Miguel Angel Vences Guzman
Ex-colaborador y/o ex-alumno

Total de publicaciones: 3
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Open Access Artículo
2 - Escobedo-Hinojosa,W.I., Vences-Guzman,M.A., Schubotz,F., Sandoval-Calderon,M., Summons,R.E., Lopez-Lara,I.M., Geiger,O., Sohlenkamp,C. (2015). OlsG (Sinac_1600) is an ornithine lipid N-methyltransferase from the planctomycete Singulisphaera acidiphila. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 290 (24), 15102-15111. *
3 - Vences-Guzman,M.A., Guan,Z., Escobedo-Hinojosa,W.I., Bermudez-Barrientos,J.R., Geiger,O., Sohlenkamp,C. (2015). Discovery of a bifunctional acyltransferase responsible for Ornithine Lipid Synthesis in Serratia proteamaculans. Environmental Microbiology, 17 (5), 1487-1496. *