Maria Fernanda Cornejo Granados
Investigador Posdoctoral CONAHCyT

Total de publicaciones: 40
  • Tipo
  • Fecha
Open Access Artículo
3 - Aguayo-Patron,S.V., Trujillo-Rivera,O.A., Cornejo-Granados,F., Ochoa-Leyva,A., Calderon de la Barca,A.M. (2023). HLA-Haplotypes Influence Microbiota Structure in Northwestern Mexican Schoolchildren Predisposed for Celiac Disease or Type 1 Diabetes. Microorganisms, 11 (6), 1412.
Open Access Articulo
6 - Murga-Garrido,S.M., Ulloa-Perez,E.J., Diaz-Benitez,C.E, Orbe-Orihuela,Y.C, Cornejo-Granados,F., Ochoa-Leyva,A, Sanchez-Flores,A, Cruz,M, Castaneda-Marquez,A.C, Plett-Torres,T, Burguete-Garcia,A.I., Lagunas-Martinez,A. (2023). Virulence Factors of the Gut Microbiome Are Associated with BMI and Metabolic Blood Parameters in Children with Obesity. Microbiology Spectrum, 11 (2), e0338222.
Open Access Artículo
7 - Arrieta,O., Molina-Romero,C., Cornejo-Granados,F., Marquina-Castillo,B., Aviles-Salas,A., Lopez-Leal,G., Cardona,A.F., Ortega-Gomez,A., Orozco-Morales,M., Ochoa-Leyva,A., Hernandez-Pando,R. (2022). Clinical and pathological characteristics associated with the presence of the IS6110 Mycobacterim tuberculosis transposon in neoplastic cells from non-small cell lung cancer patients. Scientific Reports, 12 (1), 2210.
Open Access Articulo
9 - Cerezo-Cortes,M.I., Rodriguez-Castillo,J.G., Mata-Espinosa,D.A., Bini,E.I., Barrios-Payan,J., Zatarain-Barron,Z.L., Anzola,J.M., Cornejo-Granados,F., Ochoa-Leyva,A., del Portillo,P., Murcia,M.I., Hernandez-Pando,R. (2022). Close Related Drug-Resistance Beijing Isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Reveal a Different Transcriptomic Signature in a Murine Disease Progression Model. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (9), 5157.
10 - Medina-Salazar,S.A., Cornejo-Granados,F., Equihua-Medina,E., Ochoa-Leyva,A., Vallejo-Perez,M.R., Vega-Manriquez,D.X., Jarquin-Galvez,R., Castro-Rivera,R., Aguilar-Benitez,G., Lara-Avila,J.P. (2022). Genome analysis of Pseudomonas sp. 14A reveals metabolic capabilities to support epiphytic behavior. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 38 (3), 49.
Open Access Artículo
11 - Murga-Garrido,S.M., Orbe-Orihuela,Y.C., Diaz-Benitez,C.E., Castaneda-Marquez,A.C., Cornejo-Granados,F., Ochoa-Leyva,A., Sanchez-Flores,A., Cruz,M., Burguete-Garcia,A.I., Lagunas-Martinez,A. (2022). Alterations of the Gut Microbiome Associated to Methane Metabolism in Mexican Children with Obesity. Children, 9 (2), 148.
Open Access Artículo
12 - Ochoa-Romo,J.P., Cornejo-Granados,F., Lopez-Zavala,A.A., Viana,M.T., Sanchez,F., Gallardo-Becerra,L., Luque-Villegas,M., Valdez-Lopez,Y., Sotelo-Mundo,R.R., Cota-Huizar,A., Lopez-Munguia,A., Ochoa-Leyva,A. (2022). Agavin induces beneficial microbes in the shrimp microbiota under farming conditions. Scientific Reports, 12 (1), 6392.
13 - Orbe-Orihuela,Y.C., Godoy-Lozano,E.E., Lagunas-Martinez,A, Castaneda-Marquez,A.C, Murga-Garrido,S, Diaz-Benitez,C.E, Ochoa-Leyva,A., Cornejo-Granados,F, Cruz,M, Estrada,K, Bermudez-Morales,V.H., Sanchez-Flores,A., Burguete-Garcia,A.I (2022). Association of Gut Microbiota with Dietary-dependent Childhood Obesity. Archives of Medical Research, 53 (4), 407-415.
