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3 - Martinez,A., Galindo,E., Salvador,M. (1989). Sparger position effect over kLa in bench and pilot stirred-tank fermentors. Journal Of Fermentation And Bioengineering, 68 (1), 71-73.
4 - Mascarenhas,J.D., Linhares,A.C., Gabbay,Y.B., de Freitas,R.B., Mendez,E., Lopez,S., Arias,C.F. (1989). Naturally occurring serotype 2/subgroup II rotavirus reassortants in northern Brazil. Virus Research, 14 (3), 235-240.
6 - Monsan,P., Paul,F., Remaud,M., Lopez,A. (1989). Novel enzymatic synthesis of oligosaccharides. Food Biotechnology, 3 (1), 11-29. *
8 - Mulligan,R.M., Leon,P., Calvin,N, Walbot,V. (1989). Introduction of DNA into maize and rice mitochondria by electroporation. Maydica, 34 (3), 207-216. *
9 - Olveratrevino,M.D., Wacherrodarte,M.D., Canales,A.L. (1989). An Endoglucanase from An Isolated Strain of Bacillus-Circulans. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 31 (2), 146-149. *
10 - Pantoja,O., Dainty,J., Blumwald,E. (1989). Ion channels in vacuoles from halophytes and glycophytes. FEBS Letters, 255 (1), 92-96. *
11 - Prestipino,G., Valdivia,H.H., Lievano,A., Darszon,A., Ramirez,A.N., Possani,L.D. (1989). Purification and reconstitution of potassium channel proteins from squid axon membranes. FEBS Letters, 250 (2), 570-574.
12 - Ramirez,O.T., Mutharasan,R. (1989). Physical immobilization characteristics of a hybridoma in a glass bead packed bed reactor. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 33 (8), 1072-1076. *
Open Access Artículo
13 - Leon,P., Walbot,V., Bedinger,P. (1989). Molecular analysis of the linear 2.3 kb plasmid of maize mitochondria: apparent capture of tRNA genes. Nucleic Acids Research, 17 (11), 4089-4099. *
14 - Rocha-Sosa,M., Sonnewald,U., Frommer,W., Stratmann,M., Schell,J., Willmitzer,L. (1989). Both developmental and metabolic signals activate the promoter of a class I patatin gene. Embo Journal, 8 (1), 23-29. *
15 - Rosenstein,Y., Ratnofsky,S., Burakoff,S.J., Herrmann,S.H. (1989). Direct evidence for binding of CD8 to HLA class I antigens. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 169 (1), 149-160. *
16 - Shishkova,S.O. (1989). Crown gall tumours in plants and their agents: theoretical and applied aspects of the problem of foreign gene expression in plant cells. [Russian]. Sel'Skokhozyaistvennaya Biologiya, 1, 42-50. *
17 - Shishkova,S.O., Lutova,L.A. (1989). Nucleotide sequences homologous to T-DNA of Agrobacterium tumefaciens in the radish genome. Doklady : Biological Sciences - Akademiia Nauk SSSR, 303 (1/6), 688-691. *
18 - Soberon,M., Olamendi,J., Rodriguez,L., Gonzalez,A. (1989). Role of glutamine aminotransferase in glutamine catabolism by Saccharomyces cerevisiae under microaerophilic conditions. Journal of General Microbiology, 135 (Pt 10), 2693-2697. *
Open Access Artículo
19 - Soberon,M., Williams,H.D., Poole,R.K., Escamilla,E. (1989). Isolation of a Rhizobium phaseoli cytochrome mutant with enhanced respiration and symbiotic nitrogen fixation. Journal of Bacteriology, 171 (1), 465-472. *
20 - Soberon-Chavez,G., Najera,R. (1989). ISOLATION FROM SOIL OF RHIZOBIUM-LEGUMINOSARUM LACKING SYMBIOTIC INFORMATION. Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 35 (4), 464-468.
22 - Sonnewald,U., Studer,D., Rocha-Sosa,M., Willmitzer,L. (1989). Immunocytochemical localization of patatin, the major glycoprotein in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers. Planta, 178 (2), 176-183. *
23 - Torrestiana,B., Galindo,E., Brito,E. (1989). Diffusion of sucrose in xanthan gum solutions. Bioprocess Engineering, 4 (6), 265-273.
24 - Lomeli,H., Tyagi,S., Pritchard,C.G., Lizardi,P.M., Kramer,F.R. (1989). Quantitative assays based on the use of replicatable hybridization probes. Clinical Chemistry, 35 (9), 1826-1831.
25 - Kramer,F.R., Lizardi,P.M. (1989). Replicatable RNA reporters. Nature, 339 (6223), 401-402.
26 - Arias,C.F., Ruiz,A.M., Lopez,S. (1989). Further antigenic characterization of porcine rotavirus YM. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 27 (12), 2871-2873.
Open Access Artículo
