adelodun,S.T., Bialy,N., Brown,C.M., Chaabane,L., Chew,T.L., Chitty,A.I., De,Niz M., Ellenberg,J., Engelbrecht,L., Fabian-Morales,E., Fazeli,E., Fernandez-Rodriguez,J., Ferrando-May,E., Fletcher,G., Galloway,G.J., Guerrero,A., Jacobs,C.A., Jayasinghe,S., Kable,E., Kitten,G.T., Komoto,S., Ma,X., Marques,J.A., Millis,B.A., Miranda,K., JohnO'Toole,P., Olatunji,S.Y., Paina,F., Pollak,C.N., Prats,C., Rahmoon,M.A., Reiche,M.A., Riches,J.D., Rossi,A.H., Salamero,J., Thiriet,C., Terjung,S., Vasconcelos,A.D.S., Keppler,A. (2024). Recognising the importance and impact of Imaging Scientists: Global guidelines for establishing career paths within core facilities. Journal of Microscopy, 294 (3), 397-410.
Open Access Artículo
11 - Mucino-Hernandez,G., Acevo-Rodriguez,P.S., Cabrera-Benitez,S., Guerrero,A.O., Merchant-Larios,H., Castro-Obregon,S. (2023). Nucleophagy contributes to genome stability through degradation of type II topoisomerases A and B and nucleolar components. Journal of Cell Science, 136 (1), jcs260563.
Open Access Artículo
12 - Sampaio,P., Pestana,S., Bota,C., Guerrero,A., Telley,I.A., Smith,D., Lopes,S.S. (2023). Fluid extraction from the left-right organizer uncovers mechanical properties needed for symmetry breaking. Elife, 12, e83861.
14 - Bastian,C., Sampieri,A., Benavides,M.O., Guerrero,A., Vaca,L. (2022). Super-resolution microscopy for the study of store-operated calcium entry. Cell Calcium, 104, 102595.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
16 - Torres-Garcia,E., Pinto-Camara,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Valdes-Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl-Oviedo,J.P., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., D'Antuono,R., Boskovic,A., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G., Rodriguez-Morales,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C.D., Hernandez-Garcia,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A. (2022). Extending resolution within a single imaging frame. Nature Communications, 13 (1), 7452.
18 - Mata-Martinez,E., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Chavez,J.C., Guerrero,A., Trevino,C.L., Corkidi,G., Montoya,F., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Buffone,M.G., Balestrini,P.A., Darszon,A. (2021). Role of calcium oscillations in sperm physiology. Biosystems, 209, 104524 [correction 104546].
Open Access Artículo
24 - Bastian-Eugenio,C.E., Bohorquez-Hernandez,A., Pacheco,J., Sampieri,A., Asanov,A., Ocelotl-Oviedo,J.P., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A., Vaca,L. (2019). Heterologous calcium-dependent inactivation of Orai1 by neighboring TRPV1 channels modulates cell migration and wound healing. Communications Biology, 2, 88.
Open Access Artículo
26 - Marteil, G., Guerrero, A., Vieira, A.F., de Almeida, B.P., Machado, P., Mendonca, S., Mesquita, M., Villarreal, B., Fonseca, I., Francia, M.E., Dores, K., Martins, N.P., Jana, S.C., Tranfield, E.M., Barbosa-Morais, N.L., Paredes, J., Pellman, D., Godinho, S.A., Bettencourt-Dias, M. (2018). Over-elongation of centrioles in cancer promotes centriole amplification and chromosome missegregation. Nature Communications, 9 (1), 1258. *
27 - Romarowski,A., Velasco Felix,A.G., Torres-Rodriguez P., Gervasi,M.G., Xu,X., Luque,G.M., Contreras-Jimenez,G., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Ramirez-Gomez,H.V., Krapf,D., Visconti,P.E., Krapf,D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G. (2018). Super-resolution imaging of live sperm reveals dynamic changes of the actin cytoskeleton during acrosomal exocytosis. Journal of Cell Science, 131 (21), jcs218958.
Open Access Artículo
31 - Hidalgo,P., Anzures,L., Hernandez-Mendoza,A., Guerrero,A., Wood,C.D., Valdes,M., Dobner,T., Gonzalez,R.A. (2016). Morphological, biochemical and functional study of viral replication compartments isolated from adenovirus-infected cells. Journal of Virology, 90 (7), 3411-3427.
