Desarrollo de métodos avanzados en microscopía óptica y análisis de imágenes
Número de registros: 15
  • Activos
  • Vencidos
  • Advancing bioimaging core services with artificial intelligence (imaging sci 2 rfa), SILICON VALLEY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION, 2020 - 2024
  • Reacreditación del laboratorio nacional, laboratorio nacional de microscopia avanzada "lnma", CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 1900
  • Laboratorio nacional de microscopía avanzada - fortalecimiento, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2021 - 2022
  • Laboratorio nacional de microscopía avanzada, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2019 - 2020
  • Apoyo para la integración de educascope ? microscopios de bajo costo y actividades didácticas para promover la apropiación social de ciencia y tecnología, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2019 - 2020
  • Laboratorio nacional de microscopía avanzada, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2018 - 2019
  • Laboratorio nacional de microscopía avanzada, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2017 - 2018
  • Determinación de la distribución de componentes de señalización en los flagelos de espermatozoides de erizo de mar que regulan su respuesta quimiotáctica, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2016 - 2018
  • Establecimiento de una sede del laboratorio nacional de microscopía avanzada en el centro médico nacional siglo xxi y un programa de investigación interinstitucional, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2015 - 2016
  • Consolidación del laboratorio nacional de microscopía avanzada, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2014
  • Renovación de microscopio confocal de la unidad de microscopía confocal del ibt por un microscopio con disco giratorio y capacidad para medir vidas media de fluorescencia, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2014 - 2015
  • Establishment of super-resolution imaging techniques in the laboratorio nacional de microscopía avanzada, unam, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2014
  • Determinación en tiempo real del perfil transcripcional durante la diferenciación dopaminérgica en explantes de mesencéfalos embrionarios de ratón, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2011 - 2014
  • Caracterización de la potencial de diferenciación dopaminérgica de precursores neurales derivadas de las células troncales embrionarias de ratón in vivo y ex vivo, DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE ASUNTOS DEL PERSONAL ACADÉMICO/UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO, 2010 - 2012
  • Generacion y caracterizacion in vitro y in vivo, de las celulas troncales embrionarios de raton que expresan sensores geneticos para el calcio y el peroxido, CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA, 2009

Nivel II del SNII
Nivel D del PRIDE
  • Reconocimiento Estatal de Mérito de Investigación (REMEI) 2020, categoría Divulgación y Vinculación, 2020

  • Premio Imaging Solutions of the Year, en el área de Microscopía, Revista Industrial Advanced Imaging, 2008

1 - Abonza Amaro, Yuriney (2022). Diseño de Paquete Tecnológico para la Comercialización de Microscopios en Impresión en 3D. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Básicas y Aplicadas, Maestría en Comercialización de Conocimientos Innovadores, UAEM. *
Asesor: Martinez Aguilar, Pedro Antonio, Wood, Christopher David

2 - Beltrán Rodríguez, Angélica Esperanza (2021). Mapeo de distribución de receptores de speract en espermatozoides de erizo de mar con péptidos marcados. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias Basicas y Aplicadas, Licenciatura en Ciencias, UAEM. *
Total de publicaciones: 55
  • Tipo
  • Fecha
Open Access Artículo
10 - de Niz,M., Escobedo-Garcia R, Teran-Ramirez,C., Pakowski,Y, Abonza,Y, Bialy,N, Orr,V.L, Olivera,A, Abonza,V, Alleva,K, Allodi,S, Almeida,M.F, Becerril Cuevas,A.R, Bonnet,F, Burgos-Solorio,A., Chew,T.L, Chiabrando,G, Cimini,B, Cleret-Buhot,A, Contreras-Jimenez,G., Daza,L, De Sa,V., De Val,N., Delgado-Alvarez,D.L., Eliceiri,K, Fiolka,R, Grecco,H, Hanein,D, Hernandez-Herrera,P., Hockberger,P, Hernandez,H.O., Hernandez-Guadarrama,Y., Itano,M, Jacobs,C.A, Jimenez-Garcia,L.F., Jimenez,S., Kamaid,A, Keppler,A, Kumar,A, Lacoste,J, Lovy,A, Luby-Phelps,K, Mahadevan-Jansen,A, Malacrida,L, Mehta,S.B, Miller,C, Miranda,K, Moore,J.A, North,A, O'Toole,P, Olivares-Urbano,M., Pietrasanta,L.I, Portugal,R.V, Rossi,A.H, Sanchez-Contreras,J., Strambio-De-Castilla,C, Soldevila,G, Vale,B, Vazquez,D, Wood,C, Brown,C.M, Guerrero,A (2024). Building momentum through networks: Bioimaging across the Americas. Journal of Microscopy, 294 (3).
