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Open Access Artículo
2 - Lara,M., Blanco,L., Campomanes,M., Calva,E., Palacios,R., Mora,J. (1982). Physiology of ammonium assimilation in Neurospora crassa. Journal of Bacteriology, 150 (1), 105-112. *
3 - Trejo,A.C., Possani,L.D. (1982). Electron microscopic evidence for scorpion toxin binding to synapses of rat brain cortex. Neuroscience Letters, 32 (2), 103-108. *
Open Access Artículo
5 - Sanchez-Bustamante,V.J., Darszon,A., Gomez-Puyou,A. (1982). On the function of the natural ATPase inhibitor protein in intact mitochondria. European Journal of Biochemistry, 126 (3), 611-616. *
Open Access Artículo
6 - Quinto,C., Quiroga,M., Swain,W.F., Nikovits,W.C.,Jr, Standring,D.N., Pictel,R., Valenzuela,P., Rutter,W.J. (1982). Rat preprocarboxypeptidase A: cDNA sequence and preliminary characterization of the gene. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 79 (1), 31-35. *
7 - Quinto,C., de la Vega,H., Flores,M., Fernandez,L., Ballado,P.T., Soberon,G., Palacios,R. (1982). Reiteration of nitrogen fixation gene sequences in Rhizobium phaseoli. Nature, 299 (5885), 724-726. *
Open Access Artículo
10 - MacDonald,R.J., Swift,G.H., Quinto,C., Swain,W., Pictel,R., Nikovits,W., Rutter,W.J. (1982). Primary structure of two distinct rat pancreatic preproelastases determined by sequence analysis of the complete cloned messenger ribonucleic acid sequences. Biochemistry, 21 (6), 1453-1463. *
Open Access Artículo
11 - Inouye,S., Soberon,X., Franceschini,T., Nakamura,K., Itakura,K., Inouye,M. (1982). Role of positive charge on the amino-terminal region of the signal peptide in protein secretion across the membrane. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 79 (11), 3438-3441 . *
12 - Arias,C.F., Lopez,S., Espejo,R.T. (1982). Gene protein products of SA11 simian rotavirus genome. Journal of Virology, 41 (1), 42-50. *
13 - Gomez-Puyou,A., Sanchez-Bustamante,V.J., Darszon,A., Tuena-de-Gomez-Puyou,M. (1982). Interaction of mitochondrial ATPase with its inhibitor protein. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 402, 164-166. *
14 - Gil-Recasens,M.E., Cats,S., Rosenstein,Y.J., Cervera,J., Kretschmer,R.R. (1982). [In vitro liberation of leukocyte histamine caused by amebic antigen and by concanavalin in patients with invasive amebiasis]. Archivos de Investigacion Medica, 13 (Suppl 3), 277-280. *
15 - Espin,G., Alvarez-Morales,A., Cannon,F., Dixon,R., Merrick,M. (1982). Cloning of the glnA, ntrB and ntrC genes of Klebsiella pneumoniae and studies of their role in regulation of the nitrogen fixation (nif) gene cluster. MGG Molecular & General Genetics, 186 (4), 518-524. *
Open Access Artículo
19 - Carbone,E., Wanke,E., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D., Maelicke,A. (1982). Selective Action of Purified Scorpion Neurotoxins on the Ionic Currents of the Squid Giant-Axon. Hoppe-Seylers Zeitschrift fur Physiologische Chemie, 363 (2), 1299-1300. *
20 - Carbone,E., Wanke,E., Prestipino,G., Possani,L.D., Maelicke,A. (1982). Selective blockage of voltage-dependent K+ channels by a novel scorpion toxin. Nature, 296 (5852), 90-91. *
Open Access Artículo
21 - Zarucki-Schulz,T., Tsai,S.Y., Itakura,K., Soberon,X., Wallace,R.B., Tsai,M.J., Woo,S.L., O'Malley,B.W. (1982). Point mutagenesis of the ovalbumin gene promoter sequence and its effect on in vitro transcription. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 257 (18), 11070-11077. *
Publicaciones institucionales: 0


1 - Dubrovsky,J.G., Polunovsky,V.A., Ivanov,V.B. (1982). Kinetic and spatial regularities of cell proliferation in the apical zone of maize root meristem. Polunovsky,V.A. Some Problems in Cytology and Genetics of Higher Plants . 22-32, Moscow. *
Publicaciones institucionales: 0


2 - Soberon Mainero, Francisco Xavier (1982). Uso de vehiculos moleculares de clonacion y de sintesis quimica de polinucleotidos para el estadio de la expresion genica. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas, Maestria en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM. *
Asesor: Itakura, Keiichi, Bolivar Zapata, Francisco

3 - Iturriaga de la Fuente, Gabriel (1982). Purificacion de la enzima ribulosa1,5 bifosfato carboxilasa de hojas de espinaca y produccion de anticuerpos especificos . Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biología, UNAM. *
Asesor: Robert Diaz, Manuel Luis

5 - de Gortari Gallardo, Patricia Bertha Judith (1982). Purificación de polipéptidos en células de E. coli. Selección de los métodos óptimos necesarios para la identificación, purificación y cuantificación de péptidos. Licenciatura en Tecnica de Alimentos, Universidad Iberoamericana. *
Publicaciones institucionales: 0

Otras Publicaciones

1 - Arias,C., Lopez,S., Espejo,R. (1982). Identification of the RNA segments encoding some structural polypeptides of Nebraska Calf Diarrhea virus. Revista Latinoamericana de Microbiologia, 24 (1), 47-54. *
2 - Vichido,I., Bolivar,F. (1982). [Molecular cloning of DNA complementary to messenger RNA coding for rat preproinsulin]. Boletin de estudios medicos y biologicos, 32 (1-2), 13-29. *
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