32 - Lopes,C.A., Jana,S.C., Cunha-Ferreira,I., Zitouni,S., Bento,I., Duarte,P., Gilberto,S., Freixo,F., Guerrero,A., Francia,M., Lince-Faria,M., Carneiro,J., Bettencourt-Dias,M. (2015). PLK4 trans-Autoactivation Controls Centriole Biogenesis in Space. Developmental Cell, 35 (2), 222-235. *
34 - Sampaio,P., Ferreira,R.R., Guerrero,A., Pintado,P., Tavares,B., Amaro,J., Smith,A.A., Montenegro-Johnson,T., Smith,D.J., Lopes,S.S. (2014). Left-Right Organizer Flow Dynamics: How Much Cilia Activity Reliably Yields Laterality?. Developmental Cell, 29 (6), 716-728.
35 - Zitouni,S., Nabais,C., Jana,S.C., Guerrero,A., Bettencourt-Dias,M. (2014). Polo-like kinases: structural variations lead to multiple functions. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 15 (7), 433-452. *
36 - Guerrero,A., Espinal,J., Wood,C.D., Rendon,J.M., Carneiro,J., Martinez-Mekler,G., Darszon,A. (2013). Niflumic acid disrupts marine spermatozoan chemotaxis without impairing the spatiotemporal detection of chemoattractant gradients. Journal of Cell Science, 126 (6), 1477-1487.
Open Access Artículo
39 - Espinal,J., Aldana,M., Guerrero,A., Wood,C., Darszon,A., Martinez-Mekler,G. (2011). Discrete dynamics model for the speract-activated ca signaling network relevant to sperm motility. PLoS ONE, 6 (8), e22619.
41 - Guerrero,A., Nishigaki,T., Carneiro,J., Tatsu,Y., Wood,C.D., Darszon,A. (2010). Tuning sperm chemotaxis by calcium burst timing. Developmental Biology, 344 (1), 52-65.
42 - Guerrero,A., Wood,C.D., Nishigaki,T., Carneiro,J., Darszon,A. (2010). Tuning sperm chemotaxis. Biochemical Society Transactions, 38 (5), 1270-1274.
43 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A. (2008). Tracking sperm in three-dimensions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 373 (1), 125-129.
Open Access Artículo
44 - Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Galindo,B.E., Nishigaki,T., Wood,C.D. (2008). Sperm-activating peptides in the regulation of ion fluxes, signal transduction and motility. International Journal of Developmental Biology, 52 (5-6), 595-606.
Memoria in extenso
46 - Gonzalez-Gutierrez,M., Torres-Garcia,E., Guerrero,A. (2023). Improving FLIM Resolution with Mean-Shift Super-Resolution Microscopy, an analytical approach. 2023 19th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM) Mexico City. Mexico. 1-6, New York: IEEE.
47 - Guerrero,A., Gadelha,H., Ramirez-Gomez,H.V., Ramirez,R., Beltran,C., Tuval,I. (2020). Chapter 12 Motility and Guidance of Sea Urchin Sperm. Reproduction in Aquatic Animals: From Basic Biology to Aquaculture Technology. 249-276, Singapore: Springer Singapore.
48 - Ramirez-Gomez,H.V., Tuval,I., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A. (2019). Analysis of sperm chemotaxis. Echinoderms, Part B. Methods in Cell Biology, 473-486, 151.
49 - Migueles, R., Velasco, A., Pinto, R., Wood, C., Guerrero, A. (2017). Fluorescence Fluctuation Microscopy in Living Cells. Microscopy and Imaging Science: practical approaches to applied research and education . 138-151, Bajadoz, España.
Memoria in extenso
50 - Hernandez, H. O., Hidalgo, P., Wood, C. D., Gonzalez, R., Guerrero, A. (2016). Parallelizing the bayesian analysis of blinking and bleaching for super-resolution microscopy. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 6th International Conference on High Performance Computer Applications, ISUM 2015; Mexico City; Mexico; 9 March 2015 through 13 March 2015; Code 173549. Communications in Computer and Information Science , 356-366, Cham, Switzerland.