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
13 - Torres-Garcia,E., Pinto-Camara,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Valdes-Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl-Oviedo,J.P., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., D'Antuono,R., Boskovic,A., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G., Rodriguez-Morales,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C.D., Hernandez-Garcia,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A. (2022). Extending resolution within a single imaging frame. Nature Communications, 13 (1), 7452.
Open Access Artículo
15 - Swedlow,J.R., Kankaanpaa,P., Sarkans,U., Goscinski,W., Galloway,G., Malacrida,L., Sullivan,R.P., Hartel,S., Brown,C.M., Wood,C., Keppler,A., Paina,F., Loos,B., Zullino,S., Longo,D.L., Aime,S., Onami,S. (2021). A global view of standards for open image data formats and repositories. Nature Methods, 18, 1440-1446.
Open Access Artículo
17 - Zarraga-Granados,G., Mucino-Hernandez,G., Sanchez-Carbente,M.R., Villamizar-Galvez,W., Penas-Rincon,A., Arredondo,C., Andres,M.E., Wood,C., Covarrubias,L., Castro-Obregon,S. (2020). The nuclear receptor NR4A1 is regulated by SUMO modification to induce autophagic cell death. PLoS ONE, 15 (3), e0222072.
22 - Lopez-Damian, E.P., Jimenez-Medina, J.A., Lammoglia, M.A., Pimentel, J.A., Agredano-Moreno, L.T., Wood, C., Galina, C.S., Fiordelisio, T. (2018). Lipid droplets in clusters negatively affect Bos indicus embryos during cryopreservation. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, 47 (5), 435-443.
Open Access Artículo
27 - Hidalgo,P., Anzures,L., Hernandez-Mendoza,A., Guerrero,A., Wood,C.D., Valdes,M., Dobner,T., Gonzalez,R.A. (2016). Morphological, biochemical and functional study of viral replication compartments isolated from adenovirus-infected cells. Journal of Virology, 90 (7), 3411-3427.
29 - Guerrero,A., Espinal,J., Wood,C.D., Rendon,J.M., Carneiro,J., Martinez-Mekler,G., Darszon,A. (2013). Niflumic acid disrupts marine spermatozoan chemotaxis without impairing the spatiotemporal detection of chemoattractant gradients. Journal of Cell Science, 126 (6), 1477-1487.
Open Access Artículo
30 - Espinal,J., Aldana,M., Guerrero,A., Wood,C., Darszon,A., Martinez-Mekler,G. (2011). Discrete dynamics model for the speract-activated ca signaling network relevant to sperm motility. PLoS ONE, 6 (8), e22619.
32 - Guerrero,A., Wood,C.D., Nishigaki,T., Carneiro,J., Darszon,A. (2010). Tuning sperm chemotaxis. Biochemical Society Transactions, 38 (5), 1270-1274.
33 - Guerrero,A., Nishigaki,T., Carneiro,J., Tatsu,Y., Wood,C.D., Darszon,A. (2010). Tuning sperm chemotaxis by calcium burst timing. Developmental Biology, 344 (1), 52-65.
35 - Spiller,D.G., Wood,C.D., Rand,D.A., White,M.R.H (2010). Measurement of single-cell dynamics. Nature, 465, 736-745.
36 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A. (2008). Tracking sperm in three-dimensions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 373 (1), 125-129.
Open Access Artículo
37 - Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Galindo,B.E., Nishigaki,T., Wood,C.D. (2008). Sperm-activating peptides in the regulation of ion fluxes, signal transduction and motility. International Journal of Developmental Biology, 52 (5-6), 595-606.
