Laura Natali Afanador Barajas
Investigadora Posdoctoral DGAPA

Total de publicaciones: 8
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Open Access Artículo
1 - Medina-Perez,G., Afanador-Barajas,L., Perez-Rios,S., Navarro-Noya,Y.E., Luna-Guido,M., Fernandez-Luqueno,F., Dendooven,L. (2024). Bacterial Communities in the Rhizosphere of Common Bean Plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Grown in an Arable Soil Amended with TiO2 Nanoparticles. Agronomy, 14 (1), 74. *
Open Access Artículo
2 - Campos-Montiel,R., Medina-Perez,G., Vazquez-Nunez,E., Afanador-Barajas,L., Hernandez-Soto,I., Nayik,G.A., Gonzalez-Montiel,L., Alkafafy,M. (2022). Nutritional and Nutraceutical Properties of Mexican Traditional Mole Sauce. Molecules, 27 (3), 966. *
Open Access Artículo
3 - Afanador-Barajas,L.N., Navarro-Noya,Y.E., Luna-Guido,M.L., Dendooven,L. (2021). Impact of a bacterial consortium on the soil bacterial community structure and maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 13092. *
Open Access Artículo
4 - Medina-Perez,G., Peralta-Adauto,L., Afanador-Barajas,L., Fernandez-Luqueno,F., Perez-Soto,E., Campos-Montiel,R., Pelaez-Acero,A. (2021). Inhibition of urease, elastase, and ß-glucuronidase enzymatic activity by applying aqueous extracts of opuntia oligacantha c.F. forst acid fruits: In vitro essay under simulated digestive conditions. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11 (16), 7705. *
Open Access Artículo
5 - Afanador-Barajas,L.N., Coca-Pena,D.A., Vargas-Giraldo,A.F., Bautista-Murcia,M.F., Mendoza-Hernandez,A., Vallejo-Quintero,V.E. (2020). Evaluation of soil quality in agroecosystems of Colombia through the selection of a minimum data set. Colombia Forestal, 23 (1). *
Open Access Artículo
6 - Medina-Perez,G., Estefes-Duarte,J.A., Afanador-Barajas,L.N., Fernandez-Luqueno,F., Zepeda-Velazquez,A.P., Franco-Fernandez,M.J., Pelaez-Acero,A., Campos-Montiel,R.G. (2020). Encapsulation preserves antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of cactus acid fruit bioactive compounds under simulated digestion conditions. Molecules, 25 (23), 5736. *
Open Access Artículo
7 - Medina-Perez,G., Zaldivar-Ortega,A.K., Cenobio-Galindo,A.J., Afanador-Barajas,L.N., Vieyra-Alberto,R., Estefes-Duarte,J.A., Campos-Montiel,R.G. (2019). Antidiabetic activity of cactus acid fruit extracts: Simulated intestinal conditions of the inhibitory effects on a-amylase and a-glucosidase. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 9 (19). *
Open Access Artículo
9 - Medina-Perez,G., Afanador-Barajas,L., Perez-Rios,S., Navarro-Noya,Y.E., Luna-Guido,M., Fernandez-Luqueno,F., Dendooven,L.. Bacterial Communities in the Rhizosphere of Common Bean Plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Grown in an Arable Soil Amended with TiO2 Nanoparticles. Agronomy, 14 (1), 74. *
Open Access Artículo
10 - Campos-Montiel,R., Medina-Perez,G., Vazquez-Nunez,E., Afanador-Barajas,L., Hernandez-Soto,I., Nayik,G.A., Gonzalez-Montiel,L., Alkafafy,M.. Nutritional and Nutraceutical Properties of Mexican Traditional Mole Sauce. Molecules, 27 (3), 966. *
Open Access Artículo
11 - Afanador-Barajas,L.N., Navarro-Noya,Y.E., Luna-Guido,M.L., Dendooven,L.. Impact of a bacterial consortium on the soil bacterial community structure and maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation. Scientific Reports, 11 (1), 13092. *
Open Access Artículo
12 - Medina-Perez,G., Peralta-Adauto,L., Afanador-Barajas,L., Fernandez-Luqueno,F., Perez-Soto,E., Campos-Montiel,R., Pelaez-Acero,A.. Inhibition of urease, elastase, and ß-glucuronidase enzymatic activity by applying aqueous extracts of opuntia oligacantha c.F. forst acid fruits: In vitro essay under simulated digestive conditions. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11 (16), 7705. *
Open Access Artículo
13 - Afanador-Barajas,L.N., Coca-Pena,D.A., Vargas-Giraldo,A.F., Bautista-Murcia,M.F., Mendoza-Hernandez,A., Vallejo-Quintero,V.E.. Evaluation of soil quality in agroecosystems of Colombia through the selection of a minimum data set. Colombia Forestal, 23 (1). *
Open Access Artículo
14 - Medina-Perez,G., Estefes-Duarte,J.A., Afanador-Barajas,L.N., Fernandez-Luqueno,F., Zepeda-Velazquez,A.P., Franco-Fernandez,M.J., Pelaez-Acero,A., Campos-Montiel,R.G.. Encapsulation preserves antioxidant and antidiabetic activities of cactus acid fruit bioactive compounds under simulated digestion conditions. Molecules, 25 (23), 5736. *
Open Access Artículo
15 - Medina-Perez,G., Zaldivar-Ortega,A.K., Cenobio-Galindo,A.J., Afanador-Barajas,L.N., Vieyra-Alberto,R., Estefes-Duarte,J.A., Campos-Montiel,R.G.. Antidiabetic activity of cactus acid fruit extracts: Simulated intestinal conditions of the inhibitory effects on a-amylase and a-glucosidase. Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 9 (19). *