51 - Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Priego-Espinosa,D.A., Martinez-Mekler,G., Carneiro,J., Darszon,A. (2015). Sea Urchin Sperm Chemotaxis. Flagellar Mechanics and Sperm Guidance. 135-182.
Memoria in extenso
52 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A. (2008). Three-dimensional image acquisition system for multi-sperm tracking. Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on. 145-148.
53 - Jablonski,M., Luque,G.M., Gomez-Elias,M., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Xu,X., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Corkidi,G., Linares,A., Abonza,V., Krapf,D., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Buffone,M.G. (2023). Reorganization of the Flagellum Scaffolding Induces a Sperm Standstill Required for Fertilization. bioRxiv, Preprint posted Oct 18.
Open Access Preprint
55 - Sampaio,P., Pestana,S., Guerrero,A., Telley,I.A., Smith,D.J., Lopes,S.S. (2022). Fluid manipulations uncover mechanosensation for zebrafish left-right establishment during one-hour time interval. bioRxiv, Preprint posted April 22.
Open Access Preprint
56 - Sampaio,P., Pestana,S., Guerrero,A., Telley,I.A., Smith,D.J., Lopes,S.S. (2022). Fluid extraction from the left-right organizer uncovers mechanical properties needed for symmetry breaking. bioRxiv, Preprint posted September 30.
Open Access Preprint
57 - Torres,E., Pinto,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V.A., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl,J., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M., Rodriguez,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C., Hernandez,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A. (2022). Nanoscopic resolution within a single imaging frame. bioRxiv, Preprint posted June 03.
Open Access Preprint
58 - Mucino-Hernandez,G., Guerrero,A.O., Merchant-Larios,H., Castro-Obregon,S. (2021). Nucleophagy contributes to genome stability though TOP2cc and nucleolar components degradation. bioRxiv, Preprint posted December 03.
Open Access Preprint
59 - Torres,E., Pinto,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V.A., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl,J., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M., Rodriguez,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C., Hernandez,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A. (2021). Nanoscopic resolution within a single imaging frame. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 18.
Open Access Preprint
61 - Garces-Suarez,Y., Martinez,J.L., Torres-Hernandez,D., Hernandez,H.O., Mendez,M., Wood,C., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Silva-Ayala,D., Lopez,S., Guerrero,A., Arias,C.F. (2018). Nanoscale organization of rotavirus replication machineries. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 23, 2018, 445262 .
Open Access Preprint
Open Access Preprint
63 - Garces-Suarez, Y., Perez-Koldenkova, V., Matsuda, T., Guerrero, A., Nagai, T. (2017). Concept and in-silico assessment of an algorithm for monitoring cytosolic fluorescent aggregates in cells. bioRxiv, preprint Posted August 16, 2017..
Open Access Preprint
64 - Ramirez-Gomez, H.V., Jimenez-Sabinina, V., Tuval, I., Velazquez-Perez, M., Beltran, C., Carneiro, J., Wood, C., Darzson, A., Guerrero, A. (2017). Sperm chemotaxis is driven by the slope of the chemoattractant concentration field. bioRxiv, preprint Posted June 10, 2017.
Open Access Divulgación
65 - Guerrero-Cardenas,A., Gonzalez-Chavez,C.A. (2016). Unidad de Transformación Genética y Cultivo de Tejidos Vegetales. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 6, 17-19.
Open Access Divulgación
66 - Guerrero-Cardenas,A. (2015). El Laboratorio Nacional de Microscopía Avanzada, tecnología de punta al alcance de todos. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 1, 20-21.
Open Access Artículo
69 - de Niz,M., Escobedo-Garcia R, Teran-Ramirez,C., Pakowski,Y, Abonza,Y, Bialy,N, Orr,V.L, Olivera,A, Abonza,V, Alleva,K, Allodi,S, Almeida,M.F, Becerril Cuevas,A.R, Bonnet,F, Burgos-Solorio,A., Chew,T.L, Chiabrando,G, Cimini,B, Cleret-Buhot,A, Contreras-Jimenez,G., Daza,L, De Sa,V., De Val,N., Delgado-Alvarez,D.L., Eliceiri,K, Fiolka,R, Grecco,H, Hanein,D, Hernandez-Herrera,P., Hockberger,P, Hernandez,H.O., Hernandez-Guadarrama,Y., Itano,M, Jacobs,C.A, Jimenez-Garcia,L.F., Jimenez,S., Kamaid,A, Keppler,A, Kumar,A, Lacoste,J, Lovy,A, Luby-Phelps,K, Mahadevan-Jansen,A, Malacrida,L, Mehta,S.B, Miller,C, Miranda,K, Moore,J.A, North,A, O'Toole,P, Olivares-Urbano,M., Pietrasanta,L.I, Portugal,R.V, Rossi,A.H, Sanchez-Contreras,J., Strambio-De-Castilla,C, Soldevila,G, Vale,B, Vazquez,D, Wood,C, Brown,C.M, Guerrero,A. Building momentum through networks: Bioimaging across the Americas. Journal of Microscopy, 294 (3).
