Arlene Iskra Garcia Vazquez
Ex-colaborador y/o ex-alumno

Total de publicaciones: 9
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5 - de Gortari,P., Vargas,M.A., Martinez,A., Garcia-Vazquez,A.I., Uribe,R.M., Chavez-Gutierrez,L., Magdaleno,V., Boileau,G., Charli,J.L., Joseph-Bravo,P. (2007). Stage-specific Modulation of Neprilysin and Aminopeptidase N in the Limbic System During Kindling Progression. Journal of Molecular Neuroscience, 33 (3), 252-261.
7 - de Gortari,P., Uribe,R.M., Garcia-Vazquez,A., Aguilar-Valles,A., Martinez,A., Valdes,A., Charli,J.L., Fernandez-Guardiola,A., Joseph-Bravo,P. (2006). Amygdala kindling differentially regulates the expression of the elements involved in TRH transmission. Neurochemistry International, 48 (1), 31-42.
16 - de Gortari,P., Uribe,R.M., Garcia-Vazquez,A., Aguilar-Valles,A., Martinez,A., Valdes,A., Charli,J.L., Fernandez-Guardiola,A., Joseph-Bravo,P.. Amygdala kindling differentially regulates the expression of the elements involved in TRH transmission. Neurochemistry International, 48 (1), 31-42.