Open Access Artículo
14 - Palomino-Hermosillo,Y.A., Berumen-Varela,G., Ochoa-Jimenez,V.A., Balois-Morales,R., Jimenez-Zurita,J.O., Bautista-Rosales,P.U., Martinez-Gonzalez,M.E., Lopez-Guzman,G.G., Cortes-Cruz,M.A., Guzman,L.F., Cornejo-Granados,F., Gallardo-Becerra,L., Ochoa-Leyva,A., Alia-Tejacal,I. (2022). Transcriptome Analysis of Soursop (Annona muricata L.) Fruit under Postharvest Storage Identifies Genes Families Involved in Ripening. Plants (Basel), 11 (14), 1798.
Open Access Artículo
16 - Cerezo-Cortes,M.I., Rodriguez-Castillo,J.G., Lopez-Leal,G., Mata-Espinosa,D.A., Bini,E.I., Marquina-Castillo,B.N., Barrios-Payan,J., Zatarain-Barron,Z.L., Bobadilla del Valle,M., Cornejo-Granados,F., Ochoa-Leyva,A., Murcia,M.I., Hernandez-Pando,R. (2021). Profiling the immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing family infection: a perspective from the transcriptome. Virulence, 12 (1), 1689-1704.
Open Access Artículo
17 - Cornejo-Granados,F., Kohl,T.A., Sotomayor,F.V., Andres,S., Hernandez-Pando,R., Hurtado-Ramirez,J.M., Utpatel,C., Niemann,S., Maurer,F.P., Ochoa-Leyva,A. (2021). Secretome characterization of clinical isolates from the Mycobacterium abscessus complex provides insight into antigenic differences. BMC Genomics, 22 (1), 385.
Open Access Artículo
18 - Cornejo-Granados,F., Lopez-Leal,G., Mata-Espinosa,D.A., Barrios-Payan,J., Marquina-Castillo,B., Equihua-Medina,E., Zatarain-Barron,Z.L., Molina-Romero,C., Hernandez-Pando,R., Ochoa-Leyva,A. (2021). Targeted rna-seq reveals the m. Tuberculosis transcriptome from an in vivo infection model. Biology, 10 (9), 848.
Open Access Artículo
19 - Garcia-Lopez,R., Cornejo-Granados,F., Lopez-Zavala,A.A., Cota-Huizar,A., Sotelo-Mundo,R.R., Gomez-Gil,B., Ochoa-Leyva,A. (2021). OTUs and ASVs Produce Comparable Taxonomic and Diversity from Shrimp Microbiota 16S Profiles Using Tailored Abundance Filters. Genes (Basel), 12 (4), 564.
20 - Fuentes-Quesada,J.P., Cornejo-Granados,F., Mata-Sotres,J.A., Ochoa-Romo,J.P., Rombenso,A.N., Guerrero-Renteria,Y., Lazo,J.P., Pohlenz,C., Ochoa-Leyva,A., Viana,M.T. (2020). Prebiotic agavin in juvenile totoaba, Totoaba macdonaldi diets, to relieve soybean meal-induced enteritis: Growth performance, gut histology and microbiota. Aquaculture Nutrition, 26 (6), 2115-2134.
Open Access Artículo
22 - Garcia-Lopez,R., Cornejo-Granados,F., Lopez-Zavala,A.A., Sanchez-Lopez,F., Cota-Huizar,A., Sotelo-Mundo,R.R., Guerrero,A., Mendoza-Vargas,A., Gomez-Gil,B., Ochoa-Leyva,A. (2020). Doing More with Less: A Comparison of 16S Hypervariable Regions in Search of Defining the Shrimp Microbiota. Microorganisms, 8 (1).
Open Access Artículo
23 - Zatarain-Barron,Z.L., Ramos-Espinosa,O., Marquina-Castillo,B., Barrios-Payan,J., Cornejo-Granados,F., Maya-Lucas,O., Lopez-Leal,G., Molina-Romero,C., Anthony,R.M., Ochoa-Leyva,A., De La Rosa-Velazquez IA, Rebollar-Vega,R.G., Warren,R.M., Mata-Espinosa,D.A., Hernandez-Pando,R., van,Soolingen D. (2020). Evidence for the Effect of Vaccination on Host-Pathogen Interactions in a Murine Model of Pulmonary Tuberculosis by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Frontiers in Immunology, 11, 930.