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
71 - Jablonski,M., Luque,G.M., Gomez-Elias,M., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Xu,X., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Corkidi,G., Linares,A., Abonza,V., Krapf,D., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Buffone,M.G.. Reorganization of the flagellum scaffolding induces a sperm standstill during fertilization. Elife, 13, RP93792.
Open Access Artículo
73 - Wright,G.D., Thompson,K.A., Reis,Y., Bischof,J., Hockberger,P.E., Itano,M.S., Yen,L., Adelodun,S.T., Bialy,N., Brown,C.M., Chaabane,L., Chew,T.L., Chitty,A.I., De,Niz M., Ellenberg,J., Engelbrecht,L., Fabian-Morales,E., Fazeli,E., Fernandez-Rodriguez,J., Ferrando-May,E., Fletcher,G., Galloway,G.J., Guerrero,A., Jacobs,C.A., Jayasinghe,S., Kable,E., Kitten,G.T., Komoto,S., Ma,X., Marques,J.A., Millis,B.A., Miranda,K., JohnO'Toole,P., Olatunji,S.Y., Paina,F., Pollak,C.N., Prats,C., Rahmoon,M.A., Reiche,M.A., Riches,J.D., Rossi,A.H., Salamero,J., Thiriet,C., Terjung,S., Vasconcelos,A.D.S., Keppler,A.. Recognising the importance and impact of Imaging Scientists: Global guidelines for establishing career paths within core facilities. Journal of Microscopy, 294 (3), 397-410.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
75 - Mucino-Hernandez,G., Acevo-Rodriguez,P.S., Cabrera-Benitez,S., Guerrero,A.O., Merchant-Larios,H., Castro-Obregon,S.. Nucleophagy contributes to genome stability through degradation of type II topoisomerases A and B and nucleolar components. Journal of Cell Science, 136 (1), jcs260563.
Open Access Artículo
76 - Sampaio,P., Pestana,S., Bota,C., Guerrero,A., Telley,I.A., Smith,D., Lopes,S.S.. Fluid extraction from the left-right organizer uncovers mechanical properties needed for symmetry breaking. Elife, 12, e83861.
Memoria in extenso
77 - Gonzalez-Gutierrez,M., Torres-Garcia,E., Guerrero,A.. Improving FLIM Resolution with Mean-Shift Super-Resolution Microscopy, an analytical approach. 2023 19th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM) Mexico City. Mexico. 1-6, New York: IEEE.
78 - Jablonski,M., Luque,G.M., Gomez-Elias,M., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Xu,X., de la Vega-Beltran,J.L., Corkidi,G., Linares,A., Abonza,V., Krapf,D., Krapf,D., Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Buffone,M.G.. Reorganization of the Flagellum Scaffolding Induces a Sperm Standstill Required for Fertilization. bioRxiv, Preprint posted Oct 18.
80 - Bastian,C., Sampieri,A., Benavides,M.O., Guerrero,A., Vaca,L.. Super-resolution microscopy for the study of store-operated calcium entry. Cell Calcium, 104, 102595.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
82 - Torres-Garcia,E., Pinto-Camara,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Valdes-Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl-Oviedo,J.P., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., D'Antuono,R., Boskovic,A., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G., Rodriguez-Morales,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C.D., Hernandez-Garcia,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A.. Extending resolution within a single imaging frame. Nature Communications, 13 (1), 7452.
Open Access Preprint
84 - Sampaio,P., Pestana,S., Guerrero,A., Telley,I.A., Smith,D.J., Lopes,S.S.. Fluid manipulations uncover mechanosensation for zebrafish left-right establishment during one-hour time interval. bioRxiv, Preprint posted April 22.