41 - Darszon,A., Nishigaki,T., Wood,C., Trevino,C.L., Felix,R., Beltran,C. (2005). Calcium channels and ca(2+) fluctuations in sperm physiology. International Review of Cytology, 243, 79-172.
42 - Shiba,K., Ohmuro,J., Mogami,Y., Nishigaki,T., Wood,C.D., Darszon,A., Tatsu,Y., Yumoto,N., Baba,S.A. (2005). Sperm-activating Peptide induces asymmetric flagellar bending in sea urchin sperm. Zoological Science, 22 (3), 293-299.
44 - Darszon,A., Wood,C.D., Beltran,C., Sanchez,D., Rodriguez,E., Gorelik,J., Korchev,Y.E., Nishigaki,T. (2004). Measuring ion fluxes in sperm. Methods in Cell Biology, 74, 545-576.
45 - Nishigaki,T., Wood,C.D., Tatsu,Y., Yumoto,N., Furuta,T., Elias,D., Shiba,K., Baba,S.A., Darszon,A. (2004). A sea urchin egg jelly peptide induces a cGMP-mediated decrease in sperm intracellular Ca(2+) before its increase. Developmental Biology, 272 (2), 376-388.
46 - Wood,C.D., Darszon,A., Whitaker,M. (2003). Speract induces calcium oscillations in the sperm tail. Journal of Cell Biology, 161 (1), 89-101.
47 - Faria,M., Wood,C.D., White,M.R., Helene,C., Giovannangeli,C. (2001). Transcription inhibition induced by modified triple helix-forming oligonucleotides: a quantitative assay for evaluation in cells. Journal of Molecular Biology, 306 (1), 15-24. *
48 - Roslan,H.A., Salter,M.G., Wood,C.D., White,M.R., Croft,K.P., Robson,F., Coupland,G., Doonan,J., Laufs,P., Tomsett,A.B., Caddick,M.X. (2001). Characterization of the ethanol-inducible alc gene-expression system in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal, 28 (2), 225-235. *
Open Access Artículo
49 - Faria,M., Wood,C.D., Perrouault,L., Nelson,J.S., Winter,A., White,M.R., Helene,C., Giovannangeli,C. (2000). Targeted inhibition of transcription elongation in cells mediated by triplex-forming oligonucleotides. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 97 (8), 3862-3867. *
50 - Rutter,G.A., Kennedy,H.J., Wood,C.D., White,M.R., Tavare,J.M. (1998). Real-time imaging of gene expression in single living cells. Chemistry and Biology, 5 (11), R285-R290. *
51 - Takasuka,N., White,M.R., Wood,C.D., Robertson,W.R., Davis,J.R. (1998). Dynamic changes in prolactin promoter activation in individual living lactotrophic cells. Endocrinology, 139 (3), 1361-1368. *
52 - Migueles, R., Velasco, A., Pinto, R., Wood, C., Guerrero, A. (2017). Fluorescence Fluctuation Microscopy in Living Cells. Microscopy and Imaging Science: practical approaches to applied research and education . 138-151, Bajadoz, España.
Memoria in extenso
53 - Hernandez, H. O., Hidalgo, P., Wood, C. D., Gonzalez, R., Guerrero, A. (2016). Parallelizing the bayesian analysis of blinking and bleaching for super-resolution microscopy. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 6th International Conference on High Performance Computer Applications, ISUM 2015; Mexico City; Mexico; 9 March 2015 through 13 March 2015; Code 173549. Communications in Computer and Information Science , 356-366, Cham, Switzerland.
54 - Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Priego-Espinosa,D.A., Martinez-Mekler,G., Carneiro,J., Darszon,A. (2015). Sea Urchin Sperm Chemotaxis. Flagellar Mechanics and Sperm Guidance. 135-182.
Memoria in extenso
55 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A. (2008). Three-dimensional image acquisition system for multi-sperm tracking. Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on. 145-148.
56 - Mullassery,D., Horton,C.A., Wood,C.D., White,M.R. (2008). Single live-cell imaging for systems biology. Systems Biology . Essays in Biochemistry, 121-133, 45, London: Portland Press. *
Open Access Preprint
59 - Torres,E., Pinto,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V.A., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl,J., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M., Rodriguez,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C., Hernandez,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A. (2022). Nanoscopic resolution within a single imaging frame. bioRxiv, Preprint posted June 03.
