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1 - Bolivar,F. (1979). Molecular cloning vectors derived from the CoLE1 type plasmid pMB1. Life Sciences, 25 (10), 807-817. *
Open Access Artículo
3 - Sanchez,F., Davila,G., Mora,J., Palacios,R. (1979). Immunochemical characterization of glutamine synthetase from Neurospora crassa glutamine auxotrophs. Journal of Bacteriology, 139 (2), 537-543. *
4 - Rosenstein,Y., Lafarge-Frayssinet,C., Lespinats,G., Loisillier,F., Lafont,P., Frayssinet,C. (1979). Immunosuppressive activity of Fusarium toxins. Effects on antibody synthesis and skin grafts of crude extracts, T2-toxin and diacetoxyscirpenol. Immunology, 36 (1), 111-117. *
Open Access Artículo
5 - Rodriguez,R.L., West,R.W., Heyneker,H.L., Bolivar,F., Boyer,H.W. (1979). Characterizing wild-type and mutant promoters of the tetracycline resistance gene in pBR313. Nucleic Acids Research, 6 (10), 3267-3287. *
7 - Lin,C., Joseph-Bravo,P., Sherman,T., Chan,L., McKelvy,J.F. (1979). Cell-free synthesis of putative neurophysin precursors from rat and mouse hypothalamic poly (A)-RNA. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 89 (3), 943-950. *
8 - Lafarge-Frayssinet,C., Lespinats,G., Lafont,P., Loisillier,F., Mousset,S., Rosenstein,Y., Frayssinet,C. (1979). Immunosuppressive effects of Fusarium extracts and trichothecenes: blastogenic response of murine splenic and thymic cells to mitogens. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 160 (3), 302-311. *
10 - Darszon,A., Blair,L., Montal,M. (1979). Purified rhodopsin-phosphatidylcholine complex in hexane: formation and characterization. FEBS Letters, 107 (1), 213-216. *
11 - Hansberg,W., Espin,G., Palacios,R., Sanchez,F. (1979). Regulation of glutamine synthetase messenger ribonucleic acid in connidia of Neurospora crassa. Developmental Biology, 73 (1), 68-75. *
Open Access Artículo
12 - Goeddel,D.V., Kleid,D.G., Bolivar,F., Heyneker,H.L., Yansura,D.G., Crea,R., Hirose,T., Kraszewski,A., Itakura,K., Riggs,A.D. (1979). Expression in Escherichia coli of chemically synthesized genes for human insulin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 76 (1), 106-110. *
13 - Espin,G., Palacios,R., Mora,J. (1979). Glutamine metabolism in nitrogen-starved conidia of Neurospora crassa. Journal of General Microbiology, 115 (1), 59-68. *
14 - Espejo,R.T., Calderon,E., Gonzalez,N., Salomon,A., Martuscelli,A., Romero,P. (1979). Presence of two distinct types of rotavirus in infants and young children hospitalized with acute gastroenteritis in Mexico City, 1977. Journal of Infectious Diseases, 139 (4), 474-477. *
15 - Darszon,A., Vandenberg,C.A., Ellisman,M.H., Montal,M. (1979). Incorporation of membrane proteins into large single bilayer vesicles. Application to rhodopsin. Journal of Cell Biology, 81 (2), 446-452. *
16 - Darszon,A., Strasser,R.J., Montal,M. (1979). Rhodopsin--phospholipid complexes in apolar environments: photochemical characterization. Biochemistry, 18 (23), 5205-5213. *
17 - Sosa,B.P., Alagon,A.C., Possani,L.D., Julia,J.Z. (1979). Comparison of phospholipase activity with direct and indirect lytic effects of animal venoms upon human red cells. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry, 64 (2), 231-234. *
Publicaciones institucionales: 0


1 - Bolivar,F., Backman,K. (1979). [16] Plasmids of Escherichia coli as cloning vectors. Wu,R. Methods in Enzymology. 245-267, 68, New York: Academic Press. *
2 - Fuxe,K., Andersson,K., Schwarcz,R., Agnati,L.F., Perez de la Mora,M., Hokfelt,T., Goldstein,M., Ferland,L., Possani,L., Tapia,L. (1979). Studies on different types of dopamine nerve terminals in the forebrain adn their possible interactions with neurons. Advances in neurology. Advances in neurology, 199-216, New York. *
Memoria in extenso
3 - Kordon,C., Enjalbert,A., Hery,M., Joseph-Bravo,P., Rotsztjen,W., Ruberg.M. (1979). Role of neurotransmitters in the control of adenohypophyseal secretion. Panksepp,J. Handbook of the hypothalamus. 253-306, 2, New York. *
Memoria in extenso
4 - Perez de la Mora,M., Fuxe,K., Andersson,K., Hokfelt,T., Ljungdahl,A., Possani,L., Tapia,R. (1979). STUDIES ON GABA-MONOAMINE AND GABA-ENDORPHIN INTERACTIONS. Barchas,J. Catecholamines: Basic and Clinical Frontiers Proceedings of the Fourth International Catecholamine Symposium, Pacific Grove, California, September 17-22, 1978. 1032-1034. *
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1 - Molinar Rode, Ricardo Alejandro (1979). Caracterizacion bioquimica del veneno de la serpiente mexicana bothrops asper . Facultad de Quimica, Quimico Farmaceutico Biologo, UNAM. *
4 - Dent, Myrna Alexandra Roberta (1979). Contribucion al estudio de las toxinas del veneno y ultraestructura del telson del alacran de Nayarit centruroides noxius hoffmann. Facultad de Ciencias, Licenciatura en Biología, UNAM. *
Publicaciones institucionales: 0

Otras Publicaciones

1 - Arauco,R., Alagon,A. (1979). [Propanolol in arterial hypertension. Beta-blockaders. Recent advances]. Prensa médica mexicana, 44 (5-6), 97-104. *
2 - Bolivar-Zapata,F.G. (1979). Recombinacion in vitro de acidos nucleicos: ingenieria genetica molecular. Revista Latinoamericana de Microbiologia, 21, 37-55. *
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