Open Access Preprint
85 - Sampaio,P., Pestana,S., Guerrero,A., Telley,I.A., Smith,D.J., Lopes,S.S.. Fluid extraction from the left-right organizer uncovers mechanical properties needed for symmetry breaking. bioRxiv, Preprint posted September 30.
Open Access Preprint
86 - Torres,E., Pinto,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V.A., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl,J., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M., Rodriguez,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C., Hernandez,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A.. Nanoscopic resolution within a single imaging frame. bioRxiv, Preprint posted June 03.
Open Access Artículo
88 - Mata-Martinez,E., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Chavez,J.C., Guerrero,A., Trevino,C.L., Corkidi,G., Montoya,F., Hernandez-Herrera,P., Buffone,M.G., Balestrini,P.A., Darszon,A.. Role of calcium oscillations in sperm physiology. Biosystems, 209, 104524 [correction 104546].
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Preprint
91 - Mucino-Hernandez,G., Guerrero,A.O., Merchant-Larios,H., Castro-Obregon,S.. Nucleophagy contributes to genome stability though TOP2cc and nucleolar components degradation. bioRxiv, Preprint posted December 03.
Open Access Preprint
92 - Torres,E., Pinto,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V.A., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl,J., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M., Rodriguez,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C., Hernandez,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A.. Nanoscopic resolution within a single imaging frame. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 18.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
96 - Guerrero,A., Gadelha,H., Ramirez-Gomez,H.V., Ramirez,R., Beltran,C., Tuval,I.. Chapter 12 Motility and Guidance of Sea Urchin Sperm. Reproduction in Aquatic Animals: From Basic Biology to Aquaculture Technology. 249-276, Singapore: Springer Singapore.
Open Access Preprint
Open Access Artículo
98 - Bastian-Eugenio,C.E., Bohorquez-Hernandez,A., Pacheco,J., Sampieri,A., Asanov,A., Ocelotl-Oviedo,J.P., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A., Vaca,L.. Heterologous calcium-dependent inactivation of Orai1 by neighboring TRPV1 channels modulates cell migration and wound healing. Communications Biology, 2, 88.
Open Access Artículo
100 - Ramirez-Gomez,H.V., Tuval,I., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A.. Analysis of sperm chemotaxis. Echinoderms, Part B. Methods in Cell Biology, 473-486, 151.
Open Access Artículo
101 - Marteil, G., Guerrero, A., Vieira, A.F., de Almeida, B.P., Machado, P., Mendonca, S., Mesquita, M., Villarreal, B., Fonseca, I., Francia, M.E., Dores, K., Martins, N.P., Jana, S.C., Tranfield, E.M., Barbosa-Morais, N.L., Paredes, J., Pellman, D., Godinho, S.A., Bettencourt-Dias, M.. Over-elongation of centrioles in cancer promotes centriole amplification and chromosome missegregation. Nature Communications, 9 (1), 1258. *
102 - Romarowski,A., Velasco Felix,A.G., Torres-Rodriguez P., Gervasi,M.G., Xu,X., Luque,G.M., Contreras-Jimenez,G., Sanchez-Cardenas,C., Ramirez-Gomez,H.V., Krapf,D., Visconti,P.E., Krapf,D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G.. Super-resolution imaging of live sperm reveals dynamic changes of the actin cytoskeleton during acrosomal exocytosis. Journal of Cell Science, 131 (21), jcs218958.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Preprint
104 - Garces-Suarez,Y., Martinez,J.L., Torres-Hernandez,D., Hernandez,H.O., Mendez,M., Wood,C., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Silva-Ayala,D., Lopez,S., Guerrero,A., Arias,C.F.. Nanoscale organization of rotavirus replication machineries. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 23, 2018, 445262 .
Open Access Preprint
Open Access Artículo
107 - Migueles, R., Velasco, A., Pinto, R., Wood, C., Guerrero, A.. Fluorescence Fluctuation Microscopy in Living Cells. Microscopy and Imaging Science: practical approaches to applied research and education . 138-151, Bajadoz, España.