27 - Folch,J.L., Antaramian,A., Rodriguez,L., Bravo,A., Brunner,A., Gonzalez,A. (1989). Isolation and characterization of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant with impaired glutamate synthase activity. Journal of Bacteriology, 171 (12), 6776-6781. *
28 - Calva,E., Torres,J., Vazquez,M., Angeles,V., de la Vega,H., Ruiz-Palacios,G.M. (1989). Campylobacter jejuni chromosomal sequences that hybridize to Vibrio cholerae and Escherichia coli LT enterotoxin genes. Gene, 75 (2), 243-251.
Open Access Artículo
29 - Capel,B., Hawley,R., Covarrubias,L., Hawley,T., Mintz,B. (1989). Clonal contributions of small numbers of retrovirally marked hematopoietic stem cells engrafted in unirradiated neonatal W/Wv mice. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 86 (12), 4564-4568. *
31 - Cevallos,M.A., Vazquez,M., Davalos,A., Espin,G., Sepulveda,J., Quinto,C. (1989). Characterization of Rhizobium phaseoli Sym plasmid regions involved in nodule morphogenesis and host-range specificity. Molecular Microbiology, 3 (7), 879-889. *
32 - Charli,J.L., Cruz,C., Ponce,G., Vargas,M.A., Mendez,M., Cisneros,M., Pasten,J., Joseph-Bravo,P. (1989). Physiological relevance of pyroglutamate aminopeptidase II. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 553, 563-564.
35 - Delgado,G., Topete,M., Galindo,E. (1989). Interaction of cultural conditions and end-product distribution in Bacillus subtilis grown in shake flasks. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 31 (3), 288-292.
36 - Escamilla,E., Ayala,G., de Gomez-Puyou,M.T., Gomez-Puyou,A., Millan,L., Darszon,A. (1989). Catalytic activity of cytochrome oxidase and cytochrome c in apolar solvents containing phospholipids and low amounts of water. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 272 (2), 332-343. *
Open Access Artículo
37 - Flewett,T.H., Arias,C.F., Avedano,L.F., Ghafoor,A., Mathan,M.M., Mendis,L., Moe,K., Bishop,R.F. (1989). Comparative evaluation of the WHO and DAKOPATTS enzyme-linked immunoassay kits for rotavirus detection. Bulletin Of The World Health Organization, 67 (4), 369-374.
38 - Galindo,E., Herrera,R. (1989). Effects of different impeller combinations and agitation speeds on the culture of a highly oxygen-sensitive bacteria. Chemical Engineering Journal And The Biochemical Engineering Journal, 42 (1), B9-B14.
39 - Koster-Topfer,M., Frommer,W.B., Rocha-Sosa,M., Rosahl,S., Schell,J., Willmitzer,L. (1989). A class II patatin promoter is under developmental control in both transgenic potato and tobacco plants. MGG Molecular & General Genetics, 219 (3), 390-396. *
40 - Galindo,E., Torrestiana,B., Garcia-Rejon,A. (1989). Rheological characterization of xanthan fermentation broths and their reconstituted solutions. Bioprocess Engineering, 4 (3), 113-118.
41 - Garza-Ramos,G., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M., Gomez-Puyou,A. (1989). Catalysis and thermostability of mitochondrial F1-ATPase in toluene-phospholipid-low-water systems. Biochemistry, 28 (8), 3177-3182. *
43 - Gosset,G., Merino,E., Recillas,F., Oliver,G., Becerril,B., Bolivar,F. (1989). Amino acid sequence analysis of the glutamate synthase enzyme from Escherichia coli K-12. Protein sequences & data analysis, 2 (1), 9-16.
Open Access Artículo
45 - Guerrero,A., Darszon,A. (1989). Egg jelly triggers a calcium influx which inactivates and is inhibited by calmodulin antagonists in the sea urchin sperm. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes, 980 (1), 109-116. *
47 - Iturbe-Ch.F., Ortega,E., Lopez-Munguia,C. (1989). A pH-stat method to measure glucose oxidase. Biotechnology Techniques, 3 (1), 19-22. *
48 - Jimenezgarcia,L.F., Elizundia,J.M., Lopez-Zamorano,B., Maciel,A., Zavala,G., Echeverria,O.M., Vazqueznin,G.H. (1989). Implications for Evolution of Nuclear-Structures of Animals, Plants, Fungi and Protoctists. Biosystems, 22 (2), 103-116. *
49 - Kirsch,G.E., Skattebol,A., Possani,L.D., Brown,A.M. (1989). Modification of Na channel gating by an alpha scorpion toxin from Tityus serrulatus. Journal of General Physiology, 93 (1), 67-83.
50 - Zurita,M., Bieber,D., Mansour,T.E. (1989). Identification, expression and in situ hybridization of an eggshell protein gene from Fasciola hepatica. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 37 (1), 11-18. *
Publicaciones institucionales: 23