Open Access Artículo
27 - Bikel, S., Jacobo-Albavera, L., Sanchez-Munoz, F., Cornejo-Granados, F., Canizales-Quinteros, S., Soberon, X., Sotelo-Mundo, R.R., Del Rio-Navarro, B.E., Mendoza-Vargas, A., Sanchez, F., Ochoa-Leyva, A. (2017). A novel approach for human whole transcriptome analysis based on absolute gene expression of microarray data. PeerJ, 5, e4133.
Open Access Artículo
28 - Cornejo-Granados, F., Lopez-Zavala, A.A., Gallardo-Becerra, L., Mendoza-Vargas, A., Sanchez, F., Vichido, R., Brieba, L.G., Viana, M.T., Sotelo-Mundo, R.R., Ochoa-Leyva, A. (2017). Microbiome of Pacific Whiteleg shrimp reveals differential bacterial community composition between Wild, Aquacultured and AHPND/EMS outbreak conditions. Scientific Reports, 7 (1), 11783.
Open Access Artículo
29 - Cornejo-Granados, F., Zatarain-Barron, Z.L., Cantu-Robles, V.A., Mendoza-Vargas, A., Molina-Romero, C., Sanchez, F., Del Pozo-Yauner, L., Hernandez-Pando, R., Ochoa-Leyva, A. (2017). Secretome Prediction of Two M. tuberculosis Clinical Isolates Reveals Their High Antigenic Density and Potential Drug Targets. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 128.
Open Access Artículo
30 - Romero-Hidalgo, S., Ochoa-Leyva, A., Garciarrubio, A., Acuna-Alonzo, V., Antunez-Arguelles, E., Balcazar-Quintero, M., Barquera-Lozano, R., Carnevale, A., Cornejo-Granados, F., Fernandez-Lopez, J.C., Garcia-Herrera, R., Garcia-Ortiz, H., Granados-Silvestre, A., Granados, J., Guerrero-Romero, F., Hernandez-Lemus, E., Leon-Mimila, P., Macin-Perez, G., Martinez-Hernandez, A., Menjivar, M., Morett, E., Orozco, L., Ortiz-Lopez, G., Perez-Villatoro, F., Rivera-Morales, J., Riveros-McKay, F., Villalobos-Comparan, M., Villamil-Ramirez, H., Villarreal-Molina, T., Canizales-Quinteros, S., Soberon, X. (2017). Demographic history and biologically relevant genetic variation of Native Mexicans inferred from whole-genome sequencing. Nature Communications, 8 (1), 1005.
Open Access Revisión
33 - Cornejo-Granados,F., Gallardo-Becerra,L., Romero-Hidalgo,S., Lopez-Zavala,A.A., Sotelo-Mundo,R.R., Cota-Huizar,A., Ochoa-Leyva,A. (2024). Host Genome Drives the Diversity, Richness, and Beneficial Microbes in the Shrimp Microbiota: A Hologenome Perspective. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 03.
Open Access Nacional divulgacion
34 - Cornejo-Granados,F., Ochoa-Leyva,A. (2023). El uso de la ingeniería gen?tica en el diseño y mejoramiento de la microbiota intestinal. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 35.
Open Access Preprint
37 - Bikel,S., Lopez-Leal,G., Cornejo-Granados,F., Gallardo-Becerra,L., Sanchez,F., Equihua-Medina,E., Ochoa-Romo,J.P., Lopez-Contreras,B.E., Canizales-Quinteros,S., Ochoa-Leyva,A. (2020). Gut Phageome Analysis Reveals Disease-Specific Hallmarks in Childhood Obesity. bioRxiv, Preprint posted July 30.
Open Access Preprint
38 - Cornejo-Granados,F., Kohl,T.A., Vasquez-Sotomayor,F., Andres,S., Hernandez-Pando,R., Hurtado-Ramirez,J.M., Utpatel,C., Niemann,S., Maurer,F.P., Ochoa-Leyva,A. (2020). In silico secretome characterization of clinical Mycobacterium abscessus isolates provides insights into antigenic differences. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 22, 2020.
