Ángel Enrique Peláez Aguilar
Investigador Posdoctoral CONAHCyT

  • Doctorado, Doctorado en Ciencias

Total de publicaciones: 7
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  • Fecha
3 - Pelaez-Aguilar,A.E., Mata-Salgado,F., Morales-Ortiz,A., Millan-Pacheco,C., Olvera-Carranza,C., Salgado-Delgado,J., Pastor,N., Rivillas-Acevedo,L. (2024). Cu(II) binding to the l 6aJL2-R24G antibody light chain protein associated with light chain amyloidosis disease: The role of histidines. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 270 (2), 132393.
Open Access Artículo
5 - Pelaez-Aguilar,A.E., Valdes-Garcia,G., French-Pacheco,L., Pastor,N., Amero,C., Rivillas-Acevedo,L. (2020). Site-Specific Interactions with Copper Promote Amyloid Fibril Formation for l 6aJL2-R24G. ACS Omega, 5 (13), 7085-7095.
Open Access Artículo
7 - Pelaez-Aguilar,A.E., Rivillas-Acevedo,L., French-Pacheco,L., Valdes-Garcia,G., Maya-Martinez,R., Pastor,N., Amero,C. (2015). Inhibition of Light Chain 6aJL2-R24G Amyloid Fiber Formation Associated with Light Chain Amyloidosis. Biochemistry, 54 (32), 4978-4986. *
Open Access Artículo
12 - Pelaez-Aguilar,A.E., Valdes-Garcia,G., French-Pacheco,L., Pastor,N., Amero,C., Rivillas-Acevedo,L.. Site-Specific Interactions with Copper Promote Amyloid Fibril Formation for l 6aJL2-R24G. ACS Omega, 5 (13), 7085-7095.
14 - Pelaez-Aguilar,A.E., Rivillas-Acevedo,L., French-Pacheco,L., Valdes-Garcia,G., Maya-Martinez,R., Pastor,N., Amero,C.. Inhibition of Light Chain 6aJL2-R24G Amyloid Fiber Formation Associated with Light Chain Amyloidosis. Biochemistry, 54 (32), 4978-4986. *