Open Access nacional divulgación
60 - Rojo-Leon,V., Valdez-Escalona,O.O., Carreno-Albarran,E.A., Wood,C. (2021). Educascope: Una propuesta educativa para fomentar la curiosidad científica a través del uso del microscopio. Biotecnología en Movimiento.Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 26, 23-27.
Open Access Preprint
61 - Torres,E., Pinto,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V.A., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl,J., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M., Rodriguez,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C., Hernandez,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A. (2021). Nanoscopic resolution within a single imaging frame. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 18.
Open Access Preprint
62 - Zarraga-Granados,G., Mucino-Hernandez,G., Sanchez-Carbente,M.R., Villamizar-Galvez,W., Penas-Rincon,A., Arredondo,C., Andres,M.E., Wood,C., Covarrubias,L., Castro-Obregon,S. (2019). The nuclear receptor NR4A1 is regulated by SUMO modification to induce autophagic cell death. bioRxiv, Preprint posted August 22, 2019, 745026.
Open Access Preprint
63 - Garces-Suarez,Y., Martinez,J.L., Torres-Hernandez,D., Hernandez,H.O., Mendez,M., Wood,C., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Silva-Ayala,D., Lopez,S., Guerrero,A., Arias,C.F. (2018). Nanoscale organization of rotavirus replication machineries. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 23, 2018, 445262 .
Open Access Preprint
64 - Ramirez-Gomez, H.V., Jimenez-Sabinina, V., Tuval, I., Velazquez-Perez, M., Beltran, C., Carneiro, J., Wood, C., Darzson, A., Guerrero, A. (2017). Sperm chemotaxis is driven by the slope of the chemoattractant concentration field. bioRxiv, preprint Posted June 10, 2017.
Open Access Artículo
65 - de Niz,M., Escobedo-Garcia R, Teran-Ramirez,C., Pakowski,Y, Abonza,Y, Bialy,N, Orr,V.L, Olivera,A, Abonza,V, Alleva,K, Allodi,S, Almeida,M.F, Becerril Cuevas,A.R, Bonnet,F, Burgos-Solorio,A., Chew,T.L, Chiabrando,G, Cimini,B, Cleret-Buhot,A, Contreras-Jimenez,G., Daza,L, De Sa,V., De Val,N., Delgado-Alvarez,D.L., Eliceiri,K, Fiolka,R, Grecco,H, Hanein,D, Hernandez-Herrera,P., Hockberger,P, Hernandez,H.O., Hernandez-Guadarrama,Y., Itano,M, Jacobs,C.A, Jimenez-Garcia,L.F., Jimenez,S., Kamaid,A, Keppler,A, Kumar,A, Lacoste,J, Lovy,A, Luby-Phelps,K, Mahadevan-Jansen,A, Malacrida,L, Mehta,S.B, Miller,C, Miranda,K, Moore,J.A, North,A, O'Toole,P, Olivares-Urbano,M., Pietrasanta,L.I, Portugal,R.V, Rossi,A.H, Sanchez-Contreras,J., Strambio-De-Castilla,C, Soldevila,G, Vale,B, Vazquez,D, Wood,C, Brown,C.M, Guerrero,A. Building momentum through networks: Bioimaging across the Americas. Journal of Microscopy, 294 (3).
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
68 - Torres-Garcia,E., Pinto-Camara,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Valdes-Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl-Oviedo,J.P., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., D'Antuono,R., Boskovic,A., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M.G., Rodriguez-Morales,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C.D., Hernandez-Garcia,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A.. Extending resolution within a single imaging frame. Nature Communications, 13 (1), 7452.
Open Access Preprint
70 - Torres,E., Pinto,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V.A., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl,J., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M., Rodriguez,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C., Hernandez,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A.. Nanoscopic resolution within a single imaging frame. bioRxiv, Preprint posted June 03.