Editorial Material, Meeting Report
39 - Cornejo-Granados,F., Calderon de la Barca,A.M., Torres,N., Martinez-Romero,E., Torres,J., Lopez-Vidal,Y., Soberon,X., Partida-Martinez,L.P., Pinto-Cardoso,S., Alcaraz,L.D., Pardo-Lopez,L., Canizales-Quinteros,S., Puente,J.L., Ochoa-Leyva,A. (2019). Microbiome-MX 2018: Microbiota and Microbiome opportunities in Mexico, a megadiverse country. Research in Microbiology, 170 (4-5), 235-241.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Articulo
48 - Murga-Garrido,S.M., Ulloa-Perez,E.J., Diaz-Benitez,C.E, Orbe-Orihuela,Y.C, Cornejo-Granados,F., Ochoa-Leyva,A, Sanchez-Flores,A, Cruz,M, Castaneda-Marquez,A.C, Plett-Torres,T, Burguete-Garcia,A.I., Lagunas-Martinez,A.. Virulence Factors of the Gut Microbiome Are Associated with BMI and Metabolic Blood Parameters in Children with Obesity. Microbiology Spectrum, 11 (2), e0338222.
Open Access Nacional divulgacion
49 - Cornejo-Granados,F., Ochoa-Leyva,A.. El uso de la ingeniería gen?tica en el diseño y mejoramiento de la microbiota intestinal. Biotecnología en Movimiento. Revista de divulgación del Instituto de Biotecnología de la UNAM, 35.
Open Access Protocol not indexed
Open Access Artículo
51 - Arrieta,O., Molina-Romero,C., Cornejo-Granados,F., Marquina-Castillo,B., Aviles-Salas,A., Lopez-Leal,G., Cardona,A.F., Ortega-Gomez,A., Orozco-Morales,M., Ochoa-Leyva,A., Hernandez-Pando,R.. Clinical and pathological characteristics associated with the presence of the IS6110 Mycobacterim tuberculosis transposon in neoplastic cells from non-small cell lung cancer patients. Scientific Reports, 12 (1), 2210.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Articulo
53 - Cerezo-Cortes,M.I., Rodriguez-Castillo,J.G., Mata-Espinosa,D.A., Bini,E.I., Barrios-Payan,J., Zatarain-Barron,Z.L., Anzola,J.M., Cornejo-Granados,F., Ochoa-Leyva,A., del Portillo,P., Murcia,M.I., Hernandez-Pando,R.. Close Related Drug-Resistance Beijing Isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Reveal a Different Transcriptomic Signature in a Murine Disease Progression Model. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23 (9), 5157.
54 - Medina-Salazar,S.A., Cornejo-Granados,F., Equihua-Medina,E., Ochoa-Leyva,A., Vallejo-Perez,M.R., Vega-Manriquez,D.X., Jarquin-Galvez,R., Castro-Rivera,R., Aguilar-Benitez,G., Lara-Avila,J.P.. Genome analysis of Pseudomonas sp. 14A reveals metabolic capabilities to support epiphytic behavior. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 38 (3), 49.
Open Access Artículo
55 - Murga-Garrido,S.M., Orbe-Orihuela,Y.C., Diaz-Benitez,C.E., Castaneda-Marquez,A.C., Cornejo-Granados,F., Ochoa-Leyva,A., Sanchez-Flores,A., Cruz,M., Burguete-Garcia,A.I., Lagunas-Martinez,A.. Alterations of the Gut Microbiome Associated to Methane Metabolism in Mexican Children with Obesity. Children, 9 (2), 148.
Open Access Artículo
56 - Ochoa-Romo,J.P., Cornejo-Granados,F., Lopez-Zavala,A.A., Viana,M.T., Sanchez,F., Gallardo-Becerra,L., Luque-Villegas,M., Valdez-Lopez,Y., Sotelo-Mundo,R.R., Cota-Huizar,A., Lopez-Munguia,A., Ochoa-Leyva,A.. Agavin induces beneficial microbes in the shrimp microbiota under farming conditions. Scientific Reports, 12 (1), 6392.