1 - Dubrovsky,J.G., Avetisov,V.A., Melik-Sarkisov,O.S. (1989). An application of adventive shoot formation on roots in potato biotechnology. Growth and Development Regulation in Potato Plants . 126-130, Moscow. *
Memoria in extenso
2 - Vitol,I.S., Melik-Sarkisov,O.S., Avetisov,V.A, Dubrovsky,J.G. (1989). The use of peroxidase and glutamate dehydrogenase as biochemical markers in biotechnological studies with potato. Doklady VASKHNIL (Proceedings of the All-Union Agricultural Academy). 14-15, 10. *
Publicaciones institucionales: 0


1 - Villarreal Molina, Gilda Maria (1989). Purificación y marcaje de toxinas del alacrán Centruroides noxius para el estudio de canales iónicos de membranas excitables. Licenciatura en Investigación Biomédica Básica, UNAM. *
2 - Lopez Bajonero, Luis Joel (1989). Desarrollo de un alimento bajo en fenilalanina II. Separacion de fenilalanina de un hidrolizado de proteina. Facultad de Quimica, Maestro en Ciencias de Alimentos (Quimico Alimentos), UNAM. *
3 - Alvarez Scherer, Veronica (1989). Variabilidad genetica de OmpC de Salmonella typhi. CEINGEBI, Maestría en Biotecnología, UNAM.
4 - Baez Saldana, Armida (1989). Vias catabolicas extracelulares del neuropeptido TRH (Hormona libertadora de tirotropina) en el hipotalamo de la rata. Facultad de Ciencias Quimicas, Maestro en Ciencias Quimicas (Bioquimica), UNAM. *
5 - Covarrubias Robles, Luis Fernando (1989). Importancia del estudio a nivel molecular para la comprension del funcionamiento celular en eucariotes superiores regulacion de la actividad celular TRTERGICA . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM.
6 - Cruz Reyes, Jorge Armando (1989). Un sistema experimental para el aislamiento del sustrato minimo de replicacion en plasmidos tipo Col E1 . CEINGEBI, Licenciatura en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM.
7 - Galindo, Enrique (1989). Bioingenieria de la fermentacion para la produccion de goma xantana . Instituto de Biotecnologia, Doctorado en Biotecnologia, UNAM.
9 - Lizano Soberon, Marcela (1989). Caracterizacion de distintas regiones de la proteina de superficie VP3 del rotavirus SA11, sintetizadas en E. Coli . Centro de Investigacion sobre Ingenieria Genetica y Biotecnologia, Maestria en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM.
10 - Montiel Hernandez, Jose Luis (1989). Isoformas moleculares de la hormona de crecimiento de pollo (cGH) . Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biología, UNAM. *
Asesor: Aramburo de la Hoz, Carlos

12 - Osuna Quintero, Joel (1989). Aislamineto de un fragmento inmunogenico de toxina tetanica. CEINGEBI, Maestria en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM.
13 - Reyes Lopez, Magda Elizabeth (1989). Analisis de los cromosomas de Entamoeba histolytica con la tecnica de electroforesis en gel con alternancia de campos electricos . Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biología, UNAM. *
15 - Rosa Perez, Luis Bernardo de la, Favela Fierro, Rodrigo (1989). Estudio de factibilidad de produccion de insulina humana por medio de biotecnologia a nivel industrial con el uso de la tecnologia UNAM (C.I.I.G.B.). Facultad de Quimica, Ingeniero Quimico, UNAM. *
16 - Soberon Chavez, Mario (1989). Relacion entre la respiracion y la fijacion de nitrogeno durante la simbiosis entre Rhizobium phaseoli y frijol . Doctorado en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM. *
Asesor: Escamilla Marvan, Jose Edgardo

18 - Vaca Dominguez, Luis Alfonso (1989). Sintesis de peptidos correspondientes a la secuencia de la noxiustoxina : determinantes antigenicos y efectos sobre canales ionicos. Maestria en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM. *
19 - Valderrama Blanco, Maria Brenda (1989). Busqueda y caracterizacion genetica de sistemas alternativos para la nitrogenasa en rhizobiaceas . Licenciatura en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM. *
Asesor: Mora, Jaime

Publicaciones institucionales: 7

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Open Access Nacional
1 - Fernandez,M., Hernandez,D., Menendez,E., Calva,E. (1989). [Molecular detection of cystic fibrosis in a Mexican family. From molecular biology to medicine]. Gaceta Medica de Mexico, 125 (1-2), 45-50.
Publicaciones institucionales: 1