Open Access Artículo
72 - Swedlow,J.R., Kankaanpaa,P., Sarkans,U., Goscinski,W., Galloway,G., Malacrida,L., Sullivan,R.P., Hartel,S., Brown,C.M., Wood,C., Keppler,A., Paina,F., Loos,B., Zullino,S., Longo,D.L., Aime,S., Onami,S.. A global view of standards for open image data formats and repositories. Nature Methods, 18, 1440-1446.
Open Access nacional divulgación
73 - Rojo-Leon,V., Valdez-Escalona,O.O., Carreno-Albarran,E.A., Wood,C.. Educascope: Una propuesta educativa para fomentar la curiosidad científica a través del uso del microscopio. Biotecnología en Movimiento.Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 26, 23-27.
Open Access Preprint
74 - Torres,E., Pinto,R., Linares,A., Martinez,D., Abonza,V.A., Brito-Alarcon,E., Calcines-Cruz,C., Galindo,G., Torres,D., Jablonski,M., Torres-Martinez,H.H., Martinez,J.L., Hernandez,H.O., Ocelotl,J., Garces,Y., Barchi,M., Dubrovsky,J.G., Darszon,A., Buffone,M., Rodriguez,R., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Wood,C., Hernandez,A., Krapf,D., Crevenna,A.H., Guerrero,A.. Nanoscopic resolution within a single imaging frame. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 18.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
76 - Zarraga-Granados,G., Mucino-Hernandez,G., Sanchez-Carbente,M.R., Villamizar-Galvez,W., Penas-Rincon,A., Arredondo,C., Andres,M.E., Wood,C., Covarrubias,L., Castro-Obregon,S.. The nuclear receptor NR4A1 is regulated by SUMO modification to induce autophagic cell death. PLoS ONE, 15 (3), e0222072.
82 - Lopez-Damian, E.P., Jimenez-Medina, J.A., Lammoglia, M.A., Pimentel, J.A., Agredano-Moreno, L.T., Wood, C., Galina, C.S., Fiordelisio, T.. Lipid droplets in clusters negatively affect Bos indicus embryos during cryopreservation. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, 47 (5), 435-443.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Preprint
85 - Garces-Suarez,Y., Martinez,J.L., Torres-Hernandez,D., Hernandez,H.O., Mendez,M., Wood,C., Rendon-Mancha,J.M., Silva-Ayala,D., Lopez,S., Guerrero,A., Arias,C.F.. Nanoscale organization of rotavirus replication machineries. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 23, 2018, 445262 .
Open Access Artículo
87 - Migueles, R., Velasco, A., Pinto, R., Wood, C., Guerrero, A.. Fluorescence Fluctuation Microscopy in Living Cells. Microscopy and Imaging Science: practical approaches to applied research and education . 138-151, Bajadoz, España.
Open Access Preprint
Open Access Artículo
90 - Hidalgo,P., Anzures,L., Hernandez-Mendoza,A., Guerrero,A., Wood,C.D., Valdes,M., Dobner,T., Gonzalez,R.A.. Morphological, biochemical and functional study of viral replication compartments isolated from adenovirus-infected cells. Journal of Virology, 90 (7), 3411-3427.
Memoria in extenso
91 - Hernandez, H. O., Hidalgo, P., Wood, C. D., Gonzalez, R., Guerrero, A.. Parallelizing the bayesian analysis of blinking and bleaching for super-resolution microscopy. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 6th International Conference on High Performance Computer Applications, ISUM 2015; Mexico City; Mexico; 9 March 2015 through 13 March 2015; Code 173549. Communications in Computer and Information Science , 356-366, Cham, Switzerland.
92 - Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Priego-Espinosa,D.A., Martinez-Mekler,G., Carneiro,J., Darszon,A.. Sea Urchin Sperm Chemotaxis. Flagellar Mechanics and Sperm Guidance. 135-182.
94 - Guerrero,A., Espinal,J., Wood,C.D., Rendon,J.M., Carneiro,J., Martinez-Mekler,G., Darszon,A.. Niflumic acid disrupts marine spermatozoan chemotaxis without impairing the spatiotemporal detection of chemoattractant gradients. Journal of Cell Science, 126 (6), 1477-1487.