57 - Orbe-Orihuela,Y.C., Godoy-Lozano,E.E., Lagunas-Martinez,A, Castaneda-Marquez,A.C, Murga-Garrido,S, Diaz-Benitez,C.E, Ochoa-Leyva,A., Cornejo-Granados,F, Cruz,M, Estrada,K, Bermudez-Morales,V.H., Sanchez-Flores,A., Burguete-Garcia,A.I. Association of Gut Microbiota with Dietary-dependent Childhood Obesity. Archives of Medical Research, 53 (4), 407-415.
Open Access Artículo
58 - Palomino-Hermosillo,Y.A., Berumen-Varela,G., Ochoa-Jimenez,V.A., Balois-Morales,R., Jimenez-Zurita,J.O., Bautista-Rosales,P.U., Martinez-Gonzalez,M.E., Lopez-Guzman,G.G., Cortes-Cruz,M.A., Guzman,L.F., Cornejo-Granados,F., Gallardo-Becerra,L., Ochoa-Leyva,A., Alia-Tejacal,I.. Transcriptome Analysis of Soursop (Annona muricata L.) Fruit under Postharvest Storage Identifies Genes Families Involved in Ripening. Plants (Basel), 11 (14), 1798.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
61 - Cerezo-Cortes,M.I., Rodriguez-Castillo,J.G., Lopez-Leal,G., Mata-Espinosa,D.A., Bini,E.I., Marquina-Castillo,B.N., Barrios-Payan,J., Zatarain-Barron,Z.L., Bobadilla del Valle,M., Cornejo-Granados,F., Ochoa-Leyva,A., Murcia,M.I., Hernandez-Pando,R.. Profiling the immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis Beijing family infection: a perspective from the transcriptome. Virulence, 12 (1), 1689-1704.
Open Access Artículo
62 - Cornejo-Granados,F., Kohl,T.A., Sotomayor,F.V., Andres,S., Hernandez-Pando,R., Hurtado-Ramirez,J.M., Utpatel,C., Niemann,S., Maurer,F.P., Ochoa-Leyva,A.. Secretome characterization of clinical isolates from the Mycobacterium abscessus complex provides insight into antigenic differences. BMC Genomics, 22 (1), 385.
Open Access Artículo
63 - Cornejo-Granados,F., Lopez-Leal,G., Mata-Espinosa,D.A., Barrios-Payan,J., Marquina-Castillo,B., Equihua-Medina,E., Zatarain-Barron,Z.L., Molina-Romero,C., Hernandez-Pando,R., Ochoa-Leyva,A.. Targeted rna-seq reveals the m. Tuberculosis transcriptome from an in vivo infection model. Biology, 10 (9), 848.
Open Access Artículo
66 - Fuentes-Quesada,J.P., Cornejo-Granados,F., Mata-Sotres,J.A., Ochoa-Romo,J.P., Rombenso,A.N., Guerrero-Renteria,Y., Lazo,J.P., Pohlenz,C., Ochoa-Leyva,A., Viana,M.T.. Prebiotic agavin in juvenile totoaba, Totoaba macdonaldi diets, to relieve soybean meal-induced enteritis: Growth performance, gut histology and microbiota. Aquaculture Nutrition, 26 (6), 2115-2134.
Open Access Artículo
Open Access Artículo
68 - Garcia-Lopez,R., Cornejo-Granados,F., Lopez-Zavala,A.A., Sanchez-Lopez,F., Cota-Huizar,A., Sotelo-Mundo,R.R., Guerrero,A., Mendoza-Vargas,A., Gomez-Gil,B., Ochoa-Leyva,A.. Doing More with Less: A Comparison of 16S Hypervariable Regions in Search of Defining the Shrimp Microbiota. Microorganisms, 8 (1).
Open Access Artículo
69 - Zatarain-Barron,Z.L., Ramos-Espinosa,O., Marquina-Castillo,B., Barrios-Payan,J., Cornejo-Granados,F., Maya-Lucas,O., Lopez-Leal,G., Molina-Romero,C., Anthony,R.M., Ochoa-Leyva,A., De La Rosa-Velazquez IA, Rebollar-Vega,R.G., Warren,R.M., Mata-Espinosa,D.A., Hernandez-Pando,R., van,Soolingen D.. Evidence for the Effect of Vaccination on Host-Pathogen Interactions in a Murine Model of Pulmonary Tuberculosis by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Frontiers in Immunology, 11, 930.