Open Access Preprint
108 - Garces-Suarez, Y., Perez-Koldenkova, V., Matsuda, T., Guerrero, A., Nagai, T.. Concept and in-silico assessment of an algorithm for monitoring cytosolic fluorescent aggregates in cells. bioRxiv, preprint Posted August 16, 2017..
Open Access Preprint
109 - Ramirez-Gomez, H.V., Jimenez-Sabinina, V., Tuval, I., Velazquez-Perez, M., Beltran, C., Carneiro, J., Wood, C., Darzson, A., Guerrero, A.. Sperm chemotaxis is driven by the slope of the chemoattractant concentration field. bioRxiv, preprint Posted June 10, 2017.
Open Access Artículo
111 - Hidalgo,P., Anzures,L., Hernandez-Mendoza,A., Guerrero,A., Wood,C.D., Valdes,M., Dobner,T., Gonzalez,R.A.. Morphological, biochemical and functional study of viral replication compartments isolated from adenovirus-infected cells. Journal of Virology, 90 (7), 3411-3427.
Memoria in extenso
112 - Hernandez, H. O., Hidalgo, P., Wood, C. D., Gonzalez, R., Guerrero, A.. Parallelizing the bayesian analysis of blinking and bleaching for super-resolution microscopy. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 6th International Conference on High Performance Computer Applications, ISUM 2015; Mexico City; Mexico; 9 March 2015 through 13 March 2015; Code 173549. Communications in Computer and Information Science , 356-366, Cham, Switzerland.
Open Access Divulgación
113 - Guerrero-Cardenas,A., Gonzalez-Chavez,C.A.. Unidad de Transformación Genética y Cultivo de Tejidos Vegetales. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 6, 17-19.
114 - Lopes,C.A., Jana,S.C., Cunha-Ferreira,I., Zitouni,S., Bento,I., Duarte,P., Gilberto,S., Freixo,F., Guerrero,A., Francia,M., Lince-Faria,M., Carneiro,J., Bettencourt-Dias,M.. PLK4 trans-Autoactivation Controls Centriole Biogenesis in Space. Developmental Cell, 35 (2), 222-235. *
115 - Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Priego-Espinosa,D.A., Martinez-Mekler,G., Carneiro,J., Darszon,A.. Sea Urchin Sperm Chemotaxis. Flagellar Mechanics and Sperm Guidance. 135-182.
Open Access Divulgación
116 - Guerrero-Cardenas,A.. El Laboratorio Nacional de Microscopía Avanzada, tecnología de punta al alcance de todos. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 1, 20-21.
Open Access Artículo
118 - Sampaio,P., Ferreira,R.R., Guerrero,A., Pintado,P., Tavares,B., Amaro,J., Smith,A.A., Montenegro-Johnson,T., Smith,D.J., Lopes,S.S.. Left-Right Organizer Flow Dynamics: How Much Cilia Activity Reliably Yields Laterality?. Developmental Cell, 29 (6), 716-728.
119 - Zitouni,S., Nabais,C., Jana,S.C., Guerrero,A., Bettencourt-Dias,M.. Polo-like kinases: structural variations lead to multiple functions. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 15 (7), 433-452. *
120 - Guerrero,A., Espinal,J., Wood,C.D., Rendon,J.M., Carneiro,J., Martinez-Mekler,G., Darszon,A.. Niflumic acid disrupts marine spermatozoan chemotaxis without impairing the spatiotemporal detection of chemoattractant gradients. Journal of Cell Science, 126 (6), 1477-1487.
126 - Guerrero,A., Nishigaki,T., Carneiro,J., Tatsu,Y., Wood,C.D., Darszon,A.. Tuning sperm chemotaxis by calcium burst timing. Developmental Biology, 344 (1), 52-65.
127 - Guerrero,A., Wood,C.D., Nishigaki,T., Carneiro,J., Darszon,A.. Tuning sperm chemotaxis. Biochemical Society Transactions, 38 (5), 1270-1274.
128 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A.. Tracking sperm in three-dimensions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 373 (1), 125-129.
Open Access Artículo
129 - Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Galindo,B.E., Nishigaki,T., Wood,C.D.. Sperm-activating peptides in the regulation of ion fluxes, signal transduction and motility. International Journal of Developmental Biology, 52 (5-6), 595-606.
Memoria in extenso
130 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A.. Three-dimensional image acquisition system for multi-sperm tracking. Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on. 145-148.

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