97 - Guerrero,A., Wood,C.D., Nishigaki,T., Carneiro,J., Darszon,A.. Tuning sperm chemotaxis. Biochemical Society Transactions, 38 (5), 1270-1274.
98 - Guerrero,A., Nishigaki,T., Carneiro,J., Tatsu,Y., Wood,C.D., Darszon,A.. Tuning sperm chemotaxis by calcium burst timing. Developmental Biology, 344 (1), 52-65.
100 - Spiller,D.G., Wood,C.D., Rand,D.A., White,M.R.H. Measurement of single-cell dynamics. Nature, 465, 736-745.
101 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A.. Tracking sperm in three-dimensions. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 373 (1), 125-129.
Open Access Artículo
102 - Darszon,A., Guerrero,A., Galindo,B.E., Nishigaki,T., Wood,C.D.. Sperm-activating peptides in the regulation of ion fluxes, signal transduction and motility. International Journal of Developmental Biology, 52 (5-6), 595-606.
Memoria in extenso
103 - Corkidi,G., Taboada,B., Wood,C.D., Guerrero,A., Darszon,A.. Three-dimensional image acquisition system for multi-sperm tracking. Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on. 145-148.
104 - Mullassery,D., Horton,C.A., Wood,C.D., White,M.R.. Single live-cell imaging for systems biology. Systems Biology . Essays in Biochemistry, 121-133, 45, London: Portland Press. *
109 - Darszon,A., Nishigaki,T., Wood,C., Trevino,C.L., Felix,R., Beltran,C.. Calcium channels and ca(2+) fluctuations in sperm physiology. International Review of Cytology, 243, 79-172.
110 - Shiba,K., Ohmuro,J., Mogami,Y., Nishigaki,T., Wood,C.D., Darszon,A., Tatsu,Y., Yumoto,N., Baba,S.A.. Sperm-activating Peptide induces asymmetric flagellar bending in sea urchin sperm. Zoological Science, 22 (3), 293-299.
112 - Darszon,A., Wood,C.D., Beltran,C., Sanchez,D., Rodriguez,E., Gorelik,J., Korchev,Y.E., Nishigaki,T.. Measuring ion fluxes in sperm. Methods in Cell Biology, 74, 545-576.
113 - Nishigaki,T., Wood,C.D., Tatsu,Y., Yumoto,N., Furuta,T., Elias,D., Shiba,K., Baba,S.A., Darszon,A.. A sea urchin egg jelly peptide induces a cGMP-mediated decrease in sperm intracellular Ca(2+) before its increase. Developmental Biology, 272 (2), 376-388.
114 - Wood,C.D., Darszon,A., Whitaker,M.. Speract induces calcium oscillations in the sperm tail. Journal of Cell Biology, 161 (1), 89-101.
115 - Faria,M., Wood,C.D., White,M.R., Helene,C., Giovannangeli,C.. Transcription inhibition induced by modified triple helix-forming oligonucleotides: a quantitative assay for evaluation in cells. Journal of Molecular Biology, 306 (1), 15-24. *
116 - Roslan,H.A., Salter,M.G., Wood,C.D., White,M.R., Croft,K.P., Robson,F., Coupland,G., Doonan,J., Laufs,P., Tomsett,A.B., Caddick,M.X.. Characterization of the ethanol-inducible alc gene-expression system in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal, 28 (2), 225-235. *
Open Access Artículo
117 - Faria,M., Wood,C.D., Perrouault,L., Nelson,J.S., Winter,A., White,M.R., Helene,C., Giovannangeli,C.. Targeted inhibition of transcription elongation in cells mediated by triplex-forming oligonucleotides. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 97 (8), 3862-3867. *
118 - Rutter,G.A., Kennedy,H.J., Wood,C.D., White,M.R., Tavare,J.M.. Real-time imaging of gene expression in single living cells. Chemistry and Biology, 5 (11), R285-R290. *
119 - Takasuka,N., White,M.R., Wood,C.D., Robertson,W.R., Davis,J.R.. Dynamic changes in prolactin promoter activation in individual living lactotrophic cells. Endocrinology, 139 (3), 1361-1368. *
Dr. Christopher David Wood

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