3 - Bolivar,F., Betlach,M.C., Heyneker,H.L., Shine,J., Rodriguez,R.L., Boyer,H.W.(1977). Origin of replication of pBR345 plasmid DNA.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
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1 - Villegas Montoya, Lamberto (1977). Oxidacion y fermentacion de polietileno para produccion de biomasa .Facultad de Quimica,
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3 - Bolivar,F., Betlach,M.C., Heyneker,H.L., Shine,J., Rodriguez,R.L., Boyer,H.W.(1977). Origin of replication of pBR345 plasmid DNA.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,
74 (12),