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1 - Alagon,A.C., King,T.P. (1980). Activation of polysaccharides with 2-iminothiolane and its uses. Biochemistry, 19 (18), 4341-4345. *
2 - Espejo,R.T., Munoz,O., Serafin,F., Romero,P. (1980). Shift in the prevalent human rotavirus detected by ribonucleic acid segment differences. Infection and Immunity, 27 (2), 351-354. *
4 - Sanchez,F., Natzle,J.E., Cleveland,D.W., Kirschner,M.W., McCarthy,B.J. (1980). A dispersed multigene family encoding tubulin in Drosophila melanogaster. Cell, 22 (3), 845-854. *
Open Access Note
5 - Sanchez,F., Calva,E., Campomanes,M., Blanco,L., Guzman,J., Saborio,J.L., Palacios,R. (1980). Heterogeneity of glutamine synthetase polypeptides in Neurospora crassa. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 255 (6), 2231-2234. *
6 - Rosenvold,E.C., Calva,E., Burgess,R.R., Szybalski,W. (1980). In vitro transcription from the b2 region of bacteriophage lambda. Virology, 107 (2), 476-487. *
7 - Ramakrishnan,V., Darszon,A., Philipp,M., Montal,M. (1980). Rhodopsin in model membranes: the kinetics of channel opening and closing in rhodopsin-containing planar lipid bilayers. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 358, 36-42. *
Open Access Artículo
10 - Lozoya,E., Sanchez-Pescador,R., Covarrubias,A., Vichido,I., Bolivar,F. (1980). Tight linkage of genes that encode the two glutamate synthase subunits of Escherichia coli K-12. Journal of Bacteriology, 144 (2), 616-621. *
11 - Lopez,A., Monsan,P. (1980). Dextran Synthesis by Immobilized Dextran Sucrase. Biochimie, 62 (5-6), 323-329. *
12 - Joseph-Bravo,P., Charli,J.L., Sherman,T., Boyer,H., Bolivar,F., McKelvy,J.F. (1980). Identification of a putative hypothalamic mRNA coding for somatostatin and of its product in cell-free translation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 94 (3), 1004-1012. *
14 - Espejo,R.T., Avendano,L.F., Munoz,O., Romero,P., Eternod,J.G., Lopez,S., Moncaya,J. (1980). Comparison of human rotaviruses isolated in Mexico City and in Santiago, Chile, by electrophoretic migration of their double-stranded ribonucleic acid genome segments. Infection and Immunity, 30 (2), 342-348. *
15 - Alagon,A.C., Molinar,R.R., Possani,L.D., Fletcher,P.L., Cronan,J.E., Julia,J.Z. (1980). Venom from the snake Bothrops asper Garman. Purification and characterization of three phospholipases A2. Biochemical Journal, 185 (3), 695-704. *
16 - Espejo,R., Martinez,E., Lopez,S., Munoz,O. (1980). Different polypeptide composition of two human rotavirus types. Infection and Immunity, 28 (1), 230-237. *
Open Access Artículo
17 - Echeverria,O.M., Zavala,G., Benitez,A., Vazqueznin,G.H. (1980). Changes During Estral Cycle in the Nucleus of Endometrial Cells of the Rat. Biologie Cellulaire, 39 (2), 139-142. *
18 - Dixon,R., Eady,R.R., Espin,G., Hill,S., Iaccarino,M., Kahn,D., Merrick,M. (1980). Analysis of regulation of Klebsiella pneumoniae nitrogen fixation (nif) gene cluster with gene fusions. Nature, 286 (5769), 128-132. *
20 - Davila,G., Lara,M., Guzman,J., Mora,J. (1980). Relation Between Structure and Function of Neurospora-Crassa Glutamine-Synthetase. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 92 (1), 134-140. *
Open Access Artículo
21 - Darszon,A., Vandenberg,C.A., Schonfeld,M., Ellisman,M.H., Spitzer,N.C., Montal,M. (1980). Reassembly of protein-lipid complexes into large bilayer vesicles: perspectives for membrane reconstitution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 77 (1), 239-243. *
22 - Darszon,A. (1980). Channel activity in bilayers made from a purified rhodopsin-phosphatidylcholine complex. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 358, 337. *
23 - Covarrubias,A.A., Sanchez-Pescador,R., Osorio,A., Bolivar,F., Bastarrachea,F. (1980). ColE1 hybrid plasmids containing Escherichia coli genes involved in the biosynthesis of glutamate and glutamine. Plasmid, 3 (2), 150-164. *
Open Access Artículo
25 - Calva,E., Rosenvold,E.C., Szybalski,W., Burgess,R.R. (1980). Analysis of the in vitro synthesis of 5'-gamma-32P-labeled transcripts from coliphage lambda by gel electrophoresis, RNA-DNA hybridization, and RNase T1 digestion. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 255 (22), 11011-11016. *
Open Access Artículo
26 - Calva,E., Burgess,R.R. (1980). Characterization of a rho-dependent termination site within the cro gene of bacteriophage lambda. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 255 (22), 11017-11022. *
27 - Blumberg,S., Teichberg,V.I., Charli,J.L., Hersh,L.B., McKelvy,J.F. (1980). Cleavage of substance P to an N-terminal tetrapeptide and a C-terminal heptapeptide by a post-proline Cleaving enzyme from bovine brain. Brain Research, 192 (2), 477-486. *
28 - Tobin,S.L., Zulauf,E., Sanchez,F., Craig,E.A., McCarthy,B.J. (1980). Multiple actin-related sequences in the Drosophila melanogaster genome. Cell, 19 (1), 121-131. *
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Memoria in extenso
1 - Bastarrachea,F., BROM,S., Covarrubias,A.A., Osorio,A., Bolivar,F. (1980). Genetic Characterization of Mutations Affecting Glutamine Biosynthesis and its Regulation in Escherichia coli K12. Palacios,R. Glutamine: Metabolism, Enzymology, and Regulation. 107-121. *
Memoria in extenso
2 - Covarrubias,A., Sanchez-Pescador,R., Lozoya,E., Bastarrachea,F., Bolivar,F. (1980). Isolation of E. coli Chromosomal DNA Regions Carrying glnA, gdh and gltB Structural Genes. Palacios,R. Glutamine: Metabolism, Enzymology, and Regulation. 123-137. *
3 - McKelvy,J.F., Charli,J.L., Joseph-Bravo,P., Sherman,T., Loudes,C. (1980). Cellular biochemistry of brain peptides. Motta,M. The endocrine function of the brain. 171-193. *
4 - McKelvy,J.F., Joseph-Bravo,P., Charli,J.L., Lin,C., Loudes,C., Sherman,T., Paulo,M., Pacheco,M. (1980). Biosynthesis and degradation of peptides in the nervous system. Smith,T.S. The role of peptides in neuronal function. 69-84. *
5 - Mora,J., Davila,G., Espin,G., Gonzalez,A., Guzman,J., Hernandez.G., Hummelt,G., Lara,M., Martinez,E., Mora,Y., Romero,D. (1980). Glutamine Metabolism in Neurospora crassa. Palacios,J. Glutamine: Metabolism, Enzymology, and Regulation. 185-211. *
Memoria in extenso
6 - Palacios,R., Blanco,L., Calva,E., Campomanes,M., Chavez,O., Collado,J., Lopez,S., DE LA PENA,J.M., Quinto,C., Sanchez,F. (1980). Neurospora crassa Glutamine Synthetase: a model to study Gene Expression in Eukaryotes. Palacios,R. Glutamine: Metabolism, Enzymology, and Regulation. 167-183. *
Memoria in extenso
7 - Riggs,A.D., Itakura,K., Crea,R., Hirose,T., Kraszewski,A., Goeddel,D., Kleid,D., Yansura,D.G., Bolivar,F., Heyneker,H.L. (1980). Synthesis, Cloning, and Expression of Hormone Genes in Escherichia coli. Greep,R.O. Recent Progress in Hormone Research Proceedings of the 1979 Laurentian Hormone Conference. 261-276, 36, Boston. *
Publicaciones institucionales: 0


1 - Rode Sanchez, Gustavo Ricardo (1980). Contribucion al estudio de la glutamato descarboxilasa (GAD) de cerebro : Aspectos cineticos y problemas de purificacion . Facultad de Quimica, Quimico Farmaceutico Biologo, UNAM. *
2 - Lopez Charreton, Susana (1980). Estudio de los polipeptidos estructurales del rotavirus de simio SA 11 . Licenciatura en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM. *
4 - Alagon Cano, Alejandro (1980). Estudio sobre los venenos de varias especies zoologicas. Instituto de Investigacions Biomedicas, Maestria en Investigacion Biomedica Basica, UNAM. *
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Otras Publicaciones

1 - Charli,J.L., Joseph-Bravo,P., Robert,M. (1980). Use of synthetic oligonucleotides for identification of messenger RNA for somatostatin. Boletin de estudios medicos y biologicos, 31 (3-4), 220-221. *
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