Open Access Preprint
70 - Bikel,S., Lopez-Leal,G., Cornejo-Granados,F., Gallardo-Becerra,L., Sanchez,F., Equihua-Medina,E., Ochoa-Romo,J.P., Lopez-Contreras,B.E., Canizales-Quinteros,S., Ochoa-Leyva,A.. Gut Phageome Analysis Reveals Disease-Specific Hallmarks in Childhood Obesity. bioRxiv, Preprint posted July 30.
Open Access Preprint
71 - Cornejo-Granados,F., Kohl,T.A., Vasquez-Sotomayor,F., Andres,S., Hernandez-Pando,R., Hurtado-Ramirez,J.M., Utpatel,C., Niemann,S., Maurer,F.P., Ochoa-Leyva,A.. In silico secretome characterization of clinical Mycobacterium abscessus isolates provides insights into antigenic differences. bioRxiv, Preprint posted October 22, 2020.
Editorial Material, Meeting Report
73 - Cornejo-Granados,F., Calderon de la Barca,A.M., Torres,N., Martinez-Romero,E., Torres,J., Lopez-Vidal,Y., Soberon,X., Partida-Martinez,L.P., Pinto-Cardoso,S., Alcaraz,L.D., Pardo-Lopez,L., Canizales-Quinteros,S., Puente,J.L., Ochoa-Leyva,A.. Microbiome-MX 2018: Microbiota and Microbiome opportunities in Mexico, a megadiverse country. Research in Microbiology, 170 (4-5), 235-241.
Open Access Artículo
76 - Bikel, S., Jacobo-Albavera, L., Sanchez-Munoz, F., Cornejo-Granados, F., Canizales-Quinteros, S., Soberon, X., Sotelo-Mundo, R.R., Del Rio-Navarro, B.E., Mendoza-Vargas, A., Sanchez, F., Ochoa-Leyva, A.. A novel approach for human whole transcriptome analysis based on absolute gene expression of microarray data. PeerJ, 5, e4133.
Open Access Artículo
77 - Cornejo-Granados, F., Lopez-Zavala, A.A., Gallardo-Becerra, L., Mendoza-Vargas, A., Sanchez, F., Vichido, R., Brieba, L.G., Viana, M.T., Sotelo-Mundo, R.R., Ochoa-Leyva, A.. Microbiome of Pacific Whiteleg shrimp reveals differential bacterial community composition between Wild, Aquacultured and AHPND/EMS outbreak conditions. Scientific Reports, 7 (1), 11783.
Open Access Artículo
78 - Cornejo-Granados, F., Zatarain-Barron, Z.L., Cantu-Robles, V.A., Mendoza-Vargas, A., Molina-Romero, C., Sanchez, F., Del Pozo-Yauner, L., Hernandez-Pando, R., Ochoa-Leyva, A.. Secretome Prediction of Two M. tuberculosis Clinical Isolates Reveals Their High Antigenic Density and Potential Drug Targets. Frontiers in Microbiology, 8, 128.
Open Access Artículo
79 - Romero-Hidalgo, S., Ochoa-Leyva, A., Garciarrubio, A., Acuna-Alonzo, V., Antunez-Arguelles, E., Balcazar-Quintero, M., Barquera-Lozano, R., Carnevale, A., Cornejo-Granados, F., Fernandez-Lopez, J.C., Garcia-Herrera, R., Garcia-Ortiz, H., Granados-Silvestre, A., Granados, J., Guerrero-Romero, F., Hernandez-Lemus, E., Leon-Mimila, P., Macin-Perez, G., Martinez-Hernandez, A., Menjivar, M., Morett, E., Orozco, L., Ortiz-Lopez, G., Perez-Villatoro, F., Rivera-Morales, J., Riveros-McKay, F., Villalobos-Comparan, M., Villamil-Ramirez, H., Villarreal-Molina, T., Canizales-Quinteros, S., Soberon, X.. Demographic history and biologically relevant genetic variation of Native Mexicans inferred from whole-genome sequencing. Nature Communications, 8